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Everything posted by Lorak

  1. so you have roughly a 60% chance of causing some damage. Not bad, But It really would depend on how much ammo you have to spare and what other targets were avalible. Lorak ------------------ http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX for CM
  2. I've used Hotmail and Yahoo for my PBEM games. Hotmail works fine if the files you recieved are zipped. If you need to zip your files before sending, depends on your opponent. With Yahoo. I never have had a problem recieving files in yahoo mail. I've only had problems sending files in yahoo once, and that was with one opponent. The rest worked fine. Zipping files is the easiest way to get around any problems you may be having. There are several zipping programs avalible. Just do a web search on them. I use pkzip. Lorak ------------------ http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX for CM
  3. ok.... so I'm an idiot. I can use the cut option in the edit screen. I just didn't think you could open the edit screen if it wasn't your post. Thanks for the tip! Lorak ------------------ http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX for CM
  4. Thanks again. Hopefully these tidbits will be helpful to some newcommers. Lorak ------------------ http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX for CM
  5. I wasn't on board early enough to submit my name.... but then again i'll never see this on the forum... " That damn sgt. McGarvey, I had his sherman placed in an excellent ambush position, What does he do? He misses! Point blank, twice!! then gets taken out by a 200 meter shreck team. Can we court martial our guys? or just beat them with sticks?" Lorak ------------------ http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX for CM
  6. Same here. I love watching "combat". Comes on here every thursday for an hour to an hour and a half in the afternoons on movieplex. As for "Rat Patrol", Man I loved that show as a kid! granted it isn't too realistic, But worth the price of admission just to see the jeeps jump the dunes. Lorak ------------------ http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX for CM
  7. Hell SuperTed, I feel like I should have paid $50 for the beta Demo as much as I played it. Lorak ------------------ http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX for CM
  8. Thanks Guys, Just what I was looking for. Too Bad I can't Just cut and paste your comments... Oh well, I just love to type So please don't get offended if some of your comments are paraphrased. Thanks Lorak ------------------ http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX for CM [This message has been edited by Lorak (edited 05-30-2000).]
  9. Whats sad is....... Having had bad storms my house has been in the dark for almost 2 days. The Sad part is.. I was looking foward to having to work today, on a holiday, just so I could check the board. Lorak ------------------ http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX for CM
  10. Thanks Manx, added. Lorak ------------------ http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX for CM
  11. Hey Gyrene251. Your link isn't working. Just thought I'd give you a heads up. Also since we lost our thread when the forum died... could we get a short chime in from everyone again? Lorak North Carolina ------------------ http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX for CM
  12. Thanks Maximus, they are added. Lorak ------------------ http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX for CM
  13. Greetings, I'm planning on starting a section on my CM page that provided helpful little hints and tips to CM players. I figure there will be a lot of new players coming on board that might find some of the things we have discovered helpful. I'm not asking anyone to give away their game winning stratagies or anything map specific. I was just wondering if any of you had anything you would like to submit to be posted there. Thanks Lorak ------------------ http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX for CM
  14. in case you don't have it. E-mail is lrmcgarvey@yahoo.com Lorak ------------------ http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX for CM [This message has been edited by Lorak (edited 05-29-2000).]
  15. Matt, Could I get you to send me the URL info for the CM webring? Thanks. Lorak
  16. LoL, Username. It doesn't seem a very safe way of traveling. Maybe they are just protecting each others flanks... Lorak ------------------ http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub The McGarvey Homepage
  17. Saw this Picture and It had Valley written all over it. Hope ya'll like it. Lorak ------------------ http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub The McGarvey Homepage [This message has been edited by Lorak (edited 05-26-2000).]
  18. OB&G please lighten up a little bit. Next thing you'll be doing is asking us all for our hall-pass. Lorak ------------------ http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub The McGarvey Homepage
  19. Testing Sig ------------------ http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/combatmissionclub The McGarvey Homepage
  20. Thanks Guys. Thats what I needed to know. Now I just need to actualy do something with it. Lorak
  21. Greetings, I'm starting a homepage (yes it will have a CM section). I've checked everything with IE. I was wondering if someone using netscape would look at the couple pages I have up and tell me if they display correctly. Thanks Lorak The McGarvey Homepage
  22. No Mirage, Artillery will actualy take out a bunker. In one pbem right now I hit a concrete bunker and caused the crew to abandon it. Didn't blow the bunker up. I'm assuming it may have caused gun damage ect.. Lorak
  23. ahhh... I remember now. I remember how it started.. I can't remember yesterday, only doing what they told me...told me...told me...
  24. Guachi.... How did you get the Prophylaxis Awareness unit?? Makes my atomic armored dog sled scouting unit seem out dated. Lorak
  25. 31, married, one daughter age 2, dog, 2 cats, lots of fish. typical family guy. well.... except for this addiction to CM!! Thank God my wife has the patience of Job. Thats about it, guess I need to get back to my no-life now. Lorak
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