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Posts posted by Oddball_E8

  1. Seems like any sound can be "multiplied" by adding 0-9 after them (havent checked with higher numbers than that).

    So if you want, say, three different firing sounds for your Bren gun you would add these files:

    gun bren 0.wav

    gun bren 1.wav

    gun bren 2.wav

    to your Z folder.

    this will make the sound a "multiple" sound and ignore the original one.

    Both me and waclaw have tested this and it does ignore the original one. BUT if you also add a gun bren.wav sound to your z folder it will use that one too.

    But this seems to apply to all sounds in the game.

    I havent tested it, but you could try it easily by adding different versions of the same sound to any sound.

    Looped sounds should theoretically work this way too, but it would be a bit wierd if there were different ones of the same looped sound. I dont know if it would just pick one of the sounds and loop it, or if it would pick a random new one after each "loop".

  2. You're now getting into the realm of building construction and resistance to different types of ballistics-something I doubt a small indy company can afford to model and program into a simulation.

    There was a sim by SPI that went into this. The rules book and some of the detailed background were interesting reading. It was called Cityfight:


    I wouldn't doubt the advanced training given to select individuals in the military still cover this.

    Never said they should simulate it.

    I'm just answering the OP's question and it seems all cannons can penetrate more than one building with AP ammo.

  3. Well in my quickie test with all the available german AT-guns (and the flak88) they all fired straight through a church plus the 8 story large building i placed behind it to "catch" the AP-round.

    Not once was the roudn stopped by either building.

    Oddly enough tho, when it cam out the back of the building almost all of the rounds came out as a "burst" of rounds first, but then only impacted once.

    Its hard to explain, but it looked like someone had fired a 20mm cannon burst, but only the last one hit the ground.

  4. I am still working on the mod, I'm currently changing the explosion sounds from my old ones to different ones that are more like the ones in Waclaws mod (using the same source).

    After that, I'll get to work on making a "brass free" alternative to the 6 weapons with brass sounds.

    Im wondering, do you want me to remove the reload sound on cannons too?

  5. Hi Guys,

    Not a screenshot but a little movie I made of the last 4 minutes of a H2H game.

    Hope you find it a bit of fun.

    Can you embed videos on this forum?

    PS the stills above came from this game.

    Awesome video!

    Watching it makes me realize one thing tho. Playing an unmodded vanilla CMBN/CW feels like you are playing with animated model figures.

    Playing with a fully modded game feels alot more like a real battle.

    I'd also like to know if you can embed a video btw.

  6. It's not to prevent gamey behaviour, per se, it's to prevent gamey behaviour that's facilitated by the limitations of the model. There's no distinction drawn in the ammo numbers between a 100 round fabric belt and an 8 round "en-bloc" clip (in the case of M2 ball). So if ammo sharing was "universal", a rifle squad could sit next to any old MG ammo bearer team and use that boxed, belted ammo as if it was already in clips. Or the other way around. What we gain in being able to almost instantly resupply any weapon of the right calibre, we lose in the flexibility of passing ammo around.

    You often can in CM, too. Split a team and have it grab ammo off a vehicle; they'll divvy it out into the squad when they get back.


    I'm Oddball_E8.

    You seem to have missed the part where i said "specialist teams like mortars or rocket launchers" :D

    Seriously tho, i dont mean between troops and specialist teams. It would have to be a specialist team of the same kind.

    So a bazooka team would have to have a bazooka team to resupply them.

    An M1919 team would need another M1919 or M1917 team to resupply them.

    And so on.

    So its not that every random halfdead squad can run up to an MG team to supply them with ammo, but teams that actually have the same equipment (or very similar in the M19191/1917 case) can resupply eachother.

  7. Yeah i gave up on CA after that incident...

    Didnt even play ETW.

    Gave them a second chance with S:TW2 (sorry, TW:S2) but we all know how that went...

    Every time some friend of mine shows me videos or screens of the new rome total war, I just say "yeah, thats pretty" and turn away...

  8. I'm generally of the opinion that we have too much control already, so I don't mind this inability to share between platoons.

    It does look strange when I'm standing right next to you with my empty bazooka and you won't pass me the rockets you can't even use. On the other hand, it prevents the player from unrealistically gathering all the rags and tatters of broken units across the map and using them as a combined ammo dump for all the units that still need ammo. Real forces would rarely manage that kind of coordination during the time span of a CM battle.

    Im very much against limiting control just to prevent gamey behaviour...

    In real life, you could often send people back through the lines to gather more ammo and then return, but its no possible in the game so having this kind of sharing between specialist teams (like mortars and rocket launchers) would make sense.

  9. I know this experience all too well, I used to spend hours on ubisoft's forums trying to get answers (ubisoft were reasonably good back in the day). Try Creative Assembly, or Codemasters - noone can equal their ineptitude.

