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Everything posted by Wolfe

  1. Panzerfausts for the Romanians are randomly assigned by the game engine. You can't edit them into the squads. If you want the squads to have fausts for a scenario, create an excessive number of Romanian platoons then Preview the map, find which platoons have fausts and which don't, then go back out and remove the ones that have few or no fausts. It's annoying, but there you go. BTW, the Finn's fausts can be edited, but that's because their fausts were added in with a patch. Not sure why BTS decided to leave this functionality out of the editor for the Romanians. - Chris
  2. I've found that you sometimes have to enable then disable the Z-mask thingy to get it to write the bit properly. Just disabling doesn't always get it to work right. - Chris
  3. The CMBB Database has now been updated with data from the latest (and hopefully last) CMBB patch 1.03. The guns chart has been completely re-done; almost every gun's penetration numbers changed. Ugh! The rest has remained the same. Enjoy. - Chris
  4. Well, I don't know if Hubert is interested in using the existing map (I hope the map will change). If not, I suspect it'll change somewhat significantly. Personally I'd like to see a Pacific SC before anything else. I don't really want to see a do-over of the European theater myself. And I think it would be helpful to do another theater before trying to tackle a global war (if that's what Hubert has in mind - I don't know). This would force him to concentrate on naval affairs, particularly. But at 50-60km (31-37mi) per hex you would get a European map that looks something like (warning 840KB): Europe 50km Hexes This has the benefit of adding some more space to the Eastern front in particular without becoming an Operational level game. IMO the current hex scale doesn't really show the vastness of the Russian Steppes. If land units were Corps only, not Armies, the German invasion of Russia would look a lot more like the enormous undertaking that Barbarossa really was. Axis would have about 55 units total, and that's for the largest theater (in terms of numbers of units) of the war. Other theaters would have fewer units. Actually more than double. Shift the above map West so that Ireland is on the extreme eastern edge of the map. This new map would only go from the eastern edge of Newfoundland to the western shores of Ireland, just skirting the tip of Greenland. The only other land mass on the map would be the Azores; the US isn't even included. The Earth is a rather large place. But I'd still love to see the entire planet represented despite its size. Sea lanes where trade and Lend-Lease routes exist would help to keep the majority of ships from wandering too far into the emptiness of the oceans (as would the lack of supplies). To me MPPs are production capability and manpower to produce goods as well as manpower within the armed forces. If the number of owned hexes cannot fully support both the military and MPP production, you lose workers as well as output in the form of lower MPPs. It's simplistic, but it's an incentive to keep unit builds under control. As well as for land-starved countries, especially Japan, to expand. I'm sure there are other ways to do it, though. Well, I think the ones I've mentioned are varied enough affect some level of strategic movement or supply without getting down to what type of tree is in that particular hex . Especially if the hex scale changes. If the Pacific is the focus of the next game we'll need some form of jungle. And Australia and Africa has some rather unique and very prominent features like escarpments and such. Wadis and plateaus may seem a bit small for this scale, but representing a number of them in a hex seems reasonable to me. The differences between a desert and mountain tile are rather large; I was looking for something in-between. Well, in exchange for joining the Axis didn't Franco demand that Germany resupply all his military with new equipment and rebuild the railroads? I thought Spanish cities starting out at zero and then climbing back to normal levels could help simulate this and the lasting effects of the civil war on the economy and the infrastructure. - Chris [ June 05, 2003, 07:21 PM: Message edited by: Wolfe ]
  5. Thanks, Edwin! I hope it gives Hubert some interesting ideas to play with for SC2. - Chris
