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Posts posted by Oddball_E8

  1. I can't say I've seen anything near what is described here.

    I constantly get raped by the german armour and when I do manage to knock one out in an "even" match (76mm vs IV, 85mm vs panther or 122 vs KT) it's usually with a partial penetration that seems to be more luck than anything else.

    Very rarely do I get full penetrations anywhere on the "strong" parts of the panther and IV.

    Although the impact marker is the same for a partial as for a full penetration... so it looks the same.

  2. If you're referring to this one, it doesn't have distant artillery or anything, but it has wind, tons of birds, buzzing flies, and frogs and bugs at night.

    Oh, you want complete silence?

    I'm sure there are plenty of "silent" .wav files available for free.

    Just download them and rename them to music end of battle.wav; music intro.wav and music splash.wav and then put them in your Z folder (or mod folder under documents) and it'll be all quiet :D

  3. And you fell for it :D

    As an aside, years ago we got rid of satellite TV (no cable possible) and went with Netflix DVDs. Saved a ton and were a lot happier with the outcome. Now we have streaming and it's even better. No wonder the cable industry is so dead set against "a la carte" programming. Who in their right mind would want to pay for 8 home shopping channels?

    Only thing that sucks is the time I have to wait for new episodes of Psych! :D


    Until the streaming services (and even general programming on cable) catches up with the US, I'll stick to illegally downloading the shows and then buying them when they come out and I have money (to ease my guilty concience). Here in Sweden we do have netflix... but they are woefully behind on everything.

    Sons of anarchy, for example, is on season 3!

    Hell, the basic cable is on season 5 already...

    No, I'll download as long as they provide crappy service like that.

  4. Yup. I'm surprised the main gun is still in action.

    On the three tanks that survived initial contact (My little scouty T-70 didn't stand a chance) not one of them got their main gun knocked out.

    One got the coax MG damaged. All three got the radio and optics damaged at first contact.

    And every tank backed away almost immediately each time contact was made.

    The only one that didn't was the T-34 and that later blew up due to a partial penetration that must have set off the ammo (because that was one big explosion).

    The other two tanks (IS-1 and T-34-85) survived the battle and took out all the remaining möbelwagens (total of 16) except for one lucky guy that surrendered right as the last mobile tank found it (IS-1 got immobilised by the 4th last möbelwagen).

    It was quite a show!

    The T-34-85:


    The IS-1:


  5. Hey guys, is there a mod available that will remove or reduce the background wind sounds? In every quick battle for CMRT and CMBN I have loud winds and I'd like to be able to clearly hear the other sounds.

    I think that was one of the first mods released.

    Look in the mods section some more :)

  6. A show of hands here... how many people who have RT and played Shock Force don't think there's anything new in Red Thunder? Nobody? Good, because I'd hate to spend the time cutting and pasting the hundreds of things added since Shock Force into a single document :D Actually, I think someone did that for just Shock Force itself a long time ago, and it was pretty long.

    Anyway, it's always an "each to his own" thing. I doubt many CM buyers think the purchase price is unfair given the amount of time they spend playing. If one adds up the scenario times for everything on the disk, and only played those battles, only from one side, and only once there's about 30 hours of play time right there. That's about $1.80 an hour's worth of entertainment. Even the senior discounts at a noon-time showing of a 4 week old movie costs more than that. Not to mention that it takes less than the hour to consume the $10 in popcorn and watered down soda that is on offer :) And don't even get me started about how much money is spent per minute of enjoyment on a typical Starbucks purchase!


    Oh please do make the list so we can bring it out every time someone calls it an "expansion" or claims that there is "hardly anything new" in CMRT :D

  7. Seeing as you have only ever posted in the Combat Mission: Afghanistan forums, I'd say pretty much everything in CMRT is new to you (except maby an old mosin-nagant rifle here and there) so why are you even asking if it's "worth the money"?

    It's not an expansion.

    Just like Battlefield 4 is not an expansion of Battlefield 3 even though alot of the basics are still there.

    I do, however, agree with some of the other posters here in that you seem to have a negative tone.

    We can't tell you if it's worth the money or not. Because we are not you.

    Do you like the eastern front?

    Do you like Combat Mission?

    If you answer yes to both those questions, then it's probably worth the money.

  8. Hey Oddball, I DO wonder why I need to install your CMBN soundmod for CMRT first - are the US/UK weapon sounds used in RT too...?

    May be a stupid question but I usually only do textures 'n graphics stuff so I got no real idea what's going on in the sound department. :D

    Because I only included the russian weapons in the CMRT mod :D

    The german weapons, explosions, vehicle sounds, voices and all the other stuff is in the main file :D

    Hope that answers it :)

  9. I suggest that everyone that feels that the russian tanks are "overpowered" make a firing range scenario where they face off with german tanks at the ranges of 600m, 1k, 2k and 3k.

    You'll quickly realize that whilst the russians occationally get a kill at long ranges, it's usually a partial penetration and it's usually after the germans have destroyed most of the russian tanks already.

    The germans have a huge advantage in accuracy, but they also penetrate the russian tanks with ease at even 3k distances.

    I feel that most of what is being brought up in this thread are anecdotal (as is my examples) and feels like it stems a bit from the mythos of the germans being superior in all ways.

  10. Played my first scenario this weekend (name of scenario at end of post) and all through the battle I noticed that my Panthers at longer distances were not able to hit with first shots at stationary tanks, AA and vehicles.

    Often they hit only after the third shot, although they had "As/Ace" quality. :eek:

    I also noticed that my tanks were unable to hit the AA-guns directly even after the fifth shot was half a metre too high.

    A PzIV @200 m against a IS-1: shot roughly 7 rounds left of the turret into the air at the exact same location. The PzIV did not re-aim.

    Soviet ISU122, with regular quality, placed in front of trees, with infantry on the tank, could spot my hunting unbuttoned tanks camouflaged in woods first - but contrary to my "Aces" which were unable to hit with first shot, the regular Soviet crews achieved first hits easily.

    I also noticed in that battle that a side shot with a 75/L48 @600 m could not penetrate an ISU122.

    That my Panthers needed often three shots for the open topped TDs in this battle also just fit into inferior performance in that battle.

    That my Panther could not frontally penetrate a JS-1 @~500 m even at fourth try? Extremely strange!

    If this tank would have been that superior, why was it's production stopped after only three or four months because it's armor was too weak?

    If the JS-1 is already that overmodeled, then I guess the Red Thunder JS-2 is simply undestructable... :D

    Anyone else having similar experiences?

    So far I am disappointed with Red Thunder, the modelling in this scenario felt a bit weird.

    ps: placing reinforcement in LOS of enemy guns is not the best scenario design, IMO.

    Name of the scenario:


    Well, firstly there is no "ace" level of competence in the game so what were they? veterans, crack, elite?

    Secondly, I have had a few tests at 3k, 2k and 1k and my panthers, tigers and king tigers are all hitting withing 1-2 shots fired at those distances.

    You fail to mention the distances so I can't test them on my firing range, but it seems that this might be an oddity in this case.

    The IS-1 was pretty much the same as the IS-2 but with the 85mm gun instead, so the armour should be the same.

    And the IS tank had really heavy armour that was angled (even rounded) making it very hard to penetrate, even with a panther.

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