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ng cavscout

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Posts posted by ng cavscout

  1. I would have thought, for sure, with the forum reboot the powers that be would have banned half of you tossers.


    Guess quality control isn't quite what it should be.


    Watcher, have you finished your third battle yet? Did you manage to challenge Nidan1? Are you following directions and instructions at all? I think sburke was totally wrong. I have complete faith that you could successfully pour piss out of a boot, just make sure you do it on someone else, and not one of us illustryou... illisstry... illustriynous... amazing members of House Rune.


    I do have an announcement to make. Panzermike was correct. Indonesian peanut sauce on French Fries is quite good. I whipped up a batch of home made Sambal Kacang, put it on some home fries with a touch of mayonaisse and some onions, outstanding.

  2. Report to my liege ng cavscout.

    My attempts at searching the archives proved too great a task. YOU read some old Justicar Joe posts and tell me if his mental deficiency ,even then, was more than any man could bear. I thank you for the honor of possible Knighthood in the Illustrious House of Rune but am not ready for the honor. I have yet to draw victorious blood in a match.

    But Justicars ramblings aside it was an enlighting journey and will spend time there when I feel the urge, so basically never.

    The Knight and Squires of old were plenty and the battles intense in those days. What Happened????

    Where are all these guys? Did they all just drop dead or did they die of boredom? Now obviously to those that think (which leaves the Shavian House at a distinct disadvantage) I’m not asking for a poster by poster headcount but rather the reasons you think the ol’e gray mare ain’t what she used to be.

    Ah, it must have been a glorious time, the smell of the box when you opened the first truly significant wargaming machine OOOOOOH RAAAAAAAA! I’m betting there were wet pants in half to three quarters of that bunch. I know now the true meaning of the Night of the Refreshing Monkey, you sly dogs you.

    The shiver up your leg as your clumps of hero pixels hurried to their assigned tasks. The almost spiritual enlightenment of a Sherman taking the sweet shot up the ole kazoo of a badly maneuvered Tiger. I hear tell some guys even passed out. I hate to spread rumors but what else can you do with them? To have been a part of that must have been something special. I’m just sad that the old ones still here can’t remember where they put their glasses let alone 15 years ago.

    But if Justicar Joe could let us lowly squires understand the history of the Houses it would be great tradition to aspire to. I beg thee Knight of House Rune have council with him and say unto him, “Justicar Joe how bout you step up and Justicar something. Its more than strutting around wearing the Grand Poohba Hat. And do us all a favor, drop the hamster entourage.”

    And one last question my Liege. Is it just me or does Nidan1 remind you of a mole that pokes its head up out of the hole, barks , and then scurry’s back down to his hole?

    Well then get to it and win a battle for once! *boot*

    The Justicar keeps cheating with gamy tactics like blowing up my T-34's so you have to hold up the house honor. *boot*

    As for Nidan1, he has been pestering me for a game, but I am too busy to update my CMBN to the latest version, so, maybe, if you are a Lucky Squire, he might contes.... counder... condemsan.... agree to have a game with you.

    Beware, he is a tricksy old bugger, don't trust him, not at all. He likes to hide in the woods with a knife in his teeth, throw it behind you to distract you, then roundhouse kick you in the back of the head.

    Unless he forgets what he was doing and just starts humming old broadway show tunes.

  3. I don't take much pleasure in winning a game where my task is to run away. That being said I do like slapping around House Rune, so I guess I'll call it even.

    And just to correct a few misconceptions, I live in San Jose and I don't have a basement, though I do have a house. So if I were to retreat it would be to a crawlspace and that would make me a fitting supplicant to House Rune. However being of the Shavian House I plant my PC right in the living room conveniently placed to watch football tomorrow whilst also watching my pixeltruppen die as a result of my stupid tactical moves, oops I mean crushing my enemies through my tactical brilliance.. yeah that's it.

    Stay out of our crawl spaces, you wouldn't like what you find there.....

  4. I just bought the base CMBN game as an Xmas gift for my daughters boyfriend. He saw me playing CMRT and seemed interested. When I asked he said he would like to try it out. Hopefully he gets hooked and wants more.

