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Everything posted by TeAcH

  1. Point taken and well made. Was not aware of past trouble with him. Certainly wouldnt want anyone's ass kissed even if they haven't been a former "pot stirrer". Thanks Steve. TeAcH
  2. If anyone knows where to find a copy, please let me know. TeAcH
  3. Two questions for Steve, and I'm drawing from another debate for one of them 1) Will HMG units ever be able to run once their ammo is consumed to a level that would cease to encumber them? 2) Can captured units be moved even if they are in a state of panic/broken/etc? If I am panicked and then captured and my captor has a rifle pointed at my head telling me to move, I'd like to think I'd be moving (scared or not). TeAcH
  4. Former Babra said: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>This is not a complaint, merely a reflection after the building used as "cover" by one of my Shermans vanished, leaving the tank instantly exposed to all and sundry as if it were caught doing a nasty thing in the bathroom.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I had that very thing happen to my tank also. HAHA I like the way you put it too. It really described the feeling you get when that happens. TeAcH [This message has been edited by TeAcH (edited 06-04-2000).]
  5. Well, I've read through this whole post and wasn't going to add anything until I read your last post Steve. I agree that banning is not an option...period. The more discussion the better right? It's too bad actually that the debate degenerated as it did. For I think that accuracy in this game is the key. It is what makes this game so fun and unique...the accuracy. It just adds a whole sense of reality to the game(s) (reality within the proper context that is). Look, I enjoyed reading the debate. I think it is healthy. One thing of immense consideration is though, that the minute we think we know EVERYTHING, we will never accept someone else's point of view..no matter how right they are...and that goes for Steve AND MG Mann. It's true that Steve and Charles have allowed gamer's input and responded quickly which is unprecendented in game design. I've never seen it before. But, there are people out there (and MG may be one of them) who are experts in ONE area or another. Just because they may be some cantankerous poster with a mediocre grasp of the English language, doesn't mean the information and its usefullness for the game is worthless. TeAcH [This message has been edited by TeAcH (edited 06-04-2000).]
  6. One thing to consider, as I am sure they have but is worth bringing to light, is that graphical enhancements (partially collapsed buildings, drifting smoke, a variety of visual tank damage, etc) could all be implemented but scalable to one's PC. As everyone knows, a lot of games are designed with a video options dialogue box that allows the program to be tailored to run on a minimum system, while a power PC can turn all the bells and whistles on. Could CM2 be designed in a like manner? Thus, those of us who have expensive video cards and powerful processors would be able to exploit them, while those with older bare bones systems wouldn't be excluded (and thus BTS wouldn't be able sell a copy to them). An option screen that allows users to change image quality levels along with a multitude of other enhancements. That would be the way to go. If I turn on too many things and my game slows to a crawl, I endure it or its back to the options screen for me. Comments anyone? TeAcH [This message has been edited by TeAcH (edited 06-04-2000).]
  7. I searched and found part of this asked awhile ago yet there was no answer, so Ill present it again. Also, this is discussion for CM2. No one wants CM1 delayed, which would not happen anyway so... Was there any thought to allowing some buildings to partially collapse OR be presented as partially destroyed when the battle begins. Not only would this add to the visual appeal of the game (like the building in Saving Private Ryan where the French family tried to pass off the girl just before the sniper), but would seem to add another factor to the game. A partially collapsed building may still block LOS for instance. Thanks TeAcH [This message has been edited by TeAcH (edited 06-04-2000).]
  8. For those interested... http://www.ga-strategy.com/images/1/index49.shtml I dunno. Graphics kinda look bad especially the terrain. TeAcH [This message has been edited by TeAcH (edited 06-02-2000).]
  9. Thanks to all of you here for posting your comments. The issue has been debated across multiple topics in various forms before. This I know. There have been several issues that have come up in the game where BTS' answer was something to the effect that certain things were done in the game in order to keep players from doing something "Gamey". Now, I understand "gamey" to mean a tactic employed by the desktop commander which would NOT have been attempted in "real life" (sending tank crews armed with pistols out as a fighting force for example). Hence, BTS made it so that an infantry symbol would always show "Crew" regardless of where a like crew was on the battlefield. This was done to keep players from doing that. Now, I would argue that IF you as a player wanted to send your tank crew out on a suicide mission or one intended to draw fire then the game oughta punish you in not only point loss, but in not having that crew around for a subsequent battle. But it should not tell your opponent that it is just a crew. Now, as I understand it, the former is done (save the constant labelling of "crew" given to this type of squad). Crews for guns and mortars are also broadcasted in the fashion well after they desert their primary weapon(s). When it comes to guns, CM will not allow you to "Uncrew" a gun for any reason. Again, gamey tactic prevention. My point was simply, give me the option of doing that if I decide it is necessary - like hiding until a bombardment is over. Please don't combine this with the whole notion that the game itself isn't realistic therefore this discussion is a moot point. That misses the point. Moreover, I want CM yesterday like all of us. What goes on in this topic will not delay that from happening. What it might do is cause some conversation and thus be considered as a patch or as a selectable option within CM2. Charles and Steve, you guys are heroes in my book for bringing us a splendid game. Thanks for CM and for a forum to talk about it. Everyone else, feel free to continue throwing in your two cents. TeAcH [This message has been edited by TeAcH (edited 06-01-2000).]
