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Joe Shaw

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Posts posted by Joe Shaw

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>BTW, does anyone else find it a bit ironic/inappropriate that the thread is titled "light a candle".<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Sad but true Fionn, though I know that ironic would apply in this case. If a candle can still be lit inside that Oscar it must be guttering by now.

    And they just raised the H.L. Hunley a few days ago, another sub crew that died doing their duty.


  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>We will never release Ethan until our demands are met.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> First, I've completly forgotten what your demands are and really don't care enough to look them up. Second, do you think we are without weapons? All it will take is for me to start posting MORE MORMON WIVES and the entire weight and fury of this board will fall upon YOU and your furry little minions. Why? Because this board won't stand for more Mormon wives and they can't stop me from posting so they'll be forced to take action. You've painted yourself into a corner "X", you're hoist with your own petard. Is Eathan worth this much trouble? Based on what I know of him I SERIOUSLY doubt it.

    I put it to the members of this board, which will it be? More Mormon Wives, or Eathan Released? I am steadfast!


  3. I am not all knowing, I admit to ignorance of many subjects and only a fleeting acquaintance with many others. As a result, when I come upon something of which I know nothing (a not infrequent happening) I avail myself of the resources of the internet (among other sources) to remedy that defect. Accordingly I determined to discover the origin of our friend Cup-A-Bra's handle and discovered the following:

    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>The chupacabra ("goat sucker") is an animal said to be unknown to science and systemically killing animals in places like Puerto Rico and Mexico.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> May I suggest that rather than attempt to recreate the unusual spelling of the "official" handle, we now refer to him only as "Goat Sucker". Not only would this be easier for us but it would also put his posts into the proper context.


  4. For the most part I agree with you Jeff, the man pack flamers are terribly vulnerable and the actual casualties they cause seem very low. Given the right situation, however, they can be very nasty in that they can force units into the open. I recently had opportunity to flame a couple of houses occupied by bad guys. They didn't take too many casualties from the flame, but they had to run out into the street where they were cut to pieces by my other infantry and MGs.

    In another case, I used a Wasp to force three squads out of a house at which time they also suffered from "normal" infantry fire. It appears that IF you can get the flamers in range, having support handy to take advantage of the enemy running out of the area may make the difference.


  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>If they don't survive I certainly hopes their wifes and kids will be taken care of.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> This is Russia we're talking about here, the crewmen themselves probably hadn't been paid for months. As for American news, it's all over the news. CNN at least has been covering it extensively and Larry King has had two or three interviews with admirals on the subject.


  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Graduate of the 'Midvale ROTC for the Gifted' that you are.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> smile.gif Are you aware of the fact that one of the suburbs of Salt Lake City is called ... Midvale? Or did that come from another source?

    There are tactics and then there are ... tactics my friend. Although, to be perfectly honest, I'm afraid I made some rather significant errors early on. We'll see.


  7. I'm sorry guys, I just can't stand what's happening to poor Eathan. And actually, now that I think about it, how would I know if the evil hamsters had really released him? They lie you know. About the only way to be SURE that it was Eathan I was playing was if ... he were to lose to me. Then I could be sure it was REALLY Eathan and the wives could stop. But unless that happens ... I'm afraid I have to stand up for the right, even if no one else has the moxie to stand with me. It's lonely out here, alone on the firing line, the ONLY one to take a stand for JUSTICE {sob}.

    Andreas, your attack reminds me of a little old lady backing out of parking lot. Stop, look ... look some more ... look again ... back up an inch ... stop ... look ... sheesh.


  8. Mr. J, odds are that you'll need more than that smile.gif If the engine is ANYTHING like the SMG or SMA engine (and it should be virtually the same except for the cavalry) you'll be hard pressed to command more than a Division in real time ... at least I would be. But I'm still looking forward to it. I cut my wargaming teeth on Napoleonic miniatures.


