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Posts posted by SS_PanzerLeader

  1. Hi all,

    I know that this has been posted before by me, but it was a while back and unfotunately it fell by the wayside and became cluttered with OT stuff.

    Pleased KeeP this thread on topic smile.gif

    I am posting this again because the release of CM is just around the corner - and the work done by STEVE - CHarles and their little helpers is an astounding accomplishemnt for the wargaming Genre

    But I am again troubled by what I'm seeing with regards to piracy in other threads.

    here are the facts:

    - BTS has worked their ass off

    -BTS taken a huge risk by providing us with a game that meets our standards

    -BTS has listened to what WE have to say

    -BTS is relying purely on our actions and reactions to survive and see the rewards of their labor

    -IF BTS doesnt do well or loses to piracy their will be NO SEQUELS - yes that means NO CM2 CM3 CM4 get the picture frown.gif

    I was told last time I didn't get the kind of response I was hoping to incite because of the way I phrased it.

    So this time I wont state my feelings about what should be done to anyone bootlegging CM


    Guys I feel we have a great community here, even after altercations haven broke out, a tone of civility always returns, which puts this forum at level all of its own smile.gif With this in mind, I feel that even tho this has legal binding value, I think peoples word here will be taken as the truth.

    I implore all of you not to bootleg CM, IF you have A burner and your buddy wants CM tell him to buy it, I have already told friends of mine to buy their own- and the reasons why - if they are your friends they will understand - mine did smile.gif

    Please agree to NOT copy this for ANYONE,

    there are alot of new members here and the other thread was cluttered, so please acknowledge this in good faith smile.gif


    also indicate if youve preordered when you sign thanks (headcount) smile.gif



  2. Hi

    I know that some probs have been found and fixed with regards to PBEM, but I've never encountered this one and its happened numerous times in a game I'm playing

    I have seperate directories for my games

    I take my turn and place the resluting PBEM in a dif directory renaming it consecutively

    so I do not have any files named PBEM inthe folder nor a dupe number

    I email the turn and about 30% or the time the opponent in this particular game, emails me back an tells me I've sent the set up file, This is an impossibility as I have made sure since the first time it happened that I had not screwed up

    I notice that every time it happens it locks when I attempt to exit the game - But it locks 90% of the time anyhow tongue.gif

    Any feed back this it too wierd




  3. Wotan some comments on your points smile.gif

    1. assuming there is a river and bridges

    2.Are there fuel limitation options in CM? I havent seen us move enough to worry bout running out of gas yet smile.gif

    3.Being immobile in a JAGD may not always be a horrible thing _ especially IF it happens when I wish I had a pillbox wink.gif. And A JT in the right place mobile or not can be very deadly - granted tho in the wrong place it coud suck -- But there are still other germ turreted heavies that if immobile could be very dangerous

    4.An experienced player wouldnt try and use large cumbersome armor in winding streets except in an ambush role smile.gif



    [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 04-08-2000).]

  4. Hi titan

    I agree points are the best way to go to obtain an evenly balanced scenario, I do not agree however, that even points will be necessarily a fair fight.

    You must consider the ability of the Germs to field some HEAVY stuff - I was hoping that Steve would provide some insight in this area, but so far I havent had any clarification on what would be factors in getting good balance between the forces in a point based scenario. Hopefully soon tho smile.gif



  5. Hi Steve

    I never quite got my question answered earlier and since then you have said the following which I agree wit



    I guess I'm just saying that no matter how much you try to balance a scenario, once it gets played the first time, one side will have an advantage.


    and then you said



    Totally, 100% agree with the repetition thing. As I have said several times above, no scenario balancing will withstand repeated play. It doesn't matter how evenly the forces are matched for the terrain in question, there is always something that will give the repeat player an unrealistic advantage that will undo the balance.


    I feel that this is totally ture in any scenarios with pregought forces

    So I feel point games are much better for multiplayer -

    Is there some guidelines you can give us to set up a good point spread in a variety of conditions or is it so diverse that each an every point scenario will require - alot of replaying to get right?

    FOr example:

    I'm hoping that we will be able to say in a defensive scenario with no fortified positions the ratio is 2 :1 in favor of the attacker

    Then use the loose guidelines with some minor tweaking to get a good balanced reusable scenario that is always blind -with the exception of terrain

    IS this going to be possible if so can ya release some guidelines on spreads before we get our hands on the final vers smile.gif

    Thanks smile.gif




    how goes it old friend smile.gif

    I must chime in here in disagreeemnt with you on the unbalanced nature of CE

    I find playing CE that either side has a very good chance of winning this scenario even with full disclosure on units

    I find myself in vicous battles here when playing both sides

    I would love to play you as GErms since we never did finish our match

    Send me the setup if you would like smile.gif




  7. Steve thanks for the prompt reply again,

    For a meeting engagement you say the points are more or less even, paying excetption to the possibility of heavy hitters.

