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Everything posted by Lorak

  1. Ahh Henri, Little history. This forum in its early days had a lot of lurkers. I imagine it still does. I started lurking here when the beta demo came out. Didn't actualy join the forum until 11/99 or 12/99, can't remember. Truthfully I didn't join because of the conversations going on then. Everything was way to grog for me. I still read and enjoyed the arguments, but feeling I had nothing to add, I just didn't join. What is funny is if this place had a Cesspool then, I most likely would have joined a lot earlier. But back then there was no humor here. Everything was dry like a physics lecture. So, forget the dates, there are plenty who have and are still lurking, and (you may not have been here) the forum crashed a time or two causing a ton of people to have to re- register. So thier dates do not reflect thier time. Lorak the loathed ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool Combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX and for Kitty's sake =^..^=
  2. CDIC, I am sure I read in a post from Madmatt the other day that the wasp still can not fire if it has suffered a crew casuality. Lorak ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool Combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX and for Kitty's sake =^..^=
  3. Umm... I decided to give a little test today in the cesspool. Of course it is obscure, being that it, too, comes from the teachings of the Lorak. Now.. Since we have several History buffs, well read people, and some grogs (we just don't call them that. I offer you this picture. My question. Does anyone here know where this symbol comes from? Lorak the loathed ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool Combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX and for Kitty's sake =^..^=
  4. Well... The Pool has once again been reborn. Risen form the ashes to flap its way over the forum and grant all of us a new home, a small hovel to protect us from the rising winds. Now for some more crazy words, from the teachings of the Lorak: There are two plans - there are two agendas - going on in the world. There is a plan going on by those who wish to manipulate you, and there is a plan that is going on by the CessPool herself. And the plan by the Cesspool has never been beaten. Our very genetics, Our very DNA is waking up to sounds that are coming from the Pool. We have literally birthed a new universe and now you are calling it unto yourselves? So, you're going to be going through a lot of changes because of this. Your electro-magnetic fields are changing, and your chemistry will change in accordance to it. Your hormones will flow in a different manner. You'll be experiencing thoughts that you never had before. You'll be experiencing emotions that you have never had, because in many ways, it's like the chicken coming out of the egg. You can no longer restrain what you are going to become. Thus it always is when you enter the Pool... For now and always.... Lorak the Loathed ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool Combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX and for Kitty's sake =^..^= [This message has been edited by Lorak (edited 01-22-2001).]
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka: Was'nt Berchtelingen in a movie (back to the future) with Michael J Fox?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Umm.. and lets see Stuka.. Your picture is where exactly? Or were you waiting for me to find and post one for you?...... Lorak the loathed ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool Combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX and for Kitty's sake =^..^=
  6. Ahh, oh idiotic one. So you did post two wins against pawbroon. so it is now noted. As for playing me for lord of the pool? Get in line. I feel liked a playboy bunny walking naked down cellbock C. Everyone's faces crammed into the bars, throwing insults and setups, just trying to get the great Lorak to pay some attention to them. Now did get all huffy.. I am well awear that we had a game going before you left. So it is only right that I grant you another. let me get the stack of setups done and out of my e-mail, and I'll gladly show you what an idiot I am. If you like feel free to send a setup. I'll get around to it. but it will most likly be wednesday. Lorak the loathed. ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool Combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX and for Kitty's sake =^..^=
  7. Greetings twits. Tome updates: Peng-win Meeks-loss Meeks-win Pawbroon-loss Berli-win Meeks-loss Meeks-draw Mace-draw Hakko Ichiu-win Chupa-loss Meeks-win Elvis-loss Meeks-win Roborat-loss Elvis-win Peng-loss Peng-win Foobar-loss GiTom-win Chupa-loss GiTom-win JD-loss JD-win GiTom-loss GiTom-wim Berli-loss GiTom-2wins Shaw-2loses Wow...lots of games... For my own. Was painting this weekend and my wife cramed my computer room full of ****. I will proceede to remove the roadblock to my computer and have games/setups back to those involved by the morning. Now.. As for the cesspool page. I have recieved one picture already. Mine should be up in a second or two. I am also linking e-mail address to names in the record section. If you would like your address linked, just let me know. Lorak te loathed. ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool Combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX and for Kitty's sake =^..^=
