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Posts posted by Oddball_E8

  1. I suspect that the flaws in Panther's front upper hull plate were much more likely to matter when attacked by heavy, high calibre projectiles (like 100 or 122mm) than when striken by something with 1:1 or less T/D ratio. I doubt 85mm or 76mm shell could break Panther's front plate, even a brittle one. Sure an armor tempering flaw could decrease it's protection rating even against 85mm shell, but we don't see frontline reports of Panther front upper hull being vunerable to 85mm, do we ? It was rather considered invunerable to anything short 100 or 122mm.

    well, 10% chance and then factor in the number of times the vehicle couldn't be recovered and you'll see that it might very well be possible that every now and then they got penetrated by 85mm guns and we just don't hear much about it.

  2. I have actually found my Soviet infantry to be quite resilient. I play them much differently than I would play Western infantry however.

    The platoon is the minimum sized unit I use for any sort of offensive action. Three Soviet squads moving and fighting together in a relatively dense formation (a platoon generally maneuvers within a 50MX50M area) allows the platoon to perform attacks aggressively, safely, and successfully.

    Regardless of the Soviet infantry type they will almost certainly have better close range firepower so the goal is to leapfrog the entire platoon towards the position. Using target light aggressively to keep enemy infantry pinned.

    This style of fighting does make them very vulnerable to artillery and other HE, but it makes the Soviet infantry platoon a very dangerous and resilient unit. It will tend to not take losses due to the massive amount of suppressing fire that is being poured out, and when losses do accrue it still remains an effective fighting force that is unlikely to break. I've had platoons with 50% losses, with no remaining SLs or platoon commander, continue to be able to successfully take home an assault. However, at this point the attrition rate tends to increase dramatically as the individual squads begin to momentarily break more often and the overall amount of firepower drops off.

    Yeah, I still have to get used to losing 5-10 people in one hit whenever armour or arty shows up...

    It's a jarring experience compared to CMBN/FI where I usually have my teams spread out and would suffer maby 2-3 casualties in an explosion.

  3. Thanks, Oddball.

    I actually played that in its first year, but gave up on it. IMHO, no matter how good your weapons and equipment models are, without good AI troopers to fill formations out and do the boring jobs (I mostly remember bunker duty), you inevitably have a game of capture the flag.

    If IFL/Arma had BF doing its TacAI, gave the HighCommand function an effective "Stop" mechanism for AI-led teams, and fixed its many AFV issues, it would be pretty darn good.

    They do have some better solutions to that now IIRC... maby it's time to give it a try again :)

  4. 1) I'm not aware of any 90mm artillery in Soviet service (or any 90mm Bofors). Did you mean perhaps the 85mm AA gun?

    2) Looking at the widely available penetration tables of the PTRD/PTRS AT rifles, I can't really see them being too much of a threat to a Tiger, except maybe for a rare top-down attack from a rooftop or some such. Although I imagine his fear was more that he would be shot out of the hatch, rather than the rounds actually penetrating the tanks armor. I do believe infantry of all types will initially aim for any unbuttoned crewmen first, if given a target order on a tank. Someone would have to test if this applies to 14.5mm AT rifle infantry as well.

    1: I'm fairly sure he meant the 85mm... People get old and don't remember the details so well when it comes to calibers and the like. Happens all the time in old WWII vets. memoars.

    2: I doubt the Tigers cupola had the same armour thickness as the rest of the tank. IIRC it had mostly 75mm armour, but the visors would have considerably less than that.

    It's not inconcievable that a PTRS could penetrate the visor to reach into the tanks cupola.

  5. I gave Iron Front: Liberation 1944 (a paid Arma2 mod)the old college try as a kind of hybrid first-person/CM-ish tactical experience a few months ago. At first, I thought I was onto something, as the "High Command" feature seemed to allow for a kind of ultra-iron mode of tactical play. So, I created full CM-like company formations in the editor and built CM-like defenses to throw them against, allowing myself to jump where needed to play 1st-person or run from High Command. It seemed to work surprisingly well until...

    first enemy contact.

    Then, the Arma version of the TacAI fell apart. Mainly, infantry teams not directly controlled by the player do what I call "the creep of death" where they keep pressing forward to their doom and there is no way to get them to stop. That and the fact that the AI teams do not remotely use realistic tactics in relation to their weapons.

    It's a shame. I experienced many amazing moments that felt realistic. But overall, the experience is way too uneven and there are dealbreakers. -Better to accept the game for what it is trying to be in the first place.

    Now...if Battlefront would put their minds to it...He-he.

    Actually, I'm looking really forward to testing the "Gold Standard" of CMx2's armor and ballistics against those in IF1944 to see where it falls short. I could swear that tanks in it have are more frontally vulnerable when they move than whey they are stationary when hit in the same location.

    Oh, but the worst thing hands down: AFV PATHFINDING. Holy-chit! AFVs constantly pointing their hull side and rear armor towards the enemy and failing to navigate wide urban roads.

    Still, when it works, it's quite a rush. I enjoyed being a T34-76 commander the best.

