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Stalins Organ

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Everything posted by Stalins Organ

  1. Anyone who routinely plays with bits of sharp metal??
  2. Ah yes....Gene Mollinet and his zero point/over unity "device".....yet another perpetual motion machine that has strangely failed to make any commercial impact.........who would have thought.. Well the newspaper coverage is in the link above, and lets face it, $100 gets you "a real company with real stock" - I had that much in one about the same time...... it sold wargaming books ...which I guess may have included fairy tales too..... so people drove in this car.....did anyone actually examine the engine and the "vacuum device"?? Here's some more: Fill yer boots....
  3. We had easy credit here too, because banks could get cheap credit easily offshore and so passed it on to consumers ASAP - they make money by getting you to borrow after all. Not sure where it all came from - but it certainly wasn't generated in NZ.
  4. Inel not using vista was "news" a month or 2 ago IIRC - eg here - have you got an actual source for MS not using it?
  5. It's probably a time in service thing - I suspect they're getting just as many recruits for pilot training as ever - but they're only serving the minimum contract before heading to civilian riches, rather than a significant number of them doing a full 20 years as once was the case.
  6. Ah...je comprhende...or something like that......thanks
  7. And so it's allowed to be completely wrong? I don't see how you can say that nuclear can reduce forward gas dependance but not current - certainly there are commercial and infrastructure issues in place, but to say it can't happen as you can is surely seriously closed-minded. Central Europeans face a shortage of electricity for a couple of years from 2009 due to the closing of old Soviet reactors - see http://www.spacedaily.com/reports/Central_Europe_fuels_demands_for_European_nuclear_revival_999.html I never said it would replace it - at least not completely. However I stand by my comment that increasing nuclear electrical generation can reduce reliance on other forms of fuel. ditto with wind. I find your thinking very strange indeed.
  8. Which button is that - the only link button I can see doesn't include any provision for a title that I can see??:confused:
  9. Apparently they are- http://www.csmonitor.com/2006/0106/p06s02-woeu.html
  10. Sheesh - some people will believe anything..........http://www.army.mil.nz/our-army/structure/org-charts/default.htm
  11. Yeah...once our airforce stopped being hired by you guys to be the enemy we really had no reason to bother with it. By all means pop on over.....we'll have a hangi with you!
  12. Yeah but hydro is not central to my proposition - which is that wind is a substitute for other generation types when it's available - whether you're substituting hydro or thermal isn't important. Europe's gas is used for heating,cooking, etc. electricity can also be used for thse - so there IS a link between Europe's gas imports and wind. Russia's squeeze on gas has been part of what has prompted increased interest in nuclear power in Europe - even in Germany - so clearly the Europeans see a link betwen gas and electricity. And the way the world's economy is going these days it's pretty much energy is energy is energy - whether generated by hydrocarbons, fission, falling water or blowing wind, whether turned into electricity first or not - it'll be used in our homes, factories, cars and iPods. As you say the economics are always relevant.....but again that's not the point - economics are ALWAYS relevant whatever the situation - it's a given - even here in NZ the economics aer important. wind substitution for other forms of power is part of an equation - nothing more nor less. New Zealand is not unique in that - although substituting for hydro is unusual.
  13. Because...we have more wind? Less wind? Different electricity???? We dream of electric sheep?? The general principles are the same - if wind is generating part of your requirements then that's less oil/coal/gas you have to burn or water you can leave in lakes. If you are a net importer of hydrocarbons then using less of them hits right on the "bottom line" - especially if you are, say, Europe importing billions of cubic feet of gas from Russia...
  14. OHMIGOD I HAVE THE SAME KIND OF CAR AS JK!! there's a conspiracy going on here I tell yah.....
  15. Some people might appreciate eth difference...shrug....it takes all sorts.:cool: Of course there's nothing south of Aus apart from the Great White continent - so why not go straight from there? but either way - from Aus to NZ, or Aus to Antarctica - you're going to hae fewer Aussies so it's got to be good.
  16. If the French have it then that must be sure proof of an international conspiracy!! Of course the "world record" for mileage these days is something over 1300 mpg....so a mere 200 must be easily achievable by my ford Festiva....
  17. I dont' see why wind being able to supply only a proportion of power requirements is an argument not to use wind at all, as seems to the the direction some are taking here. In these pars we have hydro, geothermal, thermal (gas, coal, oil) and increasingly, wind, as our main electricity sources (not necessarily in that order). Sure wind will never provide all the power we need - but when the wind is blowing we don't need to burn as much oil, gas and coal, and/or we can leave more water in the hydro lakes for when the wind isn't blowing - thus hopefully avoiding the sort of problems we're having with low rainfall around those lakes meaning there levels are low and we're continually being told there's not an electricity crisis...honestly..... Is it so difficult to understand that as a role for wind? And or cover about 2% of the Sahara with photovoltaic cells...
  18. There's barely enough sheep to go 'round these days - numbers are only half what they were 20 years ago - but at least that means there's also fewer Aussies here!
  19. Hey he Pogue Carburettor certainly exists - http://www.rexresearch.com/pogue/1pogue.htm (hmm.....how do we hide the URL & put in a keyword on this system??) But as the article says - you can get any mileage you want by de-rating engines so it takes 30 minutes to get to 30 mph!! http://www.snopes.com/autos/business/carburetor.asp - Snopes also has something to say about it, although it's a little light on factual data.
  20. Kiev is the Ukraine - the Russians don't mind if the Ukraine gets nuked. big Duke - whilst eth US administration is famous for not telling the truth, nor the whole truth and not even anythign but the truth, the technical aspects of missles and radars are generally pored over by analysts teh world over and what htey can and cannot hit is pretty much public knowledge. Furtehr teh direction radars are aimed in is pretty simple to determine - if its fixed then it ain't going to be picking up anythinh coming from the wrong direction - if it's rotating then all bets are off, and things like that. Further the count of missiles deployed is pretty simple to establish - the US wants to put 10 missiles in poland. An SS-20 famously has 3 MIRV's - so the Polish base would account for 3 1/3rd SS20's if it got 100% hits...nd of course if the SS20's were still in service....but it shows the miniscule effect such a base would have on any Soviet use of ballistic misiles. And of course it presumes that the Soviets see a need to use missiles in the first place....which has to call into question their peaceful co-existance with Europe!!
  21. Yes I was under the impression that there are only limited routes for missiles, and limited routes for interceptors to be effective against missile routes. global geography has a considerable impact on the usefulness of sites from such things as the velocity missiles and interceptors get from the earth's rotation, etc. Patriots were, of course, only used against incoming missiles in their terminal phase.
  22. I've been lurking a long time... good of yuo to reply without adding anything useful tho'!! :D
  23. I see the Russians are upset (still/again) about the US's plans to plae radar in the Czech Republic and missiles in poland. My understanding was that these weer going to be "aimed" at missiles coming from the mid east (eg Iran) & would be useless against anythign from the CIS. Does anyone have a simplified technical explaination of the possible uses/targets for this system? Eg can it actually hit missiles from the CIS?
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