  6. And again! * From the discussion Two More Things: Limit number of units plus MPP/IPP with number of open land hexes that are owned. So 1 land hex could supply 2 manpower points. Currently Germany starts with 66 open hexes and collects 120 MPP. The number of owned hexes would limit MPP production (military would always get all the manpower points first) and encourage the building of fewer units since you would have to support a large army at the cost of available MPPs. This would encourage the Axis player in particular to expand (especially with Japan's extremely limited number of Hexes and large navy to support). * You could also take the running unit losses (already tracked in the current game) and subtract them from the available MPPs every turn to represent losses of men that cannot be replaced, further limiting recklessly large builds and discouraging excessive risk-taking with existing units. * 3 levels of small fortresses: 1, 2, and 3. Each adds an extra defensive point to the unit in that hex. Each level would take time to build (more than one turn) and would cost MPPs to upgrade (though less than it originally cost to construct). * For units to retreat their size must be less than 50% and supply and readiness levels must be low as well. Retreat is not automatic, however, have some variation in when units retreat. If a unit that is protecting an HQ retreats, the HQ will also retreat with that unit. * For units sitting on Plains, Steppe, or Desert tiles, make retreating twice as likely as normal (less destruction, more maneuver). * Desert and Open Desert tiles. Open Desert tiles are the same as Desert except they drain supply twice as fast. Will help keep the battle of North Africa closer to the coast. * Wadi/Plateau tiles for Africa and Australia. Tile would behave like the Hill tile mentioned previously. * Mountain Peaks tile type. Tank units would not be able to move onto these, and air units could not land. Supply is severely affected. Also railroads cannot run through these, so Italy may be cut off from Operational movement from the rest of the continent if Allied units occupy the right hexes in the northern Italian mountains. * Escarpment/Depression tile type. Similar to Mountain Peak, movement is almost impossible. No RR, kills supply, and Aircraft and Tanks can't enter. * Jungle tile type. Similar to Forest tile, but with less movement and better air defense. * Mountain Jungle tile. Between Mountain Peak and Jungle, has less supply than Jungle but not as much defensive value as Mountain Peak. * Minor River tile that slightly decreases movement and has smaller impact on supply (like a forest tile), but without the defensive bonus of the forest. This one is only if the game's hex size changes. * Bombers are not allowed to land on mountain, swampy, jungle, or forested hexes. * Movement out of a hex should count against the movement cost for that unit. So a unit sitting on a mountain hex and moving onto an open plains would suffer the initial cost of moving off the mountain, and not just movement through the easier Plains. * For units sitting on Desert, Open Desert, Plains, or Steppe tile types, add one movement point (at beginning of movement for that turn only) to allow the unit to travel slightly further on this tile type. * Italian annexation of Albania in 1939. * Italian annexation of Abyssinia (Ethiopia) in Oct 1935 - May 1936 (if the game goes back that far). * Allow tank units to attack up to 2 times per turn depending on movement left. Naval and air units may attack up to 3 times per turn. Infantry may only attack once. * Purloined this idea from Shaka: When equally matched, defending units should have inherent advantage in fighting. Currently the attacker has a higher attack number. With the defender getting the higher number this would force the attacker to attack with numbers (stacked), with support (automatic coordinated attack with air (or naval) units), with better supply (nearby HQ), or with more experienced units (thus wearing these valuable units down more) to be able to achieve a break-through. * When Spain joins the war (either side) its MPPs for all cities start out at zero. Spain was still recovering from its civil war and its infrastructure, particularly railroad, was devastated. * During fall of France if BEF and French I Corps and any Allied HQs have a hex path to a friendly port (or a hex path to an HQ "mulberry" off-shore), let them automatically escape to England. If not, then they surrender. Also, after fall of France automatically create deGaulle HQ in Britain. Britain also gets any research chits (not necessarily the technology itself, however) that France had. More good ideas can be found here: Free French and Polish Forces. * A special Partisan unit that is allowed to attack both sides could be used for Chinese Communists. These units only appear in parts of northern China when any 'enemy' unit encroaches and will not leave its northern area. This would allow the Allied player to play the Nationalists, but still keep the inherent animosity between the two as well as keep the Japanese out of parts of northern China (or atleast discourage their entering the northern provinces). Historically the Nationalists and Communists did fight together against the Japanese, but allowing this in the game might make the Chinese too strong (too many units for the Japanese to deal with). The special "Partisan" unit would add some flavor and could assist game balance, keeping both sides at bay. - Chris [ June 05, 2003, 11:50 AM: Message edited by: Wolfe ]
  7. It's currently a beta patch (they're still testing), and it's only for the US version of the game. If you have the European CDV version, do NOT try to install this patch. ftp://ftp.battlefront.com/pub/patches/cmbb/ BTW the numbers in my charts are up-to-date for the 1.03a patch (current beta patch is version 1.03c). Once BTS gets the final 1.03 patch out I'll fully correct the penetration charts then. - Chris
