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Posts posted by guachi

  1. Look, I don't buy the "BTS is just two guys" excuse.

    I work in a three person (should be four) software company. It consists of my stepfather, mother (but she has cancer and can't work at the moment) and another fellow my age named Tommy. If we pulled "we are just a small company" on our customers, they would laugh at us. And S&C aren't doing that either but some others have.

    The reason I brought up the missed release dates is that, in going through old threads for the FAQ, it is comical how far off they were in their estimates. I would characterize it as 'delusionally optimistic'.


  2. Guys, lay off Rob. When the forums were split, Steve and/or Charles told us to politely point people towards the appropritate forum.

    Unlike you guys, Rob was polite. And he even admitted that he might be wrong that this topic would be more appropriate for the other forum.



    Betas available to everyone are just publicity stunts anyways. -FK

  3. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that I haven't received the game yet.

    The constantly shifting shipping updates go right along with the constantly shifting release dates. It basically boils down to, "The game will be finished whenever it is finished, ship whenever it is shipped, and arrive whenever it arrives."

    I've learned my lesson. I put faith in BTS to come vaguely close to releasing the game when they said they would and to have preorders ship before those who ordered later. What a joke.

    No CM2 preorder for me.



    Betas available to everyone are just publicity stunts anyways. -FK

  4. in my comletely blind game against Berli (scenario picked at random) in get to play the Red Devils.

    Should be lots of fun.

    For the next couple of months, i'll concentrate on playing my CMMC battalion. I hope my CO's can whip up some scenarios (or point some out) that my side can train with.

    After the CMMC starts, i'll probably want to play anything BUT my CMMC battalion.



    Betas available to everyone are just publicity stunts anyways. -FK

  5. Lorak, minor grog quibble. I watched a 'Tales of the Gun' episode on the History Channel about the Thompson and on it the mentioned that a M3 Grease gun could be made for about $15.

    Still way less than what it cost for a Thompson.


    I only care about this cuz I am a Finance guy and money is my thing. (not that I have any. I don't have enough money to my name to BUY one of those $15 M3s)

  6. I own a pair of S2 Midiland 4030s (now relegated for rear speakers) Price - $130 or so.

    These are great.

    I also own a pair of S2 Midiland 4100s (front speakers on SBLive). Price $300.

    These are even better.

    Go to http://www.midiland.com or do a search on Midiland or S2 in a search engine.

    Midiland has links to reviews and every review I read raves about the 4100s.

    These babies have POWER!!



    Betas available to everyone are just publicity stunts anyways. -FK

  7. BASTARDS!! smile.gif

    I live in Monroe (On I20). Ordered last Sept. No game. It's a conspiracy I tell


    Just venting. We need a Bayou head to head meeting sometime this summer.

    Get together in New Orleans or something. Have crawfish, a Po'boy or two and play CM!!



    Betas available to everyone are just publicity stunts anyways. -FK

  8. GRRRRR!!!!



    No Copy. Preorder was Sept. 99.

    In the immortal words if Charlton Heston in "Planet of the Apes" - To all of those playing "The" Game right now, "Damn you all to Hell!"




    Betas available to everyone are just publicity stunts anyways. -FK

  9. I will be in Italy the first two weeks of September. One week in Rome and the second in Milan. If possible a hotseat game would be great fun. Maybe I will ahve learned a little Italian by then.



    Betas available to everyone are just publicity stunts anyways. -FK

  10. Having driven the length of Texas four times to and from Monroe, LA and Billings, MT I have definitely heard a Texas drawl. It isn't quite as thick as what Hollywood makes it out to be, but it is there. Subtley, but noticeably different from what I hear in Louisiana which is different again from other southern accents further east.

    If someone could put together a 'regional accent' pack, that would be really sweet. I'm tired of hear Madmatt's voice. biggrin.gif



    Betas available to everyone are just publicity stunts anyways. -FK

  11. I like tequilia and I'll second the call for Patron. Really good stuff.

    I believe there are five levels of tequilia:

    silver/white, gold, reposada, and two others that I think mean old and really old.

    If you want to get hammered on cheap stuff, go for silver or gold, although I don't particularly like gold. Much of it is just colored for American tastes.

    A good sipping tequilia begins at the reposado level. But make sure that you have good salt and good limes to go along with it.


    Note: I learned this stuff off the Food Network on a show called 'Taste' - one episode of which ws dedicated to tequilias (on cinco de mayo, naturally). But I did have a taste for Patron before that.


    Betas available to everyone are just publicity stunts anyways. -FK

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