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Everything posted by Compassion

  1. It's the girl in the movie... Who gets about as much coverage as the battle from what the trailer shows. The pic was taken by one of the pilots hired for the shoot. Nice lighting, I liked it, so there it is. My first love was WWII air power. Here's another... a little less a-historic.
  2. Yeah! Like Kate Beckinsale! [This message has been edited by Compassion (edited 01-26-2001).]
  3. I have a few that I like to listen to while playing... but more often than not, I turn the music down to listen in on the battle. Have to listen for muttering enemies or sounds of steel on steel during speculative arty strikes. Anyway, in no order: Spacemen 3 - Sound of Confusion Fields Of The Nephilim - Dawnrazor any Iron Maiden any Pearl Jam Edited for spelling even worse than usual! [This message has been edited by Compassion (edited 01-26-2001).]
  4. You ahve to not watch the video track. Take whatever file you want to be the openeing music and convert it into a signed 16bit 44.1k stereo .wav file. Then save it as 00005010.wav into your wav dir. Then hold down the left shift key adn double click on your regualr shortcut. The movie will be bypassed, the openeing screen will come up and that wav file will start to play. I have several that I rotate around. OThe overtureto A Bridge Too Far, Combat! The tv series, Kelly's Heroes theme, and along with that Burning Bridges, the hit single from Kelly's Heroes and the opening theme to the greates 1 season television show Space: Above and Beyond.
  5. "The Autumn wind is a Raider pillaging just for fun"
  6. Combat Mission Part Deux! Or CM2: One of the classic blunders, the most famous of which is "Never get involved in a land war in Asia", but only slightly less famous is this: "Never go in against a Sicilian, when *death* is on the line!". Hahahahahah! [This message has been edited by Compassion (edited 01-24-2001).]
  7. Still have my Rotary and Powerhouse WWI books. Great game. Remember when it came out. First time I played it was at (I think) Origins '80 when they took it on the road to the west coast. I think half the con bought books. Saw everyone playing it. Even during other games. Or maybe it was the year after when the con went back to being Pacificon... Gads I'm getting old!
  8. maybe it's an M4/76 (not sure of it's designation)? hard to tell without seeing the back of the turret...
  9. I was in the Cub Scouts for about 3 weeks... does that count?
  10. I do that. I'm sure that most honest players do. It would be nice to know for sure, though, with players you don't know too well. Having a 3rd person create the game is a nice option when you can get it, too.
  11. I had a SOundcanvas attached to my SB-16 until about then... But most people that used wavetable cards had daughter cards. I don't know anyone that still had MPU-401 stand alone card. Even more vexing, Descent to Undermountain was built off the Descent 1 engine... but without the Soundblaster support that was IN the original game. Was even a bigger pisser that it came out well after Descent 2 with GLide support was long stable!
  12. But the BC3K Box game was great fun at the time! My worst game was 3R 2nd Edition.... Oddly enough, the best was 3R 3rd Edition.
  13. Hmmm... Just completed a 5000 pt monstergame. One area featured about a company of Brit infantry with support and 3 Churchies... Spent the time to pound that area with arty and paid the butcher's bill to drive off the infantry with an SS Mot company with some extra HMG's I ahd in the area. Once I had them clear, those slow moving titans tried to move back to their lines, but not fast enough for beaten down (but still combat effective), pissed off SS men with several fausts between them. So yeah, it was expensive. But I bagged the better part of a company and a half of infantry either killer or rendered ineffective for the duration ofthe game and killed 3 churchies with a few turns of 81 and 3 hard charging platoons... For every threat there is a counter threat. Big fat slow moving tanks in a meeting engagement or attack can almost always be stripped of infantry coverage. And then close assault or a shreck or zook and bye bye tank! So what's my point? I'm not some great player sitting atop a bunch of ladders and I'm not saying that anything can kill anything, but I will say that every weapon system in the game is vulnerable to certain strategies. So in this case, plinking a heavily armored tank from range isn't the way to go... but there is a way to kill it... and every unit in the game. [This message has been edited by Compassion (edited 01-22-2001).]
  14. 3R... which I quickly put on the shelf for a couple years and went to Tactics II.
