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Everything posted by Wolfe

  1. Marcus already did an excellent job over here: New Unit Availability Charts Intro dates for all armor, vehicle, and support units are also listed on my Unit database charts (still in beta though). See sig for URL. - Chris
  2. Well, if you really want to, feel free. Sounds like an awful lot of work, though. But be aware that I'm still finding typos and still have yet to do the gun penetration charts and infantry FP. So I'm not sure when it'll be "done". And it's possible a few things may change with the upcoming patch too. But that's fine by me. Knock yourself out. - Chris
  3. Yeah, I know about the problem. It's mentioned on the site how to correct for it. I created it in MSWorks and then converted the file to Excel. Something apparently doesn't convert properly between the file formats. It's annoying, but fixable. - Chris
  4. I know the manual says there are 3 different changeovers for the different German hollow core rounds, but is there a specific there a reason why there is none available at all in December 42? BTW, Tungsten for the 88mm Tiger gun? Now that's just overkill. Too bad the Panther Tung isn't available without some editor shenanigans. - Chris
  5. Posted this over in the Tips and Tricks forum, but for any who may have missed it, the first installment is now available: CMBB Units Database - Chris [ November 21, 2002, 07:40 PM: Message edited by: Wolfe ]
  6. They did in CMBO with the presence of Tungsten and HE rounds, so I imagine it will change with all the ammo type changes in CMBB (e.g. 3 different Hollow charge rounds just for the German 75mm guns alone) and would be really difficult for someone to do. Especially if you tried to list both the base cost and with fixed rarity. That's a nightmare I have no intention of tackling. - Chris
  7. Thanks, Kevin. Glad you guys find them useful. I originally made them because I couldn't tell you the difference between a Panzer IV and a StuG. Hopefully this stuff will help others figure it out too. - Chris
  8. Drivers for the Radeon 9700 don't support FSAA in 16-bit games. That's why it doesn't work in CM. Le huge thread asking for support over on Rage3D: Do you want 16-bit AA support? - Chris
  9. Been working on my charts for CMBB for over a week now, and have mostly finished the unit stats listing. They can be D/Led from my site: Chris' CM Database They come in Excel format. If you don't have Excel, you can download the free Excel viewer for Windows from Microsoft. I haven't done the gun penetration or infantry firepower charts yet. They're next (but don't hold your breath; it might be a while). I don't think I'll bother with the arty ETA stuff this time. It was a PITA doing it for CMBO, and I'd rather not repeat the experience. If someone wants to do those, knock yourself out. There are probably still some typos in the charts. If you see any, please let me know. And I hope I got all the units, but it's very possible I missed a couple. I only listed the beginning availability date, but thankfully Marcus Bloess did an excellent job with his own Unit Availability charts. Check them out over at: New Unit Availability Charts. Enjoy! - Chris [ December 24, 2002, 11:11 AM: Message edited by: Wolfe ]
  10. The R-1 Tankette is shown to have 2 MGs in the graphic toolbar, but the data window only lists one: MG:bow, (50) Is there supposed to be a listing for a coax there too? Nice looking model, BTW. - Chris
  11. Honestly, it's whatever res you feel most comfortable with. I like 1440x1080 on my 21" screen. I've tried 1600x1200, but text gets a bit too small. Lower resolutions are a bit grainy (pixels are too large) and objects aren't as well defined. Higher res makes edges look crisper and reduces texture shimmer (though only good AA can really get rid of it). Mainly I like 1440 because that's what I use for my desktop. On a 20" screen I'd definitely give atleast 1280x960 a try (23% more pixels over 1152; 1440x1080 is 56% more pixels). To define some of the more oddball resolutions (if your video card doesn't natively support them), Powerstrip can help. I think the game can go up as far as you can define resolutions for Direct-X. Which should be atleast 2048x1536. I can do 1800x1440 in CM with my monitor, but things are awfully small and that's only a 60Hz refresh rate. - Chris
  12. You can also attack the ship in port with any adjacent ground unit. - Chris
