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Everything posted by Wolfe

  1. Quicky test says no. Trenches don't get credit for holding a flag in the final result. - Chris
  2. The FO in that scenario is German, not Finnish. Presumably to allow for smoke. Finn 75mm and 76mm FOs don't have smoke available. My charts list which FOs do and don't have smoke, BTW. - Chris
  3. How about a visual aid? Tiger vs. T34 M1943 at 800m At 1000m the Tiger's 88mm gun can penetrate up to 129mm. Here it can't even get through 70mm (actually 63mm because of 90% armor quality). Yeah, I'd call that an advantage. But don't rely on that happening too often. - Chris [ October 31, 2002, 08:09 PM: Message edited by: Wolfe ]
  4. Yeah, yeah. I'm workin' on it. I'm workin' on it. A little every day I can. But it's a helluva lot of stuff. It'll be a while yet. - Chris
  5. Jaker, see this thread: Upgrading for CMBB on how to disable Zmask on your Radeon. That should fix you up. - Chris
  6. Ok, cool. Sorry if I seemed a bit harsh in my last post. Didn't mean to. At all? It comes as a zip file, so the files need to be extracted first. I assume you knew that, but just in case. And once you get them unzipped, you'll probably need to choose a font or font color for the page to be able to see the text in Excel. It doesn't convert properly, unfortunately. Hope that helps. If nothing works, you could download the free viewer: Windows Excel Viewer. - Chris
  7. Thanks guys! Glad you find them useful. Sure, you're free to translate it if you feel it would be very helpful. But be aware that I really hate doing the host-your-pages-on-another-site thing. I've done it before and don't care to repeat the experience. So I won't be emailing updates every time I change something. I'll just be updating my own stuff and not worry about what happens to other versions. Sorry. But you might want to wait until atleast the 1.01 patch arrives, It'll contain some changes that I'll add. And I'm currently working on the infantry charts which are a lot more work than I anticipated. They won't be done for a while. - Chris
  8. Chris, see my post above concerning Italian ATR with tungsten rounds.</font>
  9. Yep. The only ones that will fire at infantry are those that have HE and/or AP rounds (Boys and Lahti L-39). AT rifles won't fire tungsten at enemy infantry. Personally I wish they would, but maybe BTS doesn't want them to be used as super-snipers. - Chris
  10. I think he's referring to these: Flak Truck 76mm Regimental Gun on Truck Neither are in the game, unfortunately. - Chris
  11. Good stuff, but unfortunately I think it is something that would have to wait for the engine rewrite. Some things I hope BTS also looks at is vehicle height and which ones have or don't have superstructures. Maybe there's a good reason, but it doesn't make sense to me that short vehicles like the JagdPzIV have superstructures, but very tall vehicles like the JagdPanther and Marders do not. I'd like to see lower and upper hull plates for squat assault guns (e.g. StuGs, PzIV/70(V)); and lower, upper, and superstructure for tall vehicles (Marder and JagdPanth). This could also coincide with hull-down values (track down, where the lower hull is completely hidden, hull down where only the turret or superstructure is showing (StuGs would be "turret down" in this instance), and turret down, where only the commander and flex MG are visible for spotting). But I don't think we'll be seeing anything like that for a while. - Chris
  12. What, you wanna see Steve keel over from having to do all those TO&Es for one game?!? Talk about cruel and unusual punishment. - Chris
  13. The last thread on this topic: CM3 And the one before that: Vtoraya Mirovaya CMII Engine re-write is definitely next. What order they do things in after that is still up in the air, AFAIK. But from previous posts by BTS (some very old) the impression I get is: CM3 - Med: North Africa, Italy, Greece, and Crete. CM4 - Early war: Poland, Yugo, France, Low Countries, Finnish Winter War. Don't know about Norway. CM5 - Revisit CMBO with the new engine. CM6 - Revisit CMBB with the new engine. My $0.02. - Chris
  14. Eh?!? We get all new units with the patch?!? :eek: Woot! So can I put in a request for the AA and Inf Gun trucks that were shown in the previews? Soviet Models 1 Soviet Models 2 Pretty please? - Chris
  15. Just a bump to let folks know it is indeed compatible with the full game. And I've added a few more bmps (the helmets, panzerfaust, and PzWurfmine) to complete what I wanted to mod. - Chris
  16. Mini-update: Added aircraft weapons loadouts to tanks chart and some MG penetration numbers to guns chart. - Chris
  17. Just normal variance. Reg 75/L48 guns get 6 or 7 rounds per minute except in special cases (like the Hetzer). The German 50mm will get 9 or 10 rounds/minute. But some numbers are very solid. The 105mm German guns always seem to get 4 rounds/min (barring retargeting or supression). - Chris
  18. The second installment has now arrived!!! I've added the gun penetration tables to the charts and fixed a number of errors (mostly typos). Changes: * Added gun penetration tables including blast values for all guns and availability dates for special rounds (tungsten, hollow charge). * Added rate of fire for all weapons. * Fixed tungsten, hollow charge, and AP availability for a handful of vehicles. * Added Romanian Pz38t. Ooops. * Added/corrected anti-aircraft listing for all AA-capable (and incapable) units. * Added better identification for some guns in both charts. * Fixed numerous typos too -erm-, well, numerous to mention. Get 'em while they're hot! - Chris
  19. The second installment has now arrived!!! I've added the gun penetration tables to the charts and fixed a number of errors (mostly typos). Changes: * Added gun penetration tables including blast values for all guns and availability dates for special rounds (tungsten, hollow charge). * Added rate of fire for all weapons. * Fixed tungsten, hollow charge, and AP availability for a handful of vehicles. * Added Romanian Pz38t. Ooops. * Added/corrected anti-aircraft listing for all AA-capable (and incapable) units. * Added better identification for some guns in both charts. * Fixed numerous typos too -erm-, well, numerous to mention. Get 'em while they're hot! - Chris [ October 12, 2002, 11:00 AM: Message edited by: Wolfe ]
  20. Yeah, it's a known but annoying bug. Thankfully it's easily worked around. - Chris [ October 12, 2002, 10:52 AM: Message edited by: Wolfe ]
  21. AFAIK, this is how things work: The only time a unit will stop firing when a friendly unit comes near is when it is using HE, but even then it'll still hold the area target lock. And it'll continue with MG area fire 'til it runs out of ammo. Units shouldn't lose an area target lock unless the area in question becomes blocked (by smoke), the firer gets supressed, or the firer finds a juicier target (even if only for a brief half second). And the only time you'll take friendly casualties (or get supressed) from your own troops is at night. Something I hope changes for the engine re-write. - Chris
  22. Thanks! And it's good to know I'm not the only one crazy enough to consider doing this stuff. - Chris
  23. The tungsten is there, but you have to time-warp the units back to between Jan42-Dec42 to get it. I hope to have the gun penetration charts by the weekend, if you were interested. - Chris
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