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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by Oddball_E8

  1. So where is the fix before introducing bigger bridges my friend?

    I can't pass the small bridge as it can be seen at above post attached video


    Well i couldnt tell you, because i don't know all the details of the module (much like most here). But i will give them the benefit of the doubt since this module will revolve alot around bridges, so im sure they are doing their best to fix that problem in time for the module (but it will not be part of the module, it will be in a patch in that case, so that everyone can benefit from it)

  2. funny, just a little more require the upcoming module, and already is offended - it's a patriotic duty? even if I wrote that I want the game physics, great graphics, uber shader dx11 etc, but I want a tiny fixes / improvements - you do not want?

    People (me included) are mostly annoyed because of two things:

    1: you come off as verry combattive and aggressive in your statements.

    2: you consistantly fail to realize that the things you ask for are things that are included in PATCHES and not MODULES.

    The difference is that a MODULE is basically a DLC or an Expansion.

    In most games that means they include new areas, new enemies, new weapons and new content in general, but not much in the way of bug fixes and gameplay changes.

    Patches are where gameplay is changed and where bugs are fixed.

  3. And for example waclaw's posts were so petulant and ignorant that deserve no respect, right?

    Well frankly... yes.

    pessimism? for several years, buying all the games and the module of the series and I'm still waiting for the f****ing flame throwers, but they give us a new bridge! Yippeeeeeeeee!

    expect nothing, you get nothing.

    Does that sound like mature, thought through critizism to you? Because to me it sounds like a child whining about not getting the toys he wanted for christmas.

    No, people who are whining are referring to informations that where officially announced about what they are planning to include in this module not this "amazing" trailer. And right now it looks really weak compered to other published modules. They even said that they considered canceling MG module. I hope BF will draw some conclusion and they will get some interesting idea how to make it more attractive. But why they should do that if you are happy of this.

    A bridge too far...

    No... "people" (that is, waclaw) are complaining about what is NOT announced to be in the module (with no comprehension that those things are what is usually included in patches or new games, not just DLC addons or expansions, which is what a module IS)

    (and for reference ill put this quote here)

    is a matter of expectations, if you satisfied with the campaign, several scenarios, the new bridge and the mill is okay - let me, however, that I will have higher expectations so as to finally fix the problem with shadows (alt + w = - 50% fps) or just added the infamous flame-throwers, camouflage for gun, or by the end of the tank crew stopped attacking on foot, etc., the real changes / improvements - which you and I am waiting for a few years.
  4. Whining about known informations about product. In this way clients who are interested can inform producers if their product is going good or bad way and what are the problems in their opinions. Producer can draw conclusions or ignore them that's their choice. You don't have to agree with them too. For most people this is something normal but you here instead prefer to flame at everyone who dares to whine or criticize your holy Battlefront instead of being happy of whatever they will do. This is what should be called acting like children.

    I agree with this sentence :expect nothing, you get nothing.

    And BF cant be blame for that. Why should they make something more if you don't want them to do that. This is how this whole free market (your best argument against people who are whining) works

    Oh im sorry. I guess its totally fine for people to whine about a module not having xxxx and yyyy because they didnt see it in a 41 second teaser showing off a bridge then...

  5. Oh for f***s sake!

    I thought this place was more adult than this!

    Whining about something that hasn't even been released?

    We have a 41 second video of a tank driving over a bridge and suddenly everyone knows what will and will not be in this module?

    Also, this is a module, not a new game. It will add new units, new terrain and new missions. Thats about it. Thats what all modules do.

    Stop acting like children.

  6. All the sounds in all my CM games are pieces from every mod that's been made. I spent quite a few hours over the years testing each sound looking for the right ones for each weapon. look forward to some new choices.


    P.S. thanks Vergeltungswaffe.

    P.S.S. Sburke, I still need to finish the FI mod...and now they released Gustav. MG won't be so bad (I hope).

    Thats exactly what i like to hear :)

    No mod is the end-all-mod for a game... you need to cherry pick your favourites from all of them :)

    Thats why im not including vehicle sounds in my new mod since i think Wracklaws HQS1.3 has the best ones :)

  7. Yup, its a soundmod :)

    Only one single sound in that video was mine tho.

    Like i said in another thread, ive been using a mix of Wracklaws HQS 1.3 and the SFX 1.25 by stephsen.

    This time my mod will be made to work with either of those mods as a base. I will only change the Cannon and Small Arms sounds i think. The rest should be cherry picked by you guys from their two mods.

  8. How many people actually will need more than 10x dl's? I have downloaded each of the titles once and have a backup (or two) of them and never re-downloaded a copy. Of course it's understandable that backup's get destroyed every once in a while, but 10+ times??

    It was more the 12 month time limit that bothered most... for example I couldnt download my old games when i came back just now.

    Until i contacted customer support that is :)

    But still, it was a strange rule.

    Glad to see it gone.

  9. So as a loyal Battlefront gaming customer will you please correct the collection of fire arms oversight?:)



    Hello. As someone who was here before the release of CMBO, I would like to have a little chat with you as to the definition of a "loyal Battlefront gaming customer" :P

  10. What war isn't? War is resorting to brute force when all else has failed or looks unpromising.

    Anyway...Oddball, if I haven't said so before, it warms my heart to see you on the board again. I remember you from "back in the day".