  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Joe, would your proposed system include the much-promised one-way FOW? You can see the enemy at all times, but they can never see you? Something similar to Gerbilvision ©.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Of course not, that would be cheating. I ALWAYS play with FULL Fog Of War. The JOEGO/UNOGO system will feature One Way Fog however. This feature will cause the enemy to have their LOS limited to 35 meters while mine is unlimited.

    I didn't want to play the "wives" card, if you think it's tough to look at them here, just imagine how tough it was for me to FIND them. But NO sacrifice is too great for Eathan ... I'm getting worried, the Hamsters are showing some nasty tactics in our game and I've GOT to get Eathan back in control of those troops if I'm to have any kind of chance.


  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>And no more of those Mormon wives. Some of us are eating.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Sooooo, we don't like the Mormon wives eh Professor Doktor? Hmmmmm, how about THIS ONE


    Well PROFESSOR DOKTOR? Feeling a little queasy are we? Can't have that can we, how about something to settle your stomach, like THIS ONE

    MPYOUNG.JPG NO, STILL NOT FEELING WELL? Pity, poor Eathan probably doesn't feel too good either Hmmmm? Why I bet he feels about as bad as you will after THIS ONE


    I have more Professor Doktor, lots and lots and lots more and I'LL USE THEM TOO, unless you free Eathan immediately! On your head be it.


  11. Actually Chuppie, your suggestion makes a lot of sense ... or at least it shows more sense than we've come to expect of you. There is, however, an inherent flaw in your system (beyond the fact that you came up with it). In your IGO UNOGO system the definition of "I" and "U" is indeterminate and could be applied to either party. In that case, for example, you might well be relegated to the "U" side in which case you would lose. Mind you that wouldn't represent a massive departure from your current status but we're talking hypothetically here.

    I propose, in fact I shall insist upon (quick quiz, from which WW2 movie was the last phrase loosely taken and who uttered it), a system to be entitled JOEGO UNOGO.


  12. I simply cannot believe that the facts of the Shutz scenario have been so distorted by two otherwise competent and keen observers ... well, okay one competent and ... actually, skip that part entirely.

    Andreas, read my post again, assuming that you are able to unglue your eyelids after the debaucheries of last night you will note that I said that Shultze was "in charge of" distribution of food pellets. As indeed he was IN HIS ROLE OF Treadwheel Maintenance section head. The individual RESPONSIBLE for the actual distribution (i.e. he who hands out the pellets to the troops... DUH!) was indeed Nager. And that bit about the battlefield promotion is so well known I didn't feel it necessary to mention. You, OTOH, take every opportunity to tout your "knowledge" in an effort to impress those who just don't know any better. It shouldn't be my responsibility to explain the TOE of a Treadwheel Maintenance Section.

    Chewbaca, I am amazed and astounded that you would dare to mention the name of Leutnant Sepp Schultze, who was actually "nursing" a wound when the incident took place. Yes, he "captured" the pillbox but only because he was trying to find someone to pull a thorn out of his paw. He thought it was an aid station! And far from being manned by Molemandos, it was crewed by a couple of elderly Volesturm who were busily trying to tunnel their way OUT!

    Both of you ... GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT, we are all weary of the slapdash reporting and dubious "facts" you both promulgate.


  13. Fionn, just a note of caution. Mr. Johnson is a new guy on the board and may not be as familiar as the rest of us with the previous posts. I think it behooves us to make sure that we use the proper names when discussing historical figures. As you are well aware, it's Oberfuehrer Shutz ... not Shultze. Herr Shultze was, after all, merely in charge of food pellet distribution for Kampfgruppe Shutz.

    Just a clarification.


  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Both of you! Back to your own thread! Schnell! Links, rechs, links, rechs ...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I agree completely, he makes me retch too (BTW you spelled it wrong). And I presume that your reference to "links" is another agreement with my description of Andreas as a swine. Thanks for the support.


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