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Joe Shaw

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Posts posted by Joe Shaw

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>When I get a crew, I just run them behind my front lines to sit at the flags so I "own" them.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> In my experience that doesn't always work. I've got a 120mm mortar crew that ran out of ammo sitting on a VL now for several turns and the damn thing won't change from neutral. No enemy troops anywhere near. OTOH I've had a sniper change a neutral to my flag, who knows.


  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>There was an awful one about PT boats called "In Harm's Way". In the end they sent a handful of PT boats to intercept a japanese heavy cruiser. EEEEWWWWWW!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Brace yourself ... at the Battle of Surago Straights (probably spelled wrong) they sent PT's up against Japanese Battlewagons. Mind you that wasn't all they had but the PT's launched and, IIRC, did get a hit.


  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>They breed millions of fleas and gave them blood containg PLAQUE. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Quite right, the Japanese realized early on that destroying America's dental health was critical to winning the war. And what better way to attack than introducing Plaque!

    Sorry Joe, I couldn't resist, God knows I've had enough mis-spellings in my posts biggrin.gif


  4. Right Andreas (God I hate saying that), the issue has never really been whether it would WORK to use them that way, but rather whether it was REALISTIC to use them in that fashion. I find myself using crews "lightly", i.e. they can guard prisoners or "hang out" in safe areas just to keep watch on flanks. I will, if I feel the situation is justified, put them in buildings where it's safer than being in the open. I will NOT send them on recon missions or use them offensively. Now if someone chooses to attack the spot they are in, they will undoubtedly fight, but I don't order them to. A rationalization on my part, to be sure, but one I feel comfortable with. Others will disagree ... and have.


  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>The purpose of this thread is to conduct a personal survey of those interested in cm from an astrological perspective... as a trivial digression for personal and possibly other's interest.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Dallas, you have a perfect right to start a thread about virtually anything ... we have a right to let it degenerate into a discussion of ... HAMSTERS smile.gif


  6. Oh now this goes too far. That you would stoop (ahem) to playing the feltching card in a serious discussion only shows that you are unwilling to address the real issues at hand. I note, with my unerring eye for accuracy, that you fail to answer the charge THAT YOU ARE IN THE PAY OF THE HLF AND ARE A WILLING PAWN OF THEIR NEFARIOUS SCHEME. I note also that you are apparenly perfectly happy to leave poor Eathan to his fate ... I don't doubt that he's enjoying it but that's not the point.

    And to suggest that I would consort with Guinea Pigs is a calumny and a slander ... or is it libel? Either way, you are a scoundrel sir, and I challenge you to provide proof of your accusations or retract your statement in its entirety. BTW, those photos of me at the New's Years Day party are clearly fakes and won't be accepted ... the videotape either, and that guinea pig that gave the written statement is a damned liar as EVERYONE KNOWS.

    The TRUTH IS OUT THERE Fionn, and you will be hoist with your own petard, no doubt you'd enjoy that as well.


  7. Well, well, well, we have finally heard from Fionn on the important subject of Hamsters when he stated: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>David, you should know better than to mention the FHL

    here. Those traitors do, and always have, worked for the guinea pigs. EVERYONE knows that. Only the HLF truly has the rights of hamsters as its guiding policy.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Posh Fionn, not to mention Pish. This is nothing more than another example of your blatant anti-FHL bias which has permeated this board since the subject first came up. And your typical "EVERYONE KNOWS" ploy won't work this time, you're talking to true Hamster afficianados here. Come clean Fionn, how much is the HLF paying you Hmmmm? And this while the HLF is engaged in extracting Eathan's precious bodily fluids and implanting God knows what God knows where. Have you no shame, Sir ... at long last have you no shame?


    BTW Andreas I got a turn from "Eathan" tonight too, I agree, it shows a marked improvement in tactics. We've GOT to get him out of their hands, er paws.

  8. It's been so long ago I don't recall exactly where I first saw it. Somehow I was directed to a web page that featured some screen shots and explanations of how it would work. I joined a mailing list and then pretty much forgot about it until the mailing list reminded me about the game. I read some of the AAR between Fionn and Moon, the next thing you know the demo came out and I was dead meat.


  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>...he commits some outstanding howlers that I find simply incredible in anyone claiming to be a historian of that period...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> While not a "historian" per se, I also found some problems in "The Greatest Generation Speaks" by Tom Brokaw. Obviously he's quoting letters from veterans, but in one of the opening chapters he quotes someone who was apparently a B-24 crewman who referred to "50mm shell casings piled up on the floor" and "since the P-38 had better radar and sonar than we did ...". Those aren't exact quotes but close enough.

    Then, one chapter later, was the "saga" of a Polish man whose exploits can only be described as fantastic, with the emphasis on fantasy. Again, to be fair, they were recounted by his son and God knows what his old man told him.


  10. Hi Jeff, as I understand it, the TCP/IP patch would do a couple of things. First both players would be plotting simultaneously (and at the same time too) and watching the movie simultaneously. Theoretically that would cut the time in half all by itself. Second, the plans are for there to be timers for both order phases and movie phases, so you can adjust how long it would take to do a single turn. Finally, having a real time connection would diminish the wait for an email to show up.

    Now there are still issues, will there be the ability for real time chat? Will there be an "auto save" feature in case of disconnects? How long should the timers be and will they be different for each phase? All of these have been discussed and I'm sure BTS is working on them.

    The bottom line is that it will allow another, different way to play the game that many of the group really want. I will probably play some TCP/IP, but it's not that critical right now for me.


  11. Ladies and Gentlemen, fellow humans all (excepting Skorzeny, of course) are we going to stand idly by and watch the Hamsters have their evil way with our friend and companion Eathan? Are we going to allow them to complete their unspeakable tortures and God knows what vile acts upon his person? Even if he likes it? Stand with me and be counted ... here, I'll start ... ONE

    I do this for all mankind, I do this for the community and I do this for Eathan ... actually I do it for me, we have this PBEM game going and I'll have a hell of a lot better chance playing Eathan than I would a Hamster.


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