    Now, as to your question and how I would advise you: CM:FI/GL is a fine game and you should definitely buy it, but not right now. Hold on to your money until your situation improves and focus on improving your situation. Meanwhile, continue to play with BN/CW and if you find you can afford it, MG when it comes out. You might also look into finding other diversions that don't cost money, or at least much money. I don't know what is available in your area that might appeal to you, so I can't be specific I'm afraid, but there ought to be something.

    There was a time several decades ago when I was down and out for a couple of years, so I know just what that feels like. About all I had going for me was the resiliency of youth and a few friends who didn't quite let me starve. But even from those hard and stressful times I retain memories of almost transcendent beauty. Find such moments and live for them.


    Thanx man! I (of course) remember you too from the olden, golden, days :)

    Anyway, as it turns out i won't be buying CMFI (at least not this month).

    I just got a text from the post office that i have a package coming. Turns out i pre-ordered the indiana jones collection BluRay (and the Mad Max collection BluRay) a while ago, and i completely forgot about it hehehe.

    So now its on its way, and ill have to pay more for those two boxes than i would for the entire CMFI bundle :P

    Oh well, at least i can watch the classics in high-def :)

  11. I am somewhat torn actually...

    I have not delved into the italian theatre of operations much in general, but i have fond memories of it from Panzer Elite.

    My main interest is the eastern front, but considering that it seems to be less of an interest to the CM crowd (judging from the CMBB times I spent on the forums) I don't think that the eastern front game coming "soon" will be much more invested in by the fans than CMFI has been.

    I really don't like the modern era so CMSF are completely uninteresting to me.

  12. Personally, I'm enjoying CMFI much more than CMBN. The maps are much better, the period is fascinating. I just have more fun with it.

    See, this is the kind of feedback i need on the game itself :)

    (Plus it has New Zealanders)

    Well ive only lurked on the forums for 2 days or so but i already figured out that you would be tickled by that :)

    There are a lot fewer scenarios though - that is one drawback.

    Again, perfect feedback on the game itself.

    But do you mean that it ships with less scenarios or that there are fewer overall (fan made included)

  13. Hehehe well I didnt expect quite so many answers this fast.

    I'll try to answer some of them.

    If you're really strapped for cash I'd say food on the table would definitely take precedence over the game, even this game. I am very fond of eating regularly, myself. If you're a personality type who is liable to go looking for diversions regardless, the game cost would be quickly eaten up by a couple trips to the movies and a couple six packs of beer anyway. Are you the sort of guy who goes 'looking for trouble' if he's bored? It might be more economical to keep you occupied at home.

    Well I do get bored very easily (slight AD/HD and Autism, but fully functional) but I wouldnt go looking for trouble or spend money i didn't have.

    I would, however, be bored out of my mind and since i have a tendency towards depressions, i try to keep myself occupied. (And the CM series of games are great for that).

    What is the social system like in Sweden? Will the state make sure that you have food on your table and a place to sleep if you are unemployed again, even if your are unemployed over a longer period of time?

    I am both asking out of interest and in order to be able to give you a better advice.

    Well, it used to be great. The government wouldn't let you starve and you got just enough to pay the bills and buy food whilst looking for a new job.

    Nowadays its not so great. After 7 years of a conservative government (and a semi-conservative one for a few years before that) its been stripped down and twisted to their ideals.

    If you need social support now, you must first sell off any assets you have (like a house, apartment or car) and live on that money first.

    If you have a spouse that could theoretically support you, they will have to do so before you get anything (leading to a very high rate of divorce if one partner happens to get into that position, since people who happen to fall into the social system usually are not married to partners with high-income jobs).

    And if all that "fails", then you are usually forced to comply with the unemployment offices different "unemployment programs" wich means that you have to work for 8 horus a day, 5 days a week, with no vacation or pay, just in order to get your social security check (which could be as low as a whopping 431$ per month. Usually not enough to cover anything except the cheapest of foods. Ive had to live on that myself once).

    And should you refuse to work 8 hours a day 5 days a week for that, the government will most certainly let you starve.

    I, however, will never get there. I have been there once and I will never do it again. I would rather work for "under the table" payment or even become a criminal :(

    I hope it does not come to that tho.

    I will not starve tho, since I've had to move back to my mother. And when she retired this year she sold her house and moved into a flat to make her pension last a bit longer.

    But a full grown man should not have to rely on his mother to survive :(

    I suggest you sell your surplus CMBN license. IIRC you accidentally bought it twice. Then you could invest that money into more CM products.

    Yeah, i would if i could. Unfortunately I lost it so thats why I thought that I might as well buy the package.

    No vices? Serious? Quit your job and go to a monastery. Either that or go buy a nice cigar right after you buy the game. :D

    Well I did use to smoke cigars. But I gave that up when I was on social security. Other than that, I don't really have any vices.

    Except computer games :)

    Ok, so after looking through all the answers I still have no idea if I should buy it or not. I'll have to think about it.

    But I'm leaning towards buying.

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