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Posts posted by guachi

  1. A few more to the list:

    sMG 07/12(o)

    leMG 099(i)

    leMG 100(h)

    leMG 116(f)

    leMG 120®

    leMG 126(B)

    leMG 145(j)

    leMG 147(j)

    sMG 201(n)

    sMG 221(B)

    sMG 230(h)

    sMG 238(p)

    sMG 246(j)

    sMG 261(i)

    About the MG 30(i), my info says that it was a 6.5 mm Breda modello 30 (leMG 099(i) to the Germans) rechambered to 7.92mm. A whopping 270 were made in 1945.

    I personally think it would be sweet if Volkssturm units were equipped with the awful Volksgewehere weapons. Or at least if their pictures showed them with these weapons.


  2. Industrial music makes good conquering music. Hard driving and guttural. The grinding background noises give the feel of tanks and other vehicles. The faster drum beats of speed metal sond like machine guns. Plus, there is a bunch of industrial music in German (KMFDM, Rammstein, etc.) to give a great feel for commanding the Germans.

    Holst's Mars from his Planets suite is very good. Battle music from any movie is also great. I watched Spartacus recently and the drums as the armies line up in one of the battle scenes is very cool. I am a big Star Wars junkie and John Williams music goes very well with CM.

    I second the recommendation of swing music. Great period music when playing the Americans. Swing, Swing, Swing is one of my all-time favorite pieces of music. It's a lot grittier tahn most other big band music. And if you can find a copy with Gene Krupa on the drums you will not be disappointed.


  3. Why, yes, I was on vacation. I have a friend who runs a restaurant in another town and he needed some accounting help for his business. He hadn't been keeping track of his books for the last three months so I had lots of work to do. I intentionally stayed away from the net so I could concentrate on my work and see some friends I haven't seen in months. Of course, the first thing I did was run to my room, log on, and surf on over here. I haven't put my bags away or even taken off my jacket yet.

    A question like the on 109 Gustav asked could be answered by reading posts from any given day on this board so it didn't really need an answer from me.


  4. I didn't realize it the first time cuz my speakers were turned off; this site plays music when looking at web pages. The cheesiest music you can possibly think of in the cheesiest synthesized manner.

    Reading about WWII while listening to 'Viva Las Vegas' and having every question end with 'only Jesus knows' and half the entries in the future names for CM changed to "CM: there's no Jesus like show Jesus' and poster's names changed to 'Old Wine 'n Guts' is just too surreal and funny!! biggrin.gif

    I laughed so hard my eyes watered.


    Really livened up poring over old messages for the FAQ. 'Viva... Viva... Las Vegas!!!'

  5. Terrain contrast has been improved since the beta demo so it should be easier to see elevation differences in the final version.

    In addition, the scenario creator/editor has all the terrain tiles with little elevation numbers on them. Wild Bill & the Raiders excellent site http://www.wbr.thegamers.net has an overview of the map editor and you can see all the little numbers on the map.

    But I agree, it would be cool to have a terrain map with little elevation lines on them.


    [This message has been edited by guachi (edited 04-09-2000).]

  6. Forum getting a little dull?

    Tired of reading posts in modern English?

    Now you can change all that!! Travel back to the 17th century with http://www.askjesus.org

    From this website you can "jesusify" (as they call it) any other website. Adds 'thees' and 'thous' and generally makes any text look like it came straight out of a King James Bible.

    The results are ABSOLUTELY HILARIOUS! biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


    Note: Some of you may be offended.

    [This message has been edited by guachi (edited 04-09-2000).]

  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I don't know about you, but I'm no simian or a distant relative of


    Huh? Did I not use the right word. {Walks over to a dictionary.} Nope I used the correct word all right. Are you saying that you are not in the primate Family (or is that Order)? Are you not human? Even if you were a sentient cat you'd still be related to an ape as you would still be a mammal.


    1. You were just joking. OR

    2. You need to run, not walk, over to http://www.talkorigins.org/ and buy yourself a clue.


    I don't know what is worse, scientific illiteracy or historical illiteracy. frown.gif

  8. Are you sure that hte 75/L48 used the same HE ammo as the 75/L24?

    The L43 and L48 are quite similar. The ammo of these two guns is interchangable. As far as I can determine, though, the L48 and L24, aside from being the same caliber, are completely different weapons.

    One main reason that the L24 was a better HE gun was simply that it carried more HE ammunition since it sucked so bad in the AT role.


  9. Occasionally I've been curious where posters are from or what they do for a living. I just click on the 'profile' button (the one with the question mark).

    I happen to know where Peter is from but I clicked on Peter's profile anyway. Nice, ummm, interests there Peter. biggrin.gif

    But we are all just simians in the end, right?

    Peter, is that your voice doing the voice over? I think to most Americans, a foregin accent speaking English is much cooler than a boring American one. But I'd love to contribute my boring American accent if it was needed in the future,

    BTW, I believe the phrase was "smashing the Nazi threat". I had to watch it several times to catch it because the music was a touch too loud.

    I've watched the movie a half dozen times now and I like it more every time. The best part is the B&W as it gives the film a nice period feel and also masks the poor resolution somewhat. I'd love to see a B&W version of BTS's trailer.