  10. CC1 Fun - Hooked CC2 Loved it! CC3 Dissapointed but still enjoyed it a bit CC3 (w/RealRed) Much Much better!! Fun CC4 Piece of crap. Dung! WW2 Command and Conquer. Atomic buttwipes! Cashing in on the lamers. CC5 They can kiss my arse CC6 Hmmm..3d battlefield? Im interested again. Will it be realtime? No doubt. Hmmm...Ill play the demo first. Hey Grunto! I hear ya. I must have mailed Keith Zabalouser a ton of mails too. He didn't do jack. TeAcH
  11. With all due respect to Charles and Steve who have crafted one of my favorite games of all time (including back to the days of Apple 2), I would like to propose a vote to all players. As most of you are already aware by now, there are several "rules" in place in CM that do their best to prevent gamey tactics. One such rule is that crews are always identified as crews rather than unknown infantry types on the battlefield. Another does not allow players to abandon crew served weapons if they are bombarded so that the crew take cover and then return to and man a hopefully undamaged gun. (Correct me if I am wrong on those two examples. They were the first two to come to mind.) Though the motivation and design behind these rules is well-intentioned - to prevent gamey type tactics from spoiling a game - "realism" if you will, is sacrificed along the way. There are those that suggest that the game not have such implementations thereby allowing the player freedom to do what would be ordinarily physically possible during a battle (granted it is a computer game). Thus, players would then be confronted with "real" dilemmas and situations to overcome and likewise, real penalties for the loss of "important" troop types and equipment (tank crews, mortar crews, etc). You see, the more such governors that are put in place, the more confined the strategies become. Remove those devices and give players total control over their troops. So, for those that are interested, I welcome a vote if for nothing more than the gathering opinions for BTS' perusal. Please start your reply with a vote of either: "GTP" - a vote for Gamey tactics prevention (keep those rules in place) -or- "TR" - Total Realism (players get total control - let the field of battle be the determiner) I vote TP. Keep in mind this would be related to CM2. Thanks, TeAcH [This message has been edited by TeAcH (edited 05-31-2000).]
  12. You're welcome Sgt. Take it from someone who is only 32 and has never been in the service...I appreciate you and your sacrifices beyond description. Had I been around at the time of the Vietnam war, Id be right there with you trying to help myself and my buddies get their butts home. TeAcH [This message has been edited by TeAcH (edited 05-31-2000).]
  13. Thanks Foobar and well said. I dare say that America may be without a generation capable of as much heroism as those before it. Fewer and fewer are the number of people who believe in their country. They believe mostly in themselves and their own personal gain at the expense of others. TeAcH
  14. Thanks for checking that. Argh...I dont have that file anymore. TeAcH
  15. I'd like to take this opportuniy to honor all of the soldiers all over the world who fought and died for what they believed in. For those who never got to see their families again and never made it back home. For the heroes whose deeds go unnoticed, whose acts of bravery and sacrifice for their comrades are only remembered by the men who live today because of it. Shall we never ever forget the commitment, dedication, and price these brave men and women paid for their countries. It is my hope this generation truly understands what that generation endured and strives to go out of its way to demonstrate respect to those who are so deserving. TeAcH [This message has been edited by TeAcH (edited 05-30-2000).]
  16. (In a VOT PBEM game as the US) When my tanks arrived on turn 10, one Sherman who was placed with his back against the edge of the map was immediately targetted by the pillbox with 75. He reversed off the map and was lost forever. I would have rathered he reversed to cover but... TeAcH
  17. He was in a foxhole. Shoulda been a nice place for that heat to build up and cook his butt, not shelter if you ask me. That heat and fire would have rolled off the side of the foxhole and funneled right back at him. TeAcH [This message has been edited by TeAcH (edited 05-30-2000).]
