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Posts posted by guachi

  1. I used to work at Toys R Us and I have a bunch of these. The Schwimmwagen, Kettenkrad (rocks!) British paratrooper, Flallschirmjaeger, American Airborne, 3rd Infantry, 29th Infantry, Panzergrenadier, Eastern Front, a bunch of weapons packs, and a bunch of extra uniforms.

    If you can, get them at a mass market retailer (like Toys R Us) cuz there cheaper than mail order.

    Nothing like having a Panzergrenadier glaring at you to get you in the CM mood. That and some Yanks in their captured Kettenkrad. The Schwimmwagen floats! Take it out into the pool with your kids.

    Jason (26 going on 6)

  2. Recreating my hometown circa 1940 with my house as the prime victory location

    More battles and great PBEM opponents than I could ever hope for.

    I'm with Foobar on the number one reason. CMMC!! Applying early for staff positions payed off. EVERY staff officer can say the following, but like Crow T. Robot said, "I want to decide who lives and who dies."


  3. I think Steve has mentioned that as things get closer to shipping and they have a firmer idea on things that they will let us know.

    I suspect that next week they will have a much better idea about shipping dates so I would just hang tight for an official word. There are probably several thousand of us who want to know the same thing and Steve won't leave us hanging any longer than necessary.


  4. I had a gun damaged Sherman (by sniper fire!) in a Riesberg PBEM (AAR up at CMHQ).

    What I noticed upon repeated viewings of the turns was that the main gun and co-ax machine gun wouldn't fire. What DID fire, though, was the bow MG, which as far as I know can't be independently targeted.


  5. You are obviously excited about CM (a good thing) but might I suggest using the search function? It's cludgy and with 50,000+ posts it is kind of hard to use but it DOES work.

    I think the answer is 'about five'. I'm not a beta tester, but I think it is close to correct.

    I was hoping to have a FAQ done up when the beta demo came out, but I've had (personal) problems lately. I will (soon) have the ability and time to get something worked up.


  6. I've played Ron three times now and have encountered the same problem Ariel has. My mail was bouncing back to me because he had exceeded his size limit. I eventually did get through but this forum seems like a reasonable alternative if regular e-mail fails.

    Although as Simon says smile.gif it is better to be polite and not shout.

    Ron, I haven't forgotten about a rematch, I just haven't had time due to various life problems. The series is two-one in your favor and I want to even the score.

    Ron is my kind of e-mail player - fast. It helps that he is in the same time zone as me but we managed about four turns a day through regualr e-mail.


  7. Doug Beman called Fionn a 'Slackass posterboy' because of how often he posts and I seconded the nomination. I wrote that I thought Fionn would assign me to an Armored Bakery Battalion but he assigned me to the Prophylaxis Awareness Unit.

    I think Doug is also in my unit (and if he isn't then I'm drafting him)


  8. I was just doing a little psych ops - I actually have no idea what side Maxmillian is on. smile.gif I only know definitively which side two people are on (Fionn & myself)

    When I got my battalion assignment, the first thing I did was try to find out what I had under my command and what types of things I may have assigned to me.

    You'd be surprised at how little info there is on a Prophylaxis Awareness unit or an Armored Bakery Battalion. smile.gifsmile.gif (Old joke)

    Personally, I think it is less important what I have under my command than how to use the equipment. None of us who aren't beta testers have fought a battalion sized battle and there are dozens of units that we haven't had a chance to command.

    Again, the Nafziger site is great. And trust your superior officers to have the info on your side ready. I've had my command assignment since Feb 14 and staff position since Mar 21 (just checked my e-mail). This has given your staff officers more than enough time to come up with all sorts of info for consumption by Bn COs and lower rank staff officers.

    Also, do a search on TO&E and OOB and you should get some good results as this question comes up occasionaly.

    If you are new to CM and the CMMC, welcome aboard! It should be lots of fun.


    [This message has been edited by guachi (edited 05-24-2000).]

  9. Thanks for letting me know what side you are on. smile.gifsmile.gif

    Are you looking for a generic American OOB, or something like the 1st Bn, 52nd regt on July 5 had 'X' of this and 'Y' of that?

    The full game of CM will have TO&E for infantry units up to Battalion level so you can just use what the game gives you.

    If you want to buy some TO&Es, go to http://home.fuse.net/nafziger and watch your wallet drain of cash - more TO&Es and OOBs than you can shake a stick at.

