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Posts posted by SS_PanzerLeader

  1. thanks for the reply - what if the guy doenst answer the email right away? what happens to the post this could potentially be a problem - someone might be in a hurry with alot of players this could get out of hand fast eek.gif



    [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 03-23-2000).]

  2. This is to anyone who can answer this authoritatively - Steve, Charles, Fionn, Moon or anybody that knows for sure :P

    basically my question was about being bogged, I was wondering that when we do in fact get bogged are there any actual changes to movement we can make to modify our likelihood of becoming unstuck? Ie... change our course to an opposing direction attempt to turn what have you .......any take on this guys?




  3. Peter,

    If Jon hasn't found your guns already it may have been wiser to keep that information secret :P Now he knows that his tank is endangered by two AT guns so its a matter of determnining LOS possibilities if only one fires and then clearing house with infantry eek.gif Regardless if this is only his first tank loss with knowledge of both AT emplacements your job will be tough smile.gif



    [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 03-23-2000).]

  4. Thanks for clarifiying that Jon wink.gif

    Argie I meant no disrespect to an Argentinians it was a factual statement based on events, made with regards to the inferiority of ENgland as expressed by USERNAME. Please accept my apology if I offended you as this was not my intention smile.gif



    [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 03-21-2000).]

  5. Guachi<

    you empitomize my point smile.gif there are many players out there that are like you and enjoy a slower paced game as a generality those used to turn-based probably make up a large portion of these players

    But... there are alot of us who will prefer to play online when the Multi comes out it is my contention that one Ladder will not satisfy both of these needs

    there is nothing wrong with either style to each his own. smile.gif

    Personally I would prefer to play point games that can be previewed and deemed acceptable: I think with this they should be rated by the players on "fairness" and ones that are worthy kept on hand for replay as was used in CC2, the points make the maps replayable as blind although the terrain may be familiar (which can be looked at as realisitic in a lot of circumastances)

    I don't really want ot have to divide my games when Im playing at a competitive level, I would rather focus on one game but not wait an eon to see the results eek.gif



    [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 03-21-2000).]

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