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M Hofbauer

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Everything posted by M Hofbauer

  1. Wouldn't those wood panels in the railings be covered with the same thick olive drab paint job like the rest of the vehicle instead of showing wood texture?
  2. after placing the reinforcement marker on the map, hit CTRL-W or CTRL-V or CTRL-C and the units will enter in a Wedge, an inVerted wedge or Column (passengers embarked) formation respectively. try it.
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by BloodyBucket: I think it was clever of BTS to divide us into groups of good and evil members based on the odd or even number we have been assigned.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> nono, you must've misunderstood something along the way, the only differentiation the number makes is dividing us into good-looking, intelligent, successful, rich, infallible veteran members, and FNGs, and the division line is three digits to four digits.... also known as the "rule of the upper one thousand" :-p
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by BlueFalcon: I AM NOT A NUMBER I AM A FREE MAN!!!!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> calm down, number 4674
  5. sh**, I had typed quite a message *and* posted it but it never appeared? anyways, yes I know that it's not gonna be in CM2, but hey, I figured I needed sopme kind of pretext to post it here cause I thought you might like it (ducks from the evil look of BadMutt the padlock dog).... yes, y'all did very well, here's a jar of cookies for ya.... JD, geo****ies is totally hosed up, they dio not allow deeplinking anymore. I've been trying to get a new free provider but as my luck would have it I am willing to bet that as soon as I list up on some other service they'll change their policy immediately too....
  6. oh, so that's where you got your cool surname from. Imagine it would be even cooler if you wrote it in cyrillic - ever tried that?
  7. well I was just intrigued because the thread title reads "real beach not inland"... my concern is that the cover value of wheat in the naked beach roel is maybe quite a bit too high? I know the wheat tile "looks" closest to beach sand, but as far as cover goes ... I guess anybody who's been to Normandy will agree with me that ther eisn't much cover, on low tide you have essentially up to around half a kilometer of hard, plate-flat wet sand...so as far as cover value is concerned, it seems to me that pavement would be a better choice. I guess it depends on whether you are out for the looks or for an approximation of handling.
  8. hey, almost forgot this thread! Mike wrote: Poor Germans! The bohunk (look THAT up in Der Funk and Wagnall's!) from Canada keeps telling you about your language! That is self-contradictory in the original sense of "bohunk": Since a bohunk is a Bohemian-Hungarian he cannot by definition be from Canada. Unless you use "bohunk" in a proverbial/metaphorical way, which according to my Könemann-Merriam-Webster would mean you are a rough-looking, illiterate lower class unskilled labourer...??? Bohunk is not a german word. We have much funnier words. Like, Straßenverkehrsordnungsverwaltungsverfahrensvorschrift. Or something. yours sincerely, M.Hofbauer
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jeff Duquette: Regarding the flame bottle projector thingie, John Weeks in "Men Against Tanks" indicates that the British Home Guard (post France 1940) also came up with some sort of crazy Molotov cocktail projecting sling shot "do-hickie". J. Weeks goes on to indicate that the apperatus was of equal danger to the shoter as it apparently was to the intended victim.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> There's also a beautiful picture and description of it in Bishop's Encyclopedia of WW2 Weapons. The HomeGuard guys manning it are posing as if they were using it as an AA gun!
  10. rexford, "The PzKpfw IV, Panther, Tiger and StuG III all lost the same percentage of available vehicles during the first month." My sources indicate 33 losses out of 102 Tigers, 207 Panthers out of 663, but 95 out of 248 StuGs. What surprises me is the number of 274 KIA'ed Pz IVs out of a total of somewhere over 300 (no hard data here), which would reinforce my believe that the Pz IV is a "do not expose to sunlight" paper tank. But it could be that my numbers are off, besides, most importantly, they are for the months June AND July 44 combined. What are your exact figures for those loss ratios? I'ld be interested to know... [ 04-12-2001: Message edited by: M Hofbauer ]
  11. ....ah those were the days...the days of that old blue-on-white forum, remember...when summers were still summers, and girls were beatiful, and living was easy...
  12. yes I suspected that...however the "save image as..." right-click option still works, so you can save it to your HD then look at it - it's worth it IMO.
  13. Ok, Mike, I have to admit it, you win! I've looked up my extensive etymologic german dictionary and yes indeed there is a word "Patten" and it even refers to strengthened/double fabric on clothing such as on cuffs etc. So I guess your sources really do mean "Patten". Have to admit I never heard that word before and it seems rather unusual/obsolete. That does not mean that back then (WW2) it might very well have been the correct technical term for collar tab. The Kraken are still squids, however.
  14. Mike, Your german ranks look very fine to me. Fabulous - Bravo! that http://www.kneller.com/Wehrmacht/ URL doesn't work for me. RMC is right. Definitely an L required. Unlike your Squids, there isn't even a german word "Patten". Funny thing about that plural of Hauptmann. Never thought about it before. Yes, Hauptleute definitely sounds very unusual. Though technically correct, it sounds even more unusual than the (probably technically incorrect) Hauptmänner. Maybe Hauptleut RMC can shed some light on this by checking with his german equivalents on the next social function he shares with them. Funny thing about the Hauptman is that while researching a bit in history for the tests have to grade, I came across the fact that the term "Hauptmann" was used to describe the title of sopmeone who lead a corporation/alliance of several knights in late medieval "germany". I am not sure if this is the root of the term. I am also not sure if you can simply translate it as "main man". There is definitely something with the "Haupt" in the sense of the latin "caput" / english "head" (as in "head of state") which is of course the root of why "Haupt-xy" means "main xy". Interesting, all that. Commendation for your table! btw., off the back of my head, Wachtmeister was also used in Nachschubtruppen (supply troops) (not sure yet if only the horse drawn supply troops or all of em), and in Nachrichtentruppen (signal). Wachtmeister (watch/guard master) was an old title for the soldier responsible for the organization of the (camp) guard shifts during night bivouacing in late medieval times.
  15. as long as they live by CPT Stransky's immortal words it will be ok: "All i want is for decent games to be a good as they can be. Do want a game that works???"
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by kmead: Um, M Hofbauer, did somebody do something really bad to you today? pretty uncalled for don't you think for a FREE SERVICE? Come on, choke back your gall and apologize. Geez.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> hah! I won't let some newbie tell me what to do, NUMBER 7 5 6 !! :-p
  17. and can't you change the colors / design of this new script? It hurts my eyes...and I'm a bit innovation-allergic / autistic so I really like to keep things the wway I got used to... the new design looks way too much like amazon design or somefink... even then I *do* like the fact that everyone can now see at a glance that in the eternal order of things I am 3 slots ahead of you, Madmat ! =-)
  18. hey I'm just *very* not amused about this thing...I' ve been trying again and again and again and now I found out it's been here all the time! **** man Madmatt trying to deprive someone of his human right to the CM board! can't you imagine how DESPERATE I got? that was NOT a good joke... (cough cough choke sputter) even w/o hair your hard to swallow BadMutt!
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