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Everything posted by Timskorn

  1. Sweet. It's great seeing not only the diversity of units, but just MORE of them on each side. I keep thinking of all the additional choices and decisions we're going to have to make, in regards to what we produce and research. [ July 26, 2007, 08:35 PM: Message edited by: Timskorn ]
  2. Nonchalantly dismissing one of the most important pieces of writing to affect mankind, for good and bad. "Just another book". Uh-huh. US won't have another civil war anytime soon. Another great schism would need to become deeply entrenched in two opposing mindsets, so much so that they would fight and die for it. Democrats vs. Republicans don't count.
  3. I play EA games like Madden just as much as I play hardcore strategy games. Trust me, last years "Madden" was one of the worst yet. Design and technical-wise. EA isn't immune from making bad games, even if the game is basically a $60 graphical upgrade from the previous game. On the contrary, Indie developers are on the comeback. Devs who create games to sell on Matrix and BFC, Paradox, plus small devs like Introversion (who made the great Darwinia and DEFCOM games) may not be reaping huge profits, but they are a good market now and have a niche audience that will never compete with the likes of EA or Blizzard. I'll buy Madden and I'll also buy CM games.
  4. British continue drive west and capture El Agheila with the 7th Armored, which now has Iraq and El Agheila under its honors belt. Germans bring to bear two LF and a rocket against the London area and the British air and a cruiser pull back. Russian front remains quiet. In the Atlantic German subs prowl the Iraq convoy lines, tearing into some of the shipments headed to England. German subs have been dormant until now.
  5. July 1941: Tobruk falls, British on the move while Axis bogs down on Malta. Russian readiness jumping up and giving substantial MPP drops each turn now. In France, JJR has two engineers, one German and one Italian. By the end of the game I'm positive all of France and Germany will be covered with forts. There's already something like 9 or 10 and it's only mid-41. He also has the rocket and an HQ on the shore, probably trying to entice my fleet into a trap. British air pings the HQ to remind them were still here.
  6. The amount of sinners globally is 100%. Only God knows the other side of the ratio.
  7. Spring '41: Algeria has finally fallen. UK plays a game of delay in Norway, but finally ships out the last troops back to the homeland to fight another day. Germans reveal their super weapons. Two jacked up rockets are preparing to launch against Malta. Should be an interesting fireworks display.
  8. I think this is fitting right about now: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EYI7JXGqd0o Stuff at the end is unnecessary, but the rest is interesting. I personally thought that Patton video was boring. Interesting concept anyway. Original was better and much more relevant. [ July 25, 2007, 07:40 PM: Message edited by: Timskorn ]
  9. That's about as simple as it is. Americans, from the President down to the poor man are being led by some other force these days. Not all, of course, but you can feel it in the pulse of the country.
  10. December 1st: Algerians reinforce looking to hold up the Axis there for as long as possible. Malta bomber drops payloads on Tunisia hoping to lower supply levels to the attackers. UK Corp. and air at Bergen pull out. Only the BEF Army at Trondheim remains, looking to keep those supplies cut for as long as possible and more German troops occupied. Longer they stay in that frigid wasteland up north and blasting sands in the south the other minors remain neutral.
  11. That's a good question. I wouldn't be surprised in the least if he's OP-moved them back. Gettin' late though. It's winter so there's mud and snow, plus he still has to engage my fleet. Just sent my turn. Not much happening. Some fighting in Norway, Algeria continues to hold but now he has a German Corp., Army and Italian Corp. trying to take it. The rest of his army and his air are somewhere. JJR typically goes rampaging on minors so I imagine he may be going after Spain soon.
  12. Kuni, that would be based on the assumption that someone in the government actually gives a rats arse about deep social issues. As long as you have enough money to remain a consumer ain't nobody going to worry too much about you.
  13. Don't listen to SeaMonkey, he's just trying to get WaW delayed because he's evil. Wow, love the new screesnhots and AAR. The additional units seem like fantastic additions and add more depth to an already deep strategy game. The overall map just looks more lively too, such as roads and the little palm trees in Africa. Great news on the AI too, sounds like it'll give everyone a nice challenge. That'll win some points in the reviews as well. Not to mention the additional feedback there seems to be (When intel actually works, more unit stat info such as how much demoralization it causes, etc). I like how intel sounds now too, in that it gives chances of revealing enemy units. I'll be there for pre-order, day one.