  8. Added SS-only MG37(t) HMG and ZB30 LMG machine guns to the German sections in the Infantry and Tanks charts. - Chris
  9. Thanks, but I like this green color better. I've had pakfans mod, it's great but well... this green color is just so cool. I'm only waiting that maybe someone someday releases "total conversion green interface" with redone arrow keys and all the other goodies. </font>
  10. Well this doesn't seem to be the case. Vs a Rifle platoon (4 squads and HQ) along with a support unit which is always further away from my MG than the squads are, the MG seems to be targeting based on threat. I think. :confused: Using the 'N' key the flamethrower is targeted 6th (last), an 81mm mortar is 3rd (after 2 close squads, but before two other squads that are further from my MG, but closer than the mortar), a MG42 HMG is 5th (after all suqads, but before the HQ), and a 105mm FO is 6th in targeting preference. Replacing my MG with a Soviet 76mm gun, the 105mm FO is targeted last, but if you replace it with an 81mm mortar, the mortar is targeted 1st. All enemy units are identified only as "Infantry?". Anecdotal, but interesting. - Chris [ May 19, 2003, 11:32 PM: Message edited by: Wolfe ]
  11. :eek: Somebody is actually using my green interface mod?!? I'm flattered, but I assume you haven't seen Pakfan's mod? A bit on-topic. I thought I had seen a propensity for the AI to target the more expensive units first, even ones further away as far back as some of my first CMBO games. But I don't think it's always the case, especially concerning infantry. The game won't necessarily target a more expensive Elite Flamethrower over a nearer infantry squad, but it does seem to pick out the more expensive tanks rather often to me. No hard proof, though. - Chris [ May 19, 2003, 11:05 PM: Message edited by: Wolfe ]
  12. Don't think they do currently, so maybe Partisans could get a supply bonus of 2 or 3 above what they would normally have? This would simulate their ability to live off the land and receive help from friendly civilians. Would also be nice to have different size Partisan units (maybe start at size 2-4, somewhat randomized) for some flavor. - Chris
  13. Oooo! Some really good ideas in this here thread. Love the concept of limited slipways for the capital ships and, of course, build times. But I do think that any ships under construction need to be on the map so they can both take up space and even be attacked. But as Bill pointed out it might be tricky if there is no unit stacking. If the build-in-progress vessel is indeed represented by a chit on the map, the chit could show an outline of the vessel to indicate it is currently under construction and cannot be moved. It would also be nice if the slipways could be damaged during an attack, halting construction. If the port falls below some value, the slipways are no longer active until the port recovers its size. Would the already laid (but as yet un-used) keels be a unit on the map itself as a physical chit or just an abstract part of the build queue? If on-map, could they be attacked as well as moved before construction begins? 3 years for a Battleship to be built? Realism can be brutal. BTW, glancing through the handy (and cheap) Illustrated Directory of Warships, even Cruisers took a good deal of time to construct. The 8,200 ton German Cruiser Leipzig was laid down in 1928 and not completed until 1931! :eek: - Chris
  14. A good point about the bomber fleets. But carriers also shouldn't limit the enemy's FOW because it will give away their general position. In the Pacific the Japanese player would place air units all around his extended empire as an early warning system. American carriers whose LOS extends out far beyond the ship itself would limit the Japanese plane's FOW, giving away his own position. The main thing I wanted to do is limit the cross-channel uber-view that the Brit and German Air units have. - Chris
  15. Thanks! But it's been mentioned before by some other folks, I believe. I kinda like it better than having to move air units away in order to protect them from their own responsiveness. I think it might even be useful in the game now. Another way I thought of to differentiate a unit that is standing down but forgot to mention is to have the little blinky thing at the bottom of the chit blink a different color (say, red for standing down) instead of white. Just a thought. - Chris
