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Joe Shaw

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Posts posted by Joe Shaw

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Son, we live in a world where the cream rises to the top, and milk clumps like you sink to the bottom only to get scraped out of the jug later on by some fat milkmaid wearing your daddy's shirt.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Actually there's a school of thought which states that any bureaucracy is very much like a cesspool, in that the really big chunks rise to the top. Apropos of nothing at all of course.


  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Thanks Borg for making it painless!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> PAINLESS? Damn it Borg you forgot the butt cheek implant again didn't you! Sorry Bill, but without that it's really ... a half assimilation.


    Edited for repeated Senior Moments.

    [This message has been edited by Joe Shaw (edited 09-06-2000).]

    [This message has been edited by Joe Shaw (edited 09-06-2000).]

  3. MadBot, and how many, pray tell, have YOU assimilated. Now don't give me any pretentious arguments about "influence" or "touched the lives of" (and for God's sake let's just stay away from the subject of touching entirely) but rather tell me in how many POSTS on this board YOU have used the words "You are assimilated" or something of that nature? Hmmmm? In reviewing your pathetic posting stats I see a grand total of a paltry dozen or so posts so the number best not exceed that. Now compare that to the tally racked up by our esteemed CM Borg. You may now slink away with tail tucked between legs. Oh, and I don't want to hear about some presumed posts made by someone else that you will CLAIM as your own. Next thing you'll be claiming that all of MadMatts posts are yours.


  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>The CMBorg has been assimulated. BWAHAHAHAAA<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> SACRILEGE! ... That some wet behind the ears, upstart, johnny come lately whippersnapper should DARE to make the comment quoted above ... it is not to be endured. The CM Borg, my good man, has PAID HIS DUES, he has gone out of his way to assimilate dozens, nay hundreds into the CM collective. While there has been the odd lapse now and then, he has been most diligent in his duties. You sir, presume too much!


    [This message has been edited by Joe Shaw (edited 09-05-2000).]

  5. This is probably old news to some of you but,

    Lest we forget ...

    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>We have learned from Hasbro that the multiplayer element in B-17 II: The Mighty Eighth, has been removed from the final product. Due to time restraints and their wish to have the product released this year, it was decided to remove it from the simulation. There are no plans to include multiplayer in a future patch. B-17 II is due to be released late November. This news was originally surfaced in an article on Games Domain by Mike Smith<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> And this is the sort of thing that happens when "The Big Guys" get their hands on a product. I have several friends who were very eager for this product, they had even joined squadrons dedicated to playing multiplayer. Then this. Thanks to Steve and Charles for staying the course and doing it right.


  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>But conciliation is out-of-character with my Cesspool persona, to which I must now return, that being the real me...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Do drop by though, Mark IV has some very nice skirts ... get it ... Mark IV ... skirts? Just an example of the out-of-control hilarity to be found in the 'pool.

    It should be noted though, that many of us who frequent the 'pool DO have persona's and they are not to be taken seriously ... yeah right, like THAT'll ever happen.


    [This message has been edited by Joe Shaw (edited 09-04-2000).]

  7. You had to edit a crummy five line post? And no "whereas" or "party of the first part" either, I'm so proud of you.

    The race goes not to the swift nor the battle to the strong ... no wait, the battle goes not to ... uh ... screw it. Hope your other AC enjoys life without it's TC.

    It's tough to taunt when the facts are all against you. frown.gif


  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Will begging help?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> No, I was thinking of something a BIT more substantial, perhaps a Panther offerring a clean flank shot while it's turret is pointing the wrong way? And we don't need to get litigators involved, they tend to think in such black and white terms, like "blackmail" for example, I think "negotiation" is a much better term don't you?


  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Hey Joe, remember *snip*? And I did not even have tanks at the beginning and still beat you around the map with your guns and Panthers and whatnot... Gee that was fun...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Actually that was fun, and pretty damn tense right up till the end {sigh}. But I learned from that that CM models armor against infantry very well in most cases. Not that I applied any of that knowledge in our LAST battle smile.gif


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