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Posts posted by SS_PanzerLeader

  1. Username


    I was actually expecting alot more of the CM gang here to jump my sh*t (I am obviously playing the "bad-guy" here..duh) but now I feel perhaps there really is interest in how a thouroughly obnoxious brat can perhaps win in an debate against a BTS "expert".


    Username it appears very evident to me that this is your intention in alot of posts you make,yet I am at a loss as to why?

    You seem to have a wealth of knowledge in the area of WW2, yet you usurp it's credibility by the demeanor of it's

    presentation. I personally feel, that you would have people far more interested in what you had to say, if you didn't appear to be trying so hard to piss them off smile.gif

    Again here you challenge Steves credibility by putting the word expert, subtly in quotation marks

    THe more you do stuff like that, the only damage you do is to yourself IMHO smile.gif



  2. well I have seen Stugs preform marverlously in situations where the AI takes over - just as much as I've seen them do things I woulda rather they didnt :P

    I had a Stug Hull down with a shot on a Sherm on the ridgeline in CE, he popped smoke and slammed it into reverse - I was like WTF - then three more sherms crested the ridge with a fourth trailing behind just as he cleared the smoke smile.gif

    I was then able to hunt back up next turn and whack two of them - the others being blocked by mortar smoke - I got one the next turn with another STUG - and then proceeded to whack the other two with fausts/schreks smile.gif

    In my other CE game a similar situation but was unable to get the smoke off and I lost three tanks three turns frown.gif

    I think the AI is great , better than any AI I've ever seen - I wouldnt play the comp in any other wargames I've had cause it sucked


    It' seems some people just want perfection and it aint happening nor would it be realistic

    there are 4-5 crew members in most tanks and geting them to cooperate down to each and every order at the exact second you want it would just be way outta line smile.gif



  3. Great Page man thanks for the link -- did you guys get the range listed for the schrek - Common range for stationary target was 400 meters , 230 meters for amoving target -

    Unit also reported firing on targets effectively at 1000meters -- christ if htats accurate - I'll jsut buy schreks smile.gif



  4. I watched this the other day it came in my clan email I thought it was great _ I can't understand the attitudes on that board between the US and Canada. I have met people online from both places and others that are some of the nicest people I know smile.gif

    That kinda argument portrayed on that BBS is absolute BS IMHO

    CANADA is cool - US is cool; there are more important things to worry about smile.gif

  5. It also depends on the angle of attack, if the position of the tiger is such that the hellcats are shooting from a substantially higher elevation, then the hellcat odds of destroying the tiger are greatly increased smile.gif

    I've taken out many tigers with those hell cats becasuse of positioning :P



    [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 04-13-2000).]

  6. ERR i have to agree with Leyland here the tank destroyer is not necessarily a non-turreted vehicle

    the US had two versions of the ACHILLES both were turreted tank destroyers.



    [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 04-13-2000).]

  7. Well if the last post is serious, and I was BTS, I would find out who you are and make damn sure you didnt get a copy EVER

    OH and BTW to anybody else that may share these sentiments please feel free to come forward and let us know who you are, It will be nice to get an idea of how few people share your sentiments

    That also figures you have no email available either



    [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 04-11-2000).]

    [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 04-11-2000).]

  8. Quote :

    Mike Oberly: Threads like this really bother me,because they seem to tacitly say that pirating games from 'big' companies like,say,Talonsoft,is okay,but that everyone should hold off from pirating this one because the BTS guys are good guys.

    Why is it that this is the second time I've simply tried to make a request to my fellow CM players that the context of the thread has to be distorted?

    I have said nothing in regards to ANYTHING other than BTS and this products so please don't insinuate otherwise TY smile.gif

    This isn't a debate nor was my last thread that got WAY off topic - I'm just hoping we can MAYBE get throught to some of the guys that are sitting on the fence debating:

    "well should I copy this and let my bud have it "

    cause if you think that NO one here is thinking that you are very very disillusioned

    my aim though grandiose and absurd as it may seem to some, is to get all that frequent this board to agree to this and reply

    so that the odds of BTS will have a long and fruitful life will increase dramatically, allowing them to make us more games

    Yeh I know its selfish but I can dream right eek.gif


    PLEASE keep this thread on topic if you wish to debate the topic of PIRACY, I ask you kindly to start a thread smile.gif

    thank you



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