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Posts posted by SS_PanzerLeader

  1. Yes theya re excellent vehicles to manuever with smile.gif I'm not sure on the actual MPH for the other vehicles I think the tiger was about 25pmh but some others will no these details better - smile.gif



    [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 04-21-2000).]

  2. OB@G

    Once again I applaud your colorful use of metaphors and your astounding command of the English Language


    *golf clap*

    Elvis yep - I'm gonna take what Steve said and just change my style of play realizing taht I will have to move my last minute tactics up some turns smile.gif



  3. Steve

    Ok Np, I quit arguing the change of the feature a while back after you posted and I realized it wouldnt change. I respect your opinion, and I love this game. I found something I'm not used to and in cc2 A tank meant a chance smile.gif So this is CM and I won't have that chance like it or not. So I will simply adjust my play to accomodate this. I in no way was trying to upset you and wasn't attacking CM, was only lobbying for an option smile.gif

    I only posted again after your last post because I'm not a gamey player - I 'm very honorable and hate people that pull crap. I honestly felt I could do something, but you have pointed out some things and being that you know the scoring intracies better than I, I will accept that I could not do anything smile.gif

    But for claritys sake I wasn't just intentionally running around and doing nothing smile.gif I had a plan and I had no intention of trying to hold victs with the tank< I was hoping I had enough He shells to keep my remaining men alive and somehow push the Germs back out of at least part of the village

    That is all. In doing so I had hoped that I could reduce the victory level - but I take your word for it that I could'nt have done this, so at this point I will drop it smile.gif

    I do appreciate you taking the time to hear my gripes tho without shutting down the thread smile.gif



  4. Actually Elvis that is assuming my Hellcat would be blown up _ and from where I was sitting Ithink it woulda been tough - that left em also the option of unloading my HE and retreating my Hellcat from the map had this feature not been implemented

    But its a moot point because it is

    And with regards to you idea that I would be upset if someone did that to me - to the contrary If someone has armor I hardly expect them to throw inthe towel - to me that is foolish smile.gif



  5. Kraut said:

    How the hell did this get into ladder games and that crap? Ladders suck and 99% of the people who play in a ladder are freakin disconnectors and dumbass whiners.

    Kraut evidently you had a bad experience on the ladder _ i seem to remember you from CC2 MAD KRAUT right? MK?

    Not everybody is like the stereotype you made - I've met alot of great people through laddergames and the type of players you describe are the minority not the majority



  6. Steve said:

    Face it, you were trying to be the type of "weenie" that CM was deliberately coded up to be forced to surrender No offense, but the situation as described is *EXACTLY* why we put in the Auto Surrender.

    Steve I'm sorry but I was doing damage with what I had left, If i felt I didn't have any chance of doing anything I would've surrendered as I did when I played FIONN and he destroyed all my armor in CE in the matter of a few turns, This also happened with KNAust recently and I surrendered rather quickly because I felt I was in an impossible situation. This time I felt I had a chance to wreak some havoc Which was what I was doing _ I think I'm a good judge of when I can do no more and to put it out there as you did, suggests that I would do this all the time and it is simply not so frown.gif

    If I feel beaten without hope I surrender - but from my CC2 days if I have armor I have hope smile.gif

    I do understand why you have put it there and I still feel that as players we should have the option of going on, but its your game so I will not bring it up again unless it becomes a problem when the final is out smile.gif

    But please don't make me look like I play unfairly or pull anything because I am NOT that kind of player; and I pride myself on being VERY honorable and that statement is VERY uncharacteristic of me as a player smile.gif




    [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 04-21-2000).]

  7. Mike,,

    I hope you didn't misunderstand my post I didnt mean that you were telling anyone to shut up - hope that isnt what you thought smile.gif

    I was merely pointing out that someone else here besides BTS (NOT YOU tongue.gif )thought they had that right

    I read what ya had to say and looking at the fact they may look into this later _ Your post wasn't in anyway out of line IMHO smile.gif

    sorry for the confusion



  8. Mike, you may very well be correct, and this isn't something I'm totally for either- But since it so far has been BTS 's policy to alllow us to discuss this kind of stuff; then whether we agree or not with the suggestion being made, it doesnt give certain nameless individuals the right to tell them to basically shut up without hearing BTS's views on it. The purpose of these threads I believe, is to explore the possibilities of the game as it exists, and its possibilities in future releases. Bts has stated its plans for many in the future so while it may not be a "priority" at this time it may be something two releases down the road they could explore in part or fully. smile.gif



  9. You know OB&G you really are a piece of work - Boy you really had to dig to try and find something else to start on somebody about didnt ya - boy you must lead one pathertic existance, I really feel sorry for ya :)

    As for your statement about be being a hippocrit it would help if you researched what the hell you were talking about, jsut a little bit better. Had you done so you woulda realized that your "factual" statement is a joke, because its not even inthe same context.

    So let me make things plain enuff for your "GENIUS" level of intelligence(as you so elequently described yourself) can comprehend

    #1 the LOS that i was reffering to was in another thread and had to do with viewing terrain from points on the map NOT YET REACHED BY TROOPS

    #2 the context here is BETTER FOW by utilizing EXACTLY what troops can see - overlapped with what ever blind spots are appropriate

    BUt being as BRILLIANT as you are I guess you already knew that huh EINSTIEN :)

  10. Steve said:

    In a ladder game I don't understand what is the problem with auto-surrender taking into account everything above. What is the difference if the game ends automatically when it is CLEARLY a victory for the other side?


