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Everything posted by Compassion

  1. Huh.... Looks like the middle school needs its ip range banned also.
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Slapdragon: No problem at all as soon as BTS wakes up tomorrow, and sonny boys parents will be grounding him until he is 18.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> The nice thing about Kwazy Dog being on the other side of the planet is that banning the little bastard is a nice after dinner aperitif!
  3. If bts ran an nntp server, it'd be easy enough to just killfile these users... And if that got too hard, filtering on posting hosts would handle things jsut fine.
  4. I expect the ip range to be banned in a few hours and this mess cleaned up. No worries.
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Warmaker: ...to manage this crap? Get this fagboy's messages off the board. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> 1) It's late for Steve and Matt... and Kwazy's probably just sitting down to dinner. I imagine that he'll be along shortly to start disinfecting and 2) Have to start using that kind of language? Stick to war, please
  6. It's just a guess, but I think that the Captain is asking to have his ip range banned. ...adn I also think that maybe he doesn't know how to set up a spam program. [This message has been edited by Compassion (edited 01-08-2001).]
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by The Commissar: Here's a question: Where can a regular Joe like me obtain a decent quality low price digital cam, preferably on the net? I have a hundred+ bucks to spend max, but would rather go for the minimum, being a cheap bastard and all <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I bought cheap digital camera for my sister in law to take snaps of my niece with. Less than a hundred bucks, not bad quality at all. See it here: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B00004YBVF/105-8069699-4571921
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Forever Babra: Those planes bombing Pearl Harbour weren't British, were they? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Canadian, I think... Can't trust them with their flappy heads! I say BLAME CANADA! (with apologies to South Park)
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Major Tom: I just saw a preview for the upcomming movie "Pearl Harbor". I knew it was going to be bad when the first half of the movie preview showed some top American actor (who I think starred in U-571) and some actress were romancing around. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That was Ben Affleck, who I don't thikn was in that bomb of a sub movie, but could be wrong since I'm probably blocking quite a bit out of my memory. Having strong non war movie subplots is probably the only way a monster budget movie like this is going to get made.... kind of in the proud tradition of big budget Pacific war movies like Midway <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> When it finally gets to the battle scenes (I figure that the attack will only be secondary, or even tertiary to the plot!) I was dismayed that they refused to use CGI for 100% of the battle scenes. The IJN Carrier shown was just an Essex class in a bad disguise, <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> There was plenty of live filming done with some p-40's and dressed up trainers taking the place of Vals, Kate's and Zeroes. and some big explosions. Also, with the film nearly 6 months out, I'd imagine that a full print hasn't been finished, so a portion of the CGI work hasn't been done yet. The planes flying past the washlines shot was one of the test shots done somewhere to see if the real planes and the CGI planes were distinguishable. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> I am pretty sure they used some modern Burke class frigates portraying ships being hit, <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> THey used the Missouri, also, supposedly with a couple of vintage ships in fromt of it to disguise it. We'll see what it all looks like when put together. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> As someone mentioned in an earlier rant, Disney didn't want to do a movie where America loses at the end. I realized how they would get this done by noticing that there were a few shots of B-25's in the preview. The only time that B-25's were used before mid-1942 was during the Dolittle Raid. How they are going to end the film, is, seeing the B-25's fly over Tokyo and drop bombs on old Tojo and flying off into the sunset. Rant mode off<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Supposedly, the bombing at Pearl is supposed to be an act 2 event. Act 3 will be Doolittle's raid, so it shouldn't have a tacked on feel. Found more info and some nice pics at http://www.corona.bc.ca/films/details/pearlharbor.html [This message has been edited by Compassion (edited 12-30-2000).]
  10. I dunno if the AI has been tweaked to make HQ's juicier, but I've always had them targeted as a proiority... and oddly enough I try and target them when I can too. They are just too powerful to ignore. Kill an HQ and you get a fighting force like a platoon of soldiers split into seperate roving bands. Much easier to deal with. As for their leathality... Well, in a building it's going to be dicey anyway, but the types of weapons that German HQ's have is ideal for fightig in a closed in area... pistol and an smg or two and maybe a few grenades, maybe are ideal for defending in a building... If you look at the unit db, German HQ units close range firepower is impressive. It's a different story out in the open...
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Nathman: Trooper, as to your comment about the "historically incorrect river assualt by the americans", I am curious as to what you consider to be incorrect about it. As I can only get historical information from books and eyewitness accouts, I can assure you that the assualt did take place. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yeah it did. I think that Trooper read too much into the inlay. One of the inaccuracies was that the American assault that was ultimately sucessful looked like the only assault in the movie. According to the movie, everyone stood around with their thumbs up thier butts worried about how to take Nijmegen Bridge until Gavin came up with his plan to have Cook's battalion make a river crossing and assault the bridge. In reality, the plan was a little more complicated with a large scale battle taking place on the "allied" side of the highway bridge while the river crossing was taking places to dislodge the well dug in and armed German defenders on the southern side. The liner notes for the DVD mention the American crossing scene as being a-historical for that reason...
  12. Yeah, I think there are more crew casualties for unbuttoned armor now. That's ok. I always thought there should be more. Hard to beleive that when lead is flying everywhere an idiot TC would go riding around with the top up AND not ever get hit. Used to do it all the time, but always felt wrong. Feels better now. Have to button up fast when close in. [This message has been edited by Compassion (edited 12-28-2000).]
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Biff: It would also be nice if they would provide a PDF version of the manual with the game updates that would be in sync with that version of the game.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Just makes it easier for the warez boys. THere's one on the news group that claims to have the game via a warez site already.. COuld't find it, though I went hunting a little to turn in to "the authorities."
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by M. Bates: The US & Canada version is listed as being 176 minutes long, but the European disc is 168 minutes. Obscure question, but would anyone know if the R2 disc is shorter than the R1 disc, or is the discrepency in minutes because PAL runs at 25fps and NTSC is 30fps?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> it's not that the film is running faster in one verison or another. There are websites that tell how a 24fps film can be resown at 25 or 30fps... has to do with the way film gates work (or nowadays how digital transfer techniques work). What you are probably seeing is differences in the edit for the region. The US Laserdisk is listed at 178. Not sure what the differences are... Possibly credit crawl length? As for the British version being so much shorter... I wonder if there are some slightly longer scenes of the Americans for the US box office? Or does the English verison perhaps not have the prologue with the black and white combat footage with the Kate Ter Horst v/o?
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by M. Bates: Off topic, but is A Bridge Too Far on DVD anywhere in the world? I bought a ton of WW2 books over Xmas and Cornelius Ryan's book is among them, but I haven't got round to reading it yet.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> It's available in Region 1 (North America) at the very least... Not feature packed, but a very good transfer. just checked Amazon UK and it's avaialble there too http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/B00004Z2YY/imdb-uk/202-3922056-2481400 .
  16. I have it. Let me know if you still need it and I'll mail it to you. I added it and last def to my game when I recieved it...
  17. Had a shrek once wait 10+ turns while reloading. It was green, OK! and 1 man down... and 2 buttoned Shermans 80 meters away with no one looking.... bah~
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