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Joe Shaw

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Posts posted by Joe Shaw

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>GI Tom whined in the following manner: Only hamsters speak in that dialect of Pig Latin that you are describing. I AM NO FOOL!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Abundant evidence to the contrary notwithstanding I suppose?

    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Then Cup A Bra ... whatever ... "weighed" in with this: I'll quote, if I may, and I may, so I will, Sgt. Bradford Bloomingfork, from Harry McPuffappee's book Thadwhapper: The Tragedy and The Glory <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I've always found McPuffappee to be essentially sound if trivial, but I must take exception to his characterization of Bloomingfork as a homicidal neo-Socialist with delusions of adequacy who was foundering in a role not suited to him. Anyone who has done any research into the life of Bloomingfork (and who hasn't) is well aware that his REAL name was Bloom N. Forken and he was descended from the Forken idiots of Bavaria who liked to wander about the Alps with black goats on leashes. Or maybe it was hamsters?


  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>GI Tom - I hope for you that you are not trying to insinuate that Joe Sqeek and me are having anything but serious and learned discussions...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Huh? Oh quite so Andreas my learned and serious friend with discussions ... and stuff. While our discourses may appear to the uninformed {couGITomgh}to be less than topical they are in fact not ... off topic ... which makes them on topic ... kind of, as far as they know. Andreas, we'd still like to know about your friends the lumberjacks and how "Okay" they actually are ... but I sense a "Silly" padlock coming on so we now return this thread to it's original owners and may God have mercy on their souls.


  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>IMO fighting and moving near the edge isn't gamey IF you're fighting or moving for an obvious tactical advantage. IF however you are just using an edge sneak to try to get around behind your opponent unseen then that is gamey.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Sorry, I don't follow this at all. Getting around behind my opponent unseen IS an obvious tactical advantage, how could it not be so? Stonewall Jackson and Chancellorsville? Mark Ezra used a flank move on me in our first game that used the board edge, but hell, I knew the edge was there and I knew from the terrain that it dipped slightly right at the edge so that I couldn't see it. If I'd had the troops I'd have sent some to hold it but I didn't. He used a TERRAIN FEATURE to his advantage ... just what every commander should do. Frankly I just treat the board edge as if it was a river and don't let it bother me.

    Finally, speaking of Chance Encounter, I tried the same move described in the first post ... and Arien handed me my head because he took care to protect that flank.


  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Everybody (and the kitchensink) knows that the difference between the two was the slightly improved design of the shade-holder, enabling the gunner to draw his shades 0.0005sec faster on the P-22 ...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Slightly improved? Are you daft? It took the technical design team at {OMITTED FOR SECURITY REASONS} two years to come up with that design enhancement and you deign to refer to it as a SLIGHT improvment? The P-22 (Hamster variant) was clearly superior not only in draw time, for which, for once, you have provided the correct times, but also in the important area of elderberry filtering which, as you should but probably don't know, was a fatal flaw in the P-21 variant which couldn't discriminate between elderberries and chokecherries causing the gunner to choke on his cherries. Please Andreas, stick to what you know ... whatever that is ... and don't presume to clutter up this topic as you have so many others.

    Can you imagine what Skorzeny must make of this thread by now biggrin.gif


    edited to delete references to Andreas and the Black Goat.

    [This message has been edited by Joe Shaw (edited 08-10-2000).]

    [This message has been edited by Joe Shaw (edited 08-10-2000).]

  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>If you can not follow the clearly expressed and logically argued thoughts that deeply permeate all my posts<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You know, Germaneboy, there is something that permeates all of your posts, but it needn't do so if you would open the window every odd once in a while. And surreal is as surreal does, so there on that topic too Hah! I, after all, was not the one traipsing through the Bavarian hinterlands wearing lederhosen (no I DON'T care if it's spelled right) and dragging a black goat who was unclear about it's proper role in the evolutionary scheme of things, if you get my drift. And Saskatchewan's a nice place even if the sheep are a tad nervous, can't speak to Wales of course ... them being underwater most of the time ... no, damn it those are whales, my mistake.

    And Eathan ... BUDDY ... are you sharing with friends these days? biggrin.gif


  6. GermingBoy, regardless of what you may or may not have been doing with a black goat in the Bavarian Alps (and trust me, inquiring minds do NOT want to know) I hold myself above such petty and demeaning activities as responding to your virtually incoherent ramblings. So please take this response as a non-response and as proof that I am incapable of being provoked by the likes of you. BTW, I understand the goat looks charming in a pink baby doll, best of luck to you both.


  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Shurely I am the biggest Guppy in this pond. I am just waiting for Ethan to expose some more of his ignorance on the matter here ...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Oh my, is Ethan exposing himself again? I had hoped he had that afflication under control but apparently not. And who is this "Shurely" of whom you speak? Another of your obscure references which you trot out to "prove" your point yet again? Odd, isn't it, how no one else can ever find a copy or indeed a reference from your sources. No doubt they're tucked away in a cobwebbed corner of your current institutions library ... or a corner of your imagination.

    But to drag the thread back on topic for a moment, I for one place myself firmly in the camp favoring rasters. Some of you may have the fancy new monitors but those of us using the "old fashioned" tube models still rely on rasters to produce our screen images and so I must insist that BTS ...... what? Rosters? Not rasters? Oh ... well that's different ... never mind.