    Well part of my pointi s that If I have several tanks or any for that matter, being The AI is not a good JUDGE of my abilities with these tanks - just because I'm getting the crap kicked out of me when I'm outnumbered (before reinforcements) - hence I dont think it should have the final say COLLECTIVELY - surrender them when they start taking fire they cant refute and dying - much more realistic smile.gif

    then you siad :

    In fact, it solves the weenie problem with competive play very nicely. It is more realistic this way too, since weenie game players won't get to try and rack up a few more kills when it in any real world situation the forces would have called it a day and ended the battle.

    I don't feel that killing enemy armor over three turns back to back is being a weenie that I don't follow frown.gif. If i Had no armor and I was running around HIDING then thats BS frown.gif

    I just would like to be able to play the game out if both players agree to the option.

    Thanks for at least trying to see my position Steve with regards to the scenarios tongue.gif

    As far as scenario design goes - I don't have the editor so until I do I won't argue the balance point in this thread any longer

    I still thing this should be an option just for playability if both players agree to the option.

    But I contend I will still ONLY play point games for Ladders it will solve all this, just as it did in CC2 smile.gif

  11. Yah I remember some of the Smoke threads - but I also notice that the smoke has been improved - do you think that would've happened if everybody sat around and said "oh the smoke is wonderful don't touch it"?

    And just because YOU don't think it can be done; doesn't amount to a whole helluva lot IMHO - The only ones who have the say are STEVE and Charles - if they say hey it can't be done because its impractical or undesirable then it will hold some weight, but last time I checked you wern't on BTS' Payroll! :eeK:

    There is nothing wrong with taking an opposing stance and being firm in your convictions - what is lame is being NASTY about the way you do it

    When I really believe in something Im a damn hard sell to change my mind - but I do TRY to remain civil EVEN when people take popshots at me smile.gif



    [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 04-21-2000).]

  12. ob&g SIAD:

    SS_PanzeyLeader, don't get me started...

    gimme a break man you never stopped eek.gif

    then ya said thiS:

    I have always respected what Steve and Charles want in their masterpiece, so I just find it rude for people to keep pushing for features that they don't want or have no intention to implementing.

    Man what is your deal?? BTS has been awesome about listenting to peoples Ideas and implementing them if they agreed

    WHO ONE EARTH DO YOU THINK YOU ARE to tell people they cant have any ideas

    YOU FIND IT RUDE???????????????????

    MY god man read your own posts if you want RUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    sorry all for my outburst but this was a bit much tongue.gif



  13. DAn said:

    When I replay a scenario, it is no longer a surprise because from the very beginning I am thinking: "Watch out for that 88. If I advance this way, it shouldn't have a LOS to my tanks until it is too late.

    Well If you don't think "watch out for those

    88's when you play the new scenarios even blind you are gonna get ripped a new one wink.gif



  14. OB&G said:

    I don't mean to sound like an ASSHOLE here, but com'on fellas!


    anybody else see a pattern? smile.gif

    Tom W - Man I think what you guys propopse Is interesting - as I said before, and for single player could be a kool addition for later versions - for multi player I dont think I would like it tho - But the idea of enhanced FOW shouldnt be shot down jsut cause the peanut gallery doesnt like it smile.gif



  15. Kwazy _ I know you've got experience with a later build, And I appreciate that< but I have a lot of experience with ladders (which I'm sure you have some too) But I know that if it can be exploited it will be based on what I've seen smile.gif

    I hope you are right really _ but as I said before it will be unlikely after all this that I play ANYTHING other than point games -which was the safest bet with CC2 and I will hazard a guess it will be the best bet here smile.gif

    I've never liked my stuff bought for me anyhow tongue.gif

    I will save prebought games for the me and the AI or for fun only smile.gif

    I do appreciate you input tho smile.gif



  16. Fionn said :

    We don't need to create rules, balances, ranking systems for terrain etc etc when, instead of all that fancy **** we should all just use a little bit of common sense.

    Common sense only goes so far :P You may not think we need any gauge for scenarios, but alot of people are going to want some kind of gauge with the enormuos amount of scenarios that will be out there (as youpointed out) Having someway of keeping track of them and their playability is an asset an a Timesaver smile.gif

    Kwazydog Said:

    But to make it clear. There are MANY ways you can attempt to cheat, you pointed several out, that have NOTHING to do with global morale. The amount of AP rounds you tank has is nothing to do with overall morale, so thus has NOTHING to do with your gripe in this tread, understand ? Nor does terrain, which also does NOT affect global morale in any little way.My whole point, which you obviously missed, is that there would be FAR easier ways to design a scenario that was unbalanced than trying to induce a global moral collapse.

    Sorry but i think it is you who missed the point - all those little factors add up and center around the morale factor - if you can't see that I'm sorry Its pretty plain smile.gif

    and to make anything that isnt ellaborately designed to decieve would be OBVIOUS and wouldnt work

    People that design stuff like this don't design them so they can be easily noticed as lopsided -what would be the point in that? the idea is to subtly decieve the opponenet into playing and unbalanced scenario _ ONLY an IDIOT would fall for something that isnt crafted well enough to APPEAR even! smile.gif

    Hopefully this feature you guys are saying is there will make a huge difference - personally I see myself ONLY playing point based games period for competition - it will avoid all this crap smile.gif



    [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 04-20-2000).]

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