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Conscript Bagger

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Everything posted by Conscript Bagger

  1. Tanks in town with enemy inf. close to them and being helpless? I made the opposite experience: IMO 90% of the WWII-movies are a kind of SF-movies.</font>
  2. From The Big Red One: "You know how you smoke out a sniper? You send a guy out into the open and see if he gets shot." All my CM tactics are Hollywood-approved.
  3. I was playing around with a Westwall operation I'd made and the AI did just that - it didn't put TRPs on flags, since there aren't any in ops, but on its own positions. My recon platoon overran a mortar, AT gun, and HQ unit's foxholes, and the next turn 81mm started falling, followed one turn later by 75 and 105. (I got them got out of the impact area with surprisingly few casualties - thank goodness for double morale bonuses and short delay times. )
  4. Don't read my post as snappish - it wasn't meant to be. Just pointing out that since this thread is the main source of info for the tournament, I intend to read it regularly, and it stands to reason that my opponents won't want elements of their OBs posted here. Thanks for the edit.
  5. Monty, I suppose you'd also characterize the determinedness with which you pursue your chosen field of occupation (as listed in your profile) as a mere "quirk" rather than a flaw...
  6. You can keep your AT teams from engaging at extreme range by using the Ambush and/or Hide commands. True, once they start shooting they will continue to fire, but since they are usually spotted and engaged after their second or third shot, I'd rather they keep it up. Try using Sneak instead of Crawl; I believe it is more stealthy.
  7. Woo hoo - two games already underway and two setups received this weekend. Will try to respond to all after work tonight. Thanks again to TrajectOry for being the "guy behind the guy behind the guy." Allied C1 a.k.a. ezp
  8. Heh heh, thanks for providing the material - I about peed myself when you wrote it!
  9. This sounds like a fantastic addition. I wonder how it is affected by borgspotting, though? If I target an enemy Tiger with a T-34 at 100m and a SU-152 at 600m, is there a different Death Clock for each of my AFVs? Or does the SU get the same (presumably shorter due to range) countdown as the T-34? I'm guessing the latter, but hoping for the former.
  10. As soon as you give a movement order, your troops (no longer Hiding) might very well blast him during the order delay, ambush target or not. Even if they don't, at 100m he'll see you when you bug out anyway. To my way of thinking, shooting at 100m is better than 20 because he'll almost certainly be pinned by your first shot, and he won't be close enough for close combat. I'd shoot right now, and issue a move order toward the rear with as long a delay as you feel safe issuing (to give you more shots at him before leaving, but not staying so long that his following troops can draw a bead on you). If you're lucky, you may wipe out his scout in one shot, before he can spot you. Wouldn't count on it, though...
  11. I prefer using 1060 West Addison, myself - but the theory's the same.
  12. "Battle maps up to 27 square kilometres in size" Wasn't this number somefink like 9 before?
  13. As often as not, I group the company MGs and mortars with the company CO. They all move slowly so it's easier to coordinate, and it's a good way to provide supporting fire while the quicker infantry maneuver like Monty said. And with a group of MGs, you don't have to be quite as close to put effective fire on an enemy position (more guns compensates for the drop in firepower at range).
  14. I was able to use the Web form with my card this morning, so either the problem's fixed or it doesn't affect everyone.
  15. If a side's "friendly map edge" was set to the direction the enemy was coming from - or setting all map edges to "enemy" - would that make broken units more likely to surrender (having nowhere to run, in effect)? [ July 11, 2002, 01:19 PM: Message edited by: Offwhite ]
  16. "For King and Country" sounds like fun... I'll try the Brits.
  17. Which means the story ought to appear shortly in the Beijing Times, eh?
  18. No biggie, it's probably something nobody would miss anyway, like the Sturmtiger.
  19. I don't think the program accounts for the physical height of the viewer - another aspect of this is that you can't do turret-down spotting (where a tank is just behind the crest of a hill but the commander can stand in his hatch and look over the hill). So the only way to see over that grain is to get to a higher terrain or building elevation. I haven't tested, but I think CM's brush terrain is a little more "transparent" than grain (can anyone confirm or deny?).
  20. Oooooh I hope they do - can you imagine the toys you'd get in a happy meal?
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