  8. I learned the value of Stuarts in the XXXXX scenario Kunzler and I are near finishing. I had been merrily blowing them away with my assault gun and didn't think too much of them until he got one in the right position. First he ran it up the road and brewed up my MkIV, he didn't know it but the MkIV's gun had been knocked out but still. Then, either that turn or the next, he ran behind my assault gun and took it out. Then he hid behind some buildings. When I moved another MkIV into the street he had the nerve to run the Stuart BEHIND the buildings and popped that MkIV in the side. Were it not for a "friendly" airstrike that immobilized it it would still be striking terror in my heart.

    And BTW, be careful when you see a "Stuart" shown at a distance ... sometimes they're actaully the M8 GMC ... with a short 75mm gun. Maybe a 37 won't pop you but that 75 sure might. As Mark Ezra proved to my dismay.


  9. Dallas, first, anyone with a name like Dallas is okay in my book (I've been a Cowboys fan since 1967). Second, welcome to the board and I know you'll enjoy the game as much as we all have. Third, I personally don't believe in astrology but my motto has always been "To each their own." ... well that's one of my mottos, the other is is "The day sure does drag when you get to work on time." My apologies if it seemed like I was making fun OF you. As you mentioned, I was having fun with the vast array of interests and topics that this board has engendered. Good luck with CM.


  10. Actually Kingfish, while a vicious taunt is useful, I've also found a whining, sniveling complaint about how poorly I'm doing to be helpful too. Not only does it garner some sympathy points but it can put your opponent at ease while you get ready to crush him.

    Suggestions include:

    "Boy I really screwed up buying XXXX." Be sure to mention something that you didn't actually buy.

    "Hilly terrain! Oh man I forgot about that completely, there goes my XXXX." See above.

    "I've got a really bad feeling about this, I don't think I'm going to stand a chance." Be sure to throw this one in just before you launch your counter attack.

    "Gee I sure got lucky on that last exchange but I know my turn is coming." Especially useful after you've decimated his armor in one turn.

    "Oh wow, my guys in the XXXX are really hurting, don't know how much more they can take." Best used when you've just reinforced XXXX with that platoon of US Paras.

    Finally don't forget the grovel and beg ploy ... "{SIGH} I haven't won a game in a month, this is getting really discouraging." Sure it would be a cheap win ... but it would be a WIN!


  11. Well done Borg, glad to see you've abandoned the charms of "Seven of Nine" and have returned to the task for which you were created ... i.e. welcoming newbies to the board. No rest for the weary, however, no doubt futher kudos will be forthcoming for CM and additional rookies will flock to the game. Maintain vigilance, resist distractions and monitor, monitor, monitor ... BTW old boy, since "Seven of Nine" is no longer a distraction, perhaps you could send her my way, could do with a bit of assimilation myself donchaknow. Thanks ever so ...

    And welcome aboard Tiny biggrin.gif


  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>...read a lot from people like Fionn, Mark IV, Joe Shaw, KwazyDog, Moon, WildBill Wilder, Captain Foobar and others of that ilk,...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    I'm all goosepimply smile.gif I'd like to thank my Mom and Dad, who taught me to point (helps with the mouse donchaknow), and of course all the little people who I stepped on to reach the glorified heights I've reached. And to the others in this category, it's an honor just to be listed in the same breath as me. NOT

    Do NOT listen to what Peng says on this issue (or indeed what he says about smileys, he's just flat wrong there), as my opponents will gleefully tell you, I'm not even in the same game (let alone the same league) as the others he mentioned. See what posting frequently can do for your reputation biggrin.gif

    And finally, I've never touched an Ilk in my life ... as far as you know.


  13. I personally find the VL issue to be one of the most disturbing of the lot. In one PBEM game I eaked out a minor victory mostly because the game called a VL Neutral despite the fact that it was well within the "sphere of influence" of my opponent and I didn't have anyone near it. He didn't either, however, and apparently the game decided that it had never been occupied and was therefore neutral.

    Another problem apparently has to do with which units can cause a VL to be occupied. In one game I seem to have a sniper taking a VL which is essentially behind enemy lines, yet in another a mortar unit isn't sufficient to occupy one that is clearly in question.

    Does anyone know how the game decides these things?


  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Having just started to do PBEM I do not wish to get "blacklisted" for poor etiquette. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    And therein, you see, lies the rub. In reading this and other posts on the issue of being gamey, it has become abundantly clear that (a) everyone has a different opinion on what EXACTLY constitutes being gamey and (B) there are so many different ways of being seen as being gamey that you CAN'T discuss them all before the game.

    As other posters have mentioned, I would suggest a little forbearance before crossing someone off your PBEM list and branding them as gamey. I would certainly suggest being VERY careful about spreading the word to others unless the evidence is very clear. And finally, I would suggest that communication may save you a great future PBEM partner and friend. If you question something that an opponent is doing, ask them about it! If their response is unsatisfactory, you never have to play them again. And don't forget, if the game allows it to be done, it isn't cheating, it's only ... gamey ... maybe.


  15. I've told this before but it still cracks me up. I was in a PBEM game with Andreas and had a sniper hiding in a wheatfield. Andreas had his American troops moving toward me on one side of the wheatfield. After the majority of the infantry had passed he set up a MMG in one of the houses.

    I ordered my sniper to sneak forward and take a shot at the MMG. During the movie turn I watched as the sniper got up, moved forward, then stopped, turned and walked back to his foxhole. I was, of course, furious with this arrant coward and zoomed in for a closer look at this representative of the "Master Race." When I zoomed in, I saw this old white haired guy in a Volksturm uniform and the expression on his face said, so much clearer than words could have, "F**K This ..."


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