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Major Tom

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Everything posted by Major Tom

  1. Labatt 50 Tennents or.. Olde English Malt Liquer! Many people have talked to elvis after drinking one of these!
  2. Well, as you have probably guessed, I cannot finish my PBEM games. My computer has gone AWOL (using my Parents, which doesn't have a 3Dfx card, and is not fast enough to run CM even if it did). I appologize for not finishing our games, I will try to make it up when I/we get the full version, and my Computer gets out of Purgatory. I figured out my RAM problem, it seems that I have to wiggle the chip a bit, then my computer recognizes that I have 64 MB, if I don't, it thinks I only have 32 MB... I need a new computer.......
  3. I think Robert is referring to World War One where the Canadians were stuck for the first few years with Ross Rifles. An excelent hunting gun, but, once you get it even remotely near dirt it jams. It took a lot of time before the Canadians got (begged borrowed and stole!) Lee Enfield guns, which were in use from WWI to WWII. Lee Enfield rifles were very reliable, althouth they lacked the rate of fire as an M1.
  4. Maybe you should change your name to Ralph, eh Rob? "Me fail English? That's unpossible!" (All in good fun! I have met many Canadians and Americans who not only write incorrectly, but speak incorrectly, is "yous" a real word?!?!
  5. I think that the reason for the problem of expatriating War Criminals (here in Canada) goes on our disagreement of capital punishment. These individuals are now Canadian citizens, and we do not feel that any nation has a right to kill Canadian (let alone any other citizen of the world) no matter what the crime. Many of these individuals would be facing certain execution. It isn't neccessarily the fact that we don't want War Criminals to be prosecuted, it is the fact that we don't want people executed. (There is no need to get into the deathpenalty debate, that is not the argument) To blame Canada for ill treatment of Jews individually is like blaming only America for having international policy revolving around oil. There was NO nation before, and even after the war that welcomed the Jewish refugees from Europe. Jews were even killed in large numbers by Poles who were suprised and angered at the fact that they weren't all killed off by the Germans. What should have happened, to make the present world a much better place, was to have the Jewish refugees emigrate to America and Canada instead of creating a nation in the Middle East. Unfortunately, we, the Americans and the European's didn't allow them entrance. Listen to this argument paraphrased from the movie "Clerks".... -Have you ever thought of the poor contract construction workers in "Star Wars" on the second death star that got wasted when it blew up got a raw deal? -What do you mean? -Well, a station that large doesn't build itself, and, it was only half done when it was finally destroyed, so, you got to think that there must have been a large numbers of workers still on the station. They didn't have a political agenda, they were only just trying to do their job so they could feed their family and got blasted for it. -Well, they knew the risks when they started working for the evil Imperial Empire, so, they got what they deserved. The moral of the argument was, an INDIVIDUAL'S goodness is irrelavent when they are taking part in achieving a greater evil. This is the argument that Germanboy is trying to stress. It doesn't make the INDIVIDUAL evil, but, it also doesn't make their actions GOOD. There are also MANY historical documents, and personal accounts at the time that the general population (including soldiers) in Germany was well aware of what was going on in the Concentration Camps.
  6. Unfortunately NO game ever reaches an individual's expectation, especially after waiting for more than a few months! There will be disappointment, but, this would be experienced no matter how good the game is. I fully expect the best Tactical Wargame ever created in CM, but, there will always be let downs, it is just human nature.
  7. For anyone to sayt that their nation is sitting on some sort of moral high horse over the rest of the world is an endeavour in futility. NO nation can reasonably sit and say that they are innocent. The United States is party to their own genocides (Amerindian Genocide and African Slavery Genocide totalling tens of millions dead). America is an imperialist nation (Remember the Monroe Doctrine?), it interferes in ANY other sovereign nation when it feels its economic or social well being is in threat (real or imaginary). In theory Communism works, in theory... However, capitalism was almost doomed in the 1930's, and was only saved by the timely introduction of WWII (Contrary to pro-Roosevelt propagandists and New Deal supporters). The militarism and state of war the US was in (1940-1990) was the primary reason for the success of capitalism. I like Communism's fair representation of EVERYONE in society, and I like Capitalism's compatibility with Democracy. However, each one in their own extreme will not work, they both become too corrupt and inneficient (plus pisses off the population too much!).
