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Everything posted by Lorak

  1. ok... now that I've dug this hole. This is where my PBEM oppenents can chime in on how bad I am. Maybe Fionn will play with half his brain tied behind his back? Mirior invictus! Lorak saxon? " The Garvey name is ancient, traceable to pre-christian times. The anglicized Garvey derives from Gairbhe, Prince of Murrisk, and means "Warlike". Traceable from Carbrey Liffecar, who was leader (*monarch) of all Ireland c. AD 300.
  2. Searching...Searching...He found death... torn apart by rabid penguins.. LOL... ok ya Doxie. Will send you the Setup in the morning, well morning american time. I'll try not to make a hames of the job. Go bpleasca do chuid naimhde do thoin bheagmhaitheasach! Lorak <------caffler [This message has been edited by Lorak (edited 05-10-2000).]
  3. Saxon!! Go gcreime na grainneoga cealgrunacha do bhall Fearga!!! Mo chara is mo lao thu! Tabhair dom do lamh Lorak P.S. Fine with me. I haven't played "the valley" yet so just e-mail me a setup. LRMcGarvey@yahoo.com P.S.S. I guess loosing to a Celt isn't so bad.. Hell they had to save the planet in "battlefield earth" too.. [This message has been edited by Lorak (edited 05-10-2000).]
  4. Hey Fionn, I agree with the others. Your knowledge,insight, and time that you have put into CM and the CMMC is most welcome. But you can't walk through the woods without picking up a few ticks. Lorak P.S. and no I haven't gone soft... Our Blood fued is still on! "Morior invictus" -- clan O'Gairbit
  5. Matt, question on the snow. It looks like there is a path that winds from center screen to the left bunker. Is that just camera angle? tile edges? Aliens implanting copper and bronze spheres in my head that make me imagine things? Lorak
  6. lol.. no link... It's in my sig. Lorak ------------------ http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub
  7. Thanks Matt. Thats what I figured. Lorak ------------------ http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub
  8. Fionn, one other question. does barbed wire act as a total block? Or can infantry cross it (just at a major disadvantage)? Lorak ------------------ http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub
  9. Sorry blood and guts. It was from the book Battlefield Earth (reading it now). I should have figured they would cut out a lot of the good stuff. Hollywood.......sheesh Lorak ------------------ http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub
  10. Blood and Guts.. "Don't call me rat brain. My name is Jonnie." Lorak ------------------ http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub
  11. I know this has nothing to do with the CW or the age of rifles. But I do plan on setting up a scenario with just plain rifle units and maybe dug in artillery for cannons. Nothing else. Just for fun to see how it would play out. Just an idea. I'm full of them....even if most are stupid. Lorak ------------------ http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub
  12. Hey Patrick, I don't know why screenshots didn't work in your search. But use Printscreen. There are too many threads on this to list here. Lorak ------------------ http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub
  13. Hello Keith and welcome aboard. Yes CM uses a tile system. The tiles are 20x20. Also if you look at some of the seasonal screen shots you will notice that the color of the tile under the trees does change to reflect leaves ect.. This truly is the best editor I've seen.. Oh, and did you remember to check your life in at the door? you won't have one for a while.... Lorak ------------------ http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub
  14. Excuse me. this question was posted on the closed thread. (no I'm not going there. ) Someone ask if they could design a rescue operation. I'd like to offer this suggestion/question. I believe you could start the scenario with some half-squads cut off by the enemy and either panicked or broke. Your job would be to get a HQ unit to them, increase their moral and then get them back. Instead of victory locations, award points for units that safely exited a designated board edge. well thats my suggestion. My question (to the testers) Is this possible? thanks in advance Lorak ------------------ http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub
  15. sniper.... I loved that game. I wish someone would do a modern computer game of that one. Maybe avalon hill's squad leader will be close!!! lol, who am I kidding? Lorak ------------------ http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub
  16. LOL Patton.. your in trouble now. CM will now haunt your every moment. As for your Tanks and woods. Fionn is correct (as usual) they can not move through woods. If you want to hug a tree line you'll need to plot a lot of waypoints to guide them around the trees. Just takes a little practice. You can move through scattered trees, but remember that there is always a chance your AFV will become immobilized or throw a track. As far as your proplem ambushing. Are you ordering your troops to hide before setting up the ambush? If so that is your problem. You need to set the ambush, and then Hide your troops. Welcome aboard! TTFN Lorak ------------------ http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub [This message has been edited by Lorak (edited 05-02-2000).]
  17. Hey great news Bill! Looking foward to it. Lorak ------------------ http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub
  18. Major Tom, With all due respect, I understand what your saying. But showing one body per squad of 12 people isn't going to the extrem. I also agree that BTS could have chosen any marker to give us the units stats. I think the course they set upon meets all objectives very nicely. It's not gory, Easy to find and identify (crosses? how do you tell which side?), (helmets on rifles? hard to tell sides also unless your at level one and searching). So a body done in uniform and with taste is the best way possible. IMHO Lorak ------------------ http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub
  19. Tom, I think it all depends on the gore factor. If there is no gore (all pictures suggest this) then I see no problem. As a way to keep track of your KIA's, and gain information on them, this is a plus. I've had several heros that I would have loved to get a screen shot of... But I waited to late. Lorak P.S. I know what my PBEM opponents are thinking.. But even us losers get lucky once in a while ------------------ http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub [This message has been edited by Lorak (edited 05-01-2000).]
  20. sorry here is the link. ------------------ http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub
  21. Spider... If i remember correctly. The Helicopter hit a cliff and fell to the ground. and about 4 or 5 people climbed out. Lorak ------------------ http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub
  22. IIRC didn't the germans have trouble using their trains in Russia? Due to diffrent track widths? Lorak ------------------ http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub
  23. Great story! Thanks for posting that Kraut. TTFN Lorak ------------------ http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub
  24. I have read it Foobar. It was up there yesterday. All I'm saying is that you can't run over people with tanks. Has been stated plenty of times. If I'm not mistaken Matt had that same picture posted on his site a few weeks ago, which caused this same discussion. I'm just saying that you have to take into account that some actions,commentary, get added to AAR's to make them more colorful and fun to read. TTFN Lorak ------------------ http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub
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