    In any case, here is a list of American TO&E:

    Inf Bn

    1 x HQ Coy

    1 x Hvy Wpns Coy

    3 x Rifle Coy

    HQ Coy

    1 x Ammo & Pioneer Pl

    1 x ATk Pl (3 x 57mm ATk gun)

    1 x Communications Pl

    Hvy Wpns Coy

    6 x 81mm mortars

    8 x .30cal MGs

    3 x .50cal MGs

    Rifle Coy

    3 x Rifle Pl

    1 x Weapons Pl

    (3 x 60mm mortars, 2 x .30cal MGs, 1 x .50cal MG)

    Tank Bn

    1 x HQ Coy

    3 x Med Tank Coy

    1 x Light Tank Coy

    HQ Coy

    3 x M21 81mm mortar carirers

    3 x M4/105 tanks

    assorted trucks, halftracks, jeeps

    Med Tank Coy

    1 x M4/105

    17 x M4

    assorted other vehicles

    Light Tank Coy

    17 x M5

    assorted other vehicles

    Armored Infantry Bn

    1 x HQ Coy

    3 x Rifle Coy

    HQ Coy

    3 x M21 81mm mortar carriers

    3 x M7 105mm hows

    assorted vehicles and lots of halftracks

    Rifle Coy

    3 x 57mm ATk guns

    3 x Rifle Pl consisting of:

    3 x Rifle squads

    1 x mortar

    1 x LMG

    more halftracks and vehicles than you can shake a stick at

    For the CMMC, the real trick for intel officers isn't what a standard unit has, it's trying to figure out what 'extras' a unit has attached. American infantry units, for instance, are likely to have a liberal assortment of armor and artillery assigned to them.

    Another thing, unless you happen to be an ARmy or Corps level officer, you can be rest assured that your superiors have more info on these things than you could ever really need. At least, they'd better have the info or they should be reassigned.


  10. I have a SBLive Value and I have also set my card to the 'forest' setting. Seemed the most appropriate.

    Just don't forget to set it back because other things will sound really funky on your computer.

    If you just bought an SB Live, may I suggest getting good speakers to go along with them? I have Midiland S2/4030 speakers and I absolutely love them. If I had the money I would have bought S2/4100s. I've listened to CM on 'typical' computer speakers and the game sounds weak and tinny. The arty sounds like it is coming from a pop gun.

    I'm guessing that the soundcard cost you around $100 - the Midland 4030s will likely cost around $130.

    I like my speakers so much I've replayed turns just to listen to the sounds of all the carnage.


  11. If you live in the US, Priority Mail is supposed to take 2-3 days. I would guess that the six days is the maximum time that anyone in the US should expect to wait for the game.

    Having worked in a mail room, UPS has maps with guaranteed delivery times using standard ground delivery. I think that six days was the longest delivery time to anywhere in the continental US from where I live in Montana. I assume that USPS times are somewhat similar.

    My guess is that CM is being shipped somewhere from the east coast so six days seems like a good guess for the longest time we will have to wait for CM to get into our greedy little hands.


  12. Don't forget to sign up for a staff position! The aspect of the CMMC I like most is the ability to do some of the behind the scenes stuff.

    The jucier staff and command positions have been taken but I think that there are still good positions open. The side you want to join is my side. Which side is that? The side that is going to win!!

    Like Bullethead mentioned, the game will eat up 6-7 months of time so it helps if you are a "gaming freak" like TZEENCH and me. How much time per day it will take I don't really know.

    Just think, the now classic Alpha AAR was great marketing (it's how I got interested). An enormous online game should genereate huge interest in CM.


  13. I think having a bit of randomness is a good thing, but the one example I had (referenced by pcelt) was a little too random.

    I didn't mention that my reinforcements were also out of whack. the initial allotment is four shermans and a platoon. I got 12 shermans and a platoon.

    I have to admit, though, that having 18 MMGs and a company of tanks is pretty sweet. smile.gifsmile.gif

  14. Yep, I remember it being USPS Priority Mail. The cost is roughly the same (a bit lower for Priority) as well as having the USPS deliver to just about every address imagineable.

    UPS is a pain for shipping to non-business addresses. They don't generally leave the package at your door, don't deliver PO boxes, cost $1 more to delver to residential areas and $1 more for rural areas.


  15. For fun, I also did what Ray did jsut to see how many Amis I could have.

    The same bug occurred - units outside of set-up zone.

    Also, the force increasers don't seem to work all that approriately. At +150% my forces were a bit unusual. I had 18 MMGs and went from one Eng platoon to six but had no increase in Rifle platoons. It's actually kind of a pain moving around 18 MMGs 13 flamethrowers and 11 bazooka teams.

    All told, the increase over the original allocation of units was between 0% (for the Rifle platoons) to 800% for the MMGs. I don't know if this was the intention or not, but it seemed a little strange to me.

    I actually didn't do any better with all of these units because there were too many units to keep track of.


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