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Stalins Organ

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Everything posted by Stalins Organ

  1. I remember the first time I saw UFO played at a friend's place and it really spooked me out. I got it & spent many nights playing to 2-3 in the morning - probably ruined my relationship with my kids mother!! :/ I absolutely loathed the successor - "Terror in the Deep" was just appalling with crappy graphics, crappy story line and crappy game play. I got the others as a bulk remainder deal for $10 CDN IIRC - played the flight sim a bit & it was sort of OK. Replaying the original was a bit of fun, but it just didn't cut it as a game any more & as I said - almost ruined some good memories!
  2. Of course they have - those are all the suns that do NOT go super-nova. sheesh.....
  3. OK. with the ruble sliding, and the US$ about to take a dive too thanks to Fanny & Freddy I guess the billions will have to start pouring in to l'il ol' NZ again as somewhere far, far away from everywhere nasty!
  4. Um...it wasn't multiplayer at all (that I recall)......so is this REALLY the original?
  5. I remember something like that - it depicted an airborne assault, hence the allies were scattered across the map in penny packets "as they landed", and the Axis forces were in bivouacs & therefore similarly dispersed. That was a long time ago!!
  6. I got the games again a few years ago but alas playing them again spoiled my memory of them!!
  7. Or it might not - more likely it will enable Georgia to keep spending jsut as much on its military as it did before, rather than hanving to divert some of that to rebuilding. So effectively it will let the soldiers keep training instead of having to rebuild roads, bridges and buildings. Of course we've also seen the usefulness of Georgian military training.....
  8. It isn't . It's also nothing at all to do with the claim that the war in Iraq is a mission from god, which is a political statement not a military one. IMO it is people who are uncomfortable with the false premis of the war but who want to be sen as generally "patriotic" and/or who support the neo-con/right wing/conservative agenda who run for "I support the troops" as a means of avoiding having to say "I don't support the war".
  9. What's 9 degrees of magnitude between skeptics?! I see your doomsday and raise you "nuclear collisions with larger energies take place regularly as cosmic rays rain down on our atmosphere -- so if a disaster were possible, it would have already occurred".
  10. Hang on a sec...why would a black hole absorbing matter "explode"? If it doesn't have Hawking Radiation then it would jsut keep absorbing matter wouldn't it? What is the mechanism that causes black holes to "explode"? Of course even the existance of micro-black holes is itself conjecture. and given that the source of the article is the Sun (despite the guy worried about it being real and fairly well qualified to comment in a genericly academic sort of way) it sesm a bit pointless to worry about somethinh that may not happen to something that may not exist in case an unproven theory is wrong. plus I can't find anything about 12 mt explosions connected with black holes micro or otherwise.
  11. Bilions of marketing dollars worldwide say that people are quire susceptible to beign told what they like. I imagine there's plenty of studies backing it up too. Or...we could go with your gut instinct that it doesn't work....:cool:
  12. Yep Marketing. It's something that happens in all sorts of fields. Take, for example, figure wargaming. Think of Flames of War - originally written by a mate of mine from many years ago. As a simulation it is pretty poor....but it's been marketed along the Games Workshop model (Rules, supplements, figures) & has become a worldwide success. Of Field of Glory (FoG) - ancient rules that came out last year. Pretty ordinary mechanisms that have been around for decades....but made pretty with a very nice rulebook and a flash marketing campaign thanks to having a "big name" publisher (Osprey) so they're arguably the most popular rules for the era at the moment (although it's a bit more grogly a market than FOW's WW2 seems to be and there's been a lot of resistance from existing rules and significant competition from other new sets) But the point is that in each case the market has pretty much been told what it SHOULD like, and much of the market believes it and purchases accordingly. This should not be news for anyone!!
  13. wow - nice contradiction in a single sentence!:eek: As for a microblack hole generating a 12mT explosion - E=mc^2 How heavy is this black hole going to be? 2x10^-8 kg is apaprently the smallest stable black hole Let's see - that'd give about 18 gigajoules of energy available (assuming I've dealt adequately with about 20 "0"'s!!)....well to put that in perspective, 1 ton of TNT has about 4 Gigajoules.....so the micro-black hole contains about as much energy as about 4.5 ton TNT equvalent. and that assumes that all the energy is released in any explosion. I guess that would make a mess....but I suspect it would leave Switzerland on the map....and if it were happening anywhere close by (say anywhere in/on the Earth) I think we'd notice it too. unless I've mistaken my basic physics somewhere I don't think I'll lose too much sleep....
  14. Those F-14's can sure make a mess of Zero's before Pearl Harbour tho.....
  15. Wouldn't a civilian national security force be the police/FBI/whatever national civilian security force you have in your country??
  16. Ask him what he'll accept for cash, what the finance rate is for terms, etc. Have alternatives in mind - serious ones - be prepared to not buy the car if you think it's too expensive. If you're determined to buy that particular car you won't get the best possible offer - the salesman will quickly see that you have no barganing position & "That's a sgood as I can do" will be uttered very quickly.
  17. Saliva isn't illegal, and there's nothing in the rules saying you can't use it if you've been sucking anything - not even a raw prawn! So not illegal - therefore not cheating. Tough. Worse cheats than the all-blacks because the Aussies used to be able to beat them easily cheating, but now they're "cheating" themselves they're no longer easy beats. Aww...didums!! Mummy wipe up th tears for you!! And how about them Wallabies....
  18. By contrast in 1939 the UK determined to maintain 50 active field divisions - including 32 UK and 18 commonwealth formations. Supply was planned for 55, incorporating a 10% buffer. However reality made this a pretty onerous objective, and even 20 divisions by September 1940 seemed like too many - the 1939 plan had not realised thattotal manpower required to field and support a field division was 42,000 men. Eventually the army was to be 100 division equivalents - but this was including all arms and not just field divisions
  19. One wonders what het count of Russian passports is in Sth Ossetia at the moment!! If George did start this off then doesn't that make Putin an American lackey for doing his bidding?
  20. Yep - but not saliva. Rahul Dravid was found guilty of actually applying a sweet to the ball - not saliva, and other players have been informally accused of the same - . Sugar, lip balm and hair creams are simlarly supposedly applied directly to the ball.
  21. I got 37 and 174 wrong my misreading the data sorry - however none of the others were producing tanks prior to 1942 - that makes then new tank factories in my book. where did you get that 38 came from Kolomna? I can't find anything about that. so new TANK factories - ie factories that were now producing tanks that did not before. Kolomna had KPZ - an arsenal expanded from gun and gunpowder production (it was hte oldest explosives manufacturing facility in russia) to include making T60 tanks - again increase in existing manufacturing capability. Thanks for the info about German tank production facilities - do you have an links to details? On the Mannerheim line - you're still completely mising the point, which is how soviet doctrine was insufficient to cope with the nature of the war vs Finland. What Soviet historians thought of the line is completely irrelevant.
  22. Because the English are the worst sports in Cricket?? ER...maybe not......Can we all says "Symonds snick"? Or "2nd test vs India January 2008"? Yes I thought we could...... Here's a couple from 1981just to show this is not a new phenomena- "Lillee kicks Miandad in the shins" and "Underarm bowling" And it's not actually cheating to be chewing something in cricket, not to use that saliva on the ball. IMO the aussies are just pissed because someone else thought of something legal but dodgy before they did!
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