    IF I am setting up a point match hypothetically, and it is a large match with the germs defending in muddy terrain; with them having enuff points to purchase some large armor and descent troops -

    How do I gauge this to enable the allies to have a comparitive force, would I be able to achieve this by a relative point designation.

    Ie Say the allies get 3 to one for argument sake. Is there some rules of thumb to go by? I want to make some hellacious battles as well as small ones smile.gif - I'm hoping to be able to get really good at gauging point setups -with relation to terrain etc

    As an old CC2 player I love Battlemakers and requisitioning - THe lack of knowledge of your opponents force, and the possibility of unorthadox tactics, adds monumentously to the thrill of the game for me.

    Yes I know it isn't the most realisitc with regards to historical availability etc. eek.gif CM has an incredible amount of realism in the performace which was what CC2 lacked for me smile.gif.

    YEt even so the point style BM scenarios made the game HIGHLY addictive smile.gif

    I'm addicted to the beta of this lol smile.gif I feel that your advice will be the best possible, in designing this style since you (and Charles of course smile.gif ) made the game.

    Thanks alot for taking the time to respond

    THE anticipations is killing me smile.gif (thats good tho - i have NEVER been this excited about a game release )

    Take care



  8. Hi Steve,

    Thanks for the detailed response on the scenio designing smile.gif, The definitely will help me when I set up any pregenrated ones (which I plan to do several of)

    Could you offer some insight in gaining balance in point based senarios, as these are by far my favorite because I like to purchase my own stuff smile.gif , Kinda like the wife with the credit card lol

    Any advice you could offer inthis area would be tremendously appreciated smile.gif




  9. Mark IV

    The complexity of this game can make a point spread misleading IMHO

    IF You have got 3 troops to my one, but you are attacking in crappy terrain, and I have major LOS, its highly unlikely that you have the edge that you believe eek.gif

    Points are can be very misleading, but handled correctly also can create the best balance for play :P

    All Im trying to do is get some generalities, with regards to the conditions that favor an attacker or defender smile.gif

    With all the wargamers here I would've thought that scenarios designers would have an idea of what conditions would give a decisive advantage over the other

    with them sharing their knowledge it might be easier to notice conditions in a scenario that may require a harder look

    This will result in better scenarios if balance is a a goal

    No matter what anyone says honesty will be involved in getting a fair game at a competitive level



  10. Scott - I agree they are fun against the AI smile.gif

    But Im trying to find some common factors that woudl give either the attacker or the defender an edge - I stated two above I was hoping that with everyones extensive knowledge of wargaming we may be able to add to that list smile.gif

    So any help to add to that would be greatly appreciated


    I feel that the attacker is severly handicapped when attacking in snow/mud due to the fact he is slowed

    I also feel that the defendeeris at the advantage with fortified positions

    any other SIGNIFICANT conditions that contribute to one side having an advantage?

    (again besided the extremely obvious)




  11. Scott,

    THe only way to accurately gauge your worth against an opponent is by an evenly matched fight - Playing blind against an opponent twice will not accomplish this as the player that got the crap end of things will be at disadvantaged by several facts

    1. He has seen the battlefield whilst playing a better force

    2. He knows the terrain on your side of the map now and the best places for your attack to come

    3. He knows what not to do after watching your mistakes

    therefore being the second player to get the crappy side he holds a distinct edge - able to salvage a better loss at least out of the deal smile.gif

    True displays of skill will be demonstrated in point style games IMHO where both players can view the map - all games will be blind because they purchase their stuff -

    It takes additional strategical skill to be able to outbuy [size isnt everything smile.gif] your opponent and deploy that effectively

    Historical Games generally prove nothing if unbalanced - they are simply a good time smile.gif



  12. Hi Guys,

    With the upcoming release of CM, I found myself wondering about the balance of scenarios, and the situations that could be attributed, to giving either an attacker or a defender, a SIGNIFICANT edge.

    I plan on playing alot of games that are point style, and designing scenarios as well and I think CM is alot more indepth than CC2.

    With this complex of a game I think hearing some views from others as to what conditions offer a distinct advantage (bar the obvious of course) Would be of great benefit when designing scenarios as well as playing.

    I feel that certain conditions have a definitive advantage for the defender

    here are a couple of examples

    Attacking in the mud or snow

    Attacking against Prepared defenses


    Please add to this list As I would like to find out what alot of the HEAVY DUTY wargamers think and come up with a good list of significant examples

    Thanks ahead for keeping this on topic smile.gif



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