  18. Man how I hate doing this but I gotta, and man am I gonna kick the proverbial dead horse right in his ass. Here goes nothing. Something is terribly terribly wrong with the flamethrowers and, I stress something. Let me finish. I had an unscathed flamethrower squad unleash all 6 bursts (6 plus separate shots) of liquid hell into an imobilized HMG MG42 squad with 1 man left at a distance of 28m and NOTHING happened! Not one casualty. Not even a rout. Not even a freaking panic attack. The MG42 turned and turned and was looking for and firing at targets between my shots. Lt. Bull, my adversary in this PBEM can back me up. It was a joke. Hey, Im no expert on WW2 arms and Im not a historian of any kind, but this is really hard to accept. I posted another fine example of a bogus flamethrower attack a couple of weeks ago with pictures (search back youll see) and that one, where a German unit walked through a wall of liquid fire unscathed, was hard to swallow. This example is impossible. Please, no offense, but take another look at this weapon BTS please. Im sure there are folks out there who have had some success with this weapon and will try to say that all is well, but I ask them to look at this example and ponder it. I don't have the answer but it needs checking. TeAcH PS, Lt Bull...where are you buddy on this?
  19. pardon me if this has been discussed to death but will CM be able to be MOD'ed so that some eager-beaver out there could lets say, change the graphics AND the unit data to make a Pacific Front MOD replete with shore landings, banzai charges, and jungle terrain? I'm all for CM2 in the Eastern Front but would love to see the Pacific Front sooner rather than later. I know some of us have shared our love for this locale but I cant recall if the MOD idea came up. TeAcH TeAcH
  20. I just spent a few hours at the Fort Lewis museum here in Washington State. I had a fun time checking out the tanks and AFV as well as uniforms and weapons on display. I got to see an M4 Sherman, a Chaffee, a Greyhound (didnt realize it was open toppped..hmm), an M3 Stuart, a Pershing, and halftracks galore. Saw some Korean and 60's era stuff too like the M103 Heavy Tank...whoa its a big sucker. Then inside, the had several Germans, US, Japanese, and Russian WW2 gear. Saw a Panzerfaust as well as the MG42, MP41, MP40, Assault 42, among others. It was a real treat. The only disappointment was that the tanks were all welded shut. I want to climb through them all. Bummer. Does anyone know where they have WW2 tanks on display and allow you to get in them? Thanks TeAcH
  21. 32 / Married / 3 kids / Police Detective / Been a gamer since pong!
  22. For those of you that have not seen them, a company called 21st Century Toys has a line of 12 inch action figures that blows the whole GI Joe line away. The 21st Cent. ones have much greater attention to detail and look way more authentic. I bought the German Paratrooper doll (Fallschrimjager) and it is one of my favorites. They have a whole line of Germans, US, and Brits too. Check em out at: http://www.21stcenturytoys.com/wwii_section.html I can't wait to fill out my ww2 line. Look on Ebay too. People sell them there to (go figure) TeAcH [This message has been edited by TeAcH (edited 05-28-2000).]
  23. Great!! I for one really appreciate that implementation! You guys are truly amazing. What an inspiration to see designers listen to, converse and debate with, and then implement a portion of the topic at hand. Once again, good stuff BTS! Personally, I think I am reponsible for getting three other people to buy your game. I think most of the other users could make the same claim. The combination of a truly accurate and fun game combined with a supportive design team makes this purchase a no brainer. TeAcH
  24. I was visiting a military history website and was reading a portion about DDAY and more specifically the contribution(s) of the french resistance fighters who provided the locations of german bunkered artillery which was then shelled by US Arty. One of the pics caught my eye and made me think about this debate. It read: "Despite the accuracy of the British gunnery, not all of the artillery rounds resulted in direct damage. These pock marks illustrate the strength of the casemate's reinforced concrete, although the resulting concussion within the positions drove two of the guns' crews from their cannon" Makes it appear as though they abandoned their weapons during that bombardment. Now, I dont think they ran out into the open when hell was raining down, but perhaps they figured being away from the target improved their chances of survival. Interesting. TeAcH [This message has been edited by TeAcH (edited 05-27-2000).]
  25. My only thought is what kinda handle is that? I mean...who can really take you seriously with a name like that? Sheesh...you dont see anyone running around calling themselves hetero*lover do ya? Im not interested in your sexual preferences so keep the name to yourself. I know this isnt the place for my thoughts but this isnt the place for it. KnowwhatImean? -Not ready to jump on the politically correct bandwagon. Signed, TeAcH (The bigot) [This message has been edited by TeAcH (edited 05-27-2000).]
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