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ng cavscout

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Everything posted by ng cavscout

  1. Good on you, Cavscout, and your mother-in-law! Er...I'm a bit puzzled about the moss thing. Mind, there's nothing as soft, cool, and cushiony as a bed of moss...but...well... Never mind, then. Better, I suspect, not to go there. But you do realize that 'Mother Earth', lad, doesn't necessarily need direct deposit? As to the non-driving thing: Sigh. I assume this is a reference to the very odd, regretable, and simply bizarre tendency of Minnesotans to drive slowly in the left lane, against all sodding reason? As opposed to the tendency of the FIBs to drive in all lanes and on both shoulders as though 'arseholery' is going to be a required question on the entrance exam for heaven? </font>
  2. Seanachai, congrats on the news about your mom, it has a special meaning for me, since, my mother-in-law just beat breast cancer. Of course, you are still a filthy, Moss-Loving, non-driving Minestronean, but I am overjoyed to hear about your mom, and we hope she continues to improve.
  3. I think you could please both sides with a Realism Toggle as I mentioned earlier. If you want a QB with Tigers vs Jumbos in front of Alamein, turn it off, if you want to make sure both you and your opponent only buy what was available then and there, turn it on. Anyone have any thoughts on this?
  4. I say throw in the extra vehicles, but keep them out of historical scenarios (obviously). And put in an option for a Realism Toggle. If it was toggled on, then non-historical units would be unavailable for purchase in QB's.
  5. But then you lose your boresighting to TRP's. BFC, any chance of you guys taking a look at that? or is it considered micromanaging?
  6. Is there any way, especially with on-board mortars, to give a limited fire order, ie, "5 rounds, fire for effect"? If not, do you think it would give too much control to your units?
  7. you are weird Sewer moves are only allowed in certain scenarios. When your men enter, they are out of your control, it takes along time to get to where they are going. Can anyone tell me what happens to infantry in the sewers when the battle ends, in an operation that is. Are they lost? or are they assumed to exit, and available for the next battle?
  8. Borg Spotting means, I think, when one unit sees something, everyone, effectively, knows it is there. Since if your single survivor of a rumanian rifle squad sees 3 Soviet 76mm AT guns ready to ambush the Panther rolling down the road 4 KM away, you can then stop the Panther, even though, realistically, the single Rumanian not only doesn't speak German, he also has no way of telling anyone what he has seen. Gamey means using quirks of the game in an unrealistic manner to acheive a beneficial result. This game is pretty good in not permitting gamey tactics though.
  9. Oy - where is that Justin scenario only you have now. Welcome back Eridani. </font>
  10. Having more than 2 locations in a building would be great for FOW. If your opponent always expects your snipers in the church bell tower, then put him on level two of the 3 level water tower.
  11. Awwwwwww. Right now my Earless Dog is Very Mad at me because I just got a Cat. See Joe the Cat here. </font>
  12. How many "Old-Timers" that have been around since the release of the first demo are still here?
  13. I thought going gold was like Aliens versus Predator Gold, like when they release a slightly tweaked edition for full price, or when a record goes gold. Ok, so, when is CMAK expected to "go gold" and have a demo released?
  14. Well, Lady S, if you can fit me into your hectic schedule, what with gathering peaches, cleaning the drool from your significant other's chin, trying to keep a decent Chromosomal grouping in GEORGIA, I can see where your time would be limited. Still, if you could manage to fit another game in, I would be overjoyed to replay 1861-1865 with you. I suspect the results will be approximately the same, but still, one never knows, does one? </font>
  15. http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=7;t=001377 I found this to be of great help with most of my questions. As for Infantry vs armor, go for fighting in constricted terrain, ie urban or woods, infantry vs armor in open terrain = alot of dead infantry
  16. IMHO, I think that most of the time limits I see are unrealistically short. The reconnaissance of the objective alone can take several hours IRL. I don't think that 50 turns is unreasonable, I would find an average game length of 60 turns more amenable to realistic tactics. Just my 3 cents.
