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Wild Bill Wilder

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Everything posted by Wild Bill Wilder

  1. Any time any of you have a problem with one of mine, don't hesitate to drop me a line. Don't let it get to that point. I'll do my best to help or at least console you if the situation can't be remedied. Thanks for the kind words Fernando. Again, I understand your frustration. Your idea for sending out all revised scenarios as a part of the patch is a very good one. ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  2. Be sure and grab these new ones for the weekend and don't get "rib drippings" on your keyboard ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  3. Thanks Rob. Look for another new one I'm touching up due out next week. I tried to make Labor Day weekend, but schedule is just too tight. ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  4. The actual account of the fighting is found in a few books. Let me recommend "The Last Offensive" (US Army in WW2, pages 130-132) This is the most detailed account of the action I could find. I won't quote the entire section, but the last para states: "By midmorning, despite long-range fire from the same Tiger that had caused trouble in Irsch, contingents of the combat command reached the Rangers. Hard-pressed by shelling and counterattacks, during the second day and third morning in their isolated position, the Rangers had not only managed to survive, but also had bagged about 100 German prisoners." (page 132). ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  5. Your aggressive nature...you probably scared 'em to death. "C'mon, Hans! We gotta move!" "The hell you say! There are mean Poles out there! You wanna go..go! I'm sittin' tight!" Don't know for sure, but I'm guessing the defenseless trucks will not move where there is imminent danger. They just sit tight and wait it out, hoping for an improve situation. Again, only a guess. I don't know that to be an AI fact. ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  6. The Wild Bill's Raiders website has just today updated the site. We have a new pagemaster, Kevin "Kinch" Kinscherf. He has done a spectacular job of putting together a nicely done, easy to read web page on BOOTS N' TRACKS. This is the section on the Raider page devoted to CMBO. You'll find some hints, articles and two brand new red-hot battles from one of the original beta testers on the CM team, Bryan "Marauder" Melvin. One is an operation. You'll find them both highly interesting and rather challenging. Drop by to see us. Go to the main Raider page, then look to your left. You'll see Boots N' Tracks in the list. Click on it and you'll be there. Grab the goodies. They've been done for you. http://wbr.thegamers.net ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  7. Von Brizee has played this one..and I'm sure he did well. Nice tactics, my friend. The sooner you can take that town, the better. Always use caution, of course, but a bold stroke here won't hurt anything too much and will give you a good position. ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  8. Thank you, gentlemen. I've enjoyed this one. Its nice to see a Tiger, even a King Tiger, with its awesome size and BIG gun can be turned into a whimpering kitten. They can still bite, though, so keep your whip and chair handy We've got a few more almost ready fellas, including a new operation. They should be out in a few weeks. I appreciate the encouragement and support more than I can say. I never take it for granted. Thanks! ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  9. The revision is up on the Combat Mission HQ page. From all the reports I've received, it plays much better. I'm sorry you got an older version that gave you problems, Fernando. To be into a battle and then have your hopes crushed can be very frustrating. And since I am about as volatile as you, I understand. I'm glad you like the revision. I do too. A kinder gentler approach would have been nice, but at least this catches everyone's eye and lets them know a revision is out there. I can live with that. Rune is in my mind one of the best playtesters that has ever worked with me. In fact, the whole Raider CM team is topnotch. They always point out these kinds of things and without them, I could not possibly do what I do. So I'll share the glory, but just give me the heat. So everyone...be sure you have the revised Elsdorf, or you'll watch some beautiful Tigers turn into toast before they fire Of course, if you are the American player, you don't want to change a thing You can get it at the CMHQ Depot. http://combathq.thegamers.net Finally, after seven years and over 1,000 total scenarios for 9 different games, I'm used to a little heat. I will admit, however, that the title of this post did catch my eye And thanks, guys, those of you who posted replies and explained. That means a lot to me. I appreciate your support. ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com [This message has been edited by Wild Bill Wilder (edited 09-01-2000).]
