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Posts posted by guachi

  1. Jeepers, Simon!

    Even a Searchonaut needs a little sleep now and then. smile.gif






    This is probably THE most asked question on the board. After when is the game coming out, of course. biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

    Jason - and the Searchonauts were all snug in their beds with visions of Search functions dancing in their heads...

    [This message has been edited by guachi (edited 03-30-2000).]

  2. It's like a KTMA episode of MST3K!

    I'm surprised you guys haven't surpressed these incriminating images like the Best Brains gang did!! smile.gif

    We need to start a CM Fan Club. We could get a special autographed letter from S&C when we join (I still want my manual autographed smile.gif), a pin denoting our grognardness, and a secret handshake!!


  3. Check out: Late May Release!!! for a list of the vehics/equip on the movie

    The only word on the board by Steve about number of Shermans has been "Shermans of all types" Possibly because listing all of them would take too much space, or not all of the textures were done yet, etc.

    I see things written in books about how the Germans were resourceful in upgrading tanks and reusing old tank chassis, but the Sherman was a mighty customizable vehicle what with almost 50,000 built.

    I couldn't even begin to list all the Sherman variations(cuz I don't know them all) but I shudder to think how long the list would be.

    Gun changes, armor changes, different engines, field mods, multiple uses for the chassis...

    Apparently Hunnicut's Sherman book will tell you everything you ever wanted to know about the Sherman. It costs about $70 which is why I haven't gotten it yet.


    [This message has been edited by guachi (edited 03-29-2000).]

  4. I couldn't find the exact thread that mch was referring to (it's there somewhere. hiding from me in the clutches of the search function)

    But these two threads may give an idea as to how scenario size will affect turn resolution/frame rates on your machine.



    Jason - it's a bird, it's a plane, it's SearchingMan!! biggrin.gif

    Able to leap a tall list of search results in a single mouse click tongue.gif

  5. NO FAIR!! smile.gifsmile.gif

    I had my http ref posted before chaos did! biggrin.gif

    He just went back and adeed it in! tongue.gif:

    Welcome, Chaos!

    You are now part of the Dark Side of the Search Function!

    Jason - Some say using the search function and finding the right thread is better than sex. Try it, I bet you'll agree.

  6. A LONG time ago (early '99?) I came to the BTS website to check the game out. With pictures like the above, I can't say I was particularly impressed...

    Anyone can say they are the most realistic or the bestest with the mostest. It takes about two seconds to type it. S&C (et al.) have actually taken time to back their statement up.

    And it's not just the graphics that have changed, I've been reading for months and I've been amazed at all the little things that BTS keeps adding to make the game better.

    I don't think I'm objective about this game anymore. I've become a CM sycophant

    Jason the Searchonaut

  7. Naming the vehicles - -

    Shot 1 -




    Shot 2 -

    British infantry


    Universal carrier


    Shot 3 -

    American Airborne infantry

    Shot 4 -

    SdKfz 251

    Running Germans carrying 2 K98s and an MP40

    Shot 5 -



    Shot 7 -

    Running British paratroops

    Shot 8 -



    (from shot 1)

    Shot 9 -

    American Field Artillery (75mm, 105mm??)

    Shot 10 -

    German infantry under arty fire

    Shot 11 -



    Shot 12 -


    Shot 13 -


    Shot 14 -


    (Watch the heads in the foreground - they turn as if they are watching the flame!)

    Shot 15 -

    JagdPzIV with PzGrenadiers riding

    Shot 16 -

    150mm sIG33 Infantry gun

    Shot 17 -

    American troops taking cover in the snow

    Shot 18 -


    American infantry

    City Fighting!! looks great

    Shot 19 -

    American infantry running

    More City Fighting!!

    Shot 20 -


    Shot 21 -

    JagdPanther meets bazooka shell

    As Cartman would say "Sweeeeet!!"

    That was helli-cool!


  8. The 'Finding Out More About Combat Mission' section is exactly why we need a FAQ.

    Let's get moving PeterNZ! We got work to do!

    I do have aquestion, though smile.gifsmile.gif

    I assume that Late May is when the CDs start shipping and not when they start duplication, correct?

    Jason - Huzzah!! Huzzah and kudos!!

    [This message has been edited by guachi (edited 03-28-2000).]

  9. In response to Mark IV -

    In order to head off nitpicking and criticism of FAQ answers, I am culling quotes directly from BTS (and a few other posters). Extremely laborious wading through 37,000 posts (10,000 done so far) but worth it to find an 'official' answer.

    This way people can't complain that my answer to 'no dead bodies' is wrong if I have full documentation of every Steve answer (and there are lots of them).


  10. That's why the FAQ is a fan-based effort. smile.gif

    PeterNZ and others, be on the look out for list of good link/books/movies. If we can, the FAQ can not only be used as a resource ABOUT CM but also a a place of information FOR CM players.

    This board is not just about CM, it is also about WWII and I think the FAQ should reflect that to some extent.

    That being said, I think we should get the standard questions finished first. I have been going through old posts (that's where I get the links from...) and I have a vast amount of quotes to use for 'long answers'.

    I also have a repository of links - but I'm unsure how extensive it should be. Someone recently posted a bunch of books and I think we should have those divided up by category.

    I'm stiil unsure how to divide questions up by category. So far I have about a dozen categories and maybe 50 questions.


  11. To head of 'running panzerschrecks' at the pass check out this link - http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/001926.html This thread gets a bit nasty and even has Schrodi!! Ignore the flames and check out the reasons schrecks can't run.

    Also, try http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/001950.html for a little more technical information on the schreck and Puppchen provided by yours truly and Fionn.

    After reading the above threads it is astonishing how nasty some of the pre-Christmas threads were. Partly why I'm posting links is to prevent threads from degenerating like the the first one did. Ugghh! I don't want to see that kind of behavior again.

    Jason - third degree black belt in link-fu

    [This message has been edited by guachi (edited 03-28-2000).]

  12. Yes, 13mm aircraft guns (MG131)were used by ground troops as were 15mm guns (MG151/15).

    Typically, they were pedastal mounted and used in AA defense. Pedestal mounting allowed the weapon to be fired while standing. The firing characteristics (high ROF and electrically fired) made these weapons a poor choice for ground applications.

    The 151/15 (15mm) and 151/20 (20mm) aircraft guns were also mounted on the SdKfz 251 halftrack (designation: 251/20) mostly because there were guns with no aircraft in which to put them. 387 of these vehicles were produced late in the war.


  13. M2A1 (pineapple) 1.31lb, 21oz, .6kg

    M3A (cylindrical) .84lb, 13.4oz, .28kg

    Too lazy to look up weights of German grenades.

    Baseball characteristics per official rules:

    "1.09 The ball shall be a sphere formed by yarn wound around a small core of cork, rubber or similar material, covered with two stripes of white horsehide or cowhide, tightly stitched together. It shall weigh not less than five nor more than 5 1/4 ounces avoirdupois and measure not less than nine nor more than 9 1/4 inches in circumference."


    [This message has been edited by guachi (edited 03-27-2000).]

  14. If BTS avoids consecutively numbering various versions of CM, then none of them will seem particularly out of date

    Instead of CM1: Beyond Overlord they just call it CM: Beyond Overlord. The next installment isn't CM2, it's just CM: Barbarossa to Berlin (pretty catchy title, huh? smile.gif ) That way later installments don't make the earlier ones seem out of date.

    There might need to be some rejiggering of names if earlier titles get retrofitted with new enhancements.


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