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Everything posted by Timskorn

  1. Summer '42: Lots of summer lovin' in Russia. Germans go strong in the south, Russki's in the north. Smolensk falls to Russian hordes and units have closed in on Riga which is defended by a single Army and one air at the moment. About four or five German Corps. have been wiped out in Russia. UK ships get bored and bombard Bergen port to zero. No sign of Axis forces in UK for a few turns, I imagine they are letting HQ's catch up. US finally joins the war.
  2. I was thinking, with WaW releasing soon it'd be fun to start a tournament as early as possible. As in, not allowing everyone to play a bunch of games first to get a "feel" for it, but to just jump right in and see who can adapt the best. Also with WaW's release we'll probably get a new bunch of players in the forum, so it may be wise to set up two brackets. One for new players, or those who consider themselves "new" to playing H2H, and another for the veterans. Those interested just say so, and what bracket you'd like to be in, then we can randomly pair people up. When the game's released, you better be buyin' it on Day 1, then we get started ASAP. Terif can just be like the "end boss" and wait to play the winner of the veteran bracket. Round 1 ------- Veteran Group ------------- Lars vs. Canuck_TAR (Canuck_TAR) The K Man vs. Konigs (THE K MAN) Tim vs. Zinfandel (TIM) New Players Group ------------- Kuniworth vs. Moonslayer targul vs. Sandy Rannug vs. Baron (RANNUG) lparkh vs. The Real Deal (THE REAL DEAL) Waltero vs. Normal Dude (WALTERO) Bylandt vs. Lothaire (BYLANDT) Mock vs. Ibukovec (IBUKOVEC) Round 2 - New Players ------- Waltero vs. Bylandt (WALTERO) Rannug vs. The Real Deal (The Real Deal) Round 2 - Veterans ------- Timskorn vs. The K Man (The K Man) Round 3 - Veterans ------- The K Man vs. Canuck_Tar Round 3 - New players ------- Waltero vs. The Real Deal (THE REAL DEAL) Round 4 - New Players ------- The Real Deal vs. Ibukovec Wild Cards ------------- DAK_21PzDivision Arado234 Tmanusa Colin I AZGungho [ March 08, 2008, 01:17 PM: Message edited by: Timskorn ]
  3. Random thought of the day: The Middle-East needs a Disneyland. Oh wait, they already killed Mickey Mouse:
  4. Cool thanks Blashy. I guess I can't really post any screenies though until the games over. May '42: Finland falls, Soviets plunder. Russians make a push in the north, crushing a German Corp. that stuck its head out. A surprise contact engagement nearby drops a German Corp. and Russian tank to strength 6. RAF reinforces in Malta and is ordered to hold at all costs and for as long as possible. Damaged BB retreats in the Med. Brits got the losing end of that engagement, losing a carrier and a BB to one Italian BB. Brits can afford it a little more than the Italians can though. A massive Axis horde is sweeping eastward along the African coast like a sandstorm. O'Connor has selected the time and place for the next engagement. Elsewhere, silent. Two German air continue to ping London. Not sure why they aren't being utilized in the east, but I'm sure JJR will reveal his master plan in due time. Meanwhile an Italian and Romanian air backup his Army Group South as they push towards the Russian oil fields.
  5. I'll be'a gettin' to my turn tonight. Plan on smashing this guy by '44. How do you snap screenshots again?
  6. I don't know about Unions. Over the years I've come to have a love/hate relationship with them. I had a Union job once. You nearly had to shoot someone to get fired, or be one of the worst employees known to mankind and never show up to work. However, Unions were originally formed to fight for workers' rights in the face of corporate greed. Working 60 hour weeks, low wages, poor working conditions and no healthcare pissed enough people off to form a Union. With corporations pulling healthcare and pension plans to save money, outsourcing, and lower wages for more work...I feel Unions, in certain industries, are one of the last lines of defense against corporations.
  7. Kuni, you will not find evidence, only truth. You're looking under the wrong rocks. If a persons heart is searching, search. Study the religious texts of the world with an open eye and an open heart, and see what comes of it.