  8. I myself haven't been too accurate in getting back to my PBEM opponents lately. There are A LOT of credible reasons for this, time being the primary one. It doesn't take long to do and send out a hasty PBEM, but, it makes the game less fun rushing. I have also experienced technical difficulties, such as a missing 32 MB of RAM (I used to have 64, now I only have 32, what the?!?) so, my computer keeps on crashing a lot (due to the loss of all this extra memory). I have also moved back home for the summer (for a summer job) and I am still trying to figure out how to SEND e-mail from this different server using my e-mail name (don't want to have to use the Parent's computer, since it cannot run CM!). I tried to copy PBEM files to disk and run them up and down from computer to computer, but, this doesn't work very well. I am conected to the Internet, so, I can post, but, I cannot easily send PBEMs. I am going to try to do at least one per day, if I am lucky. I have to figure out how to get my e-mail on MY computer to send out files (keeps on giving me an ERROR message). I am not NOT responding because I am losing, I play games all the way through, losing or winning (as previous opponents will state). You just have to be patient with me, as, circumstances really suck for me right now.
  9. Well, India and Pakistan hate eachother because of religious differences, and, because of the Colonialist tactic of divide and conquer. You divide the factions in the conquered nation SO badly that they will never unite and overthrow the Imperialist goverment. If it wasn't for Ghandi, India would probably have been a British Colony for an extra 10 years, and after A LOT of bloodshed. THere are ALWAYS going to be differences between what things are called. What do you call the first large battle between the Federals and the Confederates? Bull Run or Manassas? Call the Merrimac the Virginia if you are from the South, and the Merrimac if you are from the North, and whatever you want if you are from neither. However, Merrimac is much more commonly known (due to the many already sited reasons!). Victors will always write history. However, the current victors might not always be the victors forever, so, given time history will change Well, CM can be modified into a Naval Strategy game, but, will be less interesting (unless more individual commands per unit are created). I would figure that the pre-eminant modeling of Naval warfare would be the First World War. You have Large Dreadnaughts combined with Destroyers. There are COUNTLESS historical skirmishes to re-enact (Jutland, Dodger Bank, Falklands, etc...). Much more than in WWII (plus, without the pesky air attacks!) offers, but, there can still be many GREAT battles (Battles of Narvik, Soloman Islands, Java Sea, Martapan, Leyte, etc..). Actually, the only really interesting (and fair) Ironclad engagements for the Civil War would probably be the battle between the Monitor and the Merrimac/Virginia and Farragut's attack on Mobile (?). Otherwize, most of the engagements would be federal blocades of Confederate Ports, not worthy of creating a game to represent!
  10. Of course you will have to wait 6-7 years before you can fufill buying him a drink (The Drinking age in the States is 21, eh?) I have been told I look like a combination of Norm McDonald and Ted Danson, if you think that is at all possible...
  11. On American tanks during the era of hedgerow fighting in Normandy have those buldozer teeth in front of their tanks to push their way through the undergrowth. However, they aren't visually modeled in the game, as, it wasn't universal. If this, and your Poles on Jeeps (unless they are Polish Jeeps ) would require for every American vehicle to have 2-3 extra VERSIONS! This would require massive amounts of coding and texturing just to add some superficial additions to things that weren't totally universal. Tools were on just about every tank, these Poles on vehicles weren't as common, even thouth they DID exist.
  12. This would probably fit under the same context as boobietrapped buildings. Mmmm boooobies.... These weren't used close to a defensive line, but, rather to delay an advancing enemy during a retreat.
  13. CMMC will have people freaking out every time they lose a Tiger or a Cromwell! You won't be having too many of these deathnell battles that individual battles/operations have. Considering if you get someting like 75% casualties you might not have a battalion, but more like a weak company in which to fight your next battle with! The Germans will be especially hard pressed, as, replacements (especailly Tigers!) will be hard to come by. I can see people being VERY cautious, resulting in those who are typically reckless to have a field day!
