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Wild Bill Wilder

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Everything posted by Wild Bill Wilder

  1. Go to CMHQ, click on Scenario Depot on left hand side menu, and it should be fairly near the top of the list. It is not in the scenario section peculiar to CMHQ, but it is in the depot. http://combathq.thegamers.net/depot.html Just click here and it should take you right to it...WB ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  2. Any man that luvs Panthers is okay in my book. Letter coming to you. Thanks fellas. I have enough now. I appreciate this very much. We'll do another again soon. Wild Bill ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  3. Close your eyes and grab, old buddy. You'll know pretty quickly into the scenario. Now, how do I judge, when I go scenario hunting? First, Title and text. Unfortunately in CM a lot of us did not use catchy titles. We did not know if we could and then it was too late to change them. The text will tell you a lot. Read it carefully. A lot of misspelled words (we all misspell to a point, but that is what a spell checker is for :rolleyes , but too much of it indicates a rush job and maybe carelessness on the part of the designer. The text is the show window for your scenario. Make it pretty! Next, I open the scenario and give the map a once over. Sloppy map? Poorly done? Rivers or hills not well done? Careful. It could be a dud! I have also personal favorites. A small-medium size scenario is my usual meal of wargaming, with an occasional banquet of a monster one. And I love a quickie before supper sometimes. You get a feel for them after a while, Lloyd and many times can tell after a turn or two if it is worth pursuing. Those are my methods. I'm not saying they are the best, but they work okay for me. Wild Bill ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  4. Aaah! Over at CMHQ? Good! I'll check it out. Good going my friend. Title does give a hint of what to expect, eh?...WB ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  5. Wow, DD! You did it to 'em? You must have taken the German side! I won't spoil it, but it sounds like you made the best of it. No problem with big gaps between forces? Starting lines work okay for you? Thanks for the update! I appreciate it very much! ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  6. We'll keep at it BAR...Man, I love that name. What a weapon, big, powerful, healthy kick, healthy sound. For how long was it used? Shoot, its still being used. Jeff, if you do get a taker, and I hope you do, please let me know how it does in a 2 player setting. This interests me very much. Thanks, fellas...WB ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  7. You don't get a good view of the area in the movie and I was uncertain as to what to place there. It probably could be built up a bit though I don't think it should affect scenario play. Thanks Lebo. One of my favorites too...WB ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  8. Wherever they land, Sinpoet, please post the URL here so I can get them. I would love to have these! Thanks for your hard work getting them together. I can't wait to see them! Wild Bill ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  9. How about "All good"? You knew I would say that Seriously, Charles and Steve chose the scenarios to be included on the CD. After all the scenarios were submitted, they looked them over and picked what they thought were the best of the litter. So they should all be pretty good. I tested a lot of them personally and was generally very pleased. Of course as head of the scenario design team it would not be appropriate for me to make those designations. I'm sure you understand that. And "like" or "dislike" is often a matter of personal taste. Some folks like easier, some harder, some smaller, some larger, some prefer historical, etc. So what might appeal to me might not appeal to you. Being a subjective call, its hard to say. Of course, I have my personal favorites. All do. I'm sure you do too. So I will say that there are no "Bad" ones. Of that you can be sure. The ones that might be to your particular tastes, that is where you'll have to pick and choose. Wild Bill ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  10. I'm writing you now, fellas...WB ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  11. If you have played CM a bit and gotten somewhat familiar with the system, I need four of you for testing an Operation. It is six battles long, each battle 20 turns. It takes place in Southern France when a US Task Force is ordered to take up blocking positions against Germans attempting to retreat from the Riviera into Germany or Switzerland. Here are the generalities of the operation. Title: Montelimar-Task Force Butler Type: Campaign: Destroy Attacker: Germany Date: August 21-23, 1945 Battles: 6 Night: Every other battle Turns: 20 Location: Montelimar, France Weather: Mixed Please weigh the responsibiiity first. It is an operation. It will take a little time and some dedication to the task. If you are interested, post it here along with your E-Mail address and I will get in touch with you. I need finishers, those who will see it through. I'm posting this only here since I believe those with like interest visit here. The First Four, no more. I hope you can help. Wild Bill ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  12. I am not pleased with this voting system. I don't think it adequately does what it is supposed to do. I personally give both the same rating. If it is a 4 for computer, I give it the same for human. That is what the majority look at anyway. The designer should put notes in his text somewhere if the scenario/operation is good for 2 Player situations. We gotta come up with a better way to evaluate. We will. Give us some time , Your point about voting for one without having to vote for the other is a very good one. I will bring that up to the folks who designed the Game Depot. Thanks, Lloyd! ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  13. Thanks Kuroth! Pathfinder, you must be eating those fingers now...I know you ain't got no nails left By the way guys, Pathfinder has done his first scenario. Where have you posted it, my friend? ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com [This message has been edited by Wild Bill Wilder (edited 08-04-2000).]