  13. I think it's the 12.8cm K 18/2, a K44 mounted on the carriage of a Russian 152mm M1937. Dunno about that muzzle brake, though. - Chris
  14. Guys, can you use WinRAR to extract individual (or even multiple) files without doing the whole archive? That may get around the problem. I think the 5000 series of sounds are the real biggies (background sounds), and so may quit if your system runs out of memory or system resources or disk space or nachos or whatever. - Chris
  15. Thanks for the shots, Para! Maybe this will help folks who can't see the pics. Winter StuG and Ski Troops Sturmtiger Aiming Sturmtiger Firing Sturmtiger Result BT7 and HT Trenches Katyusha SU-152 Volley Fire Factory with Vehicles Love the SU-152 pic! And very nice stairs on the factory building. - Chris
  16. :eek: Holy never-ending updates Batman! We may never see CM3!!! -Chris
  17. You may be able to D/L the Windows Beta Demo from Games Domain CMBD (assuming any of the ftp links are still available). Be aware that if you're used to the Gold Demo, the beta graphics may be a bit shocking. And some of the commands (e.g. Ctrl-click to map jump) don't work. There was also a version of Chance Encounter for the beta demo, but I don't know where it might be online. - Chris
  18. Steve's most complete post on the subject: Vtoraya Mirovaya. My guess is: CMBB patch (is there really that much to do?) CM II Engine CM3 (Med) CM4 (Early war incl. Finnish Winter War) CM5 (Revisit CMBO) CM6 (Revisit CMBB) Personally I'd love to see Napoleonic and ACW versions of CM. I think true 3D with a hybrid turn-based system like CM's would work extremely well for such a game. But unless BTS brings in another code monkey to help with the new engine and then have them start on a Napoleonic CM once the engine is done, it might be a while. - Chris
  19. Not a beta tester, but pretty sure this one is a generic satchel charge for all Pioneer types. There's a pic of a pioneer squad in the Gamespot preview. This the black side panels (along with 11113) that go next to the ingame info bar at the bottom sides of the screen. 11113 is for lower resolutions (800x600, 1024x768, etc.) and 11114 is for higher resolutions (not sure where the cut-off point is). In CMBO these have the words Big Time Software written on them. Dunno about the rest of the BMPs. - Chris
  20. Hi, Charl. Sure. They're still available at my site. See the link in my sig. - Chris
  21. Oh, ok. Yeah, I didn't pay any attention to established military colors when I did the mod. I just went through a few different shades of green until I found one I liked. [Edit] Thanks, guys. Glad you like it! - Chris [ September 11, 2002, 12:17 PM: Message edited by: Wolfe ]
  22. Whoops! Didn't realize that anyone had responded to my post originally. Sorry Gyrene. Really? It's pretty dark on my screen, but light enough to still just see the green color. Do you mean the green is too intense as a background color? Actually that's not what it looks like in-game. I didn't touch the in-game fonts at all, only the icons that have text on them (Tired, Hiding, Green, etc.). I think JPG compression may have changed the red font color to pink in the screenshot. - Chris
  23. Can your system accept a standard ATX motherboard? The ECS P6S5AT supports Celerons as well as Pentium III chips (though not apparently the 133MHz Tualatins) along with both SDRAM and DDR. It also comes with an AGP slot and integrated audio. It can generally be found at under $50US. Could make for a decent upgrade path. Get the mobo and pick whatever AGP video card you like now. Later on, upgrade the CPU or replace the SDRAM with some DDR and eventually transfer the DDR mem and video card to your next system. Just a thought. - Chris
  24. Tanks taking loads of penetrations before bailing. The Death Clock rules. A Panzer III taking dozens of hits from 45mm guns, many on its turret, but still not losing its gun. My God how I hated those gun hits in CMBO! Smoke blowing in the direction of the wind. Just way too cool. Spreading fires that start small and grow. Smoke that doesn't completely block LOS. Look and feel (even smell? ) of the blast and smoke coming out of tank barrels. Increased gun accuracy for AT guns sitting back in woods. Significantly reduced gun accuracy for tanks on the move. Riding along on the tank looking around without falling off! Now if we could only ride the shell into the target ... - Chris
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