  14. I had this wackassed big post to go here, but, I accidentaly hit the Esc button, and lost it all. Damn. The Commonwealth forces have a LOT of interesting stuff. The Cromwell is like a Sherman, but, with a LOW profile (can hide better). I can't see any difference in armour or speed, and they both have the same gun (Don't know if any 6 Pounder Cromwells served in Normandy?) Churchill is a VERY tough tank. It is a GREAT Infantry support vehicle. Use it to kill enemy infantry, not enemy tanks. It's heavy armour can probably shrug off Schreck and Faust attacks much better than Shermans or Cromwells. Universal Carrier. Armed with a Bren or Vickers Machine Gun these things are mobile pilboxes. Use these things as small arms cover fire for advancing infantry or defensive fire. They can move fast and set up faster than regular HMG and MMG, plus, their low siloette can keep them out of enemy sight. The regular Commonwealth Squads aren't as powerful as the Specialized German squads, nor do they contain the numbers of the American Squads. They are a 'happy' medium. Equipped with a good LMG and Rifle, they surpass at medium range supression fire. Their SMG, well, sucks. A good way in advancing with British Infantry is to divide the squad, have the LMG Team provide cover fire, and have the SMG team advance. A platoon of this can supress an enemy platoon with LMG fire and advance and kill close range with SMG and rifle fire. Also, the Vickers HMG was VERY good, was used until the 1970s! Use this with the Bren Teams to supress the enemy, so, their close range firepower cannot be put to bare on your Infantry Teams. Here are some general tactics: 1. ATTACKERS should always have a diversionary attack. Have a plan, and stick to it. Even if you encounter a weak spot with your diversionary assault it is best not to change your plan totally, as, it will cause too many delays. 2. ATTACKERS should advance along trails and through forests hidden from enemy observation. Move along the dead ground offered by hills. Patrol along the planned route with the camera view on ground level, and observe to see if your troops can be spotted along the route. 3. ATTACKERS should divide their force to have the majority of infantry (60%) in the main attack and the minority form diversions. Divide your diversionary squads into teams, it will appear from a long distance that there is a company advancing instead of 1.5 Platoons. Before you engage the enemy combine all of your teams back into full squads. Have these troops accompanies by HMGs and Mortors. Engage the enemy with these troops and keep up the appearance that this is the main attack (so they deploy all their reserves). 4. ATTACKERS should deploy the majority of tanks with their diversionary attack. This will further the appearance that this is the main assault. Engage the enemy with these vehicles as medium support weapons. Remember, tanks can move accross the map quickly, so, when your main attack begins you can move the surviving vehicles to support it. 5. DEFENDERS and ATTACKERS should ALWAYS have a mobile reserve. Save your weak skinned vehicles along with at least a platoon of Infantry in a rear protected area. Behind a hill, or forest will offer the best protection. Keep it near the centre of the map so it can easily be sent toward the most important area (to support a breakthrough or to counter attack). ONLY deploy this force when you REALLY need it. 6. DEFENDERS shoud NEVER weaken another area of defence in order to boost another. Keep troops together and don't send them piecemiel to be chewwed up in an already lost cause. If the other position falls, withdraw your troops further to the rear to avoid getting flanked. 7. DEFENDERS should defend only individual bastions, not a line. Lines can be easily broken, while, groups, or hedgehogs cannot. The best/minimun formation should consist of an entire Platoon of infantry, along with a HMG/MMG, a zook/schreck/PIAT with mortor support. Never get any smaller than this, as it can be too easily defeated. Also, for defensive positions and ambushes always have a balanced force of Infantry, HMG, and Zooks. 8. USE vehicles and troops for what they best do. SMG Squads make great assault troops, while HMG Squads make great covering groups, use them as such. Tanks with good HE capability should be used primarily for infantry support. You don't want to waste a Firefly on Infantry, better save it for any possible Tigers or Panthers along the road! 9. NEVER rely on a special weapon to win the war. Even King Tigers get knocked out. Have adequate support for even your 'invincible' vehicles, as well as a backup plan in case your top troops/tanks die. 10. NEVER advance along a road (especially one surrounded by trees) with vehicles. You can get nailed pretty easy, and, roads are the most predictable routes (Therefore most heavily defended!). If you must, advance with troops ahead of and along the flanks of the vehicles. HOwever, doing this will lower the chances of survival of your troops (as the tanks will be too far back to offer adequate support). Your best bet of advance is through fields. Even though it seems like a wrong move, this is the best way to move while minimizing casualties. Have infantry walking ALONG WITH the tanks. This will have any threat against the Infantry being taken out by the tanks, and the Infantry keeping Schrecks/Zooks a safe distance from the tanks. 