  14. Well, you're ready for the weekend. And if you haven't grown weary of CM (highly doubtful! - ), I've put up my first operation since the CD for public consumption. Since this is a destroy operation, you should not be bothered with premature endings...unless you get your butt creamed. Pretty good fight. Thanks to the testers who worked hard on this one. Bill Valencia was a big help. You can find it now at CMHQ - Scenario Depot. http://combathq.thegamers.net If you haven't grabbed "A Second Job" and "Relieving the Rangers" and want some good hard fights, put them in your CM shopping cart too. I'll meet you at the cash register Here is a little historical background for you. ------------------- Title: Herrilsheim - Cut Off! Type: Destroy Type Operation Date: Jan 17-18, 1945 Location: east of Herrilsheim, Germany Weather: Overcast Terrain: Light Snow Author: Wild Bill Wilder Wild Bill's Raiders billw@matrixgames.com Designer Notes: You can read the Scenario Description with no fear of the scenario being spoiled for you. It is simply a background on the battle being simulated in this operation. Scenario Description: The second phase of Germany's strong counterattack against the Allies in the winter of 44-45 began on January 1st, 1945. With the Seventh Army stretched to the limit in the southern end of the line, Hitler's forces crossed the Rhine and threatened both flanks of the American VI Corps. It would be the task of the 12th Armored Division, newly arrived in Europe to breach the salient and drive the Germans back. The fighting centered just west of the Rhine River around the town of Herrilsheim. On January 17th, units of Combat Commands A and B moved into and through the town. The 43rd Tank Battalion took the lead and moved east of Herrilsheim towards the great river. Reports from its commander, Colonel Dovosel, indicated heavy fighting. Then all contact was lost. The next day, the 23rd Tank Battalion with armored infantry crossed the Landgraben River and braved the fire of the Steinwald, a wooded area to the south in an attempt to get through Herrilsheim and find what might be left of the 43rd. The only evidence of the American tank battalion were a series of burned out hulks from both sides. About 10 American Shermans were drawn up in a circle, in a last stand sort of stance. Later Colonel Dovosel and some of his men were discovered to be prisoners of war. They had made a last ditch stand against advancing German panzers till all hope was lost. Repeatedly wounded and with no tank with which to fight, Dovosel and what remained of his battalion were forced to surrender. ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  15. Well, you're ready for the weekend. And if you haven't grown weary of CM (highly doubtful! - ), I've put up my first operation since the CD for public consumption. Since this is a destroy operation, you should not be bothered with premature endings...unless you get your butt creamed. Pretty good fight. Thanks to the testers who worked hard on this one. Bill Valencia was a big help. You can find it now at CMHQ - Scenario Depot. http://combathq.thegamers.net If you haven't grabbed "A Second Job" and "Relieving the Rangers" and want some good hard fights, put them in your CM shopping cart too. I'll meet you at the cash register Here is a little historical background for you. ------------------- Title: Herrilsheim - Cut Off! Type: Destroy Type Operation Date: Jan 17-18, 1945 Location: east of Herrilsheim, Germany Weather: Overcast Terrain: Light Snow Author: Wild Bill Wilder Wild Bill's Raiders billw@matrixgames.com Designer Notes: You can read the Scenario Description with no fear of the scenario being spoiled for you. It is simply a background on the battle being simulated in this operation. Scenario Description: The second phase of Germany's strong counterattack against the Allies in the winter of 44-45 began on January 1st, 1945. With the Seventh Army stretched to the limit in the southern end of the line, Hitler's forces crossed the Rhine and threatened both flanks of the American VI Corps. It would be the task of the 12th Armored Division, newly arrived in Europe to breach the salient and drive the Germans back. The fighting centered just west of the Rhine River around the town of Herrilsheim. On January 17th, units of Combat Commands A and B moved into and through the town. The 43rd Tank Battalion took the lead and moved east of Herrilsheim towards the great river. Reports from its commander, Colonel Dovosel, indicated heavy fighting. Then all contact was lost. The next day, the 23rd Tank Battalion with armored infantry crossed the Landgraben River and braved the fire of the Steinwald, a wooded area to the south in an attempt to get through Herrilsheim and find what might be left of the 43rd. The only evidence of the American tank battalion were a series of burned out hulks from both sides. About 10 American Shermans were drawn up in a circle, in a last stand sort of stance. Later Colonel Dovosel and some of his men were discovered to be prisoners of war. They had made a last ditch stand against advancing German panzers till all hope was lost. Repeatedly wounded and with no tank with which to fight, Dovosel and what remained of his battalion were forced to surrender. ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  16. Well, you're ready for the weekend. And if you haven't grown weary of CM (highly doubtful! - ), I've put up my first operation since the CD for public consumption. Since this is a destroy operation, you should not be bothered with premature endings...unless you get your butt creamed. Pretty good fight. Thanks to the testers who worked hard on this one. Bill Valencia was a big help. You can find it now at CMHQ - Scenario Depot. http://combathq.thegamers.net If you haven't grabbed "A Second Job" and "Relieving the Rangers" and want some good hard fights, put them in your CM shopping cart too. I'll meet you at the cash register Here is a little historical background for you. ------------------- Title: Herrilsheim - Cut Off! Type: Destroy Type Operation Date: Jan 17-18, 1945 Location: east of Herrilsheim, Germany Weather: Overcast Terrain: Light Snow Author: Wild Bill Wilder Wild Bill's Raiders billw@matrixgames.com Designer Notes: You can read the Scenario Description with no fear of the scenario being spoiled for you. It is simply a background on the battle being simulated in this operation. Scenario Description: The second phase of Germany's strong counterattack against the Allies in the winter of 44-45 began on January 1st, 1945. With the Seventh Army stretched to the limit in the southern end of the line, Hitler's forces crossed the Rhine and threatened both flanks of the American VI Corps. It would be the task of the 12th Armored Division, newly arrived in Europe to breach the salient and drive the Germans back. The fighting centered just west of the Rhine River around the town of Herrilsheim. On January 17th, units of Combat Commands A and B moved into and through the town. The 43rd Tank Battalion took the lead and moved east of Herrilsheim towards the great river. Reports from its commander, Colonel Dovosel, indicated heavy fighting. Then all contact was lost. The next day, the 23rd Tank Battalion with armored infantry crossed the Landgraben River and braved the fire of the Steinwald, a wooded area to the south in an attempt to get through Herrilsheim and find what might be left of the 43rd. The only evidence of the American tank battalion were a series of burned out hulks from both sides. About 10 American Shermans were drawn up in a circle, in a last stand sort of stance. Later Colonel Dovosel and some of his men were discovered to be prisoners of war. They had made a last ditch stand against advancing German panzers till all hope was lost. Repeatedly wounded and with no tank with which to fight, Dovosel and what remained of his battalion were forced to surrender. ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  17. Oh, and congrats on your "first born." I look forward to it! ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  18. Just follow the Yellow Brick road, Pathfinder. With your callsign, you should have no problem. Be sure to fill in the blanks, especially essential items, name, E-Mail address, etc. It's pretty basic. I can do it, so it should be a breeze for you WB ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  19. So we've just prolonged their death, huh? ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  20. Well Zaffod, it is still true. Investment=dividend Plain and simple. You should remember a few points. 1. CM in one scenario will only cover a tiny part of the bigger event that went on for days. So you'll only be creating a piece of the action. 