    Last thing, as good as the CMRT models are, once Aris takes his skill to the textures, RT may give IFL1944 a run for its money on AFV graphics.

    Nice job BF!

    If you want a pretty well made (albeit not pretty) first person WWII "simulator" you can't go wrong with WWII Online.

    It's pretty awesome.

    I don't play it any more because I don't like paying the montly fee and it does get repetetive after a few years :P

  6. I've had no problems.

    Of course, I also use the general soviet doctrine of "more is beter, and even more is even better" so I never use any singular unit to do my dirty work.

    If I want to take an objective, I'll send at least two entire platoons to get it.

    If I need to take out a german tank, I'll send at least five tanks to take it out.

    Only time I have trouble is when I don't have the resources to do so. And that almost never happens (except in QB's) because numbers are the russians main strength.

  7. WELL, we really should not pick on him.

    There is a basic problem in that there are gamers which are caught up in the big named companies concept of what a game needs to be and then there is Wargamers which are caught up in a game that tries to protrey itself in a realistic manor.

    He just does not understand that this is a wargamer's game, done by a small group of guys that are into wargaming themselves and that there is no way for what he is requesting to ever happen.

    For wargaming is not a hobby that will ever pull in the volume of people to get a product he is wanting.

    Naaah, they need a cold shower of facts sometimes.

    They'll never get their heads out of the graphics gutter unless they get a shock to the system.

  8. I actually think Dee Yays comments have some merit, although I would analogize that if CMSF was a 2008 Toyota Prius, CMRT is a 2014 Toyota Prius in Red. There are definitely some real improvements in the CM2 engine since 2008, just like a 2014 Prius has some more features than the 2008 version. What I think Dee Yays is getting at is that he is more interested in improvements to the engine, as opposed to additional content creation (TOEs, Weapons, scenarios and campaigns). This is not the direction that Battlefront has chosen to go. I used to feel similarly, but I am starting to appreciate that there is also value in content creation as opposed to improving the engine. I think that from a economic perspective the ROI of improving the engine is not as great as content creation.

    I'm not so sure about that. They have improved the engine alot. What he is asking for is mostly cosmetic or related to unrealistic and arcadey campaign games.

    Let's go through his complaints/wishlist again shall we?

    - Are aircrafts visible?

    A pure eyecandy request. It would add nothing imortant to the game. It would, however, take time to implement. Time that would be taken from other things that I would consider more important (and I'm one of the ones that have asked for visible aircraft before)

    - Do the soldier animation behave more natural and less clumsy?

    That depends, to me they feel very natural and not very clumsy.

    - Is there any cinematography at all? Intro into a campaign? Descitpion of objectives by a narrator? And so on?

    Is that really needed? I mean, sure it's nice the first time you watch it, but do you really need narration and cinematics in a combat simulation?

    - Any updates about the special effects? Turrets and parts of vehicles flying of when destroyed? Buildings loosing pieces and parts when hit? Rain? Snow? Trees falling down and objects getting crushed when driven over by a tank?

    More eyecandy that isn't important for most of the grogs paying big-bucks to play this game.

    Sure, most would appreciate it, but it's hardly important to the game.

    Also, AFAIK there is rain in the game. Buildings lose pieces (although the pieces don't show up) and tankers didn't run over trees in real warfare since the chances of losing a track or getting stuck were all too dangerous.

    - Are vehicles and soldiers individual? Various faces for each soldier? Different turretnumbers and amount of damage to individual vehicles?

    Soldiers have a number of faces. Enough to make them look different. Tanks and vehicls also have random gear all over them (soldiers too for the most part) so that's partially in.

    Having different turret numbers and unique faces for each and every soldier is going to take far too much effort for far too little return.

    This is a combat simulator, not a the-sims-do-combat game.

    - Are the maps living? Civilians? Birds? Animals? Real living rivers running across the landscape? The map is not a piece of "land" in the middle of a pointless universe?

    Maps are as living as they need to be.

    Birds and animals wouldn't stay long once the bullets start flying.

    Neither would civilians, no matter how much you might want to be able to simulate the genocide of a village.

    Living rivers take years to make a mark. The water graphics move, and that's enough for a game that isn't about landscaping.

    - Is there a meaningfull campaign? Do you feel that the decisions you make affect the course of further campaigns? Can you decide what units shall take part in the next battle like in Close Combat? Is there any strategic aspect to it?

    No. And there is a reason for that.

    This isn't an arcadey battle game. Campaigns in this is a series of battles fought over a few days.

    It isn't like close combat where you have an extremely small force growing in experience over several years in a very non-realistic way.

    Again, it's not a sims game. It's a combat simulator. If you're not here for the simulated combat, you might want to try another, more arcadey, game.

    - Are the doctrines of the axis and the allied taken into account? Soviet soldier routing when loosing the leader? NKVD kommisars overwatching the battles? German forces applying their Blitzkrieg. Order 227?

    Soldiers route when they lose a leader all the time in the game. Soviets or not.

    German forces apply blitzkrieg tactics if YOU do so when playing with them (or if the AI plan is set to do so.)

