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Everything posted by Timskorn

  1. Yeah, was wondering what you were doing with all those MPP's you were accumulating. Looks like Jon is en route for a Sealion this turn or the next. He has rebuilt some of his navy and thrown in the Italian fleet as well. Looks like at least 5 fighters are in France/Germany and even a bomber! Meanwhile in Russia the lines hold against Jon's offenses in the north and south. Russia takes some punishing blows and loses some units but reinforcements arrive at a critical time in Moscow, and a sweep from the north threatens to cut off the attack around Moscow. Middle of June and it's friggin' mud around Moscow, so can't manuever much. The counter-attack in the south fares better, tearing up the attack units Jon sent in. Some of Stalin's armor is committed and makes sure to finish off some units and nearly destroying one of Jon's tanks. More Russian units head to the front in a steady stream. In a move to open another front Stalin builds up forces in the Caucusus, DoW's Iran and moves south to Baghdad and meets light resistance from a Hungarian Corp. and Italian Corp. Russia is on the move!
  2. DT, I'm failing to see the point you're trying to make. It's a fun game. Not everyone who plays SC2 will be well versed in the historical logistics and details of WW2, they just want a cool game that makes them feel like they're in control of the Axis or Allies. On the flipside, if anyone here doesn't like it, especially the fundamental elements of the game that likely won't be changed, there's no need to try and convince others why they shouldn't enjoy it for this or that reason. Some of your points are valid, but it seems you're looking for a more historical and realistic game than SC2 is offering. It is what it is. [ July 06, 2006, 08:44 PM: Message edited by: Timskorn ]
  3. Thanks! I've explored using Blashy's new research system, but I've decided not to go that route so far in my mod. In my one test using it I still managed to tech up at relatively the same pace, which was likely due to luck, and I also don't want to create a near-copy of Blashy's mod with an improved AI. One of the biggest issues in tech that I've come across has easily been IW. So in my next test I'm simply dropping the maximum level to 2 instead of 3 for all countries. Historically it doesn't seem to make much sense, especically since IW3 and IW0 or 1 is a huge gap in technology that can make or break a game. It also helps level the playing field a bit for minors who don't get the tech benefit. Also, I've found IW3 does way too much damage, allowing late-game battles destroying 4-6 or more divisions in a single week. I didn't tweak any of the other research areas. Slow and steady is my motto.
  4. That's what I'm sorta doing now, creating transport scripts that are checked once instead of repeating and spacing them apart enough so they won't interfere with each other. I'll probably even add one to that Canadian port just in case.
  5. Cool thanks Lars. The current problem seems to be with transport scripts getting mixed up. Like when the US is supposed to send units to the UK to build up, if there are units currently in transport they seem to cancel their original task (which is why you'll see US units in Canada), or in Torch's case, the HQ will divert from NA to the UK. Kinda lame, hopefully this'll be addressed in 1.3. In the meantime I'm jimmying the scripts so they (hopefully) work most of the time as intended. I'm also trying to tweak the Russian scripts so that they cancel their defenses at the right time and use those units to go on the offensive. It'd be nice if #Cancel had a minimum date included as well, so the cancel condition would only be checked after a specific date. Anyway, in the midst of testing, testing, testing. Hopefully 1.3 will be ready by the end of next week.
  6. Yep, the whole game fell apart from the Poland fiasco! It was the first time I tried doing the quick Poland/France attack, and I made a terrible mistake early on of op-moving the only unit I had that could take Warsaw. So the next turn Warsaw was reinforced and I was back at the grind again, not to mention my HQ's had already been sent west as well. By the time Poland and France fell, Russia was up to 60% readiness in mid-1940. And as Jollyguy notes above, the rest is history. I learned a lot of lessons that game though, so it wasn't a total wash.
  7. March 1943. Jon pulls back from Moscow and Mudd'a Russia liberates it. The line south stretching from just NE of Kiev to Odessa remains still but continues reinforcing. The situation in Russia still remains to be seen. We have yet to engage in an all-out battle, mostly skirmishes, so I know Jon has a large army still in reserve. I think Jon has had bad luck on his HT (or invested elsewhere), as I only recently seen one of his armor upgrade to level 2. The UK/US continue their buildup and are awaiting more bomber and fighter shipments to pound France with.
  8. It seems the US would sometimes not send an HQ to NA because it would get caught up in the transports to England script instead. Fixed that. I removed all UK scripts having to do with Norway. They aren't effective, and diplomacy usually shuts down Norway anyway.