2. Do your background reading first in general. Picture the battle in your mind using maps to reference the places mentioned (I HATE books with names of places and no maps! 3. As you read, your attention will be drawn to some aspect or particular smaller battle within the larger conflict. Grab that and try to get as many details as you can. 4. Maps of the Falaise area can be found. Moon is an excellent resource (beta tester, the guy who wrote the CM Manual). If you are having a hard time finding good maps, post a request here. I'm sure someone will help you. 5. Remember, no map on the level of CM will be as accurate as you wish. How many trees? How many dips in the ground?...etc. But if you can get a topographical map of the area where your battle took place that should be enough. The same goes for units, follow the above suggestions. Some pretty good books on the subject that I have found are: Steel Inferno, Reynolds Death of a Nazi Army, Bruer The Battle of the Generals, Blumenson Six Armies in Normandy, Keegan Normandy, Osprey Campaign Series #1 And others. Some of these have some pretty good maps. You'll have to fill in some gray areas. One final thing. If this is your first, don't think too BIG! Beginning designers think they have to make the biggest. But the biggest is not always the best . I'll leave that thought Think in terms of a few companies and a corresponding amount of tanks, or perhaps a tank heavy confrontation with no more than 15 or so tanks on each side. Do a map you are comfortable with, say 1200 by 1200 or in that area. And find yourself some good testers. I've said it before. I'll say it again. Testers make scenarios good! You can never say enough good things about conscientious testers. They are the linemen who allow the running back to score. There are some good folks on this forum who will help you. That should be enough to get you going, my friend. Let me know how you do. And hurry, before I get too enthused about this Wild Bill ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  21. Estimado Colega: Take a look at my Arnhem map in the editor of the game. I can't remember right now how I set the levels, but look at the height levels. Now that is about as high as you'll be able to do it. The stone bridge sits about 4 levels above the water. If the water is level six, the ground level abutting it would have to be 10, I think. Play around with the height levels and you'll see just how deep you can make the gorge. Hope this helps. Saludos Guillermo el Salvaje ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  22. You must have played the German side Malmvig. It is painful. I eeked out a minor once. It is easier as the Polish...much. I intend to change that soon with another Polish scenario, Meyer's Wrath. Now you can get some payback. Congrats Darwin. Wonderful to have the game with a year's supply of fighting The fun's just started Havermeyer... ! Some pretty tense moments lie ahead of you. Which side are you playing...doesn't really matter I guess. Believe me, your opponent is sweating just like you ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  23. Thank you Ghost! I (and I am sure all the other guys) really appreciate your saying that. Encouragement is a great thing, highly motivating for all of us. I am no exception. I appreciate it... ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  24. Well you lived up to your name, you found the path, though cluttered with rocks, limbs (not tree limbs ) and made it. Congratulations. It is not an easy scenario. Well, of course for some it is, for me it wasn't. - - - - - - - - - - - Don't read further unless you've been bitten Careful movement, no mad charges and using your armor properly is the key. Let the Germans do that I think watching biting your toe-nails might have been as fascinating as watching you play the battle Now here's a challenge, do that with your shoes on Thanks Pathfinder, I appreciate the nice report. ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com [This message has been edited by Wild Bill Wilder (edited 08-03-2000).]
  25. When you see a problem with a scenario, fellas, write the author if you can. Go directly to the source. Not all of them come here and it would be an issue that the scenario designer himself would have to address. Of course, if his E-Mail address is not in the text file (It should be, at the bottom), then you have no recourse but to hope that he will see it here. I refer to scenarios on the CD. Other outside scenarios are another matter. I don't know how you would handle that. You should be able to find his address to write him. Lest I be misrepresented, I am NOT saying that topics on the scenarios should not be posted here. They should, by all means. But if you find a bug or a problem that the designer could correct, make sure he knows about it. I personally would appreciate it. I think the others would too. We want to make them as right as the game allows. ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
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