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Posts posted by Oddball_E8

  1. I almost never play urban scenarios because in my opinion they are currently broken. Tanks are king in the city, and that is the exact opposite of reality.

    During my peaceful military service, I was the rocket launcher guy in an armoured infantry squad (LAW & Apilas). I think bazookas/fausts/shrecks and infantry close assault from inside buildings should be enabled. Though I do admit that I have never fired WW2 era rockets.

    This is even worse because CMx2 doesn't model peek-shoot-GTFO behaviour for infantry very well. The kind of behaviour that is taught to possibly every guy ever handed a rocket launcher and instructed in it's use.

    Yeah I don't use tanks in urban areas any more either for that same reason.

  2. In total I have changed the following from version 1.0:

    20mm Cannon - changed to a bit more "beefy" sound

    12.7mm HMG/.50 cal - Changed to include 2 different sounds for a bit better sound when firing a quad

    37mm Cannon (and 40mm bofors) - Changed to remove the reload sound to make it work better with AA guns.

    6.5mm Italian - added sound (does not include bolt action sound since its used both for rifles and MG's :( )

    Panzerfaust - New sound

    PIAT - New sound

    Smoke Launcher - Improved sound

    105mm Cannon - New sound

    Explosions - All new improved explosions

    Still working on the mod so more might be included by the time of release.

  3. I recall in CM1 vehicles had a "Center of Spot" (and height etc didn't matter), but I though that in CM2 they act like realistic objects as in WYSIWYG.

    Are CM2 trees not modeled in detail so one can hit branches etc?

    Naah, i keep hitting air when shooting through wooded areas. Its pretty abstracted.

    And i think vehicles are too. They still have that small center "firm point" and the rest is just filling.

    You can see that when moving vehicles through built up areas, they tend to have half their body inside buildings and such...

  4. Well it is definately an open-top turret so allied tank destroyer is the best bet.

    Judging from the (limited) look of the chassi I would say M18.

    M36 used the same chassi as the M10 and they dont have that look to the rear part of it.

    That said, the gun is lacking the muzzle brake that the M18 had.

    So my best guess would be the M36B1 that uses the sherman chassi with he 90mm armed turret that went on the M36. And those 90mm guns didnt always have a muzzle brake.

    EDIT: seems i spoke too soon. Some M18 models did not have a muzzle brake (ive only seen them with one tho) so its a bit of a tossup. But my bet is still on the M36B1

  5. Well CMBN/CW runs decent on my laptop.

    My stats are:

    Intel Core i5-3210M CPU @ 2.50Ghz

    8GB RAM

    NVIDIA GeForce GT 635M

    Win8 64bit

    Just be prepared that load times are longer (muuuch longer) and you get "lag" when moving up or down in camera height (and sometimes when big explosions happen) so i suggest only playing turnbased and not real time.

    EDIT: and i play on Best/Best settings with AA on and Vsync off @1920x1080(desktop)

  6. I finally received my copy of CMFI/GL yesterday and I have already started work on porting and upgrading my soundmod to it!

    (as well as updating the CMBN one since they use the same sounds).

    Some minor changes, some major changes.

    But the mod is coming.

    (although I'm moving this weekend so it might be a while longer, but I'm almost done tho, so if you are lucky it might be out before the weekend.)

    EDIT: We have censoring for curse words on the forums? I thought this was a strictly old-folks forum so we didn't bother with censoring the curse words :/

  7. Uh, I think Steve did clearly state that that will be a pack, although it was a while ago.


    I recall him saying that it most likely would be a pack but that they werent sure.

    But its all down to our memories and we all know we are getting on in the years (and we know what happens to memory then :P )

  8. I noticed that alot of your "old" stuff for CMFI didnt include the mainland and muddy versions (for obvious reasons).

    Are you going to release an updated version of those sometime soon?

    I already "fixed" the PzIII's because they were driving me nuts with their mix of textures.

    Also, will we get truly muddy vehicles for the muddy versions too?

    Right now its just the same thing but with muddy tracks (and sometimes not even that)

  9. Where did you get that from? I am genuinely puzzled since all along BFC has stated quite clearly that it will be the last module of the Normandy family.



    There is supposed to be at least one more for normandy with all the "funny" vehicles and odds and ends that didnt get in the modules.

    They didnt clearly state if that would be a module or a smaller thing.

  10. So... you can't fire Fausts/Zooks/Schrecks from inside buildings no matter how large and roomy those buildings are.

    But you can fire them from right outside the building with your back to the wall.

    Makes sense.

    Underabstract the one situation (you can NEVER fire from inside a building) and overabstract the other one (Well we can't restrict troops from firing because of being close to something now can we).

    Personally i think it should be possible to fire from inside a building, but with an abstracted chance to cause friendly casualties.

  11. Yes, spotting is done in cycles, that can explain the fact that when you move a unit into the line of sight of the enemy unit, you might have to wait awhile for it to spot the enemy.

    The problem is, this is the perfect example of a problem beyond that.

    Please explain how this team did not see the tank from the beginning. really before they even moved, they should have seen this giant mass which was likely no farther than 30 feet from them. If that Tank has not move there, the infantry should have been able to see it easy from any of its locations. The spotting cycle runs at every 3 to 7 seconds as I recall. So likely missed spotting it multible times.

    Likely because they could not see the ground spot on which the tank is sitting. But realistically, it is far beyond anything close to how it should be.

    There is just some aspects of the game engine and programming that just dont work well, this is one of them areas

    Yup, i think it is because they couldnt see the actual spot (in the center of the tank) where the tank is according to the game.

    Whilst the tank might be 6 meters long and 2.5 meters tall, the actual in-game calculated spot where it resides is about the same size as an infantry soldier.

    And it seems its not much taller than that either.

    So whilst these guys should have seen the tank, they dont actually see the calculated area of the tank (ie. the infantryman sized center of the tank) until they get to higher ground.

    Thats my take on how it works anyway, from years of playing the game (and having tanks move almost through buildings or eachother)

  12. Also, on a somewhat related note - heroin and morphine use in the US during WW2 reached *ALL TIME* lowest levels it ever had. The problem was nearly eradicated until a few years after the war.

    Well that kinda makes sense... if you take a very large part of the male population aged 16-30 (counting both age-forgers and "old timers" here) and ship them out of the country, drug use is bound to go down :P

  13. After nearly 200 mods, it's funny that I can't ...I feel unable ...whatever...to Rezplode (where the hell are you baby?)the M3A1 Scout Car for Gustav Line, ANY HELP WILL BE APPRECIATED.-----mODDING hALFTRACKS IS NIGHTMARE---sTOP.

    I'm... not... sure... what... you... want... help...



    (also, im still waiting for my CMFI/GL bundle to arrive in the mail... stateside to sweden takes a while apparantly)

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