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Posts posted by SS_PanzerLeader

  1. I was going to stay way from this thread, but after reading back I think that the most racist remarks presented on this forum were presented by USERNAME. The comments he made about the English are inexcusable and unfactual at best.



    Face it, England is the biggest slave-drivers and users in the history of mankind. They love to slaughter commen wealth troops

    (canadians, indians, whoever they get their hands on)instead of english boys.


    and later



    Go ahead give me your rebuttal. Even the American airborne units couldnt get away from useless English command fast enough after the Arnhem debacle. Please spare me the Royal haughty taughty BS about English speaking nations being so successful. Come to NY sometime and see who is speaking english.


    and again



    I just feel the Brits feel historically like they are the lords of the planet and everyone now realizes they are has beens.


    If any racism is more prevalent it cannot be more evident that what has been demosntrated here by one individual alone. To make such statements shows a lack of expertise on the topic, taht he chose to speak out on.

    the British are no more guilty of what USERNAME charges than any other civilization in history.

    Case in point

    Virtually all ancient civilizations with the exception of the Egyptions were extremely expansionistic and brutal

    The accusations that the Brits would only send commonwealath troops into battle is a joke my whole family on the English side fought in WW1 and WW2 they were pure english fighting against an expansionistic governemnt.

    The Brits also sailed halfway aroudn the world to Argentina to take back the falklands - pretty impressive for has beens USERNAME

    To say that all BRit command in WW2 was useless is rediculous

    To accuse the English of slaughtering the indians (I'm assuming you are American by your posts) is absolute hippocracy

    As for the savagery of the English in Northern Ireland My Uncle served two tours in Belfast carrying rubber bullets only.

    He also watched an IRA sniper Gun down and Innocent woman pushing a baby coming out of a shop.

    Both the woman and her child were killed.

    personally I don't think the BRits should stay there butthe politics of it are long and deep.

    Yet dispite this look what the American government did recently when "Texas" was going to leave the union , By your outlook America stands as guilty as England

    we are constantly "policing" other countries

    I am not bashing the US or UK or anyone simply making some observations and comparisons smile.gif

    I really think you should leave your bigotry at the door as its not appreciated here.



  2. Guachi,

    Your clarification on the time limit is duely noted and appreciated smile.gif I do think you may have not considered an important factor when we deal with time in relation to a ladder.

    If games are taking two days to a week for instance, to complete a turn - the ladder is going to crawl - this will not meet the needs of all games with CM - I myself and I'm sure I speak for numerous others when I say this - To wait the possibility of a month in a game to see your position change on CM is a bit much eek.gif

    I on the other hand do not think that PBEM be disgarded I jsut think that TCPIP will be a more applicable and workable style of play for the main ladder.

    Tournaments will make good use of PBEM also.

    With regards to the honor of players; So far I agree overall we have a great group of people here. But unfortunatley there will be others that join the CM community eventually and they may not be as honorable. Also you must consider competitiveness can bring out the worst in people :P

    I do think our instances in here with that kind of play will be significantly less than other places but to assume it will not happen would be a mistake smile.gif



  3. Dschugaschwili

    I agree PBEM is going to be a hard thing to implement without a large amount of trust that an oppenent will not do that. No matter how many factors are incorporated into getting a sound basis for judging a PBEM match, we still revert to the issue of honor which is instead of focusing on what is fair for an even game we are now focusing on the aspect of honor in relation to abandoning games. I pointed out that a player may not want to play his second match in a uneven scenario, you contend that they may just not send back at all or stahl the results for god knows how long. Both of the previous factors are a very real issue, these are the same kind of things that plagued the ladders for cc2, and CC2 was not pbem but even so scenarios with pregenerated rosters were pushed to the side as impossible to gain impartiality. With this Battlemakers and points replaced them to reduce the chances of a loaded scenario.

    Pregenerated scenarios were not pushed by the wayside entirely as tournaments seemed to use them some. Yet IMHO the only way a ladder can be accurately implemented will be fore online games only with point battles, tournaments are another matter.

