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Posts posted by guachi

  1. My first thought qwhen I looked at it was that it was a Wespe. After looking up some info I think it IS a Wespe.

    A Marder III (built in the 38(t)chassis) has four large road wheels and no return rollers. A Wespe (built on the Pz II chassis) has five medium sized rpad wheels and three return rollers.

    In addition, notice the opening in the superstructure to allow the gun to elevate. A Marder III doesn't have this opening as it is unnecessary for a tank destroyer. But the opening IS necessary for self propelled artillery to elevate its gun.

  2. Men's basketball US

    Women's basketball US

    Women's soccer US

    Women's hockey US

    American football US

    (America might not have the best baseball team in the world so I didn't include it. So many of the great players are not Americans...)

    You can't just discount three entire sports because your country isn't any good in them!! smile.gif In that case you can't include rugby, field hockey, volleyball, men's soccer, and any other team sport America isn't anty good in!! smile.gif

    [Country boasting mode on] Which country's economy grew at 7.3% in 1999Q4? Which country has an unemployment rate under 4.5%? Which country has a per capita GDP 87% higher than NZ?[Country boasting mode off]

  3. Lorak and I were discussing this in the chat area yesterday, which is why he posted the question. The only answer given previously about split squad firepower was kind of vague.

    Remember: The firepower numbers given in the unit screen DO NOT always equal the firepower number that appears when you target an enemy unit.

    Take two squads that are otherwise equal in everything but experience. Target an enemy unit equidistant from your two squads. Notice that the firepower numbers ae not equal.


  4. If BTS hadn't made the release announcement a few days ago, I was going to post an April fool's message as well. It was going to be from "Bigge Tyme Sopht Wear" and it was going to say that the game had gone gold.

    OB&G wins, though!

    That was pretty funny. biggrin.gif


    [This message has been edited by guachi (edited 04-01-2000).]

  5. I hate to add more verbiage to this topic but...

    One place I would LOVE a unit screen is at the beginning of a battle. Certainly, a scenario designer could list all the units and other info in the scenario briefing, but I would like one in game.

    I jsut find it a hassle organizing my forces before deployment. I would love to be able to see a list of the units available with experience listed and a 'jump to' button or something.

    There was a thread awhile ago about what the first thing we do in a scenario is. I do the same thing that some others do; I put my units into little piles. This always takes a few minutes and is nothing but a hassle. A unit info screen with a 'jump to' might solve this problem.

    Of course, the inclusion of a screen like this may encourage people to aske for more and then where do you stop?


  6. 1942 1943 1944

    183.9 199.6 222.5 US

    7.7 8.9 6.4 Germany

    The above numbers are millions of metric tons of fuel available including imports and synthetic production. Unfortunately, I don't have figures for other nations, but the above figures show that the Germans were clearly outmatched in their ability to move equpment and men. No wonder the Germans left equipment where it was when units were transferred. They simply couldn't afford to move it all.

    The Americans NEEDED all that fuel as I can't think of any combat (outside of some sub warfare) that ocurred within 1,000 miles of any American state.


    [This message has been edited by guachi (edited 03-31-2000).]

  7. There is a thread entitled After CM1... posted to just yesterday (March 30th) that I posted five or so links to some threads about future versions. The answers others gave above are correct, though...

    I can understand not wanting to use the search function to search through 37,000+ threads...but not to look at a thread that is only a day old...

    About Lend-Lease. In addition to all the transportation, the US also shipped large quantities of food and clothing to the Soviet Union. Not particularly sexy things, but vital nonetheless.

    2,000 locomotives

    11,000 rail wagons

    3,000,000 tons of gasoline

    540,000 tons of rails

    51,000 jeeps

    375,000 trucks

    15,000,000 (!) pairs of boots

    Jason - must get FAQ done to save my sanity. biggrin.giftongue.gif

    [This message has been edited by guachi (edited 03-31-2000).]

  8. From the "why only three men per squad?" section of the FAQ.





    These are some REALLY old discussions. The oldest is over a year old.

    Some basic reasons:

    Not enough CPU power (not for most people, anyway)

    The soldier's individual locations aren't currently tracked. If all men were represented, individual soldier location/behavior would need to be tracked (like CC). Coding nightmare! Massive LOS calculations!

    If all soldiers were represented it would be massive screen clutter. As Steve has said, "UI nightmare"

    Jason - If only I could get a paying job hunting down links...

  9. I became interested in WWII at the age of four. Loved all the planes and tanks and stuff.

    Got the American Heritage Picture History of WWII as a gift when I was five. the book is, like, 600 pages long and is a 'coffee table' sized book. Tough reading and brutal pictures for a five year-old! One of the very first pictures is of a person liberated from a concentration camp. I don't even need to open the book to know what the picture looks like. It took me two years to finish that book... and it is still sitting on my bookshelf behind me.


  10. You rang?


    For a quick BTS description of unit experience

    http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/000731.html has a very involved account of 20mx20m tiles as well as a longer description of experience

    And last is a very funny description by Fionn. Check it out, you'll smile.gif when you read it http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/000974.html

    Jason - some say 'links' and think of golf, I think of urls

    [This message has been edited by guachi (edited 03-30-2000).]

  11. Based on the economy, I think the US was the clear victor. War production made the US economy boom and what better place to wage war than on someone else's soil.

    America had almost no civilian casualties and almost no property damage. By the end of the war, America's GDP was almost half of the world's total!!

    Even now US GDP is massive. If you just took Federal government expenditures, they would be equal to the entire GDP of Germany (third largest economy in the world)


    [This message has been edited by guachi (edited 03-30-2000).]

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