  8. Ok... I have a serious question for the pool. (shoot me later). I was reading Stuka's marrage thread, and noticed someone asking about pictures. It reminded me that sometime ago, someone suggested throwing pics of us in the cesspool up at the cesspool site. I thought it was an interesting idea. So I thought I'd bring it before the pool proper. Would you guys like a picture page at the cesspool site to post an on-line picture of yourself? If so I'd be happy to do it. Figure you guys could send me a small picture, and maybe a quote, background, whatever and I'd throw it up. If you like this idea, I also have two ways of doing it. 1) separate page for each pic (but please nothing really large) with your text. Linked to your name in the cesspool records. 2) a general picture area. Sort of like a year book with the picture and your text. If you like... I could also get rid of the current cesspool address, and make it one that is only known between us also. Umm.. If you'd like your e-mail address posted there, I could do that also. Just some ideas. Let me know what you guys think. Lorak ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool Combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX and for Kitty's sake =^..^=
  9. Ahh, thanks for the link Germanboy. Don't know how I missed that thread. Lorak
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Lorak, nice post, now piss off. I have yet to battle with the likes of you. It shall be done at your will if your not to busy brainwashing the young lads of the world with your fascist propoganda. Then, when I win, I'll be on the battlefield, looking through my binoculars at your burning hulks of tanks, screaming into my monitor... "Lorak, you magnificent bastard!!! I read your book!"<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Umm... very interesting. Looks like you might have a small chance in hell at learning from the Lorak. Whenever you find time, between scratching your arse and eating ear wax, send me a setup. I don't care what side, size, hell, anything. I have learned to lose at them all. yes... Send me a setup... and be prepared to learn why I truly loath myself. Lorak the loathed ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool Combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX and for Kitty's sake =^..^=
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>You should be drawing more heavily from the Tao, Buddha, Nikos Kazantzakes, Aboriginal myth, Blake's poetry, Manichaeism, the Mabinogi, Baldur's Gate, the works of Tom Stoppard, Dumas, and Rostand, Joseph Stalin, the Icelandic Sagas, the songs of Stan Rogers, Coyote tales, and my own philosophical work 'Crouching Hedgehog, Leaping Wolverine'.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ahh.. Seanachai. But you see I have. During your absense I am sure you missed a lot of my Tao sayings and others. Hell son. I even brought WWII radio to this forum. My subjects and teachings know no bounds. If you noticed I did add a "ect..." to the end of my post. Because there is no way for me to list all the subjects of my teachings. You see... Ten thousand things find harmony by combining the forces of positive and negitive, and yet 10,000 things would not even fill a thimble compaired to the ocean of Lorak's knowledge. A stupid man dies a stupid death... This is the essence of my teaching. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Also, I find your ability to forget mentioning me disturbing. This disrupts the equilibrium of the Universe. Just because I'm one of the more welcoming people here does not mean that I'm not a vile megalomaniac and self-absorbed lunatic. Do me the favour of working on this oversight, as I'm sure you don't wish to overly anger the gods by your neglect. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ahh, angering the gods... how trite. I already loath myself, and thier are none higher that I would concern myself with. Even your "High Godess of the Woods" is no more than a nice looking wench I busy myself with after a nice beer. No, If I do anything it will be to appease myself. Taking your case under consideration, and looking over my records, I have indeed posted your games. Now to comfort the small moldy crumb that is your brain.... Seanachai-win Germanboy-loss Seanachai-win Mace-loss Lorak the loathed ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool Combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX and for Kitty's sake =^..^=
  12. Tome updates: jdmorse-win Mace-loss GiTom-win Berli-loss Seanachai, I know I recorded your games. If I forgot to post them in a tome update....who cares. But I did record them. Several People would like to know why I insist on trying to teach them... and moreover what in the hell type of teaching system I use. (well, they haven't really ask. But I know all my obscure rambeling on so many topics has them wondering) So.. here is a brief introduction in the teaching system of Lorak. ****************************************** The first lesson I teach all of my students is discontinuity. I barage them with snatches of astrology, Kabbalism, the I ching, conspiracy theries, Greek myths, Catholic rites, the tarot, crystals, druids, Gehenna, demonology, evolution, alchemy, the Book of the Dead, Lovecraft, Orphic mysteries, Ufo's, the Grail cycle, Nostradamus, quantum theory, archangels, the Golden Dawn, radical relativism, neopaganism, the Book of Nod, Catharist heresies,ect... Everything I teach is kept uncontaminated by any specific