  16. Even More suggestions! * Expanding a bit on a previous idea. Units that more reflect their historical strength. So German Corps based on the old division format would be size 10. Pattern 44 would be size 8. SS Old Corps would be 11 to reflect that the SS divisions were generally better equipped. Italian divisions were notoriously small, so maybe they would be size 6. Prices, of course, would be proportional their unit size. You would be able to buy more weaker Italian Corps than German Corps with the same money. Though for the smaller Corps, there may have to be some fiddling with cost so too many can't be built preventing any movement through a wall of uncountable Corps (so a size 6 Corps may actually have to cost something like a size 7 one). Corps would be available only beginning at certain dates. Pattern 44 German Corps would not be available until sometime in 1944. Ger Old Pattern - 10 Ger SS Old Patt - 11 Ger Pattern 44 - 8 Ger SS Patt 44 - 9 Jap Rifle - 8 Ita Rifle - 6 Rus Rifle Jul41 - 7 Rus Guards 41 - 8 Rus Rifle Dec42 - 6 Rus Guards 42 - 7 Chinese - 6 - Nationalists Chinese Peoples - 4 - Communists * Carriers and Battleships could also better represent their natural sizes. But, like the Infantry Corps, prices may have to be adjusted depending on size (smaller a bit more expensive, larger a bit less expensive). Carriers and Battleships would only become available for purchase at their completion dates (some leeway may be needed for ships that were never actually finished). UK Hermes: 8, Courageous: 10, Ark Royal: 12. US Lexington: 13, Hornet: 14, Franklin: 17. Jap Akagi: 12, Shokaku: 13, Shinano: 7. Ger Graf Zep: 10, Peter Strasser: 10. Generic Escort Carrier (all navies): 7. UK Hood: 12, Rodney: 11. US Pennsylvania: 11, Iowa: 14. Jap Kirishima: 11, Yamato: 15. Ger Bismarck: 13, Pocket Battleships: 8. * For any unit that is at full strength, draw a line under the strength number on the unit chit so it's easier to tell which units can be reinforced. * Here's some Borg-style assimilation of other people's ideas into my own! If HQs can (or must) be used as Mulberrys to allow landings and provide supply, set default HQ Mulberry supply level at 3. As Operational Tech increases, increase HQ mulberry supply level. Max would be 8. If the HQ then lands, it's supply level returns to its normal 5 until a friendly port can be seized. The HQ as mulberry would be very vulnerable to attack, and so must be protected by friendly ships in the same hex. If turning HQs into mulberries is *required* to allow units to land, this will make landings more concentrated on only a couple of hexes, which I think would be more realistic. A Mulberry HQ next to a normal HQ on land would allow supply chaining as is currently in SC. * For evacuating units via Mulberry, move land unit next to off-shore HQ and choose embark. This type of movement should cost much more MPP than embarking at a port and should almost completely destroy the embarking unit's readiness to discourage over-use and add a bit of realism to a Dunkirk-style retreat. - Chris [ May 14, 2003, 09:00 PM: Message edited by: Wolfe ]
  17. Thanks, Jason. Glad you like it. And due to its 32467 units CMBB was even more fun to do than CMBO was. - Chris
  18. Why only for the AT gun? Did Soviet 45-mm armed tanks not use it but AT guns did? Seems kinda backwards. - Chris
  19. Also remember that in CMBB you don't have to penetrate the enemy tank's armor to get the crew to bail. A cacophony of AT guns 57mm or larger wailing on a tank's hull will rattle the crew, eventually immobilize it (or hit the gun), and the crew will then bail. The concentrated fire of 6 or more guns on a tank will take it out without penetrating, even if the guns only have HE to fire. You can buy a lot of AT guns for the price of one KT and then use them against his remaining infantry once the tanks are gone. Cannonades are fun! - Chris
  20. Fixed some typos in Infantry chart. * Soviet Cavalry Rifle 41 squads each have 2 PPD/PPSh instead of 1. * Soviet Cavalry Pioneer each have 1 PPD/PPSh, not 2. * Soviet Ski Pioneer each have 1 PPD/PPSh, not 2. * Soviet Naval Rifle 41 each have 2 PPD/PPSh, not 1. * Soviet Naval Rifle 44 and 44H have 9 total men, not 11. * Soviet Guards Rifle 43H, 44, and 44H have 9 total men, not 11. * Soviet Guards Mechanized Pioneer each have 1 PPD/PPSh, not 2. * Polish Infantry Rifle 44 and 44H have 9 total men, not 11. * Polish Infantry Pioneer has 1 PPSh, not 2. The perils of cut-n-paste. :mad: - Chris
  21. Corrected caliber-length listing in tanks chart for Soviet 76mm tank gun (from 76/L52 to 76/L42) on: Romanian (Axis) TACAM R-2, TACAM T-60 Soviet SU-76, SU-76M Polish SU-76M Romanian (Allied) TACAM R-2, TACAM T-60 - Chris
  22. Fixed caliber-length (was 76/L52, now 76/L42) and added Canister as an ammo type to Polish ZiS-3 gun on Tanks chart. - Chris
  23. Now updated for 1.03 patch. * Corrected Tungsten penetration throughout the Guns chart. * Changed armor on Finnish, Romanian (Axis), and Soviet BA-20. * Corrected blast rating on Romanian 81mm mortar (both Axis and Allied). * Added numerous Romanian Aircraft (Axis and Allied). * Added HE to Brit 2pdr and corrected some AP Shot numbers. * Added Canister to Soviet 76mm ZiS-3 gun in Guns and Tanks chart. * Added Soviet Guards Regimental SMG Company to Infantry chart. Pages changed: Guns All pages Infantry pg. 84 (Soviet SMG Co.) Tanks pg. 7 (Finnish BA-20) pg. 13-14 (Romanian (Axis)) pg. 17 (Soviet BA-20) pg. 23 (Romanian (Allied)) - Chris
  24. Hate to be a spoil sport, but another game stuck with Borg spotting? Noooooo!!! Oh well, I'll probably buy it anyway. So does that mean the first CM game based on the new CMX2 engine will be the Early War? - Chris [ April 04, 2003, 06:53 PM: Message edited by: Wolfe ]
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