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Posts posted by SS_PanzerLeader

  1. Well I'm not sure how you dismiss my points as impossible to set up - didn't quite follow that one. You say they aren't related to morale; but the morale was a very big factor in fact they are cenetred AROUND morale- All those little things add up to slighted scenario; The morale will have a huge effect when you start losing because of all these subtle edges you didnt notice when examining a scenario. You really haven't stated much that I can see that convinces me otherwise - except some unknown feature, but until I see that in action I can only go on what I see tongue.gif



  2. I and many others belived in CC2 that the only way to go was with point battles. I also think it is going to hold true here - Otherwise its just potentially a screwing eek.gif

    I think pregenerated scenrios should be rated for fairness by a panel and/or the players

    Point matches will allow dbl blind and you can view the map prior to playing to evaluate terrain

    The points will eliminate getting stuck with crappy troops and reinforcement schedules and elimiante this AUTO SURRENDER problem (provided you buy intelligently anyhow tongue.gif )

    So far I see no other way to ensure a fair match -

    Playing both sides of a scenario is simply not fair and I stated why on anotehr thread smile.gif



  3. BTW do you realize how long its gonna take to go through a good sized scenario to see that this doesnt happen frown.gif

    At least if we could play to the end if ya made it to get your reinforcements even if morale sucked you may still be able to turn it around - as it stands it's unlikely to happen before morale collapses

    yet I havent seen the gold so hopefully this isnt as easy to manipulate as it appears to me frown.gif



    [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 04-20-2000).]

  4. Ok here goes:

    here is one way I see that an unscrupulus player could pull this off

    1. slighty tweak terrain in favor of desired winning side

    2. slightly tweak ammo loadout in favor of desired winning side

    3. pick better quality units or adjust morale to favored side

    4. set up a reinforcement schedule to coincide with morale collapse

    5. Then simply throw em a bone to offset any questionability (ie cover tracks)

    VIOLA instant setup frown.gif



  5. Well As far as not playing people goes thats great - but ina ladder you usually have to play everybody like it or not eek.gif , and there are genreally rules regarding refusal to play or meet challenges

    With regards to manufacturing slanted scenarios that isn't actually cheating _ Its TOTAL BULLS@#T but Technically it aint cheating - and I've yet to see anybody try to implement it as such or find someway of montioring it and/or enforce it frown.gif



  6. While the idea definitely has it's merits TOm had my opinion pegged with regards to unscrupulous players and scenario design. The ramifications of not knowing the terrain you are about to play on at a compteitive level would really be bad frown.gif

    As an option for single player that would be kool with me - but for multiplayer It would really be the basis for alot of problems eek.gif



    [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 04-20-2000).]

  7. Kraut said:


    Hey bloody guts ... don't worry about PanzerGlieder. He seems like the type who would want to press his morals and views on someone (if you don't apologize RIGHT NOW, you'll get your knee-caps shot off, your nuts roasted on an open fire, the IRS will come and take your house, dog, TV and computer, but leave your wife and kids to nag you all day long, and god will make you kiss his dirty, crusty feet for eternity. That is if you even get to heaven ... rofl) . If you wanna bitch about a game, even if it's free, hell, go ahead. I personally view it all as first class online entertainment Besides, if the makers of any game can't handle a little online bitch-o-rama they should find new jobs ...

    Lol sorry i'm not pushing anything on anybody _ I just made an observation, and since I was brought up to have some common courtesy I stated what I thought. whether he does it or not I could care less I never actually told him to I just stated my opinion - it isn't like hes never addeed his, or you, yours for that matter eek.gif



  8. Well,

    I still hold my position even though Steve has posted his support for it the way it is, i can respect that its his game smile.gif

    But that doesnt mean I like it :P

    I think anyone that would let you chase units around the board is a jerk anyhow - and I wouldnt play him either

    But.. If that person is doing damage to me then He should have the right to see what happens and being denied that right is sucking some of the fun right out of the game IMHO smile.gif

    I guess since there will be no modification, the selection practices for competitiive play will become extremely Slow due to scenario scrutinization eek.gif

    Even as it stands I still love the game _ jsut finnaly found an element I REALLY dont like tongue.gif

    Oh one other thing the AI will NEVER be able to accurately tell how efficient I can play When Backed into a corner, or on the ropes _ it is a shame this cannot be an option for two agreeing parties smile.gif



    [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 04-20-2000).]

  9. Well the fact that these guys have put all thiis effort into this and arent asking a dime for a WELL KNOWN and sucessfully titled game is astonishing> I am not afan of the game but did enjoy SP1 - I was considering looking in the bargain bin cause i thought this was an add on-

    At any rate For them to do this for free is was kool , and for you to have anything over there to say that they felt needed to be censored is pretty bad IMO. How can you trash something that someone is giving to you - talk about ungrateful frown.gif

    Personally I think you owe them all a hell of a big apology INCLUDING the administrator, but I will be suprised to se it happen.

    I guarantee I will download it sen them a thank you email for their efforts, whether or not It stays on my drive for years to come!



  10. How many time have you actually played LD as AMERICANS tongue.gif ?

    I'd like to see you keep your morale at high levels - Also I never said I didnt deserve to lose _ I merely wanted to play it out _ I wish people would quit putting words in my mouth and Implying things that simply arent there biggrin.gif



    sorry forgot a smiley

    [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 04-19-2000).]

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