11. USE artillery and smoke CAREFULLY. Never use it on an enemy that is a distance from your line of defence, it will only cause them a slight nusance. If you can predict where/when the enemy will be when he encounters your line of defence set down a barage. Artillery will supress the enemy troops and allow your troops to inflict more casualties as well as have less of their own. Smoke is a good for both the attack and defence. Use it to cover artillery or to stop flanking fire on advancign troops. Creating corridors of smoke will allow you to cover your flanks but still have the capacity to blast the target your infantry is going for with tank support. Never cover the area you are planing to advance to in smoke. Defensive smoke fire can be used to stop tanks from killing your poor infantry or to cover a withdrawl. 12. RETREATS should be planned carefully. THere are NEVER any invulnerable positions, eventually the attacker will find a way, or blast a way through almost any defence. Keep routes of reatreat open (valleys/forests) that aren't seen by your enemy. If these aren't availible, lay down a smoke screen between your enemy and the planned path. Retreat your slow moving troops (Mortors, HMG's, etc.) before your infantry. Ineed, they don't offer much in close range fighting either. If you have a platoon of infantry to retreat, the best bet for survival is to detatch a squad divided into 2 teams to cover the rest of the troops. If there is enough time, withdraw these troops as well. Hopefully your support weapons will be set up intime to help the Infantry survive their retreat. If you have waited too long to retreat, the best bet is to keep where you are. Troops in motion make great targets. You can only hope in taking out a few of the enemy before you yourself are wiped out. 13. DEFENDERS should keep all of their weaponry hidden from long range fire. Attackers 'usually' carry more long range firepower than defenders. Best to use your firepower close where numerical superiority means less (you can get local superiority this way). Set up a series of ambushes hidden by hills or forests. Make sure you can get the most guns pointed at your enemy with the fewest of his pointed at you. Flanking fire can be devestating. 14. Specialized vehicles, like the StuG, should not be used like tanks. Use them to support tanks/infantry, through long range fire (makes up for their lack of traversing speed), or, close range ambush where you have the benefit of suprise. Don't be afraid to withdraw, you can always retake VP! 15. NEVER attack a tank with infantry without AT support (ie Panzerfausts/Rifle Grenades). You loose too many troops in a close assault for just one tank (possibly!). If your enemy is smart, they will not have a lone tank, or one without infantry support. 16. KEEP your tanks away from houses, forests, or hedgerows that you don't control. Keep them in the rear, or far enough away that zooks cannot effectively kill them. Keep your infantry inbetween tanks and suspicious places such as these. 18. BUILDINGS should be taken only by sheer firepower. Blast them down with direct fire from tanks. If you have to assault them, first you must isolate the building/town and attack it from multiple directions. THis way the defender cannot have their troops in the rear of buildings to catch your guys walking in with their pants down. ALWAYS knock down the 2 story buildings. Doing this can remove your enemies bonus of high fround detecting your advancing formations, plus, they are difficult to take! But, don't destroy EVERY building, you must have something left to defend once you have taken it! Keep tanks well outside of towns, unless you are using them to defend a town (in this case have infantry covering all cases of advance so your enemy can't sneak up a zook to knock your tank out!) 19. DEFENDING towns should not just be a matter of occupying buildings. If you are defending (ie. your troops dig foxholes) your best bet of setup is to divide your squads into teams, and position ALL troops (including HQ's, HMGs, mortors, etc...) within OUTSIDE positions of defence (ie. forests, hedgerows, etc... Keep these as secondary lines of defence, or, keep them occupied to avoid flanking or rear attacks into the town. Recombine your teams back into squads and then move back into the buildings. These foxholes can then be used later on for reinforcements or rear positions.
  15. It isn't hard to get a rise out of Peng, ever since he got his viagra. Loois seems to be an individual similar to Fionn, someone who believes in what they are stating. However, Fionn uses his power constructively, adding to the benefit of CM, and even being an instrumental power in CMMC. Whereas UName perfers to use his powers for evil. Loois, renounce your faustian deal! Deals with the devil are bad!