  8. April 19th, 1942: Sevastapol holds on. With cruiser support, they strike out and hammer an Axis Army. Siberians have arrived and are ready for some fighting. Finland will fall next turn. O'Connor and company sound the full retreat, board the trains and head back. Combined Axis forces are too much to handle, but all those German units should be taking away from the Russian front. Jacked up bomber now appears near Malta. He really wants that little island. Two British BB's enter the fray in the Med, sinking an Italian BB but both taking some damage. Damaged cruiser pulls back to fight another day. Axis subs continue hitting Iraqi convoys, otherwise pretty quiet around England and the Atlantic. US are at about 70%
  9. Russians continue nasty drive through Finland. Jacked up armor is tearing up everything in their path. Odessya holds and reinforces. Russian cruisers nearby offer fire support. Russians have two Corp. holding the mines over the Dneipr. Germans bring BB, CA and subs to take out the trapped Russian navy near Leningrad. Malta Bomber, undaunted, continues sorties against Tunis port. British prepare for land assault. German troops are well teched. L2 in infantry, AT and motor. Tanks look weak though, still level 1. Will be target practice for Russian armor.
  10. Targul my friend, I'm very sorry to hear that. Strokes run in my family, I'm 28 and have a high risk. My father had a nugget pulled out of his neck last year the size of a golfball. My grandfather lived with a terrible stroke for twenty years. My post wasn't about people in this country, for whatever reason, that can't work. Obviously there are people with disabilities or in other circumstances in this country that prevents them from sustaining themselves. I agree with you, I'd much rather have a new healthcare plan for the people in this country. I've been in jobs that don't offer healthcare, nor pay well enough to get it on my own. Hell, there's bellman that still work just to get the health coverage. No health coverage = massive debt for anyone who has to go to a hospital. I went to the emergency room for a kidney stone, my first one, and the total bill ran $9k. If I didn't have coverage right now, I would seriously not go back to the hospital if I had another stone like that, and it was easily the most painful experience I've ever been through. Morphine didn't help, and I had taken five percosets before the edge was taken off. I'd rather suffer that than have another $9k tossed my way.
  11. Good question. I imagine it'll do the same as it did before, reduce the cost of op-moving units around. Would be interesting if you had to ugprade it to get more movement points on the roads...but then again, with motorization and clear weather we'd start seeing units flying halfway across a map in a single turn!
  12. I work at a hotel in downtown Boston. Almost all the valet's that work there are from another country. One of the bellman is from Pakistan. He moved here twenty years ago, worked two jobs for ten years and now owns a $500k house I helped him put up on craigslist. Most of the valet's work two jobs, and not only that but they send most of their money back home to their families to take care of them. How selfless is that? I was blown away how hard these guys worked, guys from Dominican Republic, Ethiopia, Pakistan and Somalia. I had plenty of time to talk to these guys because I started as a bellman and worked my way up. They have thick accents, can barely read and write the english language and didn't know anyone (or had some vague contact here) before they came. They are working harder than I and most other Americans will ever work. Their experiences, right here and now in the US, reminds me what a great opportunity people have in this country. Some just take it for granted or simply don't care.
  13. Yep, my bad, meant to say Libya. Which has fallen this turn. Russians DoW's Finland, blitzing in with 3 level 3 tanks, a corp, air and HQ. German forces have indeed captured the early cities, two through paradrops. Not so much a surprise, and just a testament to JJR's skill, his units are upgraded to level 2 motor which should help him out this winter. Without it he'd of been really stalled. Malta bomber withstands all Axis assaults and remains at 10 strength. Sorties out and bombs Tunisia's port to sound out the warning of imminent British arrival. I told JJR I'd be back for the Algerians because of their brave defense the year prior. Can't let 'em down now. Quiet in the Atlantic and England. Yugo under attack by a mob of undisciplined minor soldiers who can barely put their own boots on, let alone destroy an army. Three Corp. bunker down and prepare to hold out against these barbarians.