  15. Hey Screw you, Pal! Phoot off! [This message has been edited by Compassion (edited 01-20-2001).]
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Rob/1: Ok I did a search but found nuthing...what is the diffrance between tank hunter and a tank destroyer?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> i think it's a semantic difference between German and Allied designations... may show some differences in doctrine.
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by JoePrivate: What's this? The Old Guard marching out to support one of their own because a relative newcomer has the audacity to speak his mind? Boohoo, yes let's all be of One mind and have an intellectual discussion...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hmm... one guy come over and points out that there is a quiet corner of the forum that might be nice to visit... and some other guy starts yelling about the US Constitution and a couple people laugh at him and that's "the old guard" coming out? Whatever.
  18. I have slowly taught my girlfriend to love WWII and will be introducing her to CM. 4 years ago she actively disliked talkingabout the war. Then SPR came along. We talked about the Normandy campaign in general and some of the weapons in the movie... Then one weekend I blitzed her with viewings of ABTF, Kelly's Heroes, and Das Boot about a month before we went to New Orleans and among the drunken stubleing, spent a couple afternoons at the D-Day Museum... a great beginners WWII experience. She started raiding my library after that and has read up on Stalingrad and the Burgett books... Started in on small doses of CM... nice graphics helped and her imagination and huge competitive spirit is taking care of the rest. I estimate that it will be only a few more games before she admits to being a nerd and fires the game up on her own. Then the only thing I'll have to worry about is losing to my gf... hmmm... And who will cook dinner?
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panther131: It seems that whinning is an accepted behavior on this forum. As Pillar, BIG DD, Elijah Meeks, and Compassion, have so eleqently shown us, we all have that right to express. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Jinkies! Mixed in with poolers for asking why suggesting a more civillized environment is opression of the space types. Aw hell. I'll just go out and make nice straw men like a good armor whiner.
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Space Thing: Hiram, Big DD, & Pillar, I've got news for you, the First Amendment applies to more people than just you. I find it interesting that your posts look a lot like whining too. I guess that judging something to be "whining" can be pretty subjective. Huh?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Out of curiosity, how does the first ammendment apply to this web board? Or is it just something you heard about and figure you would trot out here? And anyway, just beacuse someone says that there is an alternetive to all the whining going on, how is that opressing you, spacey? If you want to stay here and bitch about armor levels then go ahead... no one is stopping you. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> No one forces anyone to read a thread or post to one. Personally, there are some posts that I just end up shaking my head about. I don't try to tell them to shut up, just because I don't like what they've said.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Don't think Pillar said anything of the kind either. So what's your point?
  21. I have horrible memories of the ack ack blazing away and not hitting a thing and the Jabos sweeping in and bombing the crap out my position. I could see the bombs coming in and then comeing around for several strafing runs and slicing my lines up well before the enemy arrived on the ground... Funny thing is that they were my planes...
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Chupacabra: The trouble with cut and paste is that many PBEM files are larger than notepad seems to want to deal with. And pasting them into Wordpad is A Bad Idea. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I use Editpad Classic. A fully functional freeware text editor that's vastly superior to Notepad. You can check it out here http://www.jgsoft.com/
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Guy w/gun: How about that one with Kirk Doulglas. It was directed by Kubrick. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Paths of Glory... Awesome movie (and oft mentioned in the big movie threads). I would have to say an offbeat fave of mine is Swimming to Cambodia. A Spaulding Gray monolog about his experieces as a an actor with a minor part in The Killing Fields. It kind of all over the place, but his discussions of the war were interesting.... and the story about the bananna sticking to the wall was great too!
  24. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mr. Clark: 2) Just to make sure I understand, the balloons kept low enemy aircraft attacks away, because of the chance of running into the balloons? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Into the balloons... or most especially into the cables holding them. Running into one of those cables would be a nice way to shear a wing. (spelling edit) [This message has been edited by Compassion (edited 01-09-2001).]
  25. If you want to break it up, go ahead. It's complete and there are no registry entries made, jsut zip it up in a few parts yourself. .. Or rar the whole demo dir and it'll cut up in nice small peices by itself! Or maybe have your buddy get a demo version on a magazine CD? [This message has been edited by Compassion (edited 01-08-2001).]
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