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Joe Shaw

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Posts posted by Joe Shaw

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Grid overlays are crutches for sissies with no command ability & who are to lazy to get down and look at it at view 1.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> C'mon Tiger let's not start THIS one up again smile.gif FWIW I used the gridded terrain for a few weeks but just recently went to the Velvet grass and, frankly, didn't notice that the grids made that much of a difference. Each to their own.


  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Hey, I call everyone an asshole from time to time.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> OH YEAH! You've NEVER called me an asshole! I think you're tyring to set up a monopoly on calling people assholes!

    Swamp, isn't it time for your meds? I've been following this board for months and this promises to be the most bizarre thread I've seen ... and I post on the Peng thread!


  3. Welcome to the board. Currently CM is playable via PBEM only. There is a patch being worked on that will allow TCP/IP play but it is not yet ready and there is no firm timeline for it's release. There have already been four patches to the game (though none of them addressed TCP/IP) and it's been out for only a couple of months, so I think you can see that the support from BTS is first rate. I get the impression from your post that you haven't played CM PBEM. If not, may I suggest that you give it a try? PBEM with this game has a much different feeling about it than other PBEM games have. It's a good way to play the game and I'd encourage you to at least give it a try. Hope this helps.


  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Bastard! Missed it by a bee's dick! I hope, Joe, that you are very happy with your

    gold plated dog turd......<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>I'm not sure about this ... are you calling me a bastard? If so I deny it and can prove it. That's if you're using the term in the traditional sense. If you're using it in the informal sense then I admit I haven't always been the nicest of guys but I do try. If you're calling me a dick in general, see the above. If you're calling me a bee's dick ... I don't know where to go with that one. And finally if you're calling me a turd, see the above but then you go and make it a Gold Plated turd ... I'M SO CONFUSED!


  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Peng makes me hurl..How bout u ?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well duh! Of course he does, dumb question. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Whats this rubbish all about???<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Mostly taunting about CM games in progress. Some takeoffs on CM and WW2. Some general "community" related takeoffs ... and hamsters of course. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>and what does it have to do with Combat Mission!!!!!!!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> See above and the fact that, hello, we all like to play CM and possess something that passes for a sense of humor ... except for Andreas that is. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>If these blokes wanna get together, hey find a Motel!!!!!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Oh right like there's motel in the world that would have us.

    Finally, you REALLY need to check on the exclamation point rules on this board, you are WAY over budget pal. Better hope Matt doesn't seen that.


  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Its a name. That's it.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> XPav, on one level your point is quite correct, it is only a name. HOWEVER, that name has come to be equated with historically accurate and detailed wargames that cover a specific period of time and a specific type and scale of combat. To say that it's "just a name" is to ignore the fact that by using that name Hasbro is, to a goodly number of people, using deceptive advertising. Now they have a right to do so since they bought the name, but that doesn't make it "right" nor does it change the disappointment felt by the original SL's fans. Frankly, I felt the same way when I saw the movie Starship Troopers.


  7. I don't know about the campaign or continuity issue, that's not a big deal with me. BUT ... I do like the idea of listing the unit or leader or both that racked up the most damage. SMG had something similar in which the end screen showcased the regiment that had the hardest fighting and the one that did the most damage. I have NO idea, of course, whether this could be incorporated or how hard it would be. It would be kind of cool but not worth holding up more important things.


  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Someone posted earlier and stated that Gun Damaged hits are hits that do not penetrate the armor. Therefore, how can internal components be damaged to leave the gun inoperable? They can't. Thus a gun damaged hit actually hits the gun.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Actually the point being made was that ANY hit to the mantlet or turret has a lot of kinetic energy that has to go someplace, even if the round doesn't penetrate. Therefore the "relatively" delicate optics and so forth could be damaged even with a non-penetrative hit. At least that's my read on what was being said.

    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Most of you have been saying that most of our arguments have been a "feeling" or "I believe", well then, why is the hit modeling done they way it is? Where is the data that backs up all these gun hits?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I don't know but I'm willing to bet that BTS has it smile.gif What others were saying is that THEY didn't have the data. Based on what I've seen of BTS I would be shocked if they didn't have hard core data to back up the frequency of gun damage.