  16. I was going to say something, but, Steve cleared it all up. Plus, I am going to go to England next year for School Exchange (hopefully!) and I don't want all British Girls thinking that North Americans are all stuck up hypoctitical bastards. Actually, many people haven't mentioned the GOOD war movies. There are many that were suprisingly accurate and fair to both sides. "Das Boot" was a spectacular rendition of the war of the ocean. It didn't vilianize any side, and portrayed solely the terror that individual sailors had to face while on submarine duty. "Tora, Tora, Tora" and "Midway" were both suprisingly fair representations of the historical events. I was really suprised as they are VERY old movies, and therefore much more succeptable to Holywood wrath of being politically correct (ie. American friendly). They were nationalistic, but, did not portray the Japanese as slanty eyed midgets who got lucky (at Pearl Harbor). The Line I remember most was from "Midway" where one of the Admirals states (Paraphrased) "It wasn't that Yamamoto was too confident, reckless, or incompetant, but, most probably due to the fact that we were very lucky". These movies were all epics, that they didn't focus on only a small part of the war. Thin Red Line tried this, but, they went too far, and confused the heck out of everyone! Well, just to make Engalnd feel a little better, how about some American transgressions, other than the Amerindians? Central and South America have been plagued since the 19th Century by unwarranted American involvement, militarily, economically, politically, and through espionage. MANY native South/Central American DEMOCRATIC governments have been overthrown by American supported Dictators (Chilie, Cuba, Nicaragua, Bolivia, etc...) The population has been killed, imprisoned, and had their freedom lost, solely to keep the American 'freedom' of making money. Africa has a long history of being exploited not only by Britain and Europe, but, by America as well. 100 Million Africans died during the 200 years of Slave trade to South and North America. Economically America has had its tenticles into Africa since the end of the 19th Century. They didn't directly colonize Africa, but, the damage they caused is still being felt there. China was seen by the United States for over 200 years as their natural 'economic colony'. Since the 19th Century (until the fall of the Empire) China had an AMERICAN as its foreign economic minister, who decided the trade restrictions for China. America funded the KMT goverment which was/is bruital toward the nation's people (even though the Communist government was as bruital!). Need I mention South East Asia? Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Philippines, Thailand and Indonesia were all products of America's paranoia of Communism. They were willing to tolerate, support and put into power bruital Fascist regimes over democratically elected communist goverments, solely due to the fear that if Communism were to have spread in South East Asia, it would only be a matter of time before America fell to it (Like the Great Capitalist system of America could fall to Communism!). Here's an interesting Australian twist that ol' Mel should take a gander at! Since it's colonization, Australia has begun the 'indirect genocide' of the nation's aboriginy population. They have proved incapable of assimilation into the Australian society, and attempts at reconsiliation are beneath that of even Canada and America. (remember "Quigly Down Under" with Tom Selick?) New Guinea and the Soloman Islands were seen as virtual Australian Colonies, with Australians as plantation owners, and basic landords over the native populations. NOW, this isn't so say NYA! NYA! America and Australia suck! NO, nor is it to justify what England did to all of the nations it affected. What it should say, is that NO nation deserves the right to be a saintly judge over another. Heck, even Liberal Canada have our skeletons in our closets! [This message has been edited by Major Tom (edited 06-07-2000).]
  17. Well, going back to the original topic, one is not restricted to using just Commonwealth Tactics. The weapons and equipment are different and do require other tactics than the Germans or the Americans, but, basic tactics, like flanking, etc. are the same. Their squads aren't as powerful as a German or American Squad, so, you have to have larger numbers (Better concentration) to make up for this. The PIAT (PAIT?) is a much better weapon for defending buildings, as, they do not have a back flame spray (which tends to burst them into flames in the wrong situation!). Historical misconceptions? Well, everyone likes to claim that their own nationality was the prime reason for victory, purely out of nationalistic feelings. But, without any one of the Allies (Americans, British, Canadians, Poles, French) the 1944-45 campaign could not have been won the way it was. If Britian was to have fallen in 1940, then, an invasion of Europe would have been Impossible. Without the Americans, the massive amounts of men and equipment would not have been availible. Without the Canadians or Poles the British army would have been drastically reduced in size and power. Without the French the liberation of France would have been more akin to an invasion. Just a note of historican nomenculture. The Allied French forces AFTER 1942 (ie. the fall of Vichy) was not called Free French Army, but, the French Army. Without the comparison army of Vichy France, there is no need for the extra name of Free for the French forces fighting in World War Two. At least this is what I have gathered.