    HAH! I remember back when I still played alot of Rome: Total War, there was a problem that occurred with secondary weapons and their damage.

    Modders realized that there was a bug and tried to inform Creative Assembly about it, but CA just started by first ignoring the posts saying that there was no bug. Then they said it was the modders that were causing the bug by incorrectly changing some values in the game.

    Finally, after about a year of this kind of "discussion" between CA and the modders, there was a patch... and lo and behold, the bug was fixed by CA :P

    Not once did they aknowledge that they had been wrong in first saying there was no bug and then blaming it on the modders.

    Heck they didnt even say "its fixed now", they just deleted all the threads dealing with that subject once the patch was out so that nobody could see that there had even been a discussion...

  10. You could write a script that renames files automatically. Anyone that wants renamed files could just download your .bat file - no need for uploading renamed maps.

    If you don't know how to do this, I'd be happy to do it for you. Just PM me.

    I think i will PM you when im done with the "remapping" then :)

    (because i suck at stuff like writing scripts and the like, but im good at doing the legwork :D )

  11. Ive already "mapped" the small quickbattle maps.

    I will be moving on to the medium ones next and then the large ones.

    Im doing this for my own private use of course, since renaming all the QB maps would have wierd consequences for PBEM gamers i suppose.

    But for those who only play H2H on the same computer it might be a nice thing, but i doubt i would be allowed to release it for download by Battlefront.

    Since its actually stuff from the game and not something ive created myself, it would probably break the TOS if released.

  12. Oh yeah! Those ARE 66mm... i didnt see that when my buddy was playing, but then i didnt look too closely :)

    As for the ammo sharing thing, well im definately on the side of "well its a bad thing that they dont".

    There are plenty of times during world war 2 where units of different formations were fighting together and sharing supplies during battles.

    Imagine two machinegun teams from different formations sitting next to eachother and one runs out of ammo during an enemy attack... and then imagine them asking for some ammo from the other MG and being answered "sucks being you" or the likes.

    Doesn't sound very plausable.

    But at least now i know that its platoon based, so i have a reason why (albeit an invalid one if you ask me).

  13. So, my friend was learning to play the game at my house a few days ago and he was playing the barkmanns corner scenario.

    One of his panzerschreck teams got the launcher carrier killed and the other guy ran off in panic. After a while his panic subsided but he couldnt reach the place where his buddy was killed to retrieve the pzschreck, so my buddy moved him to another pzschreck unit that was out of ammo, thinking he would share the 4 at rockets he still had on him with them.

    But he didnt.

    I was under the impression (in fact im positive that its happened to me before) that specialist teams like that share the ammo if they are next to eachother.

    Not only that, but he played platoon patrol and each squad had 3 60mm mortar shells, but we couldnt figure out how to get the mortar team to use those extra rounds.

    any help for a returning player like me who might be missing something obvious?

  14. This is what BMW revealed about their new M3 line in 2011: 2012-bmw-3-series-reveal-10-14-header1.jpg

    I wonder if Waclaw and Togi saw that and thought "What a ripoff! There arent even any wheels on that thing! And where is the engine??? Nobody is going to buy that, it doesnt even look like a real car, its just three lines!"

  15. But now i'm not sure why they are doing that(whatever they are doing) because most of their customers where not even interested to have something more and would be happy whatever this module would look like

    Erm... no... but MOST of us have full confidence that Battlefront will include enough in the module to make it worth 35$.

    We are not mindless lemmings who will buy every product they make. Should MG not include enough to warrant a 35$ pricetag, most here will not buy it.

    BUT, we also know that Battlefronts track record shows that they will probably include enough for us to be satisfied.

  16. Hey... you don't have to buy everything. Even a rabid fanboi as myself hasn't bought every Combat Mission title.

    In my case the limitation is more time than available funds; I have a lot of other interests, a beautiful wife, and a full time job. I simply don't have enough free time for playing Combat Mission to make it worthwhile for me to purchase every title; BFC and scenario designers are putting out content faster than I can consume it.

    I haven't bought CMFI yet but I probably will eventually once I finish working my way through all of the CMBN scenarios I still want to play. And when I do purchase CMFI, I'll probably be able to purchase it for less since I'll able to get the base + modules as a bundle deal.

    But if bitching about how CM product X doesn't provide value Y or costs too much or whatever is the trendy thing to do here on the forum, I'd like to ask BFC to include another 5 hrs./wk gaming time with each new module purchase. Think you can have Charles work that into the code, Steve? :D

    Feel free to purchase CMFI for me as a present :D

    The 113$ pricetag to have the complete bundle with dl & hardcopy and delivery is kinda steep for my income :P

    Not that i'm complaining about that tho hehehe

    (also, no, i'm not being serious. I know there are people out there that are willing to buy the game for me, but I'd rather wait and save up the money to buy it myself.)

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