    Post battle court martials are not included in the game. Since, again, it's not a sims game, it's a combat simulator... you know... that simulates the combat, not the political aftermaths.

    - Is there any weathereffect? Rasputitsa? Do vehicles and soldier get restriced in movements? General Winter? Do the German soldier freeze to death? The german weapons fail to operate in low temperatures?

    Oh it rains sometimes. There's mud that vehicles can get stuck in. The amount of mud is dependant on the scenario design and the map.

    If the designer wants it to be in the middle of rasputitsa, then it is...

    Soldiers get restricted movement when moving over terrain that restricts movement. Vehicles too.

    German soldiers are not freezing to death in the middle of the battles.

    Because, you know, they didn't.

    German weapons might fail to operate in low temperatures... but we won't know since THIS GAME TAKES PLACE DURING THE SUMMER!

    So no, there is no general winter... in september...

    - Do vehicles operate in their intended role? Amphibious vehicles going through water? Mine clearing vehicles clearing minefields? Ambulances recovering the wounded? Ammunition and foodsupplies during very long battles?

    Yes, they operate in their intended roles.

    Tanks shoot with their big guns and stuff.

    There are no amphibious vehicles in the game.

    There are no mine clearing vehicles in the game.

    There are no ambulances in the game (and those didn't drive around in the middle of a battle anyway).

    There is ammunition supplies in the game. Food supplies is pointless since battles can't last more than a couple of hours in the game.

    But considering the fact that rhino tanks did clear hedgerows in CMBN, I'd say that if they do implement amphibious or mine clearing vehicles in the game, they will do what they were designed to do.

    Now, was there anything else to add to those comments of his?

  9. Well I am pretty wealthy and i could easily afford the game but I didnt get wealthy by wasting money on overpriced products. To me Combat Mission Shock Force was like a 2008 Toyota Prius, Combat Mission Red Thunder is like a 2008 Toyota Prius with red paint.

    I mean I have been readin the forums and the suggestion demanded by the community to be implemented but nothing important seems to have come true:

    - Are aircrafts visible?

    - Do the soldier animation behave more natural and less clumsy?

    - Is there any cinematography at all? Intro into a campaign? Descitpion of objectives by a narrator? And so on?

    - Any updates about the special effects? Turrets and parts of vehicles flying of when destroyed? Buildings loosing pieces and parts when hit? Rain? Snow? Trees falling down and objects getting crushed when driven over by a tank?

    - Are vehicles and soldiers individual? Various faces for each soldier? Different turretnumbers and amount of damage to individual vehicles?

    - Are the maps living? Civilians? Birds? Animals? Real living rivers running across the landscape? The map is not a piece of "land" in the middle of a pointless universe?

    - Is there a meaningfull campaign? Do you feel that the decisions you make affect the course of further campaigns? Can you decide what units shall take part in the next battle like in Close Combat? Is there any strategic aspect to it?

    - Are the doctrines of the axis and the allied taken into account? Soviet soldier routing when loosing the leader? NKVD kommisars overwatching the battles? German forces applying their Blitzkrieg. Order 227?

    - Is there any weathereffect? Rasputitsa? Do vehicles and soldier get restriced in movements? General Winter? Do the German soldier freeze to death? The german weapons fail to operate in low temperatures?

    - Do vehicles operate in their intended role? Amphibious vehicles going through water? Mine clearing vehicles clearing minefields? Ambulances recovering the wounded? Ammunition and foodsupplies during very long battles?

    It just doesnt feel there is any usefull substance added to Red Thunder. There is so much more to add to improve the game and make it more fun and impressive. Come on am i the only one complaining about the lack of substance?

    I don't mean this in a bad way, but you should leave and never come back.

    This is not and will never be the type of game you are looking for...

  10. T34's frontal armour does not magically increase the closer it is to fascists, maybe in a different WWII in the multiverse but not the one I'm familiar with.

    Well yeah, but the T-34's gun certainly performs better at a shorter range meaning that the fight goes from being a German shooting range to a fair fight... and in fair fights, both sides can get knocked out easily...

  11. One thing I find constantly amazes me is when people make claims like "my Panther was knocked out by a T-34-85 in XXX scenario and that just shouldn't happen because the Panther is oh so much better than the T-34"... and then you try the scenario yourself and it turns out it's like 50 T-34's versus 5 Panthers and one of them got knocked out while all the T-34's got knocked out...

    Not saying that anyone is claiming that in this thread, but it does pop up every now and then.

  12. Not a test or anything, but while playing the scenario The Passage my mk IVH (late)'s were smoked by a single shot from T34-85 from a distance of approximately 1682 meters. Maybe some of you guys who are math wizards with ballistics can take a look and tell me what you think, but that just doesn't seem right. I would have thought that a long distance duel with mk IV against any T34 at 1500 + meters would be won by the Germans.

    Considering the fact that shermans could take out panzer IV's reliably at very long ranges, I wouldn't think that a T-34 armed with the 85mm gun would have any trouble taking it out. As long as it hits.

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