  14. Just played the demo. I haven't actually played a CM game since the original, which I played quite a bit, so I was expecting to have to re-learn a lot of things. I would have loved to have had mouse-over tips to explain what the three dozen icons meant, but I understand this is probably tailored towards a hardcore audience who will RTFM. Fair enough. To get new blood into the series though, mouse-overs would do wonders to lower the confusion level. I didn't mind the camera system. Picked it up quick as I've forgotten how the old CM camera system worked. Seems easy to learn and master. The real-time aspect is fun and helps speed things along and keep the action rolling. Animations and graphics are well done, and my favorite moment was towards the end of the demo scenario. I unloaded in the orchard and ordered my men to assault the houses, and I get a pop-up asking me which floor! Simple, but I thought it was cool. Then, to get into ground level and watch the men storm the building and wax the enemy was great. It's fun, I dig it.
  15. October 1941: "USSR Prepares for War". Bomber that left Malta has refueled, re-equipped and has landed back on the sieged fortress. The Italian Navy is stationed nearby, an HQ, a German Corp. and two 'roid rockets. Not sure why JJR didn't land someone there when he had the chance. Brits pound the snot out of the Italians in Tunisia. Without reinforcements they'll be waving white flags soon. Russians are jacked up and good to go. Will be interesting to see what JJR has up his sleeve. Bad weather is on the horizon. Unless he's maxed out his mobilization, which I wouldn't doubt, it'll be a slow trek across the Steppes. Axis subs quiet again. German BB spotted headed towards Leningrad.
  16. If you want to see something scary about the effects of greed, watch the documentary "Iraq for sale: The War Profiteers". It may sound like a "lefty" film, and it may be, but it's no Michael Moore junk. It's quite depressing actually. And to slightly stay on topic, I'd be curious what Patton would have thought of all the privite corporations with their hands in our military.
  17. You’ve just proven my point Blashy. You and I are speaking about two completely different meanings. And the circle goes round and round… Things such as the Holy Spirit, divine truth and the Mysteries of God aren't matters the two opposing sides can rationally discuss.
  18. September 1941: Russia front still eerily quiet. They’re enjoying the extra preparation time though. Brits continue westward drive along the African coast. Rambo op-moves an Italian Corp. to Tunisia just in time to get smacked around by British forces. Malta bomber has been ripped apart, down to 1 strength but the beleaguered bomber crews manage to escape to Africa just in time thanks to speedy British troops clearing an airfield within range. Germans still have two air entrenched along French coast, just sitting there overlooking the channel. I have no seen the bulk of the German army in over a year. I have no idea how many he has, what their tech level is or where they are at. It’s been fairly dull the past year for Rambo’s style, so I imagine some crazy shenanigans are in the near future.
  19. First off, discussing the bible between believers and non-believers creates an endless circle of fairly fruitless discussion. Second, you’re quoting all Old Testament scripture. You can’t understand one (OT) without the other (NT), and vice versa. It’s as simple as that. Underscores why these kinds of discussions tend to go nowhere, one side thinks they can argue against the Bible without really knowing it…and believers keep on believin’ regardless what is discussed. Next topic!
  20. Of course not, but something drastic would need to happen to shake it up that much. In 1861 life was pretty drab and there were a lot of poor, ignorant people. The southern aristocrats led the working class to war and the north drafted most of their army. In 2007 we're a consumer world. For the most part, as long as we can eat a Big Mac, use our cell phones and watch TV...all that other crap is just ticker tape material on your favorite news channel. Like I said, something very drastic would have to occur for the common citizen to put all that stuff down, pick up a rifle and shoot another American. I'm talking on the scale of a civil war, not some kook invading a home.
  21. Please. If there was any time we could have fell into another civil war it would have been during the 60's, but we didn't, and those were pretty dark days. The hispanics coming over mostly just want a better life, like most immigrants who've fled some other dung-hole country to come here. Now if we sent police and soldiers to forcibly remove the illegals, you'd see violence real quick. Red necks will be red necks, not enough of them to start or even fight a war anyway. NAACP? Black Panthers weren't even enough to militarize, and "Aryan Nation" only really exists in angry young white teens and internet chat rooms.
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