  10. The Wild Bill's Raiders website has just today updated the site. We have a new pagemaster, Kevin "Kinch" Kinscherf. He has done a spectacular job of putting together a nicely done, easy to read web page on BOOTS N' TRACKS. This is the section on the Raider page devoted to CMBO. You'll find some hints, articles and two brand new red-hot battles from one of the original beta testers on the CM team, Bryan "Marauder" Melvin. One is an operation. You'll find them both highly interesting and rather challenging. Drop by to see us. Go to the main Raider page, then look to your left. You'll see Boots N' Tracks in the list. Click on it and you'll be there. Grab the goodies. They've been done for you. http://wbr.thegamers.net ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  11. The Wild Bill's Raiders website has just today updated the site. We have a new pagemaster, Kevin "Kinch" Kinscherf. He has done a spectacular job of putting together a nicely done, easy to read web page on BOOTS N' TRACKS. This is the section on the Raider page devoted to CMBO. You'll find some hints, articles and two brand new red-hot battles from one of the original beta testers on the CM team, Bryan "Marauder" Melvin. One is an operation. You'll find them both highly interesting and rather challenging. Drop by to see us. Go to the main Raider page, then look to your left. You'll see Boots N' Tracks in the list. Click on it and you'll be there. Grab the goodies. They've been done for you. http://wbr.thegamers.net ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  12. I always enjoy a game where I feel my losses, personally. The ones where you lose 70 tanks and 1,000 men in a turn seem very impersonal. When I groan over the loss of a squad, or a single tank, now I can really get into that! It becomes a personal battle with men out there, fighting under my command, not just a bunch of stats. One of the great qualities of CM! Wild Bill ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  13. Good shooting Heinz. Not all have done that well. Glad you enjoyed it. We've got a few more coming your way soon...WB ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  14. Good deal Ron! You are doing fine! Whittling down the odds by five gives you a good chance at this point to do what Group Waldmueller did...turn that battle completely around from a rout to a triumph. It can be done. Thanks for the update...WB ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  15. Thanks, guys. Good military tactics take the day. You are both good commanders and know how to deploy and position for your forces for maximum firepower. It should work every time. Good kills, good hunting. Even King Tigers can't stand up to that kind of treatment ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  16. Yes. That seems to be the plan from BTS, numerous other versions upcoming as long as there is interest. Simple answer to simple question...done WB ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  17. Indeed, Mystiverse, both games are a great deal of fun. I seem to alternate right now between the two and enjoy them both immensely. Each has a different approach to war. With SPWAW being at no cost to the gaming world, (except perhaps for ordering a CD and covering the cost of the CD and the shipping and handling, but there are other ways). This is a CM forum, of course, but it does not hurt to mention other wargames that are playable, entertaining and fun. If anyone should want to take a look at SPWAW, it's easy enough... http://spwaw.thegamers.net And if not, that is okay too WB ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  18. Bronx cockroaches...I assume they are veritably indestructable? Or as mean as that little smiley? I love your little MGWhore! Can I use it sometime? ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  19. Likewise, Banshee, I'll be delighted to look at yours. Probably because it was an intensely interesting battle, ideal for the scope of CM. It happens. I'll check yours out. As to it being superior, not necessarily, but I thank you for the nice thought. You'll probably be around long after I hit the dusty trail, designing scenarios for CM21, Star Trek I wish you well in your efforts, my friend. ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  20. ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  21. Hey Ethan! If you win, do I get the credit ? ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  22. That is an "Oops" zone. I thought I had removed all the black. Thanks for catching that, Ethan. Sharp man! I'll fix it and we will put up a revision...WB ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  23. Thanks Rob. Until the creative juices dry up I guess, or I start failing to meet my own standard...or I croak , whichever comes first. I appreciate the note very much. I think you'll like this one... ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  24. A new week...a new battle. One more scenario has gone up for you at CMHQ. Now listen carefully, this one is NOT in the scenario depot. You will find it in the Scenarios and operations listing at CMHQ. So don't look for it in the scenario depot. This one has some real big cats! It is a recreation of an actual surprise historical battle well into 1945 when everyone felt like the war was practically over. The title says it all: Paderborn - Far From Over! Play it and enjoy it. It's great for PBEM and Madmatt has it ready to go RIGHT NOW! http://combathq@thegamers.net ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  25. A new week...a new battle. One more scenario has gone up for you at CMHQ. Now listen carefully, this one is NOT in the scenario depot. You will find it in the Scenarios and operations listing at CMHQ. So don't look for it in the scenario depot. This one has some real big cats! It is a recreation of an actual surprise historical battle well into 1945 when everyone felt like the war was practically over. The title says it all: Paderborn - Far From Over! Play it and enjoy it. It's great for PBEM and Madmatt has it ready to go RIGHT NOW! http://combathq@thegamers.net ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
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