  18. Just to jump on the bandwagon! I have taken many courses of African history, throughout the world. Just because a poor individual in a slave society doesn't own slaves does not mean that they do not benefit from slavery. Many nations that had a war over slavery represented this. You would assume that the non-slave owning poor white individuals in a nation would support abolishon, eh? Actually, they liked slavery as it removed a great bulk of the population as competators for land and jobs. Plantations took up more manpower per acre than a 'regular' farm. If slaves were freed they would require the use of more land. Also, in the cities and towns there would be competition between trade workers and freed slave trade workers. The poor non-slaveholding individual in any slave society does benefit, indirectly, from the procession of slavery. To say slavery was the sole cause for the American Civil War is just like saying that the invasion of Poland was the cause for the Second World War. Indeed, directly and indirectly Slavery was a high issue, but, most soldiers for the Union didn't join up to save the slaves, nor did most Southerners join up to keep the slaves in their place. It is a matter of nationalism. People joined up for adventure, glory, and peer pressure. From my research into the era, I don't see that England or any other European nation was reasonably considering actually going to war against the United States in support of the Confederate States. The Union wasn't going to be utterly defeated (ie. no Confederate occupation of the North), so, why would they risk another war with an industrial powerhouse? Canada bolstered our defensive formations during and after the war for fear of an American invasion (after the war there was an extremely large and enemyless Union army which many Canadians feared would turn North). England's support was merely token, and I doubt that even had the South been victorious at Gettysburg or Antietam they would have sent a military expedition. Trading with the victor of the war would have been much more economic than re-occupying the remnants of a nation. CM would probably be a good model for any type of warfare, as, it is supposed to adequately represent the real world. The Physics would be similar, however, the scale would have to be changed. Instead of individual Squads, it would possibly be companies. World War One would be interesting, especially the Operations. Having a Battalion sized unit attack an entrenched company, then is counterattacked. Think of the massive firepower that was availible to each side! It would be possible for any other war to be represented by the CM model, however, it all comes down to the desires of the producers of the game. Steve and Charles are experts of the European War of 1939-45, there are PLENTY of theatres of war to take care of there.
  19. Well, not to harp on an already dead topic, but, TOAW and Steel Panther's cannot be put in the same category as CM. They are much easier to 'hack' into. For SP, there was an editor allowing you to edit every single bit of information for the units, as, they were more abstract than CM. CM's units are hardwired, being, that they aren't that easy to change/hack. Ineed, Steve said that the game will be virtually unhackable, as, everything is going to be all locked up in a major file (ie. no separate and editable files for each unit). I would have to say it would be great if Vietnam and the Pacific could be modeled, but, they don't have time (ie. a lifespan long enough) to do them all. Possibly they could lease out their code to allow another company to create these fields of war, or, they could expand (if CM is VERY successful). However, we shouldn't go demanding that they do any of these. CM is their game, and they should not be bullied, or attempted to be bullied into doing anything they do not choose with it.
  20. Well, a Dieppe Scenario could easily be faked. Just use the earliest version of Churchill tank that CM offers, and, use a 1944 Pattern Canadian Squad (not different than a 1942 Squad). The Germans aren't that different either, some 88mm Guns, 105mm Guns, HMG 42's, and early Rifle Squads. The South Saskatchewan Regiment (battalion) managed to penetrate pretty far, and there are some interesting battles down to the Company level. Sure, the beach attacks would most probably be bloody and short, but, people are doing D-Day assaults, so, Dieppe isn't much different. I am sure another Battalion was involved as reinforcements. The Plan was that the South S. was to join up with the tank battalion and attack a German Divisional HQ. There are a lot of interesting hypothetical scenarios.
  21. How about having this site also dedicated for solely Canadian Scenarios? Seems only logical, that a site dealing with Canadian CM articles and stuff should house all of the Canadian Scenarios? One group of Scenarios I am planning is to recreate the entire battle of Dieppe, Battalion by Battalion, including the British Commando Raids.
  22. Me fail English? That's unpossible! Speedy, LOL! Robert, it doesn't matter how you spell on a bulliten board. It isn't like there is a spellchecker or anything. Plus, we can understand EXACTLY what you are typing. And, it was only two mistakes, eh?
  23. CM3 Should have airfields, and aircraft. I can cite a few examples. During Operation Crusader, the most fought over piece of territory was a captured Italian Air Field, Sidi Rezigh (SP?). The 6th Royal Tank Regiment rammed and destroyed virtually every plane on the field when it was first taken. It was then the scene of some BITTER fighting for the rest of the battle. Maleme Airfield on Crete was also another important historical battle for an airfield.
  24. So what he has his handle "Gay*Lover"? So what? Maybe other people are against "SS Panzerleader" as, an SS Panzerleader executed their brother during WWII? Or, what if someone REALLY hates Elvis' Music? (Either Elvis Should we be ranting about someones name just because it doesn't fit our own personal agenda? Maybe he IS an interior decorator from San Francisco? Gay people are interested in military and history as well. He didn't say ANYTHING to do with his intimate actions with other individuals (true OR false). So, lets not convict this guy on things that he hasn't done, and probably will not do. I wonder what the reaction would be if his handle was Cuban*Communitst*Gay*Lover would be? Lets get beyond the superficial, and talk about CM, like Gay*Lover tried to do. Also, my PBEM's are being sent now. I couldn't use the Internet much this week, as I am waiting for Job replies, and other important phonecalls. Sorry for the delay.
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