  10. The answer to your question is, "Both"

    PBEM turn exchanges are kind of funky. There are three kinds of e-mails you can receive from your opponent (excepting setup):

    1. A small file with just plotting orders

    2. A large file with a movie

    3. Another large file with a movie

    Here is what you are supposed to do in response to these files:

    1. Plot your orders, hit GO and generate turn, send turn to opponent (without watching it)

    2. After you watch the movie, you will be given the order screen for next turn. Plot your moves and send the small order file to your opponent.

    3. The other type of movie file is just a movie. All you do is watch ant return to your opponent. These are the movie files with the 'Ding of Death'.

    In a PBEM game, you will cycle between steps 1-3 until the game ends. The current set-up is anti-cheating as it means that each player generates turns instead of all turns being generated on one machine where they could be potentially hacked.


  11. When I first started reading this board pre-beta, my favorite part about the game was the VCR function and the ability to watch a turn over and over again as well as the then planned ability to watch an entire battle.

    At the time, it didn't occur to me that this ability would lead to cool fan efforts like AARs with downloadable turns and Combat Vision. Are there any any games where players can either watch other people's games or create cinematic movies?

    I think the next voice over for an American movie needs to have a nice baritone that all those 1940s Movietone News shorts had (or any other narrated thing in the 40s and 50s).


  12. Yes. Absolutely correct. I am sorry I wasn't more clear.

    All the MGs are lined up in a row. So the rear MGs are literally firing bullets directly through the units ahead.

    Initially, the reason I set it up this way was to make sure that I could get good LOS to the 88. A few meters either way and LOS would be blocked by the trees. At the time (mid-December), I didn't realize that being able to do this was a flaw.

    The AAR has about a half dozen examples where Robert and I are still feeling our way through the game system. At the time of the AAR, I had played Riesberg only once.


    [This message has been edited by guachi (edited 04-07-2000).]

  13. Links, Links, Links

    http://www.inxpress.net/~rokats/armyhome.html US Army Insignia

    http://www.angelfire.com/md2/patches/ American Military Patches

    http://kneller.com/Wehrmacht/ Wehrmacht Rank Insignia

    http://members.aol.com/sttatharos/WWII.html Official German maps of WWII

    http://www.forces70.freeserve.co.uk/index.htm Elite Forces of the Third Reich

    http://home.swipnet.se/normandy/index.html German OOB at Normandy VERY detailed. Soon to be a book from JJ Fedorowicz Publishing (at least that is what the author says). The publisher is the link that Madmatt gave in his other lookee here thread.

    http://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/Bunker/2480/ 9th SS reenactors. Great pics!

    http://www.military.icom-web.com/ Buy a WWII era Jeep

    http://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/Bunker/4882/ 3rd SS reenactors page

    http://www.idsi.net/wordcrafters/tmm/ Great looking models

    http://www.trailblazersww2.org/ 70th Infantry Division Association maintained by a forum member

    http://w3.one.net/~bcooper/history.html 86th Chemical Mortar Battalion

    http://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/Quarters/9517/ US Mechanized Cavalry

    http://www.angelfire.com/biz/550cafe/navajo.html A short page about Navajo code talkers

    http://www.achtungpanzer.com/panzer.htm Achtung Panzer! Pictures, pictures, and more pictures of German AFVs.

    http://www.mobilixnet.dk/~mob75281/gunsarm.htm Tank gun comparisons

    http://www.kki.net.pl/mrmacia/right02.htm Equipment used during Polish campaign

    http://www.geocities.com/Augusta/8172/panzerfaust.htm Your friend, the panzerfaust

    http://hometown.aol.com/rayeso/index.html/mainpage.html The X-4 air-to-air guided missile

    http://members.tripod.de/TechnicalArchives/ The Technical Panzer Archives

    http://users.rowan.edu/~boyl6102/WWII.htm Life on the homefront

    http://mops.uci.agh.edu.pl/~rzepinsk/1939/index2.htm The Polish Campaign

    Some links I have are left out because they either aren't very good or aren't catalouged yet.

    When the FAQ is finally finished, I hope to get some submissions on good sites as well as pruning out links that aren't particularly related to CM.


    Arrggh! One mistake

    [This message has been edited by guachi (edited 04-06-2000).]

  14. This question came up last week so I just did a 'cut-n-paste' of last weeks message

    From the "why only three men per squad?" section of the FAQ.





    These are some REALLY old discussions. The oldest is over a year old.

    Some basic reasons:

    Not enough CPU power or VRAM (not for most people, anyway)

    The soldier's individual locations aren't currently tracked; they are jsut an abstracted 'blob'. If all men were represented, individual soldier location/behavior would need to be tracked (like CC). Coding nightmare! Massive LOS calculations!

    If all soldiers were represented it would be massive screen clutter. As Steve has said, "UI nightmare"


  15. Yeah, what are the drive-in totals on tonights Combat Mission Vision?!

    I want:


    kitten-fu (Hellcats and tigers)



    tank duels with crash and burn

    shell through the turret

    Unfortunately. the censors have edited out showing the dead bodies, but I still wanna know how many!

    Jason (with thanks to Joe Bob Briggs)

    Grasshopper walks into a bar. Bartender says, "Hey, we got a drink named after you."

    "Really," the grasshopper says. "You've got a drink named Steve?"

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