    What do you guys see as the potential to keep wargaming like CM and similar games alive in the new generations of gamers? Do you think the popularity of twitch FPSes and crappy RTSes have doomed serious gaming or is there still a glimmer of hope?

  5. Sounds like a task for that stellar Squire, Watcher.

    There's a good lad, do some research and find the other houses besides House Rune, the Shavian House, Croda, and JD Morse(?).

    Is that last one really a house?

    Anyway, do a bang up job of it and I will propose you be advanced to Kanigget.

    Oh My Gosh..... Dosomefink.com is still an active community..... I... I just have no words.

  6. Squire Watcher, pay these heathen no mind, although fries with mayonaisse, onions, and peanut sauce sounds intriguing. Nothing quite says cuisine like a 3AM Vegas buffet.


    Anyway, the Justicar is away in Boise, or Dallas, or some other 3rd rate metropolis for the week. Maybe when he returns he can address the question of forming new houses. I do see the need, based on the number of old, debased, defunct houses here in the MBT.

  7. As a completely objective evaluation can clearly not be gotten from any of you maroons, I have to say this can only be fairly judged by a certain gnome well known for his versifying and pontificating.

    Therefore, as creator of the Haiku-off, I say the results shall not be finally determined until Seanachai shows his rosy cheeks, curly toed shoes, and slightly misshapen cranium here in the Cesspool to judge the relative merits of the submissions.

    Foul Shavian House

    Ancient master with evil grin

    his last tooth shines forth

  8. Also ... it's another day without a turn from NG Cavscout ... he'll probably claim he was busy helping his wife with Thanksgiving preparations ... which in his case likely meant downing another beer.


    Aren't you busy crashing our brand new helicopter or something?

    I know you are used to getting your Thanksgiving meal from the microwave or the local Chinese takeout, luckily we are not all such barbarians. The lovely Mrs ng cavscout and I are brining a turkey overnight and I will be putting together a home made sausage and herb stuffing in the morning.

    Watcher, be a good Squire and compose a limerick or a haiku about the lowly Shavian House.

  9. All Hail to the Exalted Conquering Knight of House Rune, the Slayer of Evil and Protector of Righteousness. He makes straight the paths of the pure of heart and sends vermin quivering in fear to their dark smelly holes.

    Why the use of such flagrant hyperbole? Because no one ever says, “It’s only a game,” when their winning.

    This kid has potential I tell you, potential!

  10. Nidan1 and I just finished up a night assault battle with the glorious army of the workers and peasants assaulting a ridge, then across a river, and finally up and across another ridge mass to dislodge the fascist Hun from our sacred soil. It was quite the blood bath, but (as expected) the righteous socialist fury of the glorious Red Army was not to be denied.

    The fascist scum had been pushed back and encircled when they finally threw themselves on the mercy of my brave soldiers and surrendered unconditionally. We will see how they like the mercy of the Gulag. As Stalin (or was it Lenin?) said, "There is more to do in Siberia than count trees now". *quote courtesy of Solzhenitsyn in Gulag Archipelago, great book if you haven't read it yet*

    Maybe Nidan1 has an excuse for the poor performance of his lads?

  11. sburke…. You are beyond a doubt a most magnificent spasmodic kebob squeezer and hence forth my nickname for you is sputz, which is a cross between a spaz and a putz. Talk about sheer genius, …nailed it, even if I do say so myself, which I just did.

    Go Screw yourself


    Go screw yourself

    My Liege ng_cavscout I have good news from the battle with sburke. A Stug is now nothing more than an expensive heavy taxi in which the crew leapt out and then facing certain pain jumped right back in. I do believe my heroic pixel guys cancelled the birth certificates of 2 sputztruppens.

    Sucking up for squire promotion



    Well done lad. In recognition of your actually sticking through and completing a scenario reaching a typically Shavian House level of gaminess, combined with your impressive display of scathing and amusing abuse, I have decided to promote you to the exalted rank of Squire to House Rune.

    You may immediately assume all titles, privileges, and duties associated with the rank.

  12. Well My Most Loyal and Trustworthy Squire sburke, Your Devoted Liege hasn't been idle on the CM front either.

    Dedicated readers of this thread, and really, who isn't, will remember that NG Cavscout was crowing about killing a scout car or two a few pages ago. Well I must report that in one single turn the forces of all that's good and true in the world today ... i.e. MINE ... killed two of his vaunted T-34/85s.

