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Posts posted by SS_PanzerLeader

  1. I Wasnat butcheing my men they got shot up :P

    At any rate IF I have a chance THe AI shouldnt be able to end my game for me in multiplayer match - That should be MY Decision and as an OLD CC2 Player I wont be convinced otherwise

    Realism wise thats a debatable point - BUT the waY i see it if mY tank or troops still have the means to inflict heavy losses and upset a total victory THERE IS NO REASON I shouldnt be able to do so- and competitively this will be a major drawback IMO frown.gif



  2. Ok this aint kool frown.gif - I'm playing LD as allies - I have taken some heavy losses but ahve a few intact units left

    I also have taken my last HELLCAT ( loaded with 26 rounds of HE, 25 rounds IIRC AP) and proceeded to remove all enemy tanks smile.gif

    I also have take an vict

    at the end of muy turn it auomatically surrenders me what gives - IMHO this shouldnt be an AI thing at ALL frown.gif

    Especially when we play competitively _ i had a fighting chanceto at least reduce the quality of win to aminor vict, or possibly more depending on how effectively I could deploy my tank - and so far I'm doing VERY well -- PLEASE TELL ME THIS IS FIXED





  3. Hi Steve,

    I am posting because I agree with Teach on this point regarding the camera angles. I too feel a free moving camera would be a greater asset for playability. I don't have myth, so I'm not certain if the camera motion style I am accustomed to is similar to it, but I would imagine so.

    I have a game called Shadow Company which has a very similar view style to CM; scale is a little bigger tho tongue.gif

    AT any rate in this game the pad moves the camer as in CM IIRC - But the KPD 7 &9 rotates the camera around the focal point

    while the KPD 1 and 3 rotates the camera from the focal point simulating FPS


    if you right click(and hold) you can adjust the camera to any height/angle including birdseye

    This method of camera control is awesome and is very smooth smile.gif

    I dont know how much has altered since the beta for Camera COntrol

    but I have commented before requesting some modifications smile.gif I Don't want to hold up CM1 but maybe for CM2? or a patch later if ya get some time :P That is providing you look at this system and agree that it meets the game change checklist (I hope it would) :P

    thanks for the consideration



  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Ol' Blood & Guts:

    OK, let's talk about economics. So the government of Canada pays for medical care, so you think it's free? You're all paying for it through highly inflated prices and/or taxes on everything else! Isn't Socialism great?

    *********************************************Well< lets see we have got 135 bucks for an office visit at the doc, 50 bucks for a prescription,

    then we got another 135 bucks for the specialist referral

    another 500 bucks for some tests

    another 400 bucks aday for ahospital stay

    and on and on and on

    isn't capitilism great

    ps OH we can't find whats wrong with you here have some antibiotics :P



    So what's the price of a liter of gasoline there now? Now times that by 3 point something and that's what it would be per gallon. Gasoline locally here is currently, cause it dropped today by about a dime, $1.44/gal.


    LOL TRy the west coast at $2.50 a gallon

    And what's this I hear about the Canadian government paying every family a $100 per month per child. Sounds like an excuse to be lazy to me. AGAIN, words from my old Canadian ex-neighbor when in fact she was (lazy).


    well those are words of authority rolleyes.gif


    And isn't it true that most retired folks from Canada move to the States because they can't afford to live there due to the high inflated prices and taxes?


    this comes from the land of the homeless

    at any rate I mostly elderly Candians on vacation, having lots of money to blow on condos-


    Just as 'killmore' suggested, aren't I right?

    Of course, trying not to be too mouthy. wink.gif Just reporting the facts as once heard from a true source.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


    LOL :P



    [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 04-17-2000).]

  5. Username:


    Actually you agreed with my pause command command in the middle of a string of commands in a different thread. (TD?) I think others agreed that it would be something they would like to see also.


    Yes I did - that is one of the few points about the ammendments to the command menu I do agree with, and stated that plainly smile.gif


    But the "unit command menu options" isnt about "crawling" and I hate the way any issue on these boards gets absolutely muddled by BTS and the posters here. Steve latches onto crawling like it is a cause celebre and people like you further cloud the issue.


    I hate to say this but as far as clouding the issue goes - you seem to wear the crown wink.gif

    Your posts are very difficult to follow at times and often become symantical as well agressive when you case is lost smile.gif


    I hope you dont take offense, but you arent a veteran, paintball aint battle or military training, I cant follow your reasoning ("I played paintball for years and became quite adept at crawling"? Whats that have to do with conscripts?), and would rather not discuss this with you.


