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ng cavscout

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Everything posted by ng cavscout

  1. Several UAV's, the Predator comes to mind, are currently configured to carry Hellfire missiles. The operator could be half a world away, and still put the Hellfire into the side of a T-72 sitting under a bridge in Damascus.
  2. CMBO/CMBB/CMAK are all useful tactics trainers as well for limited application. Some things never change.
  3. I’ve been wondering… if a Sherman’76 was an M1, what would a T-72 be? PzIII perhaps? Either way I’m thinking lot’s of grunts & bazooka’s & fausts & MBT analogues all put together in some kind of really hot dusty town… you up for it? Or perhaps you’re too busy listening to all those wondrous curses? PS Cheeseland is a stupid location </font>
  4. Regarding my above question, I did see a post from Vixen, stating that she purchased her copy of CMBB at the post exchange, so it looks like at least some PX's/BX's carry CM games. Given the subject matter, I would predict that CM:SF might sell well to military personnel as well. At least to those of NCO rank and above. EM's tend to, for the most part, be shoot em up and console players.
  5. I could try and get some pictures of Strykers over here in theatre... I saw one in a salvage yard up at LSA Anaconda, looked like it got in the way of an IED.
  6. Welcome Greggbert. I hope that you enjoy the game. Don't worry if you never successfully complete the tutorial, feel free to try some of the smaller scenarios single player, you also might look for a real human opponent to play against PBEM or TCP/ICP. Look for someone willing to give you pointers as you play. There are alot of friendly people in the forums. I can tell you that both CMAK and CMBB are excellent games that will give you literally hundreds if not thousands of hours of entertainment. CMBO is also quite good, if a bit dated by the standards of the other two games. I think you won't regret buying this game. On a related note, if you like Rome Total War, try out the Rome Total Realism mod at www.Rometotalrealism.org It is quite an improvement over "vanilla" RTW. If you would like, drop me a line, maybe we can try a scenario PBEM.
  7. bah, I spew bile upon you all. there, that feels better. Fecking Monotheists. alrighty then, at least we are not whining and biotching about "CM:Hey, is that NG cavscout behind that mud hut?" I mean "CM:SF" in here, What a whiny bunch of genital warts. No not you Leutnant Hortlund, the Outreboorderians. Is Seanachai self banned from the pool again? sigh, is out impersonating lawn ornaments to pick up spare change again? I am impressed that dalem can spell Fatwa though. On a related note, there is a mosque that overlooks our camp, and they broadcast a call to prayer several times in Arabic. I wonder how much of that is calling curses and lightning and IED's down on our Infidel heads? Alright, time for another contribution from the amazing world of modern pharmacueticals!! Percocet,here I come!!!
  8. So, the BFC crew saying they aren't going to do hypothetical cold war, does that mean no game for it, or not even a module dealing with it? Once a few games and modules come out, if all the appropriate equipment has been worked in, will they be compatible so that you could do a user created scenario or operation dealing with the subject using equipment and TO&E's from various modules to create a "battle for Hannover 1987" scenario, for example?
  9. umm.. errr.... ahhhh... hey, look, Russian paratroopers!!! *NG cavscout scuttles quickly and quietly for the door*
  10. Well, after leaving all but 2 of Nidan's panzers as flaming wrecks on the Russian steppes, he begged for a cease fire, and I graciously allowed it. After watching his little pixeltruppen cower and flee for 25 turns, it was time to end the pain. As to why his crappy little marder was able to, somehow, through the favor of the gods, disable two of my T-34's, well the workers and the peasants will have an answer, and the surviving crewman of each vehicle will have an opportunity to tell his side of the story before being shot. Now Mace is trying to dislodge my heroic Italian defenders from their stronghold in a North African oasis. It is mid august in 1941, and boy is it hot. Alright, I think the cute medic is working in the recreation tent tonight, I may have to go and impress her with my acumen at Monoply. Stand back gentlemen, I am going in!!
  11. Unfortunately, the nurse situation in the hospital left a bit to be desired. I was expecting this and instead I got this... but Lady Sedai the information you requested is on the way, along with a new picture of my lovely daughter. Were you aware that we are expecting again? My wife thinks this one will be a boy. I don't care, as long as she/he is healthy. I hope all is well in the Sedai household, and I hope Hiram is behaving himself!! If you have the time, perhaps we could meet on the field of battle? Until we meet again milady edited because the first nurse pic was perhaps a bit racy for such an august and refined personage. [ October 10, 2005, 05:39 AM: Message edited by: NG cavscout ]
  12. I expected no less from one of your ilk, Mace but I do plan, definitely, on looking up yourself and other Poolers of the Oddstraylian persuasion if I get a chance to make it down under. I do have a picture of some Australian soldiers that I took here that I would like to post, if you could tell me where a free web photo hosting place can be found? or I could just forward it to you so you could post it, if for no other reason than to show that at least some Ozzies have developed opposable thumbs. And even though I did appreciate your offer of a drink, I still expect a set up from you, chop chop. I am bored, entertain me!! And not with a funny little dance like Seanachai always tries to get away with. I want a game!!!