    If point style battles are used in for ladder both players can view the map and then choose a side as in CC

    If a map looks to be lopsided maybe a modifier can be included in teh formula to recognize this factor and both players can agree on the handicap

    These are merely suggestions. I do believe that two ladders will be in order for the different views on the game smile.gif

    i also believe that no matter what we do a certain amount of trust will be required



  4. Fionn,

    Hi I'm still not certain Im getting this :P

    I know you didn't mean that we had to play mirrored games, but do you mean that inorder to balance out the games then that is what it will take? If so then inorder for the ladder to be accurate there wouldnt be much choice if you wish to rise with out a sever disadvantage . Not trying to be argumentive jsut seeing a potential problem for those that dont' want or don't have time to play a mirrored match. smile.gif



  5. HEY VS,

    Hit alt-ctrl-del one time and look in the message box- make sure all copies of CM are closed I have had problems with them not closing all the way and it will build up multiple copies.

    Also If you inadvertently hit CTRL_S i think or alt-s something like that it turns off the sound in the game - bring down your menu screen it will tell you how this is done

    If none of the above reboot if that doesnt fix it go on ICQ and i'll see if I can help you troubleshoot



  6. Fionn,

    If I am not reading this correctly forgive me, But from what I have read this morning am I to understand that your system is not supportive of point style battles or random scenarios?

    Point in case, CM battles are lenghty to say the least; for each player to constantly be required to play mirrored games to ensure the equalization of modifiers may not be something that is feesible for all players.

    With this in mind should there be a seperate ladder for point style games? Personally I feel there is more skill and blind play involved in a point style game and it's much easier to determine game balance.

    Any thoughts on this? If everyone does play to games against the same opponent, how is that going to be figured? as one match? or both logged individually? If the latter is in fact the case what is to ensure someone taht gets the better side of a pregenerated scenario winning- having the match posted and simply becoming unavailable for the next? No matter how we slice this trust will have to take part in ranking system IMHO, don't you agree. smile.gif



  7. Fionn I was working on doing a ladder myself but with my courseload it proved to be impossible to find time for. I had gotten started on it and I think if I recollect I had gotten a pretty good formula (Haven't run tuns of data through no time)

    You are welcome to it if you like

    It accounts for the actual command abilities of player taking into account the resources that were lost in accomplishing their goal (visa/versa)

    It also acknowledges that amount of play activity by a player ( within reason)

    The rating system may be started from zero with players being unranked until >5 games played

    If you are interested I will send it or post it..... it looks like it would work well - You are welcome to analyze it an take part or all if you wish to use - and of course none if ya don't like it smile.gif



  8. Once your armor is gone in teh beta unless youve reduced the enemy tanks significantly you are in deep SH&T. The fausts do not function properly ( corrected bug) so as GERMS you only have your schreks (if living) that you can count on, better use them sparingly with good kill %. I think if the fausts were fucntioning correctly in the beta yoru chances of turning things around would be significantly improved but the situation is still a desperate one.



  9. Well I decided to give it another try this morning, thinking maybe I hadn't given it a good chance - so I actually took my time to group some units and formulate a plan. IT basically turned into a clickfest no matter how I approached it, It is a shame that the units have no significant values in relation to one another - tanks, infantry what have you can all destroy one another with ease - makes it very uninteresting IMHO. Had they tried to add some realism and slowed it to a cc2 Speed then they woulda had a much better game.

    It still pretty - but that only goes so far



  10. Well that entertained me for all of three minutes frown.gif

    Putting it on the kids computer now :P

    He liked it but I had alredy figured that, This doesnt hold a candle to CC2 this is pure clickfest from what I saw........

    If ya like that kinda stuff you'll love this.

    Terrain graphics are pretty sweet and the explosions / combat effects are kool its a shame there is no real wargame element present or even a partial one :P - I will buy if for my kid when it hits the bargain bin tho



  11. I by no means profess to be any kind of military expert but my gut tells me that taking on China would be a mistake. Taking on a country that size would be a major drain ont he country in manpower and money, If a large scale conflict did arise I also believe that we would be more susceptible to terrorism . No facts here just opinion tongue.gif



    [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 03-17-2000).]

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