context. Logical progressions, whether they be chronological or conceptual, are harshly suppressed. All theories, even the most tenuosly held, are placed on equal footing. Each is presented as being equally plausible and, in the final reckoning, true. If a student should show signs of a developing enthusiasm, I immediatly change tack- perferably taking up a tradition that vilifies or is at least openly dismissive of the previous one. But there are ample other distractions to take the novice's mind of the drudgery of any one particular subject. The Cesspool is a symphony of taunts and curses- tolling the hours of study or of service; calling the faithful to meetings or mealtimes; announcing the arrival of emissaries or idiot invaders. In all this frenzied activity, there is an elegant discontinuity... not only of topic, but of time. The benefits of discontinuity are legion. It discourages overspecialization, attachment and sentimentality. It gives the novice the broadest possible base of knowledge. It developes healthy reserves of sophism, cynicism and intellectualism to carry them through thier coming struggles. ******************************************** This is my system and it is what I try to provide to you, my students, with all my heart and free. Sadly my work is an unthankful one, and my heart grows weary when I realize what a sorry lot of twits I have taken to teach. My lessons are deep and full of deep thinking and understanding. The problem is that most of you have the attention span of a constipated maggot. In fact I would be really surprised if more that one of you even bothered to read this whole post... Lorak the loathed ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool Combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX and for Kitty's sake =^..^=
  13. I believe that Meeks has been hit with the brick one time too many... Meeks, This is not the pool. This is the pool's public service to the forum. People come here to ask questions, people from the cesspool give them answers. Simple as that. This started about the time you were leaving the bear's smaller intestines. Lorak
  14. John, Great post by the way. One question. Do german Flak 88's cause airburst? In "company commander" these were described as real nasty, since the germans could have them impact, or explode in the air since they are Flak guns. According to his accounts this was very very nasty. Much the same as american VT fuzes. Haven't used them before, and was just wondering. Lorak
  15. Tome updates: Mensch-win Hiram-loss Pawbroon-win Moriarty-loss Berli, have no fear.. Not even one as low as I would have ever inscribed a game result from operation Lizard. Now if the rest of you would be so kind as to stop picking at your arses and "Die Alot Now" Lorak the loathed
  16. I guess it isn't so strange after all. I never claimed to have thought it a bug, or a problem. Just in my many, many games... I had neve seen it before. Wilhammer, LOL, I had a good idea that it was a HQ directing, or a FO unit. One reason I picked him out to be shot at. Sadly I would rather Have the FO or HQ hit and take casualties, and perhaps call no more fire the rest of the game.. than just smoke him for a turn. By the way... nice shot by your Churchhills, I had a feeling something was in that area, Sadly I was mistaken in thinking I was out of LOS where I was. Sadly it also looks like I am going to lose the other stug also... with no casualties given, but those were some nice 8 smoke rounds. Lorak
  17. I guess it isn't so strange after all. I never claimed to have thought it a bug, or a problem. Just in my many, many games... I had neve seen it before. Wilhammer, LOL, I had a good idea that it was a HQ directing, or a FO unit. One reason I picked him out to be shot at. Sadly I would rather Have the FO or HQ hit and take casualties, and perhaps call no more fire the rest of the game.. than just smoke him for a turn. By the way... nice shot by your Churchhills, I had a feeling something was in that area, Sadly I was mistaken in thinking I was out of LOS where I was. Sadly it also looks like I am going to lose the other stug also... with no casualties given, but those were some nice 8 smoke rounds. Lorak
  18. Title about sums it up. Situation. In a quick battle I have a stug with one crew casualty. (he never fired before he suffered the crew hit) Now since then I had him target some infantry in the woods.... fired 3 or 4 rounds of smoke. I figured I had just made a mistake and marked it down as stupidity. Now this last turn I targeted some infantry in a building, being careful (didn't want to make the same mistake). What happens? You guessed it. He decides to shoot 3 rounds of smoke at the building. Just wondering if anyone else has seen this? I have one other now dead stug( he was full crew and he did fire correctly). So could it be tied into losing the crew member? Maybe the loader got hit, and the driver/TC don't know how to tell the shells apart? Lorak ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool Combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX and for Kitty's sake =^..^=