  14. Second game against JJR recently. First one he was Allies and we finished in late ’45 with him completely victorious. He hits Poland but pulls back some units to go into Denmark early. I manage to hold onto Poland for about four turns. Late winter ’39 JJR strikes into Benelux and flings his units with abandon towards France. I set up typical French defense. DCR in Paris with Armies flanking. Unfortunately was not able to finish off a panzer near Paris, bringing it down to 1 strength. Early summer of ’40 France falls. British decide to launch duel offensives during the summer. O’Connor with an army and armor take over Iraq. BEF and a Corp. strike Norway, taking both cities along the coast and cutting off shipments to Germany. About the same time JJR had hit Algeria with an Axis army and two Italian corp. I had happened to bring down my Canadian cruiser there right when he DoW’d, so also with an Algerian battleship was able to give fire support for the lone Corp. holding the city. The German army took some hits and the Corp. held on, fighting bravely against the Axis hordes. As of now Algeria still lives in late 1940, the German army there and an Italian corp. fell back to regroup or retreat. We’ll see what he comes back at them with. Meanwhile the UK fleet in the Med. blasted the Tobruk port to smithereens and then withdrew. Hopefully that’ll stall any Axis transports heading that way for awhile. British Corp. in Malta escaped to Alexandria and was replaced with a bomber group to harass the ports in the area. Brits are looking to lock down the Med. and protect their investment in Iraq. JJR responded in Norway in Oct. 1940. Two German Corp., a Norwegian Corp. and an HQ are making a move north. Brits send in reinforcements and air support. Atlantic has been quiet. A German sub was spotted near Canada, but so far no naval combat has occurred and JJR isn’t hitting the convoys. Even his Italian navy has been quiet, having an opportunity to hit my ships at Algeria and Tobruk but no sign of them. Besides for Syria being spooked by the Brits hitting Iraq, doesn’t seem like any diplomacy has been successful yet.
  15. Revolutionary War under George Washington at the Battle of Trenton, 1776. Sans frost-bitten feet. I can't stand a frozen limb. I'd rather be charged at by a Hessian with a broadsword.
  16. JJR, I wouldn't be so quick to say blacks no longer have any excuses for poverty. If you understand the inner cities and their origins, which can literally be traced all the way back to the failed reconstruction of the South (and general US racism up until the past 30 years), it is not something they can simply lift themselves out of all of a sudden. The effects of the civil war, reconstruction and the civil rights movement is something that will literally take another 20+ years to properly rectify, if ever.
  17. America is a great country, but it favors gamblers and criminals. If you want to get "ahead", anyway. And as Arado touched on, a persons "pursuit of happiness" can sometimes involve a weapon in order to attain that.
  18. I think Johnny Cash summed it up best: "Go tell that long tongue liar Go and tell that midnight rider Tell the rambler, The gambler, The back biter Tell 'em that God's gonna cut 'em down" Blashy, alcohol can still be addictive if used responsibly by a person prone to addiction. My best friend used to try and drink responsibly, but it wouldn't take long before I saw him chugging whisky out of the bottle like it was water. He stopped cold turkey one day when he finally got a DUI.
  19. Yeah, it's roughly 2700 MPP's for all he has on the screen (including around 500 MPP's for research). Comes out to about 142 MPP's a month on average over a 19 month period, not including the shorter winters.
  20. Trust me, I've wondered the same thing in other screenshots he's posted! No wonder nobody can beat him, I'm light years behind this guy! It takes 6 months to create one tank which costs 250 each, excluding production bonuses. HQ another 250. Paratrooper 200. Plus additional Army and/or Corp units (Can't tell how many more over the starting amount USSR has), PLUS all the MPP's dumped into research for inf tech, AT, Motor and Armor...and that's assuming he didn't put any into Prod. or IT. Then upgrading most of them. Wow! I've never played Terif, but one look at this screenshot and I've already lost roughly fifty eight games to him.
  21. I got a .22 rifle when I was 13. Never shot another human with it though. Thankfully I've never been in a situation that's warranted it. My father owns a .45 Taurus. Never shot another person with it, far as I know. We've both had plenty of practice anyway. As far as not shooting someone because they came at you with their "bare hands", that just sounds rediculous. There are plenty of people trained to kill with their hands, and even those untrained can overpower a person and kill them. If a person gets shot while committing a crime that is the risk they took upon themselves.
  22. Doesn't really matter what ya enjoy playing against. If you have a story with the AI, by all means let's hear it. In fact I'm sure there have been some "AI surprises" for people, considering how many games have been played against it.
  23. Haha, true, I would too. You mention exactly what I was thinking too, regarding fuel types, etc. In SWOTL for example, you had control over German industry. Ball bearing, chassis, engine and oil factories. If you wanted to focus on making cheaper and more plentiful Me-109's you could, or mix in some more expensive Me-163's. That also meant having to convert factories over to producing chassis, engine and fuel types for the new jets. If Allied bombing was hitting your ball bearing plants too much you could send them underground. If they bombed your jet fuel plants into oblivion, your jets sat on the tarmac. That's getting really detailed for the scope of SC2, but I imagine something abstract could be done in that vein. It may be better suited for a entirely new game, like an SC3 though, where the game could be designed from the ground up with these concepts. The Civilization games proves that micromanagement isn't necessarily a "turn off". It's all in how its presented, and how automated you allow it to be. Let those who want to just direct WW2 from the Presidents chair do so, but allow those who like to tinker...to tinker.
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