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Joe Shaw

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Posts posted by Joe Shaw

  1. Kunzler you Communist ... while I haven't had the intense orgasmic thrill of actually watching the movie of our last turn, I did get your email in which you mentioned something about losing more tanks. Perhaps you'll be the one needing the big squishy finger thing? smile.gif As for the song, it was more like the 1950's, it was Tennessee Ernie Ford and it was Country Western ... so there. Finally, IF I WERE YOU I wouldn't be making too many statements about Mormon wives. After all, MY wife ISN'T Mormon and wouldn't be offended by copies of scurrilous comments that just HAPPENED to show up in the mail.


  2. Okay, I think I'm confused but maybe I'm confused about that too.

    1) It's nice that you are willing/able to do 2 turns a day. Others don't have that ability and are trying to inform you of that so that you don't expect more. I fail to see how that's "bad manners". Second, wouldn't it be better to know upfront that a player (for whatever reason) prefers to play one side or the other? How is that bad manners? Third, where/how many times did you see this happening? The requests I've seen for PBEM games have always been reasonable.

    2) Are you asking about the ladders that are available or are you complaining about one of the ladders? Keep in mind that BTS is not in the "ladder" business, they are in the "a shrunken piece of WW2 reality which ships on a compact disc" business. This is the BTS forum, and while mention is certainly made of ladders and campaigns and so forth it's not their job to do that.


  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I consider the following kindof rude. I am holding BTS, the business, to a different standard. If it were coming from a gamer, it would be different. When people say 'the customer is always right,' he may not be but I think the point is to treat the customer very respectfully.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> And the point of 90% of the posters on this thread is that HE WAS treated FAR more respectfully than he treated anyone else. I would also point out the FIRST post BTS made: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Er... could you at least bitch at us using full sentences, coherently organized thoughts, and something called paragraphs? That is a tough and rambling read there.

    Take a couple of deep breaths, do a search on the multitude of discussions about AI, and then perhaps we can talk.

    I also ask that anybody following up on this to go easy.

    Steve<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Golly, maybe Steve should have used a little smiley there huh? Would that have made it all better? Steve was quite correct that it WAS a tough read and didn't make a lot of sense. He then suggested that he calm down (since it was pretty clear he was fairly incensed) and do a search so that he could get a full background on the situation. THEN STEVE SAID "AND THEN PERHAPS WE CAN TALK." And to top it all off, Steve recognized that the initial post was inflammatory (I think the first clue might have been when Stransky titled it "CRAP AI, Other BUGS ,Fix Or implement IPX/TCP!!") and asked everyone to take it easy on Stransky.

    Sorry guy, but that's not rude in my book, it MIGHT have been considered a bit informal but BTS is not (contrary to their name) exactly BIG TIME ... yet. But with the level of their customer service they will be. I'm not exactly sure what axe you are trying to grind here but Stransky was WAY off base and BTS handled it with far more restraint than many companies would have.


  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>We can always use more valkyries, but it probaly wouldn't hurt to get the optional borg testosterone filter as well.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Indeed, welcome Trixx (and note my forbearance by NOT making the traditional "Trixx are for Kids" comment, I'm too suave and sophisticated to do that) to the wonderful world of weirdness. As for CM Borg, I think maybe we need to check HIS testosterone filter status, maybe if we put one in place he won't spend so much time with "7 of 9" and atttend to duties in the proper manner.


  5. Don't forget one very important thing. If you have full FOW on, you probably WON'T see every unit on the board. So when you say that there weren't any units behind you, you really are saying that there weren't any units behind you THAT YOU COULD SEE! Sharpshooters and FO's in particular are very difficult to spot much of the time.


  6. I don't recall ever seeing that happen. I've had the reverse happen, where I bought something and then forgot about it because it was hidden in the woods. smile.gif

    I honestly can't think of a way that could happen unless it's a bug or you somehow made a mistake and thought you bought something ... no offense intended.


  7. Steve, we all appreciate that you would prefer a human response and it wasn't the intention to be curt (Curt's a jerk BTW, steer clear of him). However, one of the great features of this board IS the ability to search out topics. This happens to be one topic which has been discussed at GREAT length on many occassions. As has been mentioned, the definition is hard to pin down. The suggestion that you do a search was meant as a means of allowing you to see all the posts on the subject which would be more informative.


  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>You chose to enter into this debate. I try my best to back up my opinions with evidence and expect others to do the same. When I am proven wrong (Or discovered to be a multitude of Hamsters) I have no problem with admitting it, regardless of my opinion. While by no means do I mean offense to anyone when I advocate this issue, I will also not let it go, as I think it is worthwhile.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Indeed I did enter into the debate. I also try to back up my opinions with evidence when possible. In this case, however, it seems to me that (barring the technical issues which you and I both admit we are not qualified to judge) the issue is nothing BUT opinion. I appreciate your statement that you do not intend offense, and I will, therefore, take none. I know that this issue is one about which many people feel strongly. I wouldn't dream of limiting debate on it beyond the fact that BTS has made it's position clear. That being said, and having made my position clear as well ... knock yourselves out but try to avoid using knives ... blood is hell to get off these keyboards. smile.gif


  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>First, this bogus notion about clutter is just that. The crux of this argument is "Too much detail." People defend this argument by saying, "Its just a game." Those statements go against every other legitimate post on this board. We all crave MORE detail and less gameyness.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> What part of my "It's a Matter of Opinion" post did you not understand? You respond by using words like "bogus" and suggesting that only the posts that agree with YOU are legitimate. Then you state that we ALL crave more detail. Do not presume to tell me what I want in a game. I think you will find wide agreement on this board that it is possible to have TOO much detail, if not in this particular instance then certainly in others. IN MY OPINION, full squad representation is not only unnecessary but undesirable. You have a right to your opinion, I don't begrudge you that. Kindly allow me mine.


  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>The other arguments, that it is simply too much clutter and that they are unnecessary, are both just silly.

    First, if there is a grognard here who tells me, "That's too much clutter" and means it, they should have their membership revoked. The COs in WWII had to deal with it, why the heck can't you?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Come on buddy, we have a difference of opinion here, that doesn't mean that we're "silly" or that our viewpoint has no merit. You see it differently, good for you, allow us our opinion. As for the COs in WW2, they also had to deal with the being at ground level all the time, not being able to "fly" all over the battlefield and not being able to rewind the action and see it again. IT'S A GAME ... a simulation and a representation of the real thing, with all the compromises and restrictions implied by that. I personally agree with Andreas that a full squad would create a cluttered screen that I wouldn't like. You might like it ... okay.


  11. Hey wait a minute pal! I've been posting to this board for months now and have even been soliciting customers for you. I've gone so far as to call your attention to newbies who needed assimilating. And you think you can just pull of some kind of mass assimilation and get away with it? I want the number for Borg Customer Service, they're getting a severe note of protest from me.


  12. Steve I think the AIs in CM are very good and better than anything else out there. They are not perfect and likely never will be but for anyone to expect a home computer to compete with a human (with the possible exception of Lower GI Tom, of course) is ludicrous. I think the answer is found in the words of the Capt. himself: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>ive been wargamming for 20 years and i have yet to find a good War game.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> And he likely never will in that case. Too bad, he's not seeing the forest for the Tall Pines tiles. smile.gif


  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Hey Ethan! If you win, do I get the credit<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Absolutely Bill, in the unlikely event that Eathan does win this one you may be assured that I will place FULL responsibility on the scenario designer ... of course Eathan will claim it was his superior tactics ... yeah right like THAT could happen biggrin.gif


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