  17. Still doesn't work for me, I get this.. The page cannot be displayed I guess I will try back later.
  18. Look everyone, Look, he used a nasty word!!!! How cool is that? Wow, what acerbic wit, what a mastery of the Bard's tongue, what incredible use of irony, sarcasm, and metaphor. begone you miserable excuse for a skidmark.
  19. Well, Lady S, if you can fit me into your hectic schedule, what with gathering peaches, cleaning the drool from your significant other's chin, trying to keep a decent Chromosomal grouping in GEORGIA, I can see where your time would be limited. Still, if you could manage to fit another game in, I would be overjoyed to replay 1861-1865 with you. I suspect the results will be approximately the same, but still, one never knows, does one?
  20. Can you email beginning of the end to me? I went to the boots and tracks site, and when I try to download, it says the server is unavailable. thanks
  21. Silly boy, 50mm is high velocity. It goes up the nose, not down on the heads. Anyway, I don't know how you manage to cheat me out of my rightful victory, it probably had something to do with those two 5cm PaK that managed to hit a small tank moving at 800m. Through a treeline!. Twice!! Obviously he should be disqualified for drugging his pixeltruppen. Need more data? /SirReal </font>
  22. Well, the battle is over, SirReal and I battled to a draw. It was a allied probe, I have noticed that the Swedes have an affinity for "probes". I went with three platoons of panzergrenadiers and one of pioneers. I bought some supplementary HMG's, 50mm mortars, 2 Pzr III's, and 3 50mm AT guns. SirReal, through treacherous use of the Swedish Topless Bikini team, distracted me in the opening phases of the battle and caused me to use most of my mortar ammo for a few squads of infantry. I had placed my two AFV's in a copse of woods, not realizing that the thermal sensors on the KV-1's and T-70's (or were they T-72's?) would pinpoint them. Well, there were some dirty shorts on those panzer jockeys at this moment. (serious) I don't know how to put photos that aren't hosted on the WWW here. Can you? If so, please tell me so I can post screen shots. (/serious) Well after some mysteriously straight shooting russkies cored my hapless little Pzr-III like a granny smith apple, I scooted it's wingmate back out of sight. That was when one of two high points for my forces hit. My sniper(did I forget to tell you I like snipers?)put a 7.92 round through the throats of both TC's of the KV-1's. Well, feeling cocky, I decided to trundle my last PzrIII out to take out an AC or 3, well, that didn't work out very well, as the enraged Red KV-1's avenged their TC's by promptly turning it into a smoldering wreck. At some point during that blur, before dying, the Pzr-III took out a truck towing a 76mm field piece. Taking advantage of the Teutonic tendency towards logic, and straight lines, the devious Swede infiltrated his SMG infantry into the woods I had set my pioneers up in. I really need some more practice with FlameThrowers Attacking from the flank, maybe they had been told there were either easy Nordic women hiding in the woods or cases of Vodka, either way, they were very energetic in turning my German Infantry into sausage. As they were rolling squad after squad up in the right hand woods, I got my second high point of the game. Thinking I had fixated on the big flag he was moving on, SirReal sent an infantry company thrusting for the two small flags in center sector, well they advanced through smoke, and when the smoke cleared, there were about 6 dead squads in front of the Panzergrenadier platoon with HMG team I had dug into the woodline. I had one of my 50mm AT guns set up in the "woods of screaming Russian death" that served as a graveyard for my Pioneers, and that took out a T-70 before it died. My other AT guns were across the map, guarding the avenue of approach that the IceMan didn't decide to use. They did, however, manage to thread the needle and take out a T-70 each. Long story short, I didn't count on the underhanded play of the sweaty swede. I must really protest, Frontal Assault is the rule for the Russians isn't it? I could of sworn I read somewhere that the Soviets were prohibited from rolling up the flanks, wasn't that one of Tukachevsky's prohibited doctrines? Who is next? Who wants some of my 50mm death raining down on their heads? [ July 18, 2003, 09:29 PM: Message edited by: NG cavscout ]
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