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Posts posted by SS_PanzerLeader

  1. Eridan

    You said :


    If you've lost, you've lost. Its not the games fault you surrendered.

    Sorry but you obviously DID"NT read the entire thread _ otherwise you would know I DIDN"T surrender smile.gif

    As for a GAMEY CHARGE I think not - scroll up to ELVIS's post( ELVIS was My worst critic prior to his last post BTW ) and I can show you the files myself if you want to see some tank tactics in action smile.gif



  2. I think you are right to an extent - the ladder is going to have to be run smoothly in order to deal with the issues of game complexity, yet as competitive players we will have to be more vigilant than ever I believe :eeK:

    But I would rather have all this freedom to create, it will just take some extra work to nail down where we can get bushwacked tongue.gif



  3. Hehe I was happy with my performance with my last cat too frown.gif that is why I was so disturbed by not being able to play it out.

    I also sent ya the previous few turns where I did the same thing to the STUG :P

    There was never any doubt that RON had the game I only wanted to see the end and was real bummed at being denied so, and by the fact I might've been able to knock down the victory level abit

    Thanks for the compliment man smile.gif

    I sure woulda loved to seen what else I coulda pulled off withtaht HEllcat - he was out for blood eek.gif



  4. Lorak<

    You are right about the guy making cheater maps getting blackballed. Yet unfortunately (tho fortunate as CM is doing well smile.gif ) when there gets to be a large number of people playing the ladder, the number of people doing stuff like this wil aslo increase _ this may sound pessimistic but I'm speaking from experience and it really sucks to have to be suspicious of a map before you scrutinize it frown.gif

    I do hope this isn't as big of a deal in the gold I really hope I am WAY off base smile.gif

    I have been looking for something to fill the void of CC2 and have gone through God knows how many games since they screwed up the release of CC3. I have found nothing since then that was worth my effort competititvely, so I'm extatic abut the release of CM. - hence my aprehension over the possibility of this feature being a detriment to the enjoyement of the game at a competitive level eek.gif



  5. Kwazydog

    I hope you are right, if you refer to my first initial post I ASKED if this had been fixed or what - no one really gave any indication that it was not like this in the later builds. I hope you are correct, But I gaurantee When I get the scenario Editor, I will see if this can be used as an angle, and believe me I HOPE I am wrong smile.gif

    BUT regardless I would still like to see it as somethign that can be turned off If it isn't to difficult to code smile.gif



  6. Moon,

    My point is if I am being subjected to a scneario, where Im getting the royal screw, I would like to be able to fight on to minimize the damage done to my rating.

    I still don't see where Fighting to the bitter end is unrealistic- nor If both players agree where it shoudl bother anybody - it would be our decision as the competitors smile.gif

    I see no one screaming about the FOW war being able to be turned off THATS UNREALISTIC wink.gif



  7. Yup it sure seems that way eek.gif


    Sorry I didnt address your question earlier on scenario manipulation. I guess I overlooked it whilst responding to the other barrage of posts wink.gif

    As I dont have the editor infront of me this is speaking from a conceptual standpoint in scenario design eek.gif

    Basically what I mean is this,

    If A designer happens to be unscrupulous, which There will be some without a doubt, He will find ways to exploit an advantage during the design process.

    In this case Knowing that Global morale will force an auto surrender, on any scenarios with prepurchased units, Morale becomes a weapon that can be implemented during design.

    Essentially we can probablty spot these scenarios, but unfortunately this will require extensive scrutiny adn we will probably get burned more than once before it really hits home.

    With many squads on a map checking each and every unit for troop quality, before playing a scenario competitively, seems a bit much to me.

    Yet, with the global morale/auto surrender enabled, how can you not? Unless of course you don't care if you lose the game.

    Also if you only know you are getting reinfocements later on - What quality will you be getting? The designer can set up the time frame to be to late for you to hold on, or the quality to be total crap so they cant help eek.gif

    Terrain itself will be a major consideration for accepting a battle as is deploy.

    These are factors that normally I would be used to looking at (if it isn't blind) But then if it is blind, boy are we in trouble (based upon my former objections)

    with regards to terrain, when accepting a scenario for competitive play one examines the terrain and LOS, which with CM being 3d; a player will have to really watch what he's getting into with the force at hand, this will be time consuming in itself.

    One also might want to examine the vehicles loadout

    Since we now keep adding on time To ensure we aren't getting boned by the undesirable element, it starts to take the fun out of it.

    It isn't ladder games that aren't fun. It's that small percentage of jerks that lull ya into thinking you have a fair match on your hand, only to find out it was a setup.

    I guess if this feature stands as is, I will not play any competitive games unless they are point battles - that way I control troop quality reducing the GLOBAL Problem



    [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 04-19-2000).]

  8. Ok well Ron and I played LD again and I set up in a position further back and better protected. Once again By turn 8 I was getting reamed a new a@#hole by the krauts :P

    My Global morale was at 8% on turn 9 it gave me reinforcements allowed me to plot my moves and then AUTOSURRENDERED all the reinforcements.

    I wondered how easily this could happen as some have suggested that it is RARE - Well my contention is that in a scenario that is setup similar to LD this will NOT be a rare occurance, and will be either one of two things

    1. It will Be a delimiter for scenario design for competitive purposes


    2. It will be an exploitable feature for the more devious of players

    Don't anyone get me wrong I LOVE this game, I just see aproblem with this feature

    Several people have pointed out realism issues stating that morale was so low with the men in the village all the reinforecements gave up. Sorry I cant buy this - I get Three tanks And several squads and they woul'nt want to avenge their buddies? I just cant see reinforcements arriving onthe scene and waving a white flag, Retreating maybe - But surrendering all the vehicles (which are counted as kills)?