    It is a Meeting Engagement and, true to his cavalry roots, he completely ignored that and, having secured the Victory Area, decided to boldly charge forward ... right into my guns.

    Custer would have been proud. N.B. Forrest maybe not so much.

    Once again ... I expect his surrender momentarily.

    Your Liege,

    Sir Joe Shaw JFLPCT

    Bah, I keep waiting for you to start making sense and have gotten used to disappointment, much like you shall have to if awaiting my surrender.

  13. My Liege, quick note for the admin staff. There will be a delivery arriving today. A slightly damaged StuG as a matching item for the driveway with the previously noted StuG. We may have a 3rd shortly as the last of the trio seems intent on impaling itself as well. It may disrupt the symmetry of the drive so perhaps we can just leave it with the rest of the rusting hulks on the the weed infested rat breeding ground that passes for a lawn at House Rune.

    They will go well with the 4 burning PSW hulls your liege left scattered about our battlefield over the last few minutes.

    They will be dropped off soon by a House Rune recovery vehicle.

  14. If Old Foul Joe, yeah, I know protocol, fine, Joe Shaw has the stamina to take on Mormon Wives 4 at a time at his advanced age, I say more power to him.

    As for you Yeknodathon (bolded but I know not why) , changing someone's words is dirty cricket what? Run along now lad, you nasty blighter, off to the fish and chips stand, cheerio, what what?

  15. I will be leaving for the glorious Northern Woods later today Joe Shaw, that will give you plenty of time to contemplate the messages the Gods are trying to send to you in the eddys and shapes the breeze makes of the smoke from your burning vehicles.

    See kids, Joe Shaw is using his well trained and equipped German Reconnaissance troopers in the way so many manuever commanders before him have, by marking the lines of enemy contact with large smoke signals from their burning scout cars. The heaped bodies of their crews are just to make sure the visually impaired can trace the line by smell as well.

    After losing 3 PSW's in less than 30 seconds, I imagine his Pixeltruppen will be contemplating what sins they committed in a previous life as to have such horrendous Karma so as to be saddled with Joe Shaw as a leader.

    You know what they say about Joe Shaw "..." well, not much actually, nothing good anyway.

    As for Nidan1, the ridge line he tried so... well... insert random adverb here (valiantly isn't really the word, how about ineffectually?) to hold, it is currently being well fertilized with German corpses in preparation for being turned into the latest "Glorious Collective Farm" for the greater glory of the Workers and Peasants.

    Well done Watcher. See Joe Shaw, what would be a graduate level exercise for a member of a lesser house, ***cough, cough, Shavian House, cough, cough,*** is nothing but a minor task, to be completed in passing, as an afterthought, by the thoroughbreds of House Rune.

  16. Quite the use of verbal imagery there Watcher. Really paints a picture of the quality the Shavian house represents. The unflickable boogie is especially apt.

    Given your ability with the pen, perhaps not quite as adept on the field if the AAR is to be believed, but one works with what one has, I do think I made a wise(ish) choice in selecting you as a Serf of House Rune.

    Your first task on the road to squireship is a discussion of the evolutionary mishaps, missteps, and mistakes leading to such moral and genetic anomalies as Yeknodathon and House Shaw.

    Do try and make a decent showing of it against sburke if you can manage it. We do have standards to uphold after all.

  17. This lad Watcher shows some promise. Hard not to shine when compared to the dregs favored by the Shaving House, but still, not bad considering.

    Go get 'em lad, smite the dogs.

    I request rights of first refusal on this lowly SSN. I propose Watcher as Serf. If he does well in this battle and posts some excellent AAR' s we shall consider him for Squire in the House of Rune.

  18. ...

    And ng cavscout having read your post those many moons ago I sincerely hope you have recovered and your health is back to its former quality.

    [serious]Thank you. I made a full recovery and returned to full duty 3 months after the incident. My health is actually just fine. There were no permanent physical effects from the wound and there have been no noticeable long term psychological issues.

    [ /serious]

    As for what I find cute, don't judge me. I have spent the last two years killing virtual zombies with Joe Shaw. That would twist anyone. He microwaves steaks for goodness sake.

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