    BOy this statement is based on fact lol :-p

    How do you know I'm not a veteran? for all You know I could be a Damn general or a buck private

    A MIGHTY BIG ASSUMPTION on your part

    As far as the paintball comment went that was sarcasm - sorry if you missed it

    Basically I was conveying my feelings that CRAWLING is NOT some MAJOR skill that requires EXTENSIVE training, therefore reflecting at such in CM is absurd smile.gif


    Since Steve has already said he wouldnt change anything regarding the sturmarty no matter what and would rather focus on my unpopularity than anything else.. I am going to drop it. I am begginning to wonder if there is a general lack of military experience in BTS period. Is Steve or Charles (Fionn or Madmatt) veterans?


    Once again you take a cheap shot - Whether or not they are veterans or not doesnt mean they are unqualified to handle their job as you imply. IF you are so unhappy with what they have done then my suggestion to you would be to stop talking and start acting, design your own game. THAT is not a dig its a serious suggestion.


    Post what you like of course, but I cant respond to someone that cant see the forest for the trees.


    Well Lewis it's a shame that ya can't take as much criticism as you dish out smile.gif. I don't disagree with everything you say _ I do disagree with your nitpicking, and unwillingness to accept an answer after a reasonable debate. I also do not agree with STEVE on every issue as you implied earlier with your sarcastic dig at me. I form my own opinions, as I am my own person. I don't feel the need to be with the in crowd, nor do I have any trouble letting people know what I think. Although most times when I have cause to disagree I try to do it in an amicable manner, and will ADMIT when I'm in the wrong. smile.gif



  6. Originally posted by Username:

    WOW SSPNZRLKR disagreeing with Steve. He claims there is a difference if different units can do it better than others.


    PLEASE LET ME CLEAR THIS UP - I'm disagreeing with YOU smile.gif - I think your modifications are WAY to nitpicky - this had nothing to do with Steve _ CRAWLING is represented just fine and it doesnt need to be more complex - period . I think your additions to improve detail hold a small amount of merit, and CRAWLING is NOT one of the areas I agree with.


    Actually as a veteran I assure you that it matters. Keeping ones ass and head down while moving under fire is hard (and tiring). Height is what gets you killed.


    Yes you said it as a veteran - this is reflected in CM, which is exactly what Steve said - ITS Simple and you've just argued against yourself with your above statement


    You try to stay really low and move forward (preferably with someone giving cover fire).

    Snipers practice stealth movement. They take hours to move about buildings/terrain so as not to give the slightest motion, contrast in background, etc.


    UGGH I just said that and more smile.gif


    Its not the same thing. Just like paintball does not put hash marks on your class A's. No offense.


    sorry i disagree. Crawling is crawling, some may be a little better than others - granted, but to reflect it by giving a major adjustment to certain units is silly - with exception to snipers




    [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 04-17-2000).]

  7. USERNAME said:


    As for crawling. Maybe you can expand on how well you differentiate between crawling styles and techniques? Are some units better low-crawlers? Just in case you care, The better a low-crawler you are, the slower you do it. You stop often to look for the smallest undulations in the ground and its just not easy to move without lifting your ass off the ground. Crawling just isnt a very common thing to do. I would say most conscripts are more apt to know a bit about running as opposed to crawling.


    This is more than nitpicky :P I played paintball for years and became quit adept as crawling lol _ Sorry I dont see any major differences in crawling techniques, unless you are a professionally trained sniper.

    This is expanded upon by CARLOS HATHCOCK and is a VERY specialized form of movement, which involved the minutest of movements, over the period of days. Consequently a good crawler may find himself crapping hisself regularly in order to avoid detection - ANY OTHER CRAWLING is simply CRAWLING - gimme a break smile.gif

    [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 04-17-2000).]

    [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 04-17-2000).]

  8. TOM W said

    . But I challenge any

    one to pick the Germans in CE against any human

    opponent with an understanding of what those

    5 Shermans can really do. All the Allies have to do is

    trade their tanks one for one or even 4 for 3 and its

    over for the Germans in that scenario. I have found

    a couple of way to trounce the Allies when playing the Germans

    vs. the AI but in three games against a human opponent

    the 3 Stugs and the Germans just can't find a way to win.

    OK man I'll take that challenge _ i'll happily play GERMANS - mail me the setup smile.gif

    I have no trouble doing well as GErms - I don't win em all but a good portion smile.gif



  9. My grandad was in WW2 as was my uncle smile.gif

    I grew up playing wargames with 1/72 scale tanks and soldiers. The passion for WW2 setms from those I suppose mostly - but the looks of the Uniforms and Tanks definitely are the "coolest" (forgive the word) of all wars.

    As far as choosing a side to play as I think Scrhorsh was onto something when he said this:


    I myself have always liked the Allied Forces much better than the Germans (and I am German),

    I think in most cases we like to play what was the enemy at the time. any PSYCHOLOGISTS out here want to expand ? I'd like to know if I'm on to something or way off base :P



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