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Posts posted by Oddball_E8

  1. Well, they can do some substantial damage to PzIV's from the rear and most tanks (even up to tiger) are vulnerable to large massed ATR fire and can become immobilised and have optics and radio damaged.

    One thing to note, however, is that you might have to give them direct orders to fire since they don't seem to do it on their own if there is no chance of a penetrating hit.

  2. The important thing is how well you treated your pet(s) (or any loved ones) during life. That's the best that any of us can do. Once gone, they're gone. No regrets.

    And yes, throwing oneself into work helps.

    Yeah, I keep telling my dog that he could only have it better if I had a huge farm or garden that he could run around in... other than that he pretty much has it set :)

    Not that he listens to me :P

  3. FWIW 3 of my 4 Jpz IVs survived this scenario (Total German Victory), despite losing both my Tigers. They KO'ed a combined 14 Russian AFVs. You must play Jpzs as tank destroyers. Hide them deep in woods, or on reverse slopes behind villages, to peek through gaps between buildings. If you find the right spots for them they are lethal, but they are not intended to go toe-to-toe with tanks from the front (unless they are Jagdtigers!). The key to winning this scenario as Germans is in the mission brief - defend. Defend until there are no more Russian tanks or assault guns. Then mop up the INF, seize the OBJs and await the Russian AI surrender.

    You lost that many tanks?!?

    You are hereby demoted from Panzerleader to Panzerpanzy!


  4. I just played this through and didn't notice anything that made me think something is balanced differently than it used to be. I did restart once about five minutes in and that did give me some initial information about the axis of the Russian attack which no doubt made my set up the second time more effective, but with that caveat, the German equipment definitely maintains its edge over Russian, so long as it's well placed. I destroyed 23 tanks for the total loss of two Panthers, with two more Panthers combat ineffective due to weapon damage. The jadgpanzers actually proved to be very survivable in my play through - get them hull down and they are really hard to hit. At certain angles, the T-34 85s turret could deflect 75 L48 rounds, but the German armor definitely did better against the Russian 85mm and 76mm guns than the Russian armor did against the Germans, and the 88 is still king of the battlefield against t-34 series tanks. It was interesting to me to see just how many Russian tanks got destroyed by penetrating shots to the front mantlet.

    I wonder if the difficult with this scenario is more about resisting the urge to push your armor too far forward to claim the objectives, instead of putting it in overwatch while pushing your infantry forward. At under 500 yards, tank losses seem to be pretty much 1 for 1, but if you can stay further back, stationary, and unbuttoned, it wasn't too hard to really shoot up the Russian armor.

    Yeah, the main difference between russian armour and german armour at ranges above 700 meters is usually not that the germans are invulnerable, but that the germans knock the enemy tanks out with one hit while the russians might take out a panther or a JPz after 4-5 hits.

    If they do get lucky they might get it on the first hit too tho, but on average, it takes alot more to kill the panther than it does to kill the T-34.

    On a sidenote, my friend tried the tutorial campaign and in the last battle his IS-2 survived 9 riccochets and 5 penetrating hits from the front by a tiger at around 500 meters... Sure, the tank was useless and most of the crew dead, but it was still running. The crew bailed twice but got back in when ordered to after they recovered.

    It had a destroyed radio, destroyed optics and destroyed weapon controls. It had somehow lost all the ammo too so it couldn't even shoot the bow mg (that might be because of destroyed weapon controls tho).

    But it served well as a distraction for some of the enemy tanks :)

    Just goes to show that unexpected results do happen from time to time.

  5. I'm reminded of Belton Cooper's book "Death Traps". It seems nobody's more liable to make silly head-scratcher mistakes than the guys who were actually in the thick of it. An 85mm AA gun, a 90mm AA gun, it was all the same to them. They weren't obsessive hobbyist grogs like... us. :);)

    I remember reading a funny comic strip about that here some years ago...

  6. And the fact video files can become massive really quickly. On the Mac I use Quicktime to record full screen (27"). A few minutes can average a few hundred megabytes.

    My SW:TOR storyline videos are about 2 gigs per minute :/ (with FRAPS)

    That racks up pretty fast considering that each video I cut together is around 40-50 minutes long...

    Luckily, once you render it through sony vegas pro or windows movie maker it goes down to around 4-5 gigs in total :)

    So I make a 40-50 minute video and then I get rid of all the raw material so I can keep filming.

    That, and I have a dedicated 1 Tb HD for just storing the raw videos on :)

  7. I actually haven't played all the way through any of the missions or campaigns. I started the Russian campaign, but in the first mission, it seemed very canned--like guys were being shot at, but not dying until I had made it to the right place on the map. So, I just went to the editor and started making my own. Then I stayed there.

    Things have gotten better since the IFL Revival Project allowed IFL to be imported as a mod for Arma2. However, now that I'm back into CM, I'm finding it very hard to deal with the holes in the game (like, uh, a max-skilled Pak40 not being able to hit a T34, but that same T34, with a zero-level skill rating, spotting and knocking out the ATG in one shot, when it's located in a gun trench in the woods. Little stuff like that...).

    Still, there is a lot in the game to love. Great graphics and a much better tank game than in vanilla Arma2 (which is hopelessly arcade).

    But...it ain't no CMx2. Honey, I'm home!

    You know, it's the funniest thing.

    This is pretty much the reason I stopped playing ArmaII and decided never to buy another one :P

    I always end up in the editor making my own scenarios and then basically just watching the AI duke it out as a spectator.

    I hardly ever play the missions I make and I never touch the campaigns.

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