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Wild Bill Wilder

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Everything posted by Wild Bill Wilder

  1. I'm not sure what the purpose of your scenario is, Joe. Are you trying to have a confrontation between the convoy and the Germans, them attacking the convoy? Without flags, the Germans don't have any motivation to move. There are so many variables here that you have not mentioned that it is hard to say. If the map is large and long and the units are relatively few, and the turns are not that long, most likely the Germans will not find the convoy. You're going to have to make the scenario so that there is something to draw the Germans to your road to attack. One possibility is a flag near the exit hex. You can put it far enough away from the Germans so that they will be hard pressed to take it. But as you say, a convoy scenario is not easy. Its not the kind of battle the AI will not respond well at all. Timing is also an issue. If the Germans are not close enough, they won't get to the area where you want a battle. ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester/Designer Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  2. Afraid not, Ron. It would be an excellent feature. Some maps are being made so large, I don't know if it would be possible. ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester/Designer Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  3. Berlichten's and Simon's advice are about the best you are going to get with the current limitations in the scenario editor. When I did SPR at Ramelle, I had to make a group (chose Co HQ to get a captain, renamed him Miller) and considered this group that tiny knot of heroes, Miller, Ryan, Rieben, Upham and one paratrooper for good measure. The MG teams were easy enough. Sgt Horvath became Corportal Horvath with a bazooka, Jackson took a sniper's role. So you'll have to do the old "improvise and overcome" thing, but its worth it. I still love playing Saving Private Ryan at Ramelle" If one of that five man team is left, he is Private Ryan, the last to go. Good luck with it, DB! ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester/Designer Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  4. There are a lot of features, editorially speaking in scenario design, that I have been clamoring for. When work begins on the next volume in this magnificent series, I will be a strong lobbyist for some areas where I think new and better tools could be supplied to the scenario designer. A few examples. The ability to set objectives for a particular unit, so that it goes to that objective instead of the flag. The ability to modify the # of units in a squad. Few units remained in combat for very long at full strength. Being able to have single squads with the need or a platoon HQ always attached. A better co-relation between the map editor and the preview screen so that you don't have to jump back and forth to make sure all units are in the zone, or that the units are at the desired distance from a specific point. These are a few of a number of improvements I hope we can get. Don't get me wrong. I am not crying foul, or that the game is not already great. I just see the need for a few changes in the editor to make it better. Having more latitude in editing will eventually mean a greater variety and enhanced quality to the created scenarios in the game. ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester/Designer Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  5. Who is this "wargame" guy you speak of? What is his name? There are actually more than one. ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester/Designer Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  6. It would be easier, Howard, that is why we don't do it No, seriously, they could be packaged into one package, but its changing all the time, and folks wanting a new one would not want to download scenarios he already had. About the only time I package a series of scenarios is when they are a series. For example, if I did a series on 21st Panzer Division, June-July 44, five scenarios. After publishing the individual scenarios, I would create a Pz21Div.zip file with all five scenarios. Other than that, you just have to bite the bullet, I'm afraid! ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester/Designer Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  7. Looking for payback, Peiper? I would! Thanks, Sniper! Medals are being sent by special dispatch courier ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester/Designer Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  8. Thanks Sniper. I was wondering how it was going with you guys. Thanks for the report and the test. It seems that it is about ready to roll. I appreciate the report very much. Who won? ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester/Designer Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  9. David, I'll answer your query, though MikeO already has. The biggest problem facing a scenario designer for this operation is the fact that the designer CANNOT designate the entry point of the German units. So, after the first battle, I cannot have German units start on the north side of the river. It just won't do that for me. I tried and I tried, redrawing zones, and everything else I could think of. I spent over 100 hours just designing and testing this baby. And I will congratulate heartily anyone who can have units coming from the east and north. The limitations of operations is a problem. I thought about dropping it, but then I felt that it would still be fun and after the hours I put into it I was not about to toss it. You're right fellas, objective flags would work very well, along with the designer's ability to set entry points for German units. I recently thought of a possible solution, but I have not had the chance to try it out yet. It would mean redrawing the map again and I have not had the time or the courage to tackle it again. For those of you doing your own version...good luck! You will need it. You are opening a can of very squiggly worms If I can help, let me know. It is a real challenge. Personally, from the viewpoint of fun, I had a lot of fun playing it. I still do. I hope some of you will too. That was my intention. ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester/Designer Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  10. The newest Boots N' Tracks web page edition will be out before the weekend on the Wild Bill's Raider page. http://wbr.thegamers.net It includes four brand new scenarios, all done by guest designers and thoroughly tested by the CM Raiders, nearly all of whom are members of the CM Beta Team. This is a nice selection of battles. I think you will want to have them all. They include: Point du Hoc Clervaux Parker's Crossroads Hurtgen Forest In addition, I'll be posting two new scenarios designed especially for PBEM play in the Scenario Depot at Madmatt's website for CM. http://combathq.thegamers.net They will be: "The Wrong Hill" and, "A Second Job." The first is a tank heavy battle of action on Hill 140 between Canadians and German forces under "Panzermeyer." The second is rather unique. Few scenarios deal with the common close in city fighting that was often the case in WW2 in Europe. It has that tense feel to it and you scurry from doorway to doorway, always fearful of a sniper's bullet, or a hand grenade thrown from a window. There will be some armor in support. So keep watching for this new bevy of scenarios. They'll all be out and ready for you before the weekend. And more is on the way, including a new operation: "Cut Off" 3 battles, lots of tanks... ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester/Designer Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  11. The newest Boots N' Tracks web page edition will be out before the weekend on the Wild Bill's Raider page. http://wbr.thegamers.net It includes four brand new scenarios, all done by guest designers and thoroughly tested by the CM Raiders, nearly all of whom are members of the CM Beta Team. This is a nice selection of battles. I think you will want to have them all. They include: Point du Hoc Clervaux Parker's Crossroads Hurtgen Forest In addition, I'll be posting two new scenarios designed especially for PBEM play in the Scenario Depot at Madmatt's website for CM. http://combathq.thegamers.net They will be: "The Wrong Hill" and, "A Second Job." The first is a tank heavy battle of action on Hill 140 between Canadians and German forces under "Panzermeyer." The second is rather unique. Few scenarios deal with the common close in city fighting that was often the case in WW2 in Europe. It has that tense feel to it and you scurry from doorway to doorway, always fearful of a sniper's bullet, or a hand grenade thrown from a window. There will be some armor in support. So keep watching for this new bevy of scenarios. They'll all be out and ready for you before the weekend. And more is on the way, including a new operation: "Cut Off" 3 battles, lots of tanks... ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester/Designer Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  12. Hey John, The Raider team has been very conscious of this need and we are working hard for some scenarios that are as close to ideal as possible for PBEM. Two of them should be ready this week and I'll post them in the CMHQ Game Depot. You may want to give them a try. They are brand new, thoroughly tested and raring to go. Also look for a new operation to be posted for those who love them. The two scenarios are "The Wrong Hill" and "A Second Job." http://combathq.thegamers.net Then go to Scenario Depot section. Look for them about Wednesday or Thursday. I think these will fit the bill. A Second Job is especially exciting. It is close in street fighting with equally strong forces on US and German side. Terry Simo and Tim Orosz, both part of the CM Beta team with scenarios of their own on the CD, had a good hard fight and they both give it a thumbs up. I'll post a notice when its ready. ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester/Designer Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  13. Ah, von Lucke...You chose the right man for the job Great going. And Dale, your's was a heart stopper. A very dramatic exercise in bowel constraint for that platoon. Nothing like four Tigers to make your day! Be sure and put flowers on the grave cairn of that bazooka team Thanks Guys. Gotta love this game! ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester/Designer Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  14. Martyr! My apologies. I missed your earlier post on padlocked units. Sorry! I wasnt ignoring you. To padlock or not to padlock. I hesitate using this feature. Why? Because it takes away an option most players want. When they start a scenario and cannot reorganize, they sometimes get pissed. And that is understandable. I use it. I use it sparingly. Mainly I use if for fixed positions...bunkers, pillboxes, barbed wire, mines, etc. In some instances I will padlock units that are not reinforcing but are supporting or coming in behind the front line units. I do this in order to keep that side from having too much initial firepower. Its a touchy subject at best. Would it make Fear in the Fog a better scenario? Perhaps. I can't help but think that the AI is bunching up to give concentrated firepower and punch a hole in the defenses. That is an uneducated guess. Here is a debate that will go on and on. Some like it. Some don't. If used properly, it can be a valuable design tool. ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester/Designer Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  15. Interesing comments, ASL. Your total victory from both sides is very commendable. It also is usually an indication that such a battle might to well for a PBEM confrontation. If such a victory is achievable (though not everyone has done that well) from either side, there is balance there. Now comes the question. Do you improve one side? Perhaps. Does this throw balance off for the other side? Perhaps. Some more dilemmas for the scenario designer to ponder. ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester/Designer Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  16. Well, thank you TeAcH! Nice of you to take the time to write and tell me. That is always an encouragement. It has been one of my replayables since I first designed. I prefer the American side too. In making the revision, I did play the Germans and I was surprised how tense it was. The tussle around that village is one fierce dog-fight, from either side. I appreciate the note.... ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester/Designer Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  17. Look in the CMHQ Game Depot. It has been uploaded there and is listed as version 2.0 http://combathq.thegamers.net/depot.html The Tigers now have a better chance of survival. No more than that...no spoiler here ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester/Designer Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com [This message has been edited by Wild Bill Wilder (edited 07-22-2000).]
  18. Thank Henri! I appreciate the kind words about this scenario. Its still one of my favorites! Very, very nice AAR! I felt like I was reading an actual battle. You're quite the writer! ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester/Designer Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  19. I'll take a look at it, Lebo. Thanks. You say the four Tigers were taken out immediately. Is this in the revised or first version?...WB ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester/Designer Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  20. The jig is up...the truth is out . Now you can get some payback as the Germans ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester/Designer Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  21. There was a small problem for those playing the Elsdorf scenario. The German reinforcements were not well placed and did not last more than a turn or two. And that is rough when they are Tiger tanks . To compensate for that, I have reworked it and am going to post it on a website for downloading. As soon as I can find a home for it, I'll let you know where it is.I am going to post it. It turned out to be a change for the better and is much more playable now from the German side. ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester/Designer Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  22. Very nice beginning. I'm sure as you add more AARs, more folks will be visiting you. I know I will ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester/Designer Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  23. You'll have to put them in those zones yourself while in the editor. The computer will not put them there, Hundimen. Go to editor, load scenario, map, and then preview. To place them in the proper zones, you'll then have to click on each unit, type "P" and click on where you want that unit to be. I wish it would do something like that ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester/Designer Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  24. I have two new operations that should be ready within a week or two, Howard. I'll notify you as to where to find them...WB ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester/Designer Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  25. I'll be posting a couple in the next few weeks, my friend. They require a LOT of time and a LOT of work But they are addictive! ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester/Designer Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
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