  13. I remember back in 2003 suggesting that you (BFC)try and sell CM games at PX's and BX's, and you said that they were being carried in the PX's. I was wondering, if you are willing to say, how successful that venture has been? Have you had good sales out of military outlets? I haven't seen any of your games in any of the PX's that I have been in though. I do believe that CM:SF would be a sure thing in military outlets these days. I have had quite a few questions about CMBB from other soldiers that have seen me playing it, and I think my platoon leader is getting ready to purchase it. Unfortunately, most of the soldiers that play computer games are in the 18-22 yoa bracket and prefer first person shooters or RTS games. There are a couple that I am trying to win over though. My brother is here with me, in a different platoon, but the same company, and he is a fan of both CMBB and CMAK. Regarding the Syrian Air Force, here is a link. http://www.scramble.nl/sy.htm Note the diagram showing Arabic numbers and their English counterparts, very handy for modders I would think.
  14. Our first sense of duty is to beer. *slurp* Mmmm this beer tastes really really good! *slurp* Really, really good. *slurp* As a fellow MBTer, I'd offer to share my beer with ya... *slurp* ...but I guess you're not allowed to imbibe at the moment, and that's just so sad. </font>
  15. And they all wear slouch hats and wrestle crocodiles. And they say "Crikey!". I saw it on the TV. </font>
  16. but we can hope for modules addressing that conflict, once they get the coding work done to deal with modern weapons systems. I can even hope, in my closet, with the light turned off, for ...... Fulda '85!!!!!! Even with no official BFC module, I am sure that modders and independent scenario designers could cobble something together.
  17. The rotten buggers have no sense of duty do they? Too busy seducing Koala's and the like. It is kind of ironic, that in such an evolutionary dead end that is Australia, well, hey, what do you know, there are the Australians!!! Kind of the primate version of the platypus really.
  18. US Army, 19D Cavalry Scout. In OIF right now, lucky me!!
  19. I was thinking of something similar last night - instead of just sound files for infantry - especially at night - why not animations with the soldiers giving hand and arm signals? I suppose the downside of this is that they don't really do them in the field? For fear of snipers? I am thinking of the exchange in A RUMOR OF WAR (not exactly verbatim): Sergeant Coleman: "You know for about ten seconds there you looked like a Tokyo traffic cop." Lieutenant Caputo: "What about you, walking around, you could have had your ass shot off." Sergeant Coleman: "Don't make me out to be some kind of hero, lootenenant. I would have taken cover quicker than any of you, but I wrenched my back getting out of the chopper this morning. I'm an old man you know." Lieutenant Caputo: "Some old man..." But if they are used regularly, would be nice eye candy.... </font>
  20. Depends on the range. The 240 Watt Bulbs are only good out to a few feet in the desert. Or are you talking about Humvees with the cool neon "gangsta" lights along the bottom? That adds a little contrast to shadows at close range. It also changes the lighting effect when the insurgents are lit up. Hope that answers your question! Steve </font>
  21. I agree, as I am currently sitting in a tent about 1.5 miles south of the Iraqi border, and my crew is on it's way north escorting a convoy, the setting kind of hits home for me. I am really looking forward to getting this and trying out some user created scenarios. I want to see how BFC models an insurgent team lit up by a Humvee mounted 240. I do hope we see either a module or some user created stuff that will allow us to do what if stuff in central europe in the 80's. Some of my most entertaining memories at a board game table were playing GDW's The Third World War. I do love WW2, but I also like modern, ancients, and Napoleonics. I am also salivating in anticipation of Grognards.
  22. sigh... It's not your fault... well, maybe it is, but I'd rather blame the Kaniget who uplifted you for not teaching you the grand and yet totally slap-dash history of the Peng Challenge Thread. But I see that you are of the House of Rune, so no one's really surprised, ya know? I mean, getting Rune completely toasted and then watching him try to take his pants off over his head has made many a normally dull evening just whizz by. Go here and you will see that not only is Speedy a member of the MBT, but he is a Seniour Knight! (And how THAT happened has caused many a wise man to scratch his head in befuddlement... As a matter of fact, I think Speedy is FROM Befuddlement, Australia, which might help to explain a lot). </font>
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