    Also another point of realism - THERE is NO ACTIVE LINES of COMMUNICATION with the reinforcements and smoke is blocking their view -- this simply doesnt make sense

    I maintain my stand that this feature really need to be optional for multiplay

    Well Flame away :0P

  9. Neutral Party - you are mistaken by the assumption if the TD comes into town - the TD deliberately went through town and out the otherside - then outgunned two tanks leaving the germs with none

    I'm sorry but killing two enemy tanks is not a detriment to morale and you won't convince me otherwise

    Your analogy has my TD sitting on a hill watching everyone die _ that simply isnt the case it was INFLICTING enemy casualties

    Ron BTW I did have a full squad untouched on the hill as well as a mortar that was in ok shape

    TO all

    REGARDLESS - I was not trying to say I could win and not trying to belittle RON's win or anything else that has been implied by some.

    I simply see something I don't care for in the context of Competitive games _ i want to go until I feel I cant win not when the AI tells me


    Oh and another thing to consider for all those using realism as a basis for their argument -- how come you don't mind the fact FOW can be switched off?



    [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 04-19-2000).]

  10. Ron,

    My apologies I thought you werein the town much quicker than that - but I went back and took a look and you are right it was when you stated, I assure you it seemed like it was much quicker tongue.gif

    At any rate there is still no chance to get the troops out from their setup positions, without being shot to hell that was my point smile.gif

    with regards to the hellcat loadout I misread what I had - but I was full of he it was only 12 rounds tho as you said

    I can admit when I made a mistake and honestly I thought you were intown quicker with the halftracks, Regardless tho yoru men were by the 1st wheat field wall supported by tanks - moving for me was not an option

    Please accept my apologies, despite this it soesnt change my opinion< i should be the one to call the game not the AI in a Multiplayer situaion smile.gif



  11. Elvis said:

    OK I have to speak up again. I have never played a ladder before (I have noticed SS is not even on the CM ladder)

    Lol CM isnt actually released yet as far as I know - you must be referring to a beta ladder?? When the game is out you can bet your A@@ I will be on a ladder.

    Also Elvis since you hold a grudge against me I find it hard to take anything you say with less than a grain of salt wink.gif


    OB&G Once again you have proven yourself only of displaying kindergarten style rhetoric, and consequently I see no reason to entertain you smile.gif

    Stooping to insults is something characteristic of you in many threads and I would be suprised to see much else from the likes of you.


    Lorak _ Ladders are fun man, I just enjoy seening agame to the end, and points do matter smile.gif I feel If I have a tank on the field the game isnt over provided its functional, Troop wise If i have a good force with AT it aint over either.

    I do not condone chasing the very last unit around the board and trying to use him to flip over a vict. But if I feel I have a reasonable chance of evening things up I want to have the option of playing on smile.gif


    Simon , I 'm sorry If I took your post the wrng way I just figured you had jumpeed on the bandwagon with ELVIS and OB@G. Elvis has an AX to grind and we all can see what the other ones problem is smile.gif


    KRazy Dog,

    You claim you see my point, yet you still argue from the basis of realism, when in fact it is realistic in some cases for men to fight on. If both players can agree to not use the auto surrender(if it were in fact implemented, which so far is unlikely) Then I really don't see how that should bother you, You claim some people may get upset - well they dont ahve to use it - thats why I suggested and OPTION smile.gif

    Also everyone is on about withdrawing - lol I'd like to see someone manage to get all their froces out of town WITHOUT getting shot to **** in LD - especially when the KRAUTS are in teh center or town on turn 3

    Come on !



  12. AHH There is a GOD!!!!! someone clearly sees my point smile.gif


    thanks man you hit the nail right on the head, for some reason Only a few are seeing my simple request. I just wanted an OPTIONAL feature so that before a match two players cold agree to fight til the end smile.gif THats all I really don't think it will unbalance the game, but I'm not doing the coding so I could be way off base. I do see potential problems in COMPETITVE play without it as an option and that is all I was trying to point out, not complaining about losing as some have implied smile.gif

    Thanks for taking the time to see where I was coming from smile.gif I don't want to take this entirely out of CM just would like to eb able to disable it for LADDER




    thats kool I'm glad you have experience in ladders, and I do hope you are right that this is a VERY VERY rare thing. But if it happens once in 100 that is too much for me


    Being experienced in ladders I would think you would appreciate the value of points and their impact on your position (which I think is why we all play the ladder smile.gif )

    IF you are playing a crucial game and all of a sudden you are in a position to reduce the amount of damage done to your rating, when its taken from you, you don't think you will find this annoying>?

    On another point _ If you play someone in a ladder match in a blind PBEM and they nail You with a scenario that is set up to take advantage of this AUTO SURRENDER feature - DO you not think when you troops start crumbling and the AI throws in the towel for you, that will bug ya? Especially if ya still had some fighting left in ya?

    then you said this

    How many men did you have left, 25 I think I read somewhere. The way I see it is that their surrender wasnt the commander saying 'ok boys, weve done our bestlets save ourselves' it was more a case of the troops themselves thinking 'Ah crap, what the hell, this guy is going to get us all killed, let save ourselves'.

    I also had a tank at full ammo that had just removed two enemy tanks from play _ i hardly think that is a deterrent to morale frown.gif



    [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 04-18-2000).]

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