  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Shaw, and... Pham!! Medals are in the Mail...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Perhaps I didn't make myself clear. I do NOT agree with either you or the inestimable Mr. Pham. There is no conspriracy nor (at least from me) a sychophantic chorus of huzzahs for BTS simply because they ARE BTS. I repeat, if someone has a request they should make it politely. If BTS says they chose not to do something or that something is not possible given their code and/or their parameters then the subject should be dropped. I trust BTS to know what is and isn't possible with CM far more than anyone else ... that's simple logic. If my statements were misunderstood ... I apologize for not being more clear . If I misunderstood someone, I apologize. If my apologies are misunderstood ... to hell with it! biggrin.gif


  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>MORE DUCKTAPE<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> It's DUCT tape, any self respecting 'pooler knows that ... come to think of it that's probably a fairly severe oxymoron isn't it?

    And finally, as much as we'd like to leave Meeks, he always finds his way back. Something about the smell of home, I don't doubt.


    [This message has been edited by Joe Shaw (edited 09-11-2000).]

  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>That, I think, is why other companies won't be following BTS's lead...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> And in addition, BTS has the "luxury" of being able to call their own shots. Witness the recent deletion of multiplayer option from B-17 2, Hasbro needed to get the game out the door, so they told the developers to drop multiplayer from the mix. That "luxury", of course, comes with a rather large price tag, specifically the years upon years it took Steve and Charles to develop the game WHILE THEY WEREN'T GETTING PAID! But it resulted in the best wargame I've ever played ... and I've been doing organized wargaming for over 30 years.

    Finally, I get really annoyed when some people get on these boards and DEMAND that certain things be done or categorically state that something CAN BE DONE. If you haven't coded Combat Mission (which excludes everyone except Steve and Charles) who the hell do you think you are to DEMAND anything or state the something CAN be done? Let's show a little common sense and ... dare I say ... common courtesy. If you'd like to see something, you could ASK for it, politely. If BTS says something can't be done, be willing to accept that they mean it can't be done within the parameters they are willing to accept for the game. It's their game and they have to decide what will and won't be acceptable, let them do their job.


  12. Man I'd forgotten all about Johnny Cloud smile.gif Those were great, I'm still toying with the idea of creating a Sgt. Rock scenario, I just don't think you could edit the troops sufficiently to make it "DC Comic Realistic". But I have the title "It's Never Easy in Easy Company."

    My favorites were always the cheapo comics where they reused the drawings and the dialog didn't match. They would show some guy with a big grin on his face and the dialog would say "Captain, we lost half the company in that attack."

    Does anyone else recall the Marvel war comic, "Sgt. Fury and his Howling Commandos"? Ah, those were the days.


  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>When my Website is launched, I will deserve, and will receive, more respect.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Let's see if I can follow the logic here, "I Have Launched A Website" therefore "I Am Deserving Of Respect." ... hmmm, nope, doesn't seem to follow to me.

    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>This thread is now closed!!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>No, you may choose not to post here again but the thread is not closed until (a) people stop posting or (B) BTS locks it up.

    Look, as far as I'm concerned you can use whatever nickname you like, but as I told you previously, if you choose one like yours you CAN'T be surprised if people object to it or make fun of it. THAT'S WHY YOU CHOSE IT, to get attention.


  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Sorry Joe, no Russians for you. Not until you show some competance with the Amis against lamers like myself...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Like I don't get enough of this on the Peng thread? Now I have to deal with it from you HERE? Get thee to the CessPool, my friend smile.gif We already have one lawyer there and he hasn't fouled the water TOO badly, besides the other rats are showing him some professional courtesy and stay away from us more now. Besides, we are even up in games, IIRC.


  15. See how you are Lorak? We just can't take you out of the 'pool without you piddling on yourself in public can we?

    Sorry Dell, Lorak and I both get into the "taunting" in the "Peng, I Take Our Challenge Public" thread. A.K.A. the Cesspool. We haven't played each other but that doesn't mean we can't smear each other on a regular basis. biggrin.gif

    Thanks for the kind words buddy. And Lorak ... BACK TO THE 'POOL WITH YOU SIR, BACK I SAY!


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