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Everything posted by Echo

  1. Leaving knocked out guns on the map during operations? Adds to the atmosphere with piles of wrecks and equipment. Not to mention sometimes I cant remember if I knocked out that pain in the ass gun on the last battle or not.
  2. New game for Feb 2002. Check this out guys. http://www.mohaa.ea.com/
  3. I believe the Germans did use a rifle grenade bundle, that had 5 or 6 "masher" grenades on it. Not modeled in CM though.
  4. I dont mean to sound like an ass, but isn't that an update at Toms HQ, not CMHQ?
  5. I've noticed a decline in the "hardcore" PC Gamer staff in the last few years. Most of them are now twidget heads playing shoot em ups. Trotters material is getting stale even. In fact, I've just talked myself into canceling my scrip.
  6. Looks like I'm off to pick up some blank video tapes! [grin]
  7. Thanks for the link bro. I've been waiting for this for some time, and I must say, the beasts are a bear to fly. Very good demo. Graphics, flight, and damage models are excelent. Just watched an entire crew bail out of a Russian transport in what seemed like slow motion. Gave me goose bumps.
  8. Only game I've bought in the last year and a half, and I still play it every day.
  9. This guy did his homework. Check out the smoke stains at the top of the window on the second to last building.
  10. One cannot control where reinforcements will appear in an operation. They will be available for setup anywhere in the ground you control on the day/battle# that they appear.
  11. This board is full of a bunch of over educated, limp wristed pussys. Go field dress a deer this season and maybe a few red pixels in a bitmap wont make you so squeemish. As for Germany not selling it, that sounds like a problem YOU the people of Germany should do something about. Your freedoms are obviously being trampled on over there. We dont tolerate that **** here in the States.
  12. Looked all over the net, CMHQ had them in untested section, but that was before they updated the site. Its gone now. Anybody got it?
  13. If you need someone to kill you ruthlessly, and with utmost efficentcy, lemme know. :cool:
  14. I've been out of the loop for 3 week after moving, and having no IP. My new e-mail address is "RGADD@cinci.rr.com". Please shoot me our last turns and I'll fire it back. (With the loss of my old IP, I've lost my address book as well. Get in touch with me!).
  15. I'll try your ambient noise/ delayed "GO" fix. Never the less, still a pain in the butt.
  16. Hey, I haven't heard about Maxx's fix. Does he have a web site or e-mail? Hows about some details.
  17. I know BTS is working hard on CM2, but take 10 minutes out of your time to fix the stupid "prisoner captured/ annoying Windows "ding"/ game locks up bug". It ALWAYS happens during TCP/IP play. Everyone has had it happen to them, and I e-mailed the screwed up file to BTS many months ago. It can be worked around by continuing via E-mail, but when I'm good and liquored up, and have just over-run that german position, with the blood lust boiling in my veins, dead bodies lying all around my position, and one last pathetic bastard left standing decides to throws down his arms, I pray to the gods of war that I had a 16inch battery landing on his ass before the 60 second timer is up. This burns my ass.
  18. E-mail me, I'll shoot it to you. (You will be miserable).
  19. I get all kinds of quality time with CM. Finding time for the wife and kids is another matter.
  20. Open the operation in the editor and make sure the no mans land setting is 80m or less. I always do that before playing an op.
  21. Thanks for the info there. I'm not having any problems playing TCP/IP over the net. Just trying to play within the LAN without the net connection...BUT keeping the option to connect to the net whenI want to.
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