  9. Awesome, good to hear Lars. I've tweaked the UK D-Day landings again to play it safe instead of going for Brussels. With no HQ units are just deadmeat. I've also given the UK Auchinleck in May of 1940, when historically he was given control of Allied forces in Norway. It's too much of a pain trying to coerce the AI to build an HQ in the UK with their low MPP income. So in Russia you were able to take both Moscow and Stalingrad? Did the US send an HQ to support Torch?
  10. I briefly remember seeing something on the History channel about this years ago, and just came across this link today. I'll be researching it further and considering the possible gameplay implications it could bring to a future mod. http://www.warsawuprising.com/faq.htm Thoughts? Comments?
  11. Would be nice to try it out. Raise the research tech cost to 100 but add in the AA ability to counter planes. It seems like a win-win situation. It opens up a research arm that is usually only used by Germany, and rarely if that. It opens up more options to players which is always good, and helps counter a well-used strategy but only on resource/city locations. Units not under the AA umbrella would still be subject to mass air strikes, but something like this is a good step in the right direction. I just wish we had control over what research bonus's confer. Don't think there is a way to make AA research also raise air defense rating.
  12. December 1942. Snow has hit Russia. Offensive south near Kiev fortifies, but Jon leaves the city open so I take the gift. Up north another offensive is taking place, destination Moscow. US level 2 bomber tears up Antwerp. Veteran German LF sortie to meet them but return without inflicting any losses. Jon has broken out of the Med with his Italian fleet, and he has GLR 2 with the German fleet, so I imagine he'll be trying another go at taking on the RN.
  13. There's nothing in the manual that says that's how it works. Just says how to build them.
  14. Not sure if this has been discussed before, but what are the different sides of a fortification supposed to do? It seems there is never any reason to build anything larger than the smallest fortification. It's quicker to make, so you can create more, and the fortification allows up to a 6 entrenchment bonus which is huge. So, what's the purpose of the angles/# of sides?
  15. I've found the issue with that is once the Allies do land at Brest, the city is so destroyed the units in France suffer from supply issues. Not only that, but they have to wait until the port is back up to 5 in order to debark transports there. Really would like to see scripts to control air units, set their priorities, etc. Blashy, how do you feel about the changes to research and the # of chits allowed? You really reduced them so am interested to hear how those changes affected gameplay.
  16. Keep 'em coming! I'm interested to hear your findings at the end with the changes you made.
  17. Hmm, so you're placing 5 units next to Bordeaux? Is this via the map editor, or scripting? If by scripting are you using Garrison to get them there, and making sure they are ungarrisoned to be used in the amphib script? Also, the units that are loading up in Brussels, are they totally different units or the ones you put around Bordeaux (ie, they move to Brussels in order to debark). Can you post your script here too?
  18. Prototypes, but not necessarily a whole division worth of them. I think Blashy is simply trying to find a good medium between history and gameplay. While the US technically had better tanks by the end of the war, the majority of the war they did not, so a slight concession is made so the US doesn't have the possibility of getting level 4 or 5 tanks by 1942, which isn't historic.
  19. Been watching this one, good match...two overtimes and going to penalty kicks.
  20. Yeah, British were hurt pretty bad. Most of the losses would have been the equivalent of losing them in the Middle-East, will take some time to get them back though, and a costly endeavor to divert German units from Russia.
  21. September 42 Jon easily thwarts the attack in Sweden. Roughly 8-10 units are either transported or op-moved into Sweden with better tech and experience, pushing the Allied troops back in a manner of a couple weeks of fighting. Some US and British units manage to escape the Grey Horde, but a few units are lost, namely a British HQ and tank, both of which I can thankfully buy back. Stalin goes on an offensive in the south, capturing Odessa and threatening Kiev and the Balkans while the Germans are off playing with the US and British.
  22. Don't even really need the bitmaps just yet. Just rename them and add an artillery sound for now. All the combat data can be changed in a matter of seconds. Hell, for testing purposes you don't need anything, just change the costs and combat values and play a game like that. See how it turns out. Would be interesting to see how it changes combat. At the very least it opens up a previously un-used unit and research arm. The more possibilities = more strategy = funner game in my opinion.
  23. Good to hear Blashy. I'm incorporating a few of your changes into my mod right now for my next test. Looking forward to more updates with your changes!
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