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Posts posted by guachi

  1. I can tell you what they are good for in my former residence of MT - hunting. According to a blurb in USA Today a month ago or so MT has the highest percentage of residents that hunt of any state 26%. Probably helped by the fact that there are more deer/antelope than people...

    Even my roommate hunts - and she's 5'4", 100 lbs, tan, blonde, 36D. She looks quite silly in pictures holding a rifle in one hand and a dead antelope up by the antlers in the other.

    Jason - who's never hunted and is about as far from being a Montanan as someone who has lived there 17 years could get. But wishes gun laws were laxer so I could own a WWII MG for collecting purposes...


    Betas available to everyone are just publicity stunts anyways. -FK

  2. Before the board software got redone (like, five months ago), didn't member status/junior member status not exist?

    Good thing Steve kept the member status to only two levels. Things could get really out of hand with people racking up useless posts (like this one) just to increase member status.



    Betas available to everyone are just publicity stunts anyways. -FK

  3. I'll probably join the ladder.

    I won't really care if my opponent wants to put the game on the ladder or not, though.

    If my opponent insists, I'll do it. But otherwise I think I'll only feel comfortable putting up games with people I have already played against or know wll enough from this board.

    Like my game I will have against Berli. I've never played him before but I have no problem putting my slaughter up on the ladder.



    Betas available to everyone are just publicity stunts anyways. -FK

  4. Wow! Great post. That article from YANK sure reads like something out of the forties.

    Almost made me feel like I was reading it back then.

    And I now have 'In the Mood' running through my head, which isn't bad because it is my second favorite Big Band song after 'Sing, Sing, Sing)

    Well, now I've gone and put my Big Band CDs into the player and I'm listening to 'In the Mood'

    Certainly has put me in the mood to play a game of CM. Death and destruction courtesy of the music of Glen Miller and Benny Goodman.



    Betas available to everyone are just publicity stunts anyways. -FK

  5. Hey, Miyamoto. I have a couple of friends who went to Helena High, graduated in 91.

    Helena may be wilderness territory for other people, but for MT Helena is a metropolis! All of what, 25,000 people?

    After driving all the way to Louisiana, the most beautiful part of the drive was through MT and northern WY. I didn't realize how lucky I was until I left. I kept thinking how great the terrain would look in a CM scenario.

    I lived in Billings until last week and I had a Barnes & Noble and a Wal-Mart across the street. You know your town has made it when it has a Wal-Mart.

    If there are any decent bookstores in Helena, do what I do. I find books I want and then walk over to B&N and get them to order the books for me. Easy to pick up because they are across the street. Easy to return. And no paying for shipping! Since MT doesn't have a sales tax, it's not like you save any on tax by buying online.

    About the topic. I did manage to pick up Guderain's book at B&N although I haven't had time to read it yet. I also picked up company Commander (VERY GOOD) by Charles McDonald as well as a book by Hans von Lucke and Soldat about a German soldiers time on the Eastern Front (neither of which I have read yet).



    Betas available to everyone are just publicity stunts anyways. -FK

  6. I've got a bulging list of links in my folder. If anyone wants to e-mail me some of their favorite links, I'd appreciate it for inclusion in the FAQ.

    I really, really hope to have something up by Sunday. And if nothing else I can have a list of links up.



    Betas available to everyone are just publicity stunts anyways. -FK

  7. For the few months I had my own phone I just stayed logged on all day and kept the forum up. I'd check before work and after work. One big read through to catch up on all the messages. then intermittently during commercials or as a break from reading a book/school work/ cleaning (which I did rarely). I would just leave my computer on for hours on end and I once stayed logged on for a week straight!

    When I didn't have separate phone line I still checked before/after work but time on line depended on whether my roommates were home or not.

    For two weeks back in Feb my computer was broken and I couldn't do any computing let alone read the board. I sure got a lot of reading done!!



    Betas available to everyone are just publicity stunts anyways. -FK

  8. Does your 81mm bong come with a bipod?

    Cute story - my sister and one year old nephew are visiting my mother and Ihere in Louisiana. I bought the Ultimate Soldier Kettenkrad (fits 12" soldiers) at Toys R Us that I'd been eyeing for months. My nephew fit right on it and he LOVED IT getting pushed around on it. He also seemed to like the Panzer Grenadier soldier because he kept gumming its head.

    Another CMer in the making! Start young, I say! I'm sure I've got some digital pictures of him on it around here somewhere....



    Betas available to everyone are just publicity stunts anyways. -FK

  9. I've been addicted since last August. The cast of characters has changed, but some of the old-timers (i.e. anybody here longer than me) still hang around.