  19. Title about sums it up. Situation. In a quick battle I have a stug with one crew casualty. (he never fired before he suffered the crew hit) Now since then I had him target some infantry in the woods.... fired 3 or 4 rounds of smoke. I figured I had just made a mistake and marked it down as stupidity. Now this last turn I targeted some infantry in a building, being careful (didn't want to make the same mistake). What happens? You guessed it. He decides to shoot 3 rounds of smoke at the building. Just wondering if anyone else has seen this? I have one other now dead stug( he was full crew and he did fire correctly). So could it be tied into losing the crew member? Maybe the loader got hit, and the driver/TC don't know how to tell the shells apart? Lorak ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool Combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX and for Kitty's sake =^..^=
  20. Cripes Mace! Picking off lice and fleas and then cleaning the mud of the hooves is considered foreplay where you come from. and I don't think grabing two fist fulls of wool is the same as a pat on the back. Lorak the loathed
  21. PeterNZ.... You foolish dolt. Of course I have recorded your win over Elvis. As reported by Elvis on 1/13/01 at 6:29 on page 4 of this thread. And added to the tome and acknowledged by me on 1/14/01 at 11:23 on page 5. Now for some more rambling from yours truly. "Three accomplishments that are well regarded in Ireland. A clever verse, music on the harp, and the art of shaving faces. Three smiles that are worse than griefs: the smile of snow melting, the smile on your wife when another man has been with her, the smile of a mastiff about to spring. Three scarcities that are better than abundance: a scarcity of fancy talk, a scarcity of cows in a small pasture, a scarcity of friends around the beer. So the Triads tell us, and they are as true today as they were in sainted Padraig's time." Lorak the loathed Bringing knowledge to the unwashed masses. ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool Combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX and for Kitty's sake =^..^=
  22. tome updates. PeterNZ-win chrisl-loss Jshandorf-win Chupa-loss Cripes! now we are getting spam mail posted to the pool? Better silence than that drivil.... ahh silence... Let me grab my seanachai's hat.. and tell you a little story about Silence... There are many tells on the ways of Heaven and Hell. Many tell the pains and pleasures of both.. but few tell of the the courts that have grown there... Now they Say that Sin has an only son and his name is Death. And he is rightful heir to the kingdom of man. And all must come at last to pay him homage. But that Devil, he also has his Pride. A lone daughter, the apple of his eye. And he named her Silence. And even when Death has passed, she follows after. It is always a terrible moment when Silence enters the Halls of Hell. Pain-wracked visages wordlessly mouth cries, curses, entreaties. Talon, scourge and hot iron bite soundlessly into yielding flesh. The sound of each and every shuffling footstep, creaking joint, rasping breath, magnified to the power of countless millions of lost souls crammed into every fissure, niche, and crevice... all gone suddenly, compleatly, and hauntingly still. It was not just the absence of sound; it was its utter negation. All that takes place in her presence has an eerie, unreal feel about it. It was if all the torments of the Legions of the Dead were a sad sort of pantomime. A ritual act whose meaning had become obscure, lost long, long, ago... well... I guess that is enough for now. I have left you, my students, too long with out guidence. What has it shown? That as much knowledge as I pour out, flows through your heads as if they are nothing more than rotted drain pipes. I guess the time has come again to resume my teachings and bring a little culture to you heathens. Lorak the loathed Omnipresent authority figure
  23. Umm quick tomb updates: Mace-win Stuka-loss Peter-win Elvis-loss Pawbroon-win Mensch-loss Mensch-win Pawbroon-loss Lorak-win OGSF-loss Berli-win Lorak-loss Guess that sums it up for the most part. As for my two games posted... what can I really say? I started out well against the evil Berli. We traded shots... then the hammer of God fell upon my troops!(210mm). I can only assume that God was trying to smite Berli and his evilness. Sadly due to horrible inaccuracy of the weapon. It hit me by mistake. OGSF.... Once again decided to buy his veteran hamsters.Game started in a nice damp fog filled village. I move forward on the right, my platoon gets slaughterd. But what is this? SMG squads? ok.. will keep that in mind. SO I send a flanking move out to the left... platoon gets slaughtered. Umm.. flame throwers in the fog. From here on out I just decided to forget about being clever. I changed my tactics to just kicking OGSF's verteran's asses. Now to thier credit. His men fought well. We managed to go all the way to the end of the battle. But it is the little things you remember... OGSF's last squad, totaly surrounded and out gunned. So my men decide to rush the position in order to overwhelm the veteran... but sadly... the war was all ready over for these men. When we got there, they were already balled up crying and cursing OGSF's name under thier trench coats. Thier spirits did seem to lighten a little as we led OGSF away, beating him with a frozen Hagis. Lorak the loathed
  24. As you've seen both markers remain displayed. You can target one or both(with 2 units). Any ambush marker that is not targeted for a turn will dissapear, ones that are targeted will remain as long as targeted. Damn...hope that made sense. Lorak ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool Combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX and for Kitty's sake =^..^=
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