    There was a huge influx at the release of both the demos, but the current cast of slackass posterboys is pretty cool.

    Watch out, or you'll find yourself spending WAY more time here than you should.

    Battlefront.com is my home away from home. Stick around and you'll learn a lot, I have. And with all the money you save by not buying another game, you can spend it all on WWII books!

    Welcome aboard!



    Betas available to everyone are just publicity stunts anyways. -FK

  10. Now that things have settled down after my move to Louisiana I have a little more time to work on the FAQ. As long as I don't hvae to fight my step-dad for the modem. I loved having my own private phone line for modem use.....

    The plan is, this weekend, to start from the beginning and do a little each day and have a FAQ update every couple of days or so rather than do it all at once, becuase when I tried to do that it sucked big time. It was really boring.

    It will be much easier to work an hour a day hunting down questions both common and obscure (like CM having Panzershriners) as well as highlightng those threads that had good discussions (either funny or informative)

    I need web space and somebody to do the formatting. PeterNZ has mentioned to me that he could do both, but I think he is in England now. If your out there Peter (or Elvis) send an e-mail my way. If anyone else can provide some webspace and knows html, drop me a line.

    Come Sunday I hope to have a modest beginning to things. With 50whatever thousand messages, the going will surely be slow.

    Hey, if I do a FAQ, maybe I can get to be a beta tester for CM2!



    Betas available to everyone are just publicity stunts anyways. -FK

  11. In my first game of CE as the Germans vs AI (many moons ago) I was in a tough struggle in what turned out to be my closest game (about 55-45 victory).

    The coolest part was near the end. One buttoned up Sherman near the road and two shattered VG squads hiding in smoke near the wall.

    One squad had a faust left so I decided to rush the Sherman from behind with both squads and see what happened. I was hoping to see a faust used for the the first time vs a tank. I got one better. The squad with one faust threw a grenade at the Sherman and immobilized it.

    It was sweet!



    Betas available to everyone are just publicity stunts anyways. -FK

  12. You don't really need to cancel an ambush point, just don't target it with anything.

    Just pick an HQ and slap down another one. You can make a whole bunch of ambush points with HQs, not jsut one per HQ.



    Betas available to everyone are just publicity stunts anyways. -FK

  13. Kwazy, I have a picture of a jeep with wire cutters in my grubby little hands. I wish I could scan it. But it pretty much looks exactly kike you'd think.

    And if I remember correctly, all Allied tanks are assumed to have hedgrow cutters on their tanks, they are just not shown. And, no, I'm not doing a search. I'm lazy.



    Betas available to everyone are just publicity stunts anyways. -FK

  14. Mannheim, the backrub IS the fun part.

    Especially when you can turn it into a full blown massage with oil. And she wants you to massage every inch of her body and she has REALLY soft skin and you get to ...

    Ahem... Nevermind. She married somebody else anyway.

    But both take about an hour for me. Massages or setup. I like to take things slow. And if you do a massage or a setup right, what follows goes a whole lot better.


  15. The priority is, I believe, in the order the game was purchased.

    Those who purchased the game early will receive the game before those who were Johnny-come-latelys.

    I hope that I, having purchased the game Sept 12, will get the game in the first batch of shipments.

    Thanks for the confirmation on the address change, Steve. I was getting worried there. I want my CM!

    /me froths at mouth



    Betas available to everyone are just publicity stunts anyways. -FK

  16. The CM editor will have TO&E for infantry units up to battalion level. This will include (I'm guessing):


    Infantry (with Rifle 44 and Rifle 45 squads)




    Armored Infantry






    German (bunches & bunches)

    Rifle 44

    Rifle 45


    Panzergrenadier (Armored)

    SS Panzergrenadier (Armored)

    Panzergrenadier (Motorized)

    SS Panzergrenadier (Motorized)



    Sichering (Security) Battalion



    Engineer Battalions for all of the above units as well as recon battalions for many of these units

    I have actually seen a list of many of the German units that are included (Fionn posted a pic at TGN many months ago). I have some good TO&E sites bookmarked, but my computer with this info is packed away right now.

    The German Army went through bunches of reorganization (later ones mostly involving lowering manpower) so it is kind of tough to keep track of them all.

    The German Army and American Army, on the surface, were organized similarly. I supposes that there is only so much that one can do with a basic division...

    A typical German Rifle Platoon (1944 Type) had

    3 x Rifle squads (9 men in CM)

    1 x Plat Hq (4 men in CM)

    German Rifle Company (1944 Type)

    3 x Rifle Platoons (31 men each)

    1 x HMG section (the American equivalent is the weapons platoon with MGs and 60mm mortars) Both the Ami Co and the German Co had bazookas/panzerschrecks attached to them. It appears that the weapons of the German Company are 3 x MG42 HMGs and 3 x schrecks. Adding in a Platoon Hq would give a strength of 28 men. The American weapons platoon has 2 x .30cal MG, 1 x .50cal MG, 3 x 60mm mortars, and 3 x bazookas for a total strength of 46 (including Hq)

    1 x Co Hq (6 men)

    German Infantry Battalion (1944 Type)

    3 x Rifle Co

    1 x Hv Wpn Co

    1 x Bn Hq

    On the surface, this is identical to the American Infantry battalion, the difference is in the particular weapons. Also, Americn companies are identified with letters while the Germans identified them with ordinal numbers. The Hv Wpn Co had 6 x MG42 HMGs, 6 x 81mm mortars and (possibly) 4 x 120mm mortars and more schrecks (I'm not certain what CM has for theirs. We'll find out in a few weeks). The American Hv Wpn Co had 6 x 81mm mortars, 8 x .30cal HMGs, 7 x bazookas, 3 x .30 cal HMGs. In addition, the battalion Hq had 3 x 57mm AT guns for local AT defense.

    Later in the war German divisions reduced the number of infantry battalions in their divisions from nine to six (divided into two or three regiments) to conserve manpower. American and British divisions contained nine infantry battalions per division.

    A 1944 German Infantry regiment (three regiment/two battalion Type)

    2 x Inf Bn

    1 x Inf How Co

    1 x AT Co

    The Inf How and AT Cos had traditional designations of 13th and 14th Co even if the regiment no longer had 14 Cos.

    Inf How Co

    6 x 75mm IG

    2 x 150mm IG

    I was surprised to find that VoT had a 150mm IG because that meant you had a really nice gift from Regt. Hq.

    AT Co

    I suppose that the AT Co had an actual TO&E but, frankly, from what I've seen the AT assets generally consisted of whatever was handy (50mm, 75mm, 76.2mm®) as well as a crud load of panzerschrecks.

    The likeliest configuration is a mixture of a few 75mm AT guns and a bunch of panzerschrecks. The AT Co of a VG regiment consisted of nothing but panzerschrecks!

    An American infantry regiment had their equivalents in a cannon Co and an AT Co. The purposes were the same as their German counterparts - local fire support.

    Cannon Co

    6 x 105mm short-barreled cannons

    12 x 57mm AT guns

    This actually gives the American inf Regt a pile of AT guns - 21 x 57mm guns in all.

    The end result is that your Intel officer better have all of this information on both your side and the opponents already done up. Comparing and contrasting strengths and weakness of units and the equipment used as well as the likelihood of 'extras' being attached to units. For instance, American Infantry divisions often had extra TD and tanks battalions attached to them to the point that they had as many tanks as a German tank division.

    A key for battalion commanders is to note what he is facing, especially if a battalion has goodies sent from above - whether they be from regt, div, or corps. If I'm facing a VG battalion (or Ami Inf Bn) and I start getting shelled by 150mm shells and a company of TDs or StuGs shows up, you can bet your ass I would be screaming to my CO! This is a good indication that the enemy this the sector is important. If I[/[] recieve those goodies, I know that my sector is important and that I better accomplish my task or my CO will be very displeased that I got all of these extras and still failed.

    If your Intel officers (especially at Corps and Army level) do not have this info ready for you by the time the CMMC begins, I'd want mine relieved of duty.


  17. Given the maximum length of a scenario (120 minutes, I believe), it is conceivable that units could be re-supplied during a battle, but it is not modeled.

    Any scenario designer that wanted to simulate resupply could just break the scenario up into an operation of several smaller scenarios and the resupply would take place between battles.



    Betas available to everyone are just publicity stunts anyways. -FK

    [This message has been edited by guachi (edited 06-08-2000).]

  18. I had hoped to have the FAQ out BEFORE the gold demo release.

    Elvis is right, though. There really isn't much reason to do one right now, so I think Elvis, Peter, and I will likely wait until the game itself is released. The traffic on the board has increased so rapidly as of late that it was impossible to keep up.

    Thre must be a ton of questions that can be easily answered with RTFM. For those with just the gold demo I think there should be a section just for it.

    Like Matt with his daily updates, maybe we could add FAQ questions a bit at a time, or something.

    Elvis, Peter... we have about a week+ unitl the game is out... What say we see what we can get done so we can hit the ground running when the game is released?


    (note new e-mail addy in profile)


